コード例 #1
// OTMessageOutbuffer deletes the OTMessage when you call this.
bool OTMessageOutbuffer::RemoveSentMessage(const OTTransaction & theTransaction)
    const int64_t &    lRequestNum = theTransaction.GetRequestNum();
    const OTString  strServerID(theTransaction.GetPurportedServerID());
    const OTString  strNymID(theTransaction.GetUserID());
    // -------------------------------------
    return RemoveSentMessage(lRequestNum, strServerID, strNymID);
コード例 #2
// If my outbox has a pending transfer, #1901, referencing 1884, and then the 
// recipient accepts it with his #781, referencing 1884, then it will pop into my inbox
// as a transfer receipt, #1902 (say) and referencing 781. Attached to that
// transfer receipt is a copy of the actual #781, which is in reference to 1884.
// Why does this matter? Because when I am verifying a balance agreement, and an
// outbox item 1901/1884 is missing, that means there is probably a corresponding 
// transferReceipt in the Inbox. In that case, I START with #1901 referencing 1884 (from
// the outbox) and I need to FIND #1902, in reference to 781, referencing 1884 in the inbox.
// Therefore, loop through all items and filter by transfer receipt. For each, load its
// Reference string (containing the acceptPending) and get ITS ReferenceNum() to compare
// to the one passed in.
// Therefore 1884 would be passed in, and the appropriate transferReceipt will be returned.
OTTransaction * OTLedger::GetTransferReceipt(long lTransactionNum)
	// loop through the items that make up this transaction.
	OTTransaction * pTransaction = NULL;
	for (mapOfTransactions::iterator ii = m_mapTransactions.begin(); ii != m_mapTransactions.end(); ++ii)
		pTransaction = (*ii).second;
		OT_ASSERT(NULL != pTransaction);
		if (OTTransaction::transferReceipt == pTransaction->GetType())
			OTString strReference;
			OTItem * pOriginalItem = OTItem::CreateItemFromString(strReference, 
			OT_ASSERT(NULL != pOriginalItem);
			OTCleanup<OTItem> theItemAngel(*pOriginalItem);
			if (pOriginalItem->GetType() != OTItem::acceptPending) 
				OTLog::Error("OTLedger::GetTransferReceipt: Wrong item type attached to transferReceipt!\n");
				return NULL;
				if (pOriginalItem->GetReferenceToNum() == lTransactionNum)
					return pTransaction; // FOUND IT!
	return NULL;