コード例 #1
void SyncManagerImpl::OnIdentityInfoReceived(const NetworkConnectionPtr& connection, NetworkInMessage& msg)
	size_t connectionIndex;
	if (GetIndexOfConnection(connection, connectionIndex))
#if defined(SYNC_DEBUG)
		LogInfo("Sync: Received Handshake");

		RemoteSyncPeer& remotePeer = m_remoteHosts[connectionIndex];
		remotePeer.m_authorityLevel = static_cast<AuthorityLevel>(msg.ReadByte());
		remotePeer.m_systemID = msg.ReadInt32();
		remotePeer.m_userName = msg.ReadStdString();
		remotePeer.m_userID = msg.ReadInt32();

		// Verify that this systemID is not already in use by another machine.  If so, force a disconnection
		// rather than risk data corruption, because GUIDS are based on SystemIDs
		bool duplicateSystemIDFound = (m_syncContext->GetLocalSystemID() == remotePeer.m_systemID);
		if (!duplicateSystemIDFound)
			for (size_t i = 0; i < m_remoteHosts.size(); ++i)
				if (i == connectionIndex) continue;

				if (m_remoteHosts[i].m_systemID == remotePeer.m_systemID)
					duplicateSystemIDFound = true;
		// The sync system will break down if two machines of equal authority level connect.  
		// So verify that they are different levels, or else disconnect
		bool authLevelsMatch = (remotePeer.m_authorityLevel == m_syncContext->GetAuthorityLevel());

		if (duplicateSystemIDFound || authLevelsMatch)
			// We're registered to receive disconnect callbacks, so we know that SyncManagerImpl::OnDisconnected()
			// will be called as a result of calling this. 
			if (authLevelsMatch)
				LogError("Two machines with equal authority levels have connected: breaking the connection to avoid sync data corruption");
				LogError("Duplicate system ID detected: breaking the connection to avoid sync data corruption");

		// We should not be receiving a handshake message more than once
		XTASSERT(remotePeer.m_bHandshakeComplete == false);

		remotePeer.m_bHandshakeComplete = true;
コード例 #2
void SyncManagerImpl::OnSyncChangeReceived(const NetworkConnectionPtr& connection, NetworkInMessage& msg)
#if defined(SYNC_DEBUG)
	LogInfo("%s ReceivedSyncPacket", m_syncContext->GetLocalUser()->GetName().GetString().c_str());

	size_t connectionIndex;
	if (GetIndexOfConnection(connection, connectionIndex))
		RemoteSyncPeer& remotePeer = m_remoteHosts[connectionIndex];

		if (XTVERIFY(remotePeer.m_bHandshakeComplete))
			XTASSERT(remotePeer.m_systemID != kUnknownSystemID);

			// Read out the number of ops sent in this message
			int32 numOps = msg.ReadInt32();

			// Read out each of the ops
			for (int32 i = 0; i < numOps; ++i)
				VersionedOp incomingVersionedOp;

				// Read the state that the remote machine was in before the op was applied
				incomingVersionedOp.m_state.m_opsSent = msg.ReadInt32();
				incomingVersionedOp.m_state.m_opsReceived = msg.ReadInt32();

				// Read the type of the op
				Operation::Type opType = (Operation::Type)msg.ReadByte();

				// Create an op of the appropriate type
				OperationPtr incomingOp = m_syncContext->GetOpFactory().Make(opType, remotePeer.m_authorityLevel);

				// Read the op data

				incomingVersionedOp.m_op = incomingOp;

				// Add it to the list of incoming ops
コード例 #3
void UserPresenceManagerLeaderImpl::OnMessageReceived(const NetworkConnectionPtr&, NetworkInMessage& message)
    // Messages to the MuteManagerLeader are considered requests.
    XStringPtr nameValue = message.ReadString();
    int32 muteValue = message.ReadInt32();

    // Set the internal state and tell the baraboo about the new state.
    SetMuteState(muteValue > 0 ? true : false);