コード例 #1
// Redraw the moved node according to the mouse cursor position
static void Show_MoveNode( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
                           bool aErase )
    auto displ_opts = (PCB_DISPLAY_OPTIONS*) aPanel->GetDisplayOptions();
    wxPoint      moveVector;
    int          tmp = displ_opts->m_DisplayPcbTrackFill;

    displ_opts->m_DisplayPcbTrackFill = false;

    aErase = true;
    aErase = false;

    // set the new track coordinates
    wxPoint Pos = aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();

    moveVector = Pos - s_LastPos;
    s_LastPos  = Pos;

    TRACK *track = NULL;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < g_DragSegmentList.size(); ii++ )
        track = g_DragSegmentList[ii].m_Track;

        if( aErase )
            track->Draw( aPanel, aDC, draw_mode );

        if( track->GetFlags() & STARTPOINT )
            track->SetStart( track->GetStart() + moveVector );

        if( track->GetFlags() & ENDPOINT )
            track->SetEnd( track->GetEnd() + moveVector );

        if( track->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
            track->SetEnd( track->GetStart() );

        track->Draw( aPanel, aDC, draw_mode );

    displ_opts->m_DisplayPcbTrackFill = tmp;

    // Display track length
    if( track )
        PCB_BASE_FRAME* frame = (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) aPanel->GetParent();
        frame->SetMsgPanel( track );
コード例 #2
/* drawing the track segment movement
 *  > s_MovingSegmentSlope slope = moving track segment slope
 *  > s_StartSegmentSlope slope = slope of the segment connected to the start
 * point of the moving segment
 *  > s_EndSegmentSlope slope = slope of the segment connected to the end point
 * of the moving segment
 *  moved segment function :
 *      yt=s_MovingSegmentSlope * x + s_MovingSegment_Yorg
 *  segment connected to moved segment's start:
 *      y1 = s_StartSegmentSlope * x + s_StartSegment_Yorg
 *  segment connected to moved segment's end:
 *      y2=s_EndSegmentSlope * x + s_EndSegment_Yorg
 *  first intersection point will be located at
 *      y1=yt ->
 * xi1=(s_MovingSegment_Yorg-s_StartSegment_Yorg)/(s_StartSegmentSlope-s_MovingSegmentSlope)
 *      yi1=s_MovingSegmentSlope*xi1+s_MovingSegment_Yorg
 *      or yi1=s_StartSegmentSlope*xi1+s_MovingSegment_Yorg
 *  second intersection point
 *      y2=yt ->
 * xi2=(s_MovingSegment_Yorg-s_StartSegment_Yorg)/(s_MovingSegmentSlope-s_MovingSegmentSlope)
 *      yi2=s_MovingSegmentSlope*xi2+s_MovingSegment_Yorg
 *      or yi1=s_EndSegmentSlope*xi2+s_MovingSegment_Yorg
 *  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 *  !!!!!    special attention to vertical segments because
 *  !!!!!    their slope=infinite
 *  !!!!!    intersection point will be calculated using the
 *  !!!!!    segment intersecting it
 *  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 *  Slope parameters are computed once, because they can become undetermined
 * when moving segments
 *  (i.e. when a segment length is 0) and we want keep them constant
static void Show_Drag_Track_Segment_With_Cte_Slope( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC,
                                                    const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aErase )
    double       xi1 = 0, yi1 = 0, xi2 = 0, yi2 = 0;    // calculated intersection points
    double       tx1, tx2, ty1, ty2;                    // temporary storage of points
    int          dx, dy;
    bool         update = true;
    TRACK*       Track;
    TRACK*       tSegmentToStart = NULL, * tSegmentToEnd = NULL;

    if( g_DragSegmentList.size() == 0 )

    /* get the segments :
     * from last to first in list are:
     * the segment to move
     * the segment connected to its end point (if exists)
     * the segment connected to its start point (if exists)
    int ii = g_DragSegmentList.size() - 1;
    Track = g_DragSegmentList[ii].m_Track;

    if( Track == NULL )


    if( ii >= 0)
        if( s_EndSegmentPresent )
            // Get the segment connected to the end point
            tSegmentToEnd   = g_DragSegmentList[ii].m_Track;

        if( s_StartSegmentPresent )
            // Get the segment connected to the start point
            if( ii >= 0 )
                tSegmentToStart = g_DragSegmentList[ii].m_Track;


    // Undraw the current moved track segments before modification

//  if( erase )
        Track->Draw( aPanel, aDC, draw_mode );

        if( tSegmentToStart )
            tSegmentToStart->Draw( aPanel, aDC, draw_mode );

        if( tSegmentToEnd )
            tSegmentToEnd->Draw( aPanel, aDC, draw_mode );

    // Compute the new track segment position
    wxPoint Pos = aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();

    dx = Pos.x - s_LastPos.x;
    dy = Pos.y - s_LastPos.y;

    // move the line by dx and dy
    tx1 = (double) ( Track->GetStart().x + dx );
    ty1 = (double) ( Track->GetStart().y + dy );
    tx2 = (double) ( Track->GetEnd().x + dx );
    ty2 = (double) ( Track->GetEnd().y + dy );

    // recalculate the segments new parameters and intersection points
    // only the intercept will change, segment slopes does not change
    // because we are moving parallel with is initial state
    if( !s_MovingSegmentVertical )
        s_MovingSegment_Yorg = ty1 - ( s_MovingSegmentSlope * tx1 );

    if( ( !s_EndPointVertical ) && ( !s_MovingSegmentVertical ) )
        xi2 = ( s_MovingSegment_Yorg - s_EndSegment_Yorg )
            / ( s_EndSegmentSlope - s_MovingSegmentSlope );
        if( !s_EndPointVertical )
            xi2 = tx2;
            if( !s_EndPointHorizontal )
                xi2 = tx2 - dx;
                update = false;

    if( !s_MovingSegmentVertical )
        yi2 = s_MovingSegmentSlope * ( xi2 ) + s_MovingSegment_Yorg;
        if( !s_EndPointVertical )
            yi2 = s_EndSegmentSlope * ( xi2 ) + s_EndSegment_Yorg;
            if( !s_EndPointHorizontal )
                update = false;
                yi2 = s_MovingSegmentSlope * ( xi2 ) + s_MovingSegment_Yorg;

    if( ( !s_StartPointVertical ) && ( !s_MovingSegmentVertical ) )
        xi1 = ( s_MovingSegment_Yorg - s_StartSegment_Yorg )
            / ( s_StartSegmentSlope - s_MovingSegmentSlope );
        if( !s_StartPointVertical )
            xi1 = tx1;
            if( !s_StartPointHorizontal )
                xi1 = tx1 - dx;
                if( !s_StartPointHorizontal )
                    update = false;

    if( !s_MovingSegmentVertical )
        yi1 = s_MovingSegmentSlope * ( xi1 ) + s_MovingSegment_Yorg;
        if( !s_StartPointVertical )
            yi1 = s_StartSegmentSlope * ( xi1 ) + s_StartSegment_Yorg;
            if( !s_StartPointHorizontal )
                update = false;
                yi2 = s_MovingSegmentSlope * ( xi1 ) + s_MovingSegment_Yorg;

    // update the segment coordinates (if possible)
    if( tSegmentToStart == NULL )
        xi1 = tx1;
        yi1 = ty1;

    if( tSegmentToEnd == NULL )
        xi2 = tx2;
        yi2 = ty2;

    if( update )
        s_LastPos = Pos;
        Track->SetStart( wxPoint( KiROUND( xi1 ), KiROUND( yi1 ) ) );
        Track->SetEnd( wxPoint( KiROUND( xi2 ), KiROUND( yi2 ) ) );

        if( tSegmentToEnd )
            if( tSegmentToEnd->GetFlags() & STARTPOINT )
                tSegmentToEnd->SetStart( Track->GetEnd() );
                tSegmentToEnd->SetEnd( Track->GetEnd() );

        if( tSegmentToStart )
            if( tSegmentToStart->GetFlags() & STARTPOINT )
                tSegmentToStart->SetStart( Track->GetStart() );
                tSegmentToStart->SetEnd( Track->GetStart() );

    Track->Draw( aPanel, aDC, draw_mode );

    if( tSegmentToStart )
        tSegmentToStart->Draw( aPanel, aDC, draw_mode );

    if( tSegmentToEnd )
        tSegmentToEnd->Draw( aPanel, aDC, draw_mode );

    // Display track length
    PCB_BASE_FRAME* frame = (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) aPanel->GetParent();
    frame->SetMsgPanel( Track );
コード例 #3
void DIALOG_PAD_PROPERTIES::PadPropertiesAccept( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( !padValuesOK() )

    bool rastnestIsChanged = false;
    int  isign = m_isFlipped ? -1 : 1;

    transferDataToPad( m_padMaster );
    // m_padMaster is a pattern: ensure there is no net for this pad:
    m_padMaster->SetNetCode( NETINFO_LIST::UNCONNECTED );

    if( m_currentPad )   // Set current Pad parameters
        wxSize  size;
        MODULE* module = m_currentPad->GetParent();

        m_parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( module, UR_CHANGED );

        // redraw the area where the pad was, without pad (delete pad on screen)
        m_currentPad->SetFlags( DO_NOT_DRAW );
        m_parent->GetCanvas()->RefreshDrawingRect( m_currentPad->GetBoundingBox() );
        m_currentPad->ClearFlags( DO_NOT_DRAW );

        // Update values
        m_currentPad->SetShape( m_padMaster->GetShape() );
        m_currentPad->SetAttribute( m_padMaster->GetAttribute() );

        if( m_currentPad->GetPosition() != m_padMaster->GetPosition() )
            m_currentPad->SetPosition( m_padMaster->GetPosition() );
            rastnestIsChanged = true;

        // compute the pos 0 value, i.e. pad position for module with orientation = 0
        // i.e. relative to module origin (module position)
        wxPoint pt = m_currentPad->GetPosition() - module->GetPosition();

        RotatePoint( &pt, -module->GetOrientation() );

        m_currentPad->SetPos0( pt );

        m_currentPad->SetOrientation( m_padMaster->GetOrientation() * isign + module->GetOrientation() );

        m_currentPad->SetSize( m_padMaster->GetSize() );

        size = m_padMaster->GetDelta();
        size.y *= isign;
        m_currentPad->SetDelta( size );

        m_currentPad->SetDrillSize( m_padMaster->GetDrillSize() );
        m_currentPad->SetDrillShape( m_padMaster->GetDrillShape() );

        wxPoint offset = m_padMaster->GetOffset();
        offset.y *= isign;
        m_currentPad->SetOffset( offset );

        m_currentPad->SetPadToDieLength( m_padMaster->GetPadToDieLength() );

        if( m_currentPad->GetLayerSet() != m_padMaster->GetLayerSet() )
            rastnestIsChanged = true;
            m_currentPad->SetLayerSet( m_padMaster->GetLayerSet() );

        if( m_isFlipped )
            m_currentPad->SetLayerSet( FlipLayerMask( m_currentPad->GetLayerSet() ) );

        m_currentPad->SetPadName( m_padMaster->GetPadName() );

        wxString padNetname;

        // For PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED, ensure there is no net name selected
        if( m_padMaster->GetAttribute() != PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED  )
            padNetname = m_PadNetNameCtrl->GetValue();

        if( m_currentPad->GetNetname() != padNetname )
            const NETINFO_ITEM* netinfo = m_board->FindNet( padNetname );

            if( !padNetname.IsEmpty() &&  netinfo == NULL )
                DisplayError( NULL, _( "Unknown netname, netname not changed" ) );
                rastnestIsChanged = true;
                m_currentPad->SetNetCode( netinfo->GetNet() );

        m_currentPad->SetLocalClearance( m_padMaster->GetLocalClearance() );
        m_currentPad->SetLocalSolderMaskMargin( m_padMaster->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() );
        m_currentPad->SetLocalSolderPasteMargin( m_padMaster->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() );
        m_currentPad->SetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio( m_padMaster->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() );
        m_currentPad->SetZoneConnection( m_padMaster->GetZoneConnection() );
        m_currentPad->SetThermalWidth( m_padMaster->GetThermalWidth() );
        m_currentPad->SetThermalGap( m_padMaster->GetThermalGap() );

        m_parent->SetMsgPanel( m_currentPad );

        // redraw the area where the pad was
        m_parent->GetCanvas()->RefreshDrawingRect( m_currentPad->GetBoundingBox() );

    EndModal( wxID_OK );

    if( rastnestIsChanged )  // The net ratsnest must be recalculated
        m_board->m_Status_Pcb = 0;