コード例 #1
NBTrafficLightDefinition::collectEdges() {
    EdgeVector myOutgoing;
    // collect the edges from the participating nodes
    for (std::vector<NBNode*>::iterator i = myControlledNodes.begin(); i != myControlledNodes.end(); i++) {
        const EdgeVector& incoming = (*i)->getIncomingEdges();
        copy(incoming.begin(), incoming.end(), back_inserter(myIncomingEdges));
        const EdgeVector& outgoing = (*i)->getOutgoingEdges();
        copy(outgoing.begin(), outgoing.end(), back_inserter(myOutgoing));
    EdgeVector outer;
    // check which of the edges are completely within the junction
    //  add them to the list of edges lying within the node
    for (EdgeVector::iterator j = myIncomingEdges.begin(); j != myIncomingEdges.end(); ++j) {
        NBEdge* edge = *j;
        // an edge lies within the logic if it is outgoing as well as incoming
        EdgeVector::iterator k = find(myOutgoing.begin(), myOutgoing.end(), edge);
        if (k != myOutgoing.end()) {
        } else  {
    // collect edges that are reachable from the outside via controlled connections
    std::set<NBEdge*> reachable = collectReachable(outer, myEdgesWithin, true);
    // collect edges that are reachable from the outside regardless of controllability
    std::set<NBEdge*> reachable2 = collectReachable(outer, myEdgesWithin, false);

    const bool uncontrolledWithin = OptionsCont::getOptions().getBool("tls.uncontrolled-within");
    for (EdgeVector::iterator j = myEdgesWithin.begin(); j != myEdgesWithin.end(); ++j) {
        NBEdge* edge = *j;
        // edges that are marked as 'inner' will not get their own phase when
        // computing traffic light logics (unless they cannot be reached from the outside at all)
        if (reachable.count(edge) == 1) {
            // legacy behavior
            if (uncontrolledWithin && myControlledInnerEdges.count(edge->getID()) == 0) {
                myIncomingEdges.erase(find(myIncomingEdges.begin(), myIncomingEdges.end(), edge));
        if (reachable2.count(edge) == 0 && edge->getFirstNonPedestrianLaneIndex(NBNode::FORWARD, true) >= 0
                && getID() != DummyID) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Unreachable edge '" + edge->getID() + "' within tlLogic '" + getID() + "'");