コード例 #1
  static bool analyzePartitionMetrics(  const ParameterList &metricsPlist,
                                        const RCP<const Zoltan2::EvaluatePartition <basic_id_t> > &metricObject,
                                        const RCP<const Comm<int>> &comm,
                                        std::ostringstream &msg_stream) {

      ArrayRCP<const metric_t> metrics = metricObject->getMetrics();
      bool all_tests_pass = true;
      zscalar_t metric_value = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < metrics.size(); i++) {
        // print their names...
        if (metricsPlist.isSublist(metrics[i].getName())) {
          auto metric_plist = metricsPlist.sublist(metrics[i].getName());
          // loop on tests
          auto p= metric_plist.begin(); // iterator
          while (p != metric_plist.end()) {
            auto test_name = metric_plist.name(p);
            if( metrics[i].hasMetricValue(test_name)) {
              if(!MetricAnalyzer::MetricBoundsTest( metrics[i].getMetricValue(test_name),
                                                    msg_stream)) {
                all_tests_pass = false;
            } else msg_stream << "UNKNOWN TEST: " + test_name << std::endl;
        } else {
          msg_stream << "UNKNOWN METRIC: " + metrics[i].getName() << std::endl;
      return all_tests_pass;
コード例 #2
NonlinearSolver<double> NonlinearSolverBuilder::createSolver(const ParameterList& params)
  if (params.isSublist("NOX Solver"))
    return new NOXSolver(params);
  else if (params.isSublist("Nonlinear Solver"))
    ParameterList sub = params.sublist("Nonlinear Solver");
    Array<string> names = tuple<string>("Newton Armijo Solver", "Newton-Armijo Solver", "NewtonArmijoSolver");
    for (int i=0; i<names.size(); i++)
      if (sub.isSublist(names[i]))
        ParameterList subsub = sub.sublist(names[i]);
        LinearSolver<double> linSolver;
        if (subsub.isParameter("Linear Solver"))
          string solverFile = subsub.get<string>("Linear Solver");
          linSolver = LinearSolverBuilder::createSolver(solverFile);
        else if (subsub.isSublist("Linear Solver"))
          linSolver = LinearSolverBuilder::createSolver(subsub);
          TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::runtime_error,
            "Nonlinear solver parameter list " << sub
            << " does not appear to specify a solver for the linear subproblems");
        return new NewtonArmijoSolver<double>(subsub, linSolver);
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::runtime_error,
      "Nonlinear solver parameter list " << params
      << " can't be parsed to find a nonlinear solver");

  return NonlinearSolver<double>();
コード例 #3
BelosSolver::BelosSolver(const ParameterList& params)
  : LinearSolverBase<double>(params), pf_(), hasSolver_(false)
  if (params.isSublist("Preconditioner"))
    ParameterList precParams = params.sublist("Preconditioner");
    pf_ = new ParameterListPreconditionerFactory(precParams);
コード例 #4
std::queue<ParameterList> ComparisonHelper::getMetricsToCompare(const ParameterList &pList)
  // extract all of the metrics to be tested
  std::queue<ParameterList> metrics;
  for(auto it = pList.begin(); it != pList.end(); ++it) {
    if (pList.isSublist(it->first)) {
  return metrics;
コード例 #5
  const ParameterList& params,
  const LinearProblem& MpProb,
  const LinearProblem& ApProb,
  const LinearProblem& FpProb
  : MpProb_(MpProb),
  ParameterList msParams = params.sublist("MpSolver");
  MpSolver_ = LinearSolverBuilder::createSolver(msParams);
  ParameterList asParams = params.sublist("ApSolver");
  ApSolver_ = LinearSolverBuilder::createSolver(asParams);
  ParameterList fsParams = params.sublist("FSolver");
  FSolver_ = LinearSolverBuilder::createSolver(fsParams);
コード例 #6
  static void LoadMetricInfo(std::vector<MetricAnalyzerInfo> & metricInfoSet,
                             const RCP<const Zoltan2::EvaluatePartition <basic_id_t> > &metricObject,
                             const ParameterList &metricsParameters) {

    // at this point we should be looking at a metricsPlist with the following format - note that weight is optional

//      <ParameterList name="metriccheck1">
//        <Parameter name="check" type="string" value="imbalance"/>
//        <Parameter name="lower" type="double" value="0.99"/>
//        <Parameter name="upper" type="double" value="1.4"/>
//      </ParameterList>
//      <ParameterList name="metriccheck2">
//        <Parameter name="check" type="string" value="imbalance"/>
//        <Parameter name="weight" type="int" value="0"/>
//        <Parameter name="lower" type="double" value="0.99"/>
//        <Parameter name="upper" type="double" value="1.4"/>
//      </ParameterList>

    // first let's get a list of all the headings, so "metriccheck1", "metriccheck2" in this case
    // I've currently got this enforcing those names strictly to make sure formatting is correct
    // But really the headings could just be any unique names and are arbitrary
    int headingIndex = 1;

    for (auto iterateArbitraryHeadingNames = metricsParameters.begin(); iterateArbitraryHeadingNames != metricsParameters.end(); ++iterateArbitraryHeadingNames) {
      auto headingName = metricsParameters.name(iterateArbitraryHeadingNames);

      // we could be flexible on these headers but for now let's enforce it to get any convention inconsistencies cleaned up
      std::string expectedHeadingName = "metriccheck" + std::to_string(headingIndex);
      if( expectedHeadingName != headingName) {
        throw std::logic_error( "The parameter list expected to find a heading with name '" + expectedHeadingName + "' but instead found '" + headingName );

      // get the parameters specific to the check we want to run
      const ParameterList & metricCheckParameters = metricsParameters.sublist(headingName);

      MetricAnalyzerInfo metricInfo = getMetricInfo(metricCheckParameters, metricObject);
コード例 #7
  Teuchos::RCP<MueLu::TpetraOperator<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal,Node> >
  CreateTpetraPreconditioner(const Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra::CrsMatrix  <Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> >& inA,
                             Teuchos::ParameterList& paramListIn,
                             const Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra::MultiVector<double, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> >& inCoords    = Teuchos::null,
                             const Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra::MultiVector<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> >& inNullspace = Teuchos::null)
    typedef Scalar          SC;
    typedef LocalOrdinal    LO;
    typedef GlobalOrdinal   GO;
    typedef Node            NO;

    using   Teuchos::ParameterList;

    typedef Xpetra::MultiVector<SC,LO,GO,NO>            MultiVector;
    typedef Xpetra::Matrix<SC,LO,GO,NO>                 Matrix;
    typedef Hierarchy<SC,LO,GO,NO>                      Hierarchy;
    typedef HierarchyManager<SC,LO,GO,NO>               HierarchyManager;

    bool hasParamList = paramListIn.numParams();

    RCP<HierarchyManager> mueLuFactory;
    ParameterList paramList = paramListIn;

    std::string syntaxStr = "parameterlist: syntax";
    if (hasParamList && paramList.isParameter(syntaxStr) && paramList.get<std::string>(syntaxStr) == "ml") {
      mueLuFactory = rcp(new MLParameterListInterpreter<SC,LO,GO,NO>(paramList));

    } else {
      mueLuFactory = rcp(new ParameterListInterpreter  <SC,LO,GO,NO>(paramList));

    RCP<Hierarchy> H = mueLuFactory->CreateHierarchy();

    // Wrap A
    RCP<Matrix> A = TpetraCrs_To_XpetraMatrix<SC,LO,GO,NO>(inA);
    H->GetLevel(0)->Set("A", A);

    // Wrap coordinates if available
    if (inCoords != Teuchos::null) {
      RCP<Xpetra::MultiVector<double,LO,GO,NO> > coordinates = TpetraMultiVector_To_XpetraMultiVector<double,LO,GO,NO>(inCoords);
      H->GetLevel(0)->Set("Coordinates", coordinates);

    // Wrap nullspace if available, otherwise use constants
    RCP<MultiVector> nullspace;
    if (inNullspace != Teuchos::null) {
      nullspace = TpetraMultiVector_To_XpetraMultiVector<SC,LO,GO,NO>(inNullspace);

    } else {
      int nPDE = MasterList::getDefault<int>("number of equations");
      if (paramList.isSublist("Matrix")) {
        // Factory style parameter list
        const Teuchos::ParameterList& operatorList = paramList.sublist("Matrix");
        if (operatorList.isParameter("PDE equations"))
          nPDE = operatorList.get<int>("PDE equations");

      } else if (paramList.isParameter("number of equations")) {
        // Easy style parameter list
        nPDE = paramList.get<int>("number of equations");

      nullspace = Xpetra::MultiVectorFactory<SC,LO,GO,NO>::Build(A->getDomainMap(), nPDE);
      if (nPDE == 1) {

      } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < nPDE; i++) {
          Teuchos::ArrayRCP<SC> nsData = nullspace->getDataNonConst(i);
          for (int j = 0; j < nsData.size(); j++) {
            GO GID = A->getDomainMap()->getGlobalElement(j) - A->getDomainMap()->getIndexBase();

            if ((GID-i) % nPDE == 0)
              nsData[j] = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::one();
    H->GetLevel(0)->Set("Nullspace", nullspace);

    Teuchos::ParameterList nonSerialList,dummyList;
    ExtractNonSerializableData(paramList, dummyList, nonSerialList);    
    HierarchyUtils<SC,LO,GO,NO>::AddNonSerializableDataToHierarchy(*mueLuFactory,*H, nonSerialList);
    return rcp(new TpetraOperator<SC,LO,GO,NO>(H));

コード例 #8
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  using namespace TrilinosCouplings; // Yes, this means I'm lazy.

  using TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::exactResidualNorm;
  using TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::makeMatrixAndRightHandSide;
  using TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::solveWithBelos;
  using TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::solveWithBelosGPU;
  using IntrepidPoissonExample::makeMeshInput;
  using IntrepidPoissonExample::setCommandLineArgumentDefaults;
  using IntrepidPoissonExample::setUpCommandLineArguments;
  using IntrepidPoissonExample::parseCommandLineArguments;
  using Tpetra::DefaultPlatform;
  using Teuchos::Comm;
  using Teuchos::outArg;
  using Teuchos::ParameterList;
  using Teuchos::parameterList;
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::rcp;
  using Teuchos::rcpFromRef;
  using Teuchos::getFancyOStream;
  using Teuchos::FancyOStream;
  using std::endl;
  // Pull in typedefs from the example's namespace.
  typedef TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::ST ST;
  typedef TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::LO LO;
  typedef TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::GO GO;
  typedef TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::Node Node;
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ST> STS;
  typedef STS::magnitudeType MT;
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<MT> STM;
  typedef TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::sparse_matrix_type sparse_matrix_type;
  typedef TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::vector_type vector_type;
  typedef TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::operator_type operator_type;

  bool success = true;
  try {

  Teuchos::oblackholestream blackHole;
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession (&argc, &argv, &blackHole);
  const int myRank = mpiSession.getRank ();
  //const int numProcs = mpiSession.getNProc ();

  // Get the default communicator and Kokkos Node instance
  RCP<const Comm<int> > comm =
    DefaultPlatform::getDefaultPlatform ().getComm ();
  RCP<Node> node = DefaultPlatform::getDefaultPlatform ().getNode ();

  // Did the user specify --help at the command line to print help
  // with command-line arguments?
  bool printedHelp = false;
  // Values of command-line arguments.
  int nx, ny, nz;
  std::string xmlInputParamsFile;
  bool verbose, debug;

  // Set default values of command-line arguments.
  setCommandLineArgumentDefaults (nx, ny, nz, xmlInputParamsFile,
                                  verbose, debug);
  // Parse and validate command-line arguments.
  Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor cmdp (false, true);
  setUpCommandLineArguments (cmdp, nx, ny, nz, xmlInputParamsFile,
                             verbose, debug);
  bool gpu = false;
  cmdp.setOption ("gpu", "no-gpu", &gpu,
                  "Run example using GPU node (if supported)");
  int ranks_per_node = 1;
  cmdp.setOption("ranks_per_node", &ranks_per_node,
                 "Number of MPI ranks per node");
  int gpu_ranks_per_node = 1;
  cmdp.setOption("gpu_ranks_per_node", &gpu_ranks_per_node,
                 "Number of MPI ranks per node for GPUs");
  int device_offset = 0;
  cmdp.setOption("device_offset", &device_offset,
                 "Offset for attaching MPI ranks to CUDA devices");
  parseCommandLineArguments (cmdp, printedHelp, argc, argv, nx, ny, nz,
                             xmlInputParamsFile, verbose, debug);
  if (printedHelp) {
    // The user specified --help at the command line to print help
    // with command-line arguments.  We printed help already, so quit
    // with a happy return code.
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  // Both streams only print on MPI Rank 0.  "out" only prints if the
  // user specified --verbose.
  RCP<FancyOStream> out =
    getFancyOStream (rcpFromRef ((myRank == 0 && verbose) ? std::cout : blackHole));
  RCP<FancyOStream> err =
    getFancyOStream (rcpFromRef ((myRank == 0 && debug) ? std::cerr : blackHole));

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  *out << "PARALLEL executable" << endl;
  *out << "SERIAL executable" << endl;

/********************************** GET XML INPUTS ********************************/
  ParameterList inputList;
  if (xmlInputParamsFile != "") {
    *out << "Reading parameters from XML file \""
         << xmlInputParamsFile << "\"..." << endl;
    Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFile (xmlInputParamsFile,
                                          outArg (inputList));
    if (myRank == 0) {
      inputList.print (*out, 2, true, true);
      *out << endl;

  // Get Pamgen mesh definition string, either from the input
  // ParameterList or from our function that makes a cube and fills in
  // the number of cells along each dimension.
  std::string meshInput = inputList.get("meshInput", "");
  if (meshInput == "") {
    *out << "Generating mesh input string: nx = " << nx
         << ", ny = " << ny
         << ", nz = " << nz << endl;
    meshInput = makeMeshInput (nx, ny, nz);

  // Total application run time
  TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR_DIFF("Total Time", total_time);

  RCP<sparse_matrix_type> A;
  RCP<vector_type> B, X_exact, X;
    TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR_DIFF("Total Assembly", total_assembly);
    makeMatrixAndRightHandSide (A, B, X_exact, X, comm, node, meshInput,
                                out, err, verbose, debug);

  const std::vector<MT> norms = exactResidualNorm (A, B, X_exact);
  // X_exact is the exact solution of the PDE, projected onto the
  // discrete mesh.  It may not necessarily equal the exact solution
  // of the linear system.
  *out << "||B - A*X_exact||_2 = " << norms[0] << endl
       << "||B||_2 = " << norms[1] << endl
       << "||A||_F = " << norms[2] << endl;

  // Setup preconditioner
  std::string prec_type = inputList.get("Preconditioner", "None");
  RCP<operator_type> M;
    TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR_DIFF("Total Preconditioner Setup", total_prec);

    if (prec_type == "MueLu") {
      if (inputList.isSublist("MueLu")) {
        ParameterList mueluParams = inputList.sublist("MueLu");
        M = MueLu::CreateTpetraPreconditioner<ST,LO,GO,Node>(A,mueluParams);
      } else {
        M = MueLu::CreateTpetraPreconditioner<ST,LO,GO,Node>(A);

  bool converged = false;
  int numItersPerformed = 0;
  const MT tol = inputList.get("Convergence Tolerance",
                               STM::squareroot (STM::eps ()));
  const int maxNumIters = inputList.get("Maximum Iterations", 200);
  const int num_steps = inputList.get("Number of Time Steps", 1);
  if (gpu) {
    TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR_DIFF("Total GPU Solve", total_solve);
    solveWithBelosGPU(converged, numItersPerformed, tol, maxNumIters, num_steps,
                      ranks_per_node, gpu_ranks_per_node, device_offset,
                      X, A, B, Teuchos::null, M);
  else {
    TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR_DIFF("Total Solve", total_solve);
    solveWithBelos (converged, numItersPerformed, tol, maxNumIters, num_steps,
                    X, A, B, Teuchos::null, M);

  // Compute ||X-X_exact||_2
  MT norm_x = X_exact->norm2();
  X_exact->update(-1.0, *X, 1.0);
  MT norm_error = X_exact->norm2();
  *out << endl
       << "||X-X_exact||_2 / ||X_exact||_2 = " << norm_error / norm_x
       << endl;

  } // total time block

  // Summarize timings
  // RCP<ParameterList> reportParams = parameterList ("TimeMonitor::report");
  // reportParams->set ("Report format", std::string ("YAML"));
  // reportParams->set ("writeGlobalStats", true);
  // Teuchos::TimeMonitor::report (*out, reportParams);

  } //try
  TEUCHOS_STANDARD_CATCH_STATEMENTS(true, std::cerr, success);

  if (success)
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  return EXIT_FAILURE;
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_driver.cpp プロジェクト: bddavid/Trilinos
void run(const UserInputForTests &uinput,
         const ParameterList &problem_parameters,
         RCP<ComparisonHelper> & comparison_helper,
         const RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > & comm)
  // Major steps in running a problem in zoltan 2
  // 1. get an input adapter
  // 2. construct the problem
  // 3. solve the problem
  // 4. analyze metrics
  // 5. clean up

  int rank = comm->getRank();
    if(rank == 0) std::cerr << "Problem kind not provided" << std::endl;
    if(rank == 0) std::cerr << "Input adapter parameters not provided" << std::endl;
    if(rank == 0) std::cerr << "Zoltan2 problem parameters not provided" << std::endl;

  if(rank == 0)
    cout << "\n\nRunning test: " << problem_parameters.name() << endl;
  // 0. add comparison source
  ComparisonSource * comparison_source = new ComparisonSource;
  comparison_helper->AddSource(problem_parameters.name(), comparison_source);
  comparison_source->addTimer("adapter construction time");
  comparison_source->addTimer("problem construction time");
  comparison_source->addTimer("solve time");
  // 1. get basic input adapter
  const ParameterList &adapterPlist = problem_parameters.sublist("InputAdapterParameters");
  comparison_source->timers["adapter construction time"]->start();
  base_adapter_t * ia = AdapterForTests::getAdapterForInput(const_cast<UserInputForTests *>(&uinput), adapterPlist,comm); // a pointer to a basic type
  comparison_source->timers["adapter construction time"]->stop();
//  if(rank == 0) cout << "Got input adapter... " << endl;
  if(ia == nullptr)
    if(rank == 0)
      cout << "Get adapter for input failed" << endl;
  // 2. construct a Zoltan2 problem
  string adapter_name = adapterPlist.get<string>("input adapter"); // If we are here we have an input adapter, no need to check for one.
  // get Zoltan2 partion parameters
  ParameterList zoltan2_parameters = const_cast<ParameterList &>(problem_parameters.sublist("Zoltan2Parameters"));
  //if(rank == 0){
  //  cout << "\nZoltan 2 parameters:" << endl;
  //  zoltan2_parameters.print(std::cout);
  //  cout << endl;

  comparison_source->timers["problem construction time"]->start();
  std::string problem_kind = problem_parameters.get<std::string>("kind"); 
  if (rank == 0) std::cout << "Creating a new " << problem_kind << " problem." << std::endl;
  base_problem_t * problem = 
    Zoltan2_TestingFramework::ProblemFactory::newProblem(problem_kind, adapter_name, ia, &zoltan2_parameters, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  base_problem_t * problem = 
    Zoltan2_TestingFramework::ProblemFactory::newProblem(problem_kind, adapter_name, ia, &zoltan2_parameters);

  if (problem == nullptr) {
    if (rank == 0)
      std::cerr << "Input adapter type: " + adapter_name + ", is unvailable, or misspelled." << std::endl;

  // 3. Solve the problem
  comparison_source->timers["solve time"]->start();
  if (problem_kind == "partitioning") {
    reinterpret_cast<partitioning_problem_t *>(problem)->solve();
  } else if (problem_kind == "ordering") {
    reinterpret_cast<ordering_problem_t *>(problem)->solve();
  } else if (problem_kind == "coloring") {
    reinterpret_cast<coloring_problem_t *>(problem)->solve();
  comparison_source->timers["solve time"]->stop();
  if (rank == 0)
    cout << problem_kind + "Problem solved." << endl;

//#define KDDKDD
#ifdef KDDKDD
  const base_adapter_t::gno_t *kddIDs = NULL;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ia->getLocalNumIDs(); i++) {
      std::cout << rank << " LID " << i
                << " GID " << kddIDs[i]
                << " PART " 
                << reinterpret_cast<partitioning_problem_t *>(problem)->getSolution().getPartListView()[i]
                << std::endl;

  // 4. Print problem metrics
  // An environment.  This is usually created by the problem.
  // BDD unused, only applicable to partitioning problems
  // RCP<const Zoltan2::Environment> env =
  //   reinterpret_cast<partitioning_problem_t *>(problem)->getEnvironment();

 // get metric object
  RCP<EvaluatePartition<basic_id_t> >metricObject =
             (problem), adapter_name, ia,
  std::string metric_types[] = {"Metrics", "Graph Metrics"};
  for (auto metric_type : metric_types) {
    if( problem_parameters.isParameter(metric_type)) {
      // calculate pass fail based on imbalance
      if(rank == 0) cout << "Analyzing " << metric_type << endl;
      if(rank == 0) {
        std::cout << metric_type << " for " << problem_kind << ":" << std::endl; 
        if (metric_type == "Metrics")
        else if (metric_type == "Graph Metrics")

      std::ostringstream msg;
      auto metricsPlist = problem_parameters.sublist(metric_type); // get the metrics plist
      bool all_tests_pass = false;
      = MetricAnalyzer::analyzeMetrics( metricsPlist,

      std::cout << msg.str() << std::endl;
      if(rank == 0 && all_tests_pass) cout << "All " << metric_type  << " tests PASSED." << endl;
      else if (rank == 0) cout << "One or more " << metric_type << " tests FAILED." << endl;
    } else if (rank == 0) cout << metric_type  << " analysis unrequested. PASSED." << endl;
#define BDD
#ifdef BDD 
  if (problem_kind == "ordering") {
    std::cout << "\nLet's examine the solution..." << std::endl;
    auto solution = reinterpret_cast<ordering_problem_t *>(problem)->getSolution();
    if (solution->haveSeparators() ) {
      std::ostringstream sol;
      sol << "Number of column blocks: " << solution->getNumSeparatorBlocks() << std::endl;
      if (solution->getPermutationSize() < 100) {
        if (solution->havePerm()) {
          sol << "permutation: {";
          for (auto &x : solution->getPermutationRCPConst(false)) sol << " " << x;
          sol << "}" << std::endl;
       if (solution->haveInverse()) { 
          sol << "inverse permutation: {";
          for (auto &x : solution->getPermutationRCPConst(true)) sol << " " << x;
          sol << "}" << std::endl;
       if (solution->haveSeparatorRange()) {
          sol << "separator range: {";
          for (auto &x : solution->getSeparatorRangeRCPConst()) sol << " " << x;
          sol << "}" << std::endl;
        if (solution->haveSeparatorTree()) { 
          sol << "separator tree: {";
          for (auto &x : solution->getSeparatorTreeRCPConst()) sol << " " << x;
          sol << "}" << std::endl;

      std::cout << sol.str() << std::endl;
  // 4b. timers
//  if(zoltan2_parameters.isParameter("timer_output_stream"))
//    reinterpret_cast<partitioning_problem_t *>(problem)->printTimers();

  // 5. Add solution to map for possible comparison testing
  comparison_source->adapter = RCP<basic_id_t>(reinterpret_cast<basic_id_t *>(ia));
  comparison_source->problem = RCP<base_problem_t>(reinterpret_cast<base_problem_t *>(problem));
  comparison_source->metricObject = metricObject;
  comparison_source->problem_kind = problem_parameters.isParameter("kind") ? problem_parameters.get<string>("kind") : "?";
  comparison_source->adapter_kind = adapter_name;
  // write mesh solution
//  auto sol = reinterpret_cast<partitioning_problem_t *>(problem)->getSolution();
//  MyUtils::writePartionSolution(sol.getPartListView(), ia->getLocalNumIDs(), comm);

  // 6. Clean up
コード例 #10
Teuchos::ParameterList * ML_Epetra::GetValidMLPParameters(){
  using Teuchos::AnyNumberParameterEntryValidator;
  using Teuchos::Array;
  using Teuchos::ParameterList;
  using Teuchos::setIntParameter;
  using Teuchos::setDoubleParameter;
  using Teuchos::setStringToIntegralParameter;
  using Teuchos::tuple;
  using std::string;

  ParameterList dummy;
  ParameterList * PL = new ParameterList;

  // prevent Teuchos from converting parameter types
  AnyNumberParameterEntryValidator::AcceptedTypes intParam(false),

  /* Allocate List for Smoothing Options */
# if defined(HAVE_PETSC) && defined(HAVE_ML_SUPERLU4_0)
  const int num_smoothers=30;
# elif defined(HAVE_PETSC) || defined(HAVE_ML_SUPERLU4_0)
  const int num_smoothers=29;
#elif defined(HAVE_ML_TekoSmoothers)
  const int num_smoothers=29; // won't work with SUPERLU or PETSC!
# else
  const int num_smoothers=28;
# endif
  const char* smoother_strings[num_smoothers]={"Aztec","IFPACK","Jacobi",
   "ML symmetric Gauss-Seidel","symmetric Gauss-Seidel","ML Gauss-Seidel",
   "Gauss-Seidel","block Gauss-Seidel","symmetric block Gauss-Seidel",
   "Block Chebyshev","IFPACK-Block Chebyshev"
#  ifdef HAVE_PETSC
#  endif
#  ifdef HAVE_ML_SUPERLU4_0
//#error "No SuperLU for you!"					      
#  endif
#  ifdef HAVE_ML_TekoSmoothers
#  endif
  Array<string> smoothers(num_smoothers);
  for(int i = 0; i<num_smoothers; i++) {
    smoothers[i] = smoother_strings[i];

  /* General Options (Section 6.4.1) */
  setIntParameter("ML output",0,"Output Level",PL,intParam);
  setIntParameter("print unused",-2,"Print unused parameters",PL,intParam);
  setIntParameter("ML print initial list",-2,"Print initial list supplied to constructor",PL,intParam);
  setIntParameter("ML print final list",-2,"Print final list used by constructor",PL,intParam);
  setIntParameter("PDE equations",1,"# of PDE equations per node",PL,intParam);
  setStringToIntegralParameter<int>("eigen-analysis: type","cg","Scheme to compute spectral radius",
  setIntParameter("eigen-analysis: iterations",10,"# iterations of eigen-anaysis",PL,intParam);
  PL->set("ML label","dummy string");
  setIntParameter("print hierarchy",-2,"Print hierarchy.  0 or greater prints individual levels.",PL,intParam);

  /* Multigrid Cycle Options (Section 6.4.2) */
  setIntParameter("cycle applications",1,"# MG cycles",PL,intParam);
  setIntParameter("max levels",10,"Max # of levels",PL,intParam);
  setStringToIntegralParameter<int>("increasing or decreasing", "increasing", "Level numbering",tuple<string>("increasing","decreasing"),PL);
  setStringToIntegralParameter<int>("prec type", "MGV","Multigrid cycle type",tuple<string>("MGV","MGW","full-MGV","one-level-postsmoothing","two-level-additive","two-level-hybrid","two-level-hybrid2","projected MGV"),PL);
  PL->set("projected mode",(double**)0);
  setIntParameter("number of projected modes",0,"# of modes to be projected out before and after the V-cycle",PL,intParam);

  /* Aggregation and Prolongator Options (Section 6.4.3) */
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
    char param[32];
    sprintf(param,"aggregation: list (level %d)",i); 
  PL->set("energy minimization: enable",false);
  setIntParameter("energy minimization: type",2,"Norm to use for energy minimization",PL,intParam);  
  setDoubleParameter("energy minimization: droptol",0.0,"Drop tolerance for energy minimization",PL,dblParam);
  PL->set("energy minimization: cheap",false);

  /* Smoothing Options (Section 6.4.4) */
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
    char param[32];
    sprintf(param,"smoother: list (level %d)",i); 
  SetValidSmooParams(&(PL->sublist("coarse: list")),smoothers);

  /* Load-balancing Options (Section 6.4.6) */
  setIntParameter("repartition: enable",0,"Enable repartitioning",PL,intParam);
  setStringToIntegralParameter<int>("repartition: partitioner","Zoltan","Repartitioning method",tuple<string>("Zoltan","ParMETIS"),PL);
  setDoubleParameter("repartition: max min ratio",1.3,"Specifies desired maximum imbalance ratio",PL,dblParam);
  setIntParameter("repartition: min per proc",512,"Specifies minimum # rows / processor",PL,intParam);
  setIntParameter("repartition: put on single proc",5000,"Specifies max global problem to be put on one processor",PL,intParam);
  setDoubleParameter("repartition: node max min ratio",1.3,"Specifies desired maximum imbalance for nodal heirarchy (Maxwell)",PL,dblParam);
  setIntParameter("repartition: node min per proc",170,"Specifies minimum number of nodes per proc (Maxwell)",PL,intParam);
  setIntParameter("repartition: Zoltan dimensions",0,"Dimension of problem",PL,intParam);
  setIntParameter("repartition: start level",1,"Suppress repartitioning until this level",PL,intParam);

  /* Analysis Options (Section 6.4.7) */
  PL->set("analyze memory",false);
  PL->set("viz: enable",false);
  setStringToIntegralParameter<int>("viz: output format","vtk","Visualization format",tuple<string>("vtk","xyz","openx"),PL);
  PL->set("viz: print starting solution",false);
  setIntParameter("viz: equation to plot",-1,"Equation number to print",PL,intParam);

  /* Miscellaneous Options (Section 6.4.8) */
  PL->set("node: x-coordinates",(double*)0);
  PL->set("node: y-coordinates",(double*)0);
  PL->set("node: z-coordinates",(double*)0);
  PL->set("read XML",true); 
  PL->set("XML input file","ml_ParameterList.xml",string(""));

  /* Smoothed Aggregation and the Null Space (Section 6.4.9) */
  setStringToIntegralParameter<int>("null space: type","default vectors","Type of null space to use",tuple<string>("pre-computed","enriched","default vectors","elasticity from coordinates"),PL);
  PL->set("null space: vectors",(double*)0); 
  setIntParameter("null space: dimension",0,"Number of user-supplied null space vectors",PL,intParam);
  setIntParameter("null space: vectors to compute",1,"Number of vectors to compute",PL,intParam);
  PL->set("null space: add default vectors",true);

  /* Aggregation Strategies (Section 6.4.10) */
  PL->set("aggregation: aux: enable",false);
  setDoubleParameter("aggregation: aux: threshold",0.0,"Dropping threshold for auxillary matrix",PL,dblParam);  

  /* Unlisted Options */ 
  PL->set("ML debug mode",false);
  setStringToIntegralParameter<int>("default values","SA","Internal Option",tuple<string>("SA","DD","DD-ML","maxwell","NSSA","RefMaxwell","DD-ML-LU"),PL);
  PL->set("ML validate parameter list",true);
  setIntParameter("ML validate depth",0,"Internal option to control validation depth",PL,intParam);
  setStringToIntegralParameter<int>("SetDefaults","not-set","Internal Option",tuple<string>("not-set","SA","DD","DD-ML","maxwell","NSSA","RefMaxwell"),PL);
  setIntParameter("ML node id",-1,"Experimental option to identify the processor node (vis-a-vis core) id",PL,intParam);

  /* Unlisted Options that should probably be listed */
  setIntParameter("aggregation: aux: max levels",10,"Unlisted option",PL,intParam);
  PL->set("low memory usage",false);
  setDoubleParameter("aggregation: edge prolongator drop threshold",0.0,"Unlisted option",PL,dblParam);
  PL->set("zero starting solution",true);
  PL->set("aggregation: block scaling",false);
  setIntParameter("profile: operator iterations",0,"Unlisted option",PL,intParam);
  setDoubleParameter("subsmoother: edge alpha",20.0,"alpha for edge Chebyshev polynomial in Hiptmair",PL,dblParam); 
  setDoubleParameter("subsmoother: node alpha",20.0,"alpha for node Chebyshev polynomial in Hiptmair",PL,dblParam); 
  PL->set("reuse: enable",false);
  /* Unlisted options that should probably go away */
  setIntParameter("output",0,"Output Level",PL,intParam);

  /* Hightly experimental */
  PL->set("repartition: output timings",false);
  setIntParameter("repartition: estimated iterations",0,"Estimated number of iterations",PL,intParam);
  setStringToIntegralParameter<int>("repartition: Zoltan type","RCB","Type of repartitioner to use",tuple<string>("RCB","hypergraph","fast hypergraph"),PL);

  /* EXPERIMENTAL - Half-GS Smoothing */
  PL->set("smoother: Gauss-Seidel efficient symmetric",false); 
  /* Coarse IFPACK Solvers - experimental */
  PL->set("coarse: ifpack list",dummy);
  PL->set("coarse: ifpack type",std::string(""));
  setIntParameter("coarse: ifpack overlap",0,"Unlisted option",PL,intParam);
  setDoubleParameter("coarse: ifpack level-of-fill",0.0,"Unlisted option",PL,dblParam);
  setDoubleParameter("coarse: ifpack relative threshold",1.0,"Unlisted option",PL,dblParam);
  setDoubleParameter("coarse: ifpack absolute threshold",0.0,"Unlisted option",PL,dblParam);

  /* EXPERIMENTAL - RefMaxwell block parallelization */
  PL->set("partitioner: options",dummy);  
  PL->sublist("partitioner: options").disableRecursiveValidation();

  /* EXPERIMENTAL - node aware code */
  setIntParameter("ML node id", -1, "Unlisted option", PL, intParam);

  return PL;
コード例 #11
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<double> ST;

    GlobalMPISession session(&argc, &argv);


    VectorType<double> type = new EpetraVectorType();

      ParameterXMLFileReader reader(Sundance::searchForFile("SolverParameters/userPrecParams.xml"));
      ParameterXMLFileReader reader("userPrecParams.xml");

    ParameterList solverParams = reader.getParameters();
    ParameterList innerSolverParams = solverParams.sublist("Inner Solve");
    ParameterList outerSolverParams = solverParams.sublist("Outer Solve");

    /* create the range space  */
    int nLocalRows = solverParams.get<int>("nLocal");

    MatrixLaplacian1D builder(nLocalRows, type);

    LinearOperator<double> A = builder.getOp();

    Vector<double> x = A.domain().createMember();
    int myRank = MPIComm::world().getRank();
    int nProcs = MPIComm::world().getNProc();

#ifdef TRILINOS_6
    if (myRank==0) x[0] = 0.0;
    if (myRank==nProcs-1) x[nProcs * nLocalRows - 1] = 0.0;
    // need to fix operator[] routine
    if (myRank==0) x.setElement(0, 0);
    if (myRank==nProcs-1) x.setElement(nProcs * nLocalRows - 1, 0.0);

    cout << "x=" << std::endl;
    Vector<double> y = A*x;
    cout << "y=" << std::endl;

    Vector<double> ans = A.range().createMember();

    LinearSolver<double> innerSolver 
      = LinearSolverBuilder::createSolver(innerSolverParams);

    LinearSolver<double> outerSolver 
      = LinearSolverBuilder::createSolver(outerSolverParams);

    /* call the setUserPrec() function to set the operator and solver 
     * to be used for preconditioning */
    outerSolver.setUserPrec(A, innerSolver);

    LinearOperator<double> AInv = inverse(A, outerSolver);

    ans = AInv * y;

    //      SolverState<double> state = solver.solve(A, y, ans);

    //      cout << state << std::endl;

    cout << "answer is " << std::endl;
    double err = (x-ans).norm2();
    cout << "error norm = " << err << std::endl;

    double tol = 1.0e-8;
    if (err > tol)
      cout << "User-defined preconditioner test FAILED" << std::endl;
      return 1;
      cout << "User-defined preconditioner test PASSED" << std::endl;
      return 0;
  catch(std::exception& e)
    cout << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
    return -1;
コード例 #12
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  using namespace TrilinosCouplings; // Yes, this means I'm lazy.

  using TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::exactResidualNorm;
  using TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::makeMatrixAndRightHandSide;
  using TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::solveWithBelos;
  using TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::solveWithBelosGPU;
  using IntrepidPoissonExample::makeMeshInput;
  using IntrepidPoissonExample::parseCommandLineArguments;
  using IntrepidPoissonExample::setCommandLineArgumentDefaults;
  using IntrepidPoissonExample::setMaterialTensorOffDiagonalValue;
  using IntrepidPoissonExample::setUpCommandLineArguments;
  using Tpetra::DefaultPlatform;
  using Teuchos::Comm;
  using Teuchos::outArg;
  using Teuchos::ParameterList;
  using Teuchos::parameterList;
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::rcp;
  using Teuchos::rcpFromRef;
  using Teuchos::getFancyOStream;
  using Teuchos::FancyOStream;
  using std::endl;
  // Pull in typedefs from the example's namespace.
  typedef TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::ST ST;
  typedef TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::LO LO;
  typedef TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::GO GO;
  typedef TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::Node Node;
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ST> STS;
  typedef STS::magnitudeType MT;
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<MT> STM;
  typedef TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::sparse_matrix_type sparse_matrix_type;
  typedef TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::vector_type vector_type;
  typedef TpetraIntrepidPoissonExample::operator_type operator_type;

  bool success = true;
  try {
    Teuchos::oblackholestream blackHole;
    Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession (&argc, &argv, &blackHole);
    const int myRank = mpiSession.getRank ();
    //const int numProcs = mpiSession.getNProc ();

    // Get the default communicator and Kokkos Node instance
    RCP<const Comm<int> > comm =
      DefaultPlatform::getDefaultPlatform ().getComm ();
    RCP<Node> node = DefaultPlatform::getDefaultPlatform ().getNode ();

    // Did the user specify --help at the command line to print help
    // with command-line arguments?
    bool printedHelp = false;
    // Values of command-line arguments.
    int nx, ny, nz;
    std::string xmlInputParamsFile;
    bool verbose, debug;
    int maxNumItersFromCmdLine = -1; // -1 means "read from XML file"
    double tolFromCmdLine = -1.0; // -1 means "read from XML file"
    std::string solverName = "GMRES";
    ST materialTensorOffDiagonalValue = 0.0;

    // Set default values of command-line arguments.
    setCommandLineArgumentDefaults (nx, ny, nz, xmlInputParamsFile,
                                    solverName, verbose, debug);
    // Parse and validate command-line arguments.
    Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor cmdp (false, true);
    setUpCommandLineArguments (cmdp, nx, ny, nz, xmlInputParamsFile,
                               solverName, tolFromCmdLine,
                               verbose, debug);
    cmdp.setOption ("materialTensorOffDiagonalValue",
                    &materialTensorOffDiagonalValue, "Off-diagonal value in "
                    "the material tensor.  This controls the iteration count.  "
                    "Be careful with this if you use CG, since you can easily "
                    "make the matrix indefinite.");

    // Additional command-line arguments for GPU experimentation.
    bool gpu = false;
    cmdp.setOption ("gpu", "no-gpu", &gpu,
                    "Run example using GPU node (if supported)");
    int ranks_per_node = 1;
    cmdp.setOption ("ranks_per_node", &ranks_per_node,
                    "Number of MPI ranks per node");
    int gpu_ranks_per_node = 1;
    cmdp.setOption ("gpu_ranks_per_node", &gpu_ranks_per_node,
                    "Number of MPI ranks per node for GPUs");
    int device_offset = 0;
    cmdp.setOption ("device_offset", &device_offset,
                    "Offset for attaching MPI ranks to CUDA devices");

    // Additional command-line arguments for dumping the generated
    // matrix or its row Map to output files.
    // FIXME (mfh 09 Apr 2014) Need to port these command-line
    // arguments to the Epetra version.

    // If matrixFilename is nonempty, dump the matrix to that file
    // in MatrixMarket format.
    std::string matrixFilename;
    cmdp.setOption ("matrixFilename", &matrixFilename, "If nonempty, dump the "
                    "generated matrix to that file in MatrixMarket format.");

    // If rowMapFilename is nonempty, dump the matrix's row Map to
    // that file in MatrixMarket format.
    std::string rowMapFilename;
    cmdp.setOption ("rowMapFilename", &rowMapFilename, "If nonempty, dump the "
                    "generated matrix's row Map to that file in a format that "
                    "Tpetra::MatrixMarket::Reader can read.");
    // Option to exit after building A and b (and dumping stuff to
    // files, if requested).
    bool exitAfterAssembly = false;
    cmdp.setOption ("exitAfterAssembly", "dontExitAfterAssembly",
                    &exitAfterAssembly, "If true, exit after building the "
                    "sparse matrix and dense right-hand side vector.  If either"
                    " --matrixFilename or --rowMapFilename are nonempty strings"
                    ", dump the matrix resp. row Map to their respective files "
                    "before exiting.");

    parseCommandLineArguments (cmdp, printedHelp, argc, argv, nx, ny, nz,
                               xmlInputParamsFile, solverName, verbose, debug);
    if (printedHelp) {
      // The user specified --help at the command line to print help
      // with command-line arguments.  We printed help already, so quit
      // with a happy return code.
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    setMaterialTensorOffDiagonalValue (materialTensorOffDiagonalValue);

    // Both streams only print on MPI Rank 0.  "out" only prints if the
    // user specified --verbose.
    RCP<FancyOStream> out =
      getFancyOStream (rcpFromRef ((myRank == 0 && verbose) ? std::cout : blackHole));
    RCP<FancyOStream> err =
      getFancyOStream (rcpFromRef ((myRank == 0 && debug) ? std::cerr : blackHole));

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    *out << "PARALLEL executable" << endl;
    *out << "SERIAL executable" << endl;

    /********************************** GET XML INPUTS ********************************/
    ParameterList inputList;
    if (xmlInputParamsFile != "") {
      *out << "Reading parameters from XML file \""
           << xmlInputParamsFile << "\"..." << endl;
      Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFile (xmlInputParamsFile,
                                            outArg (inputList));
      if (myRank == 0) {
        inputList.print (*out, 2, true, true);
        *out << endl;

    // Get Pamgen mesh definition string, either from the input
    // ParameterList or from our function that makes a cube and fills in
    // the number of cells along each dimension.
    std::string meshInput = inputList.get("meshInput", "");
    if (meshInput == "") {
      *out << "Generating mesh input string: nx = " << nx
           << ", ny = " << ny
           << ", nz = " << nz << endl;
      meshInput = makeMeshInput (nx, ny, nz);

    // Total application run time
      TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR_DIFF("Total Time", total_time);

      RCP<sparse_matrix_type> A;
      RCP<vector_type> B, X_exact, X;
        TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR_DIFF("Total Assembly", total_assembly);
        makeMatrixAndRightHandSide (A, B, X_exact, X, comm, node, meshInput,
                                    out, err, verbose, debug);

      // Optionally dump the matrix and/or its row Map to files.
        typedef Tpetra::MatrixMarket::Writer<sparse_matrix_type> writer_type;
        if (matrixFilename != "") {
          writer_type::writeSparseFile (matrixFilename, A);
        if (rowMapFilename != "") {
          writer_type::writeMapFile (rowMapFilename, * (A->getRowMap ()));

      if (exitAfterAssembly) {
        // Users might still be interested in assembly time.
        Teuchos::TimeMonitor::report (comm.ptr (), std::cout);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

      const std::vector<MT> norms = exactResidualNorm (A, B, X_exact);
      // X_exact is the exact solution of the PDE, projected onto the
      // discrete mesh.  It may not necessarily equal the exact solution
      // of the linear system.
      *out << "||B - A*X_exact||_2 = " << norms[0] << endl
           << "||B||_2 = " << norms[1] << endl
           << "||A||_F = " << norms[2] << endl;

      // Setup preconditioner
      std::string prec_type = inputList.get ("Preconditioner", "None");
      RCP<operator_type> M;
        TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR_DIFF("Total Preconditioner Setup", total_prec);

        if (prec_type == "MueLu") {
          if (inputList.isSublist("MueLu")) {
            ParameterList mueluParams = inputList.sublist("MueLu");
            M = MueLu::CreateTpetraPreconditioner<ST,LO,GO,Node>(A,mueluParams);
          } else {
            M = MueLu::CreateTpetraPreconditioner<ST,LO,GO,Node>(A);
            prec_type == "MueLu", std::runtime_error, "Tpetra scaling example: "
            "In order to precondition with MueLu, you must have built Trilinos "
            "with the MueLu package enabled.");
      } // setup preconditioner

      // Get the convergence tolerance for each linear solve.
      // If the user provided a nonnegative value at the command
      // line, it overrides any value in the input ParameterList.
      MT tol = STM::squareroot (STM::eps ()); // default value
      if (tolFromCmdLine < STM::zero ()) {
        tol = inputList.get ("Convergence Tolerance", tol);
      } else {
        tol = tolFromCmdLine;

      // Get the maximum number of iterations for each linear solve.
      // If the user provided a value other than -1 at the command
      // line, it overrides any value in the input ParameterList.
      int maxNumIters = 200; // default value
      if (maxNumItersFromCmdLine == -1) {
        maxNumIters = inputList.get ("Maximum Iterations", maxNumIters);
      } else {
        maxNumIters = maxNumItersFromCmdLine;

      // Get the number of "time steps."  We imitate a time-dependent
      // PDE by doing this many linear solves.
      const int num_steps = inputList.get ("Number of Time Steps", 1);

      // Do the linear solve(s).
      bool converged = false;
      int numItersPerformed = 0;
      if (gpu) {
        TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR_DIFF("Total GPU Solve", total_solve);
        solveWithBelosGPU (converged, numItersPerformed, tol, maxNumIters,
                           num_steps, ranks_per_node, gpu_ranks_per_node,
                           device_offset, prec_type, X, A, B, Teuchos::null, M);
      else {
        TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR_DIFF("Total Solve", total_solve);
        solveWithBelos (converged, numItersPerformed, solverName, tol,
                        maxNumIters, num_steps, X, A, B, Teuchos::null, M);

      // Compute ||X-X_exact||_2
      const MT norm_x = X_exact->norm2 ();
      X_exact->update (-1.0, *X, 1.0);
      const MT norm_error = X_exact->norm2 ();
      *out << endl
           << "||X - X_exact||_2 / ||X_exact||_2 = " << norm_error / norm_x
           << endl;
    } // total time block

    // Summarize timings
    Teuchos::TimeMonitor::report (comm.ptr (), std::cout);
  } // try
  TEUCHOS_STANDARD_CATCH_STATEMENTS(true, std::cerr, success);

  if (success) {
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  } else {
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
コード例 #13
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#include <MueLu_UseShortNames.hpp>
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::rcp;
  using Teuchos::TimeMonitor;

  // =========================================================================
  // MPI initialization using Teuchos
  // =========================================================================
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv, NULL);

  // =========================================================================
  // Convenient definitions
  // =========================================================================
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC> STS;
  SC zero = STS::zero(), one = STS::one();

  bool success = false;
  bool verbose = true;
  try {
    RCP< const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = Teuchos::DefaultComm<int>::getComm();
    int numProc = comm->getSize();
    int myRank  = comm->getRank();

    RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> fancy = Teuchos::fancyOStream(Teuchos::rcpFromRef(std::cout));
    Teuchos::FancyOStream& out = *fancy;

    // =========================================================================
    // Parameters initialization
    // =========================================================================
    Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor clp(false);
    Xpetra::Parameters xpetraParameters(clp);

    switch (clp.parse(argc,argv)) {
      case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_HELP_PRINTED:        return EXIT_SUCCESS; break;
      case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_ERROR:
      case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_UNRECOGNIZED_OPTION: return EXIT_FAILURE; break;
      case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL:                               break;

    Xpetra::UnderlyingLib lib = xpetraParameters.GetLib();

    const int numLists = 1;
    std::vector<std::string> dirList;

    bool failed = false;
    for (int k = 0; k < numLists; k++) {
      const std::string& dirName = dirList[k];
      std::string problemFile = dirName + "problem.xml";

      ParameterList galeriParameters;
      Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFileAndBroadcast(problemFile, Teuchos::Ptr<Teuchos::ParameterList>(&galeriParameters), *comm);
      if (!galeriParameters.isParameter("mz"))
        galeriParameters.set<int>("mz", -1);

      // =========================================================================
      // Problem construction (copy-paste from Driver.cpp)
      // =========================================================================
      RCP<Matrix>       A;
      RCP<Map>          map;
      RCP<MultiVector>  nullspace, coordinates;

      // Galeri will attempt to create a square-as-possible distribution of subdomains di, e.g.,
      //                                 d1  d2  d3
      //                                 d4  d5  d6
      //                                 d7  d8  d9
      //                                 d10 d11 d12
      // A perfect distribution is only possible when the #processors is a perfect square.
      // This *will* result in "strip" distribution if the #processors is a prime number or if the factors are very different in
      // size. For example, np=14 will give a 7-by-2 distribution.
      // If you don't want Galeri to do this, specify mx or my on the galeriParameters.
      std::string matrixType = galeriParameters.get<std::string>("matrixType");

      // Create map and coordinates
      // In the future, we hope to be able to first create a Galeri problem, and then request map and coordinates from it
      // At the moment, however, things are fragile as we hope that the Problem uses same map and coordinates inside
      if (matrixType == "Laplace1D") {
        map = Galeri::Xpetra::CreateMap<LO, GO, Node>(lib, "Cartesian1D", comm, galeriParameters);
        coordinates = Galeri::Xpetra::Utils::CreateCartesianCoordinates<SC,LO,GO,Map,MultiVector>("1D", map, galeriParameters);

      } else if (matrixType == "Laplace2D" || matrixType == "Star2D" ||
                 matrixType == "BigStar2D" || matrixType == "Elasticity2D") {
        map = Galeri::Xpetra::CreateMap<LO, GO, Node>(lib, "Cartesian2D", comm, galeriParameters);
        coordinates = Galeri::Xpetra::Utils::CreateCartesianCoordinates<SC,LO,GO,Map,MultiVector>("2D", map, galeriParameters);

      } else if (matrixType == "Laplace3D" || matrixType == "Brick3D" || matrixType == "Elasticity3D") {
        map = Galeri::Xpetra::CreateMap<LO, GO, Node>(lib, "Cartesian3D", comm, galeriParameters);
        coordinates = Galeri::Xpetra::Utils::CreateCartesianCoordinates<SC,LO,GO,Map,MultiVector>("3D", map, galeriParameters);

      // Expand map to do multiple DOF per node for block problems
      if (matrixType == "Elasticity2D")
        map = Xpetra::MapFactory<LO,GO,Node>::Build(map, 2);
      if (matrixType == "Elasticity3D")
        map = Xpetra::MapFactory<LO,GO,Node>::Build(map, 3);

#if 0
      out << "========================================================\n" << xpetraParameters << galeriParameters;
      out << "Processor subdomains in x direction: " << galeriParameters.get<GO>("mx") << std::endl
          << "Processor subdomains in y direction: " << galeriParameters.get<GO>("my") << std::endl
          << "Processor subdomains in z direction: " << galeriParameters.get<GO>("mz") << std::endl
          << "========================================================" << std::endl;

      RCP<Galeri::Xpetra::Problem<Map,CrsMatrixWrap,MultiVector> > Pr =
          Galeri::Xpetra::BuildProblem<SC,LO,GO,Map,CrsMatrixWrap,MultiVector>(matrixType, map, galeriParameters);
      A = Pr->BuildMatrix();

      if (matrixType == "Elasticity2D" ||
          matrixType == "Elasticity3D") {
        nullspace = Pr->BuildNullspace();
        A->SetFixedBlockSize((matrixType == "Elasticity2D") ? 2 : 3);

      } else {
        nullspace = MultiVectorFactory::Build(map, 1);
        Teuchos::ArrayRCP<SC> nsData = nullspace->getDataNonConst(0);
        for (int i = 0; i < nsData.size(); i++)
          nsData[i] = one;

      // =========================================================================
      // Run different configurations
      // =========================================================================
      Teuchos::ArrayRCP<std::string> fileList = MueLuTests::TestHelpers::GetFileList(dirList[k],
            (numProc == 1 ? std::string(".xml") : std::string("_np" + Teuchos::toString(numProc) + ".xml")));

      RCP<MultiVector> X = MultiVectorFactory::Build(map, 1);
      RCP<MultiVector> B = MultiVectorFactory::Build(map, 1);

      for (int i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++) {
        if (fileList[i] == "problem.xml")

        // Set seed

        // Reset (potentially) cached value of the estimate

        std::string xmlFile = dirName + fileList[i];

        ParameterList paramList;
        Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFileAndBroadcast(xmlFile, Teuchos::Ptr<Teuchos::ParameterList>(&paramList), *comm);

        std::string    solveType = paramList.get<std::string>   ("solver", "standalone");
        double         goldRate  = paramList.get<double>        ("convergence rate");
        ParameterList& mueluList = paramList.sublist            ("MueLu");

        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(solveType != "standalone" && solveType != "cg" && solveType != "gmres", MueLu::Exceptions::RuntimeError,
                                   "Unknown solver type \"" << solveType << "\"");
        bool           isPrec    = !(solveType == "standalone");

        if (!mueluList.isParameter("verbosity"))
          mueluList.set("verbosity", "none");

        if (isPrec)
          out << xmlFile << ": skipped (Belos is not enabled)" << std::endl;

        // =========================================================================
        // Preconditioner construction
        // =========================================================================
        RCP<Hierarchy> H;
        try {
          ParameterListInterpreter mueluFactory(mueluList);

          H = mueluFactory.CreateHierarchy();

          H->GetLevel(0)->Set("A",           A);
          H->GetLevel(0)->Set("Nullspace",   nullspace);
          H->GetLevel(0)->Set("Coordinates", coordinates);


        } catch (Teuchos::ExceptionBase& e) {
          std::string msg = e.what();
          msg = msg.substr(msg.find_last_of('\n')+1);

          out << "Caught exception: " << msg << std::endl;

          if (msg == "Zoltan interface is not available" ||
              msg == "Zoltan2 interface is not available") {

            if (myRank == 0)
              out << xmlFile << ": skipped (missing library)" << std::endl;


        // Set X, B
          // TODO: do multiple vectors simultaneously to average

          // we set seed for reproducibility
          A->apply(*X, *B, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, one, zero);

          Teuchos::Array<STS::magnitudeType> norms(1);

        const int    maxIts = 100;
        const double tol    = 1e-12;

        if (isPrec == false) {
          MueLu::ReturnType ret = H->Iterate(*B, *X, std::pair<LO,SC>(maxIts, tol));

          double rate = H->GetRate();

          if (abs(rate-goldRate) < 0.02) {
            out << xmlFile << ": passed (" <<
                (ret == MueLu::Converged ? "converged, " : "unconverged, ") <<
                "expected rate = " << goldRate << ", real rate = " << rate <<
                (ret == MueLu::Converged ? "" : " (after " + Teuchos::toString(maxIts) + " iterations)")
                << ")" << std::endl;
          } else {
            out << xmlFile << ": failed (" <<
                (ret == MueLu::Converged ? "converged, " : "unconverged, ") <<
                "expected rate = " << goldRate << ", real rate = " << rate <<
                (ret == MueLu::Converged ? "" : " (after " + Teuchos::toString(maxIts) + " iterations)")
                << ")" << std::endl;
            failed = true;

        } else {
          // Operator and Multivector type that will be used with Belos
          typedef MultiVector          MV;
          typedef Belos::OperatorT<MV> OP;

          // Define Operator and Preconditioner
          RCP<OP> belosOp   = rcp(new Belos::XpetraOp<SC, LO, GO, NO>(A)); // Turns a Xpetra::Matrix object into a Belos operator
          RCP<OP> belosPrec = rcp(new Belos::MueLuOp <SC, LO, GO, NO>(H)); // Turns a MueLu::Hierarchy object into a Belos operator

          // Construct a Belos LinearProblem object
          RCP< Belos::LinearProblem<SC, MV, OP> > belosProblem = rcp(new Belos::LinearProblem<SC, MV, OP>(belosOp, X, B));

          bool set = belosProblem->setProblem();
          if (set == false) {
            out << "\nERROR:  Belos::LinearProblem failed to set up correctly!" << std::endl;
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

          // Belos parameter list
          ParameterList belosList;
          belosList.set("Maximum Iterations",    maxIts); // Maximum number of iterations allowed
          belosList.set("Convergence Tolerance", tol);    // Relative convergence tolerance requested
#if 1
          belosList.set("Verbosity",             Belos::Errors + Belos::Warnings);
          belosList.set("Verbosity",             Belos::Errors + Belos::Warnings + Belos::StatusTestDetails);
          belosList.set("Output Frequency",      1);
          belosList.set("Output Style",          Belos::Brief);

          // Belos custom test to store residuals

          // Create an iterative solver manager
          RCP<Belos::SolverManager<SC, MV, OP> > solver;
          if (solveType == "cg")
            solver = rcp(new Belos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr<SC, MV, OP>(belosProblem, rcp(&belosList, false)));
          else if (solveType == "gmres")
            solver = rcp(new Belos::BlockGmresSolMgr   <SC, MV, OP>(belosProblem, rcp(&belosList, false)));
          RCP<Belos::MyStatusTest<SC, MV, OP> > status = rcp(new Belos::MyStatusTest<SC, MV, OP>(tol));

          // Perform solve
          Belos::ReturnType ret = Belos::Unconverged;
          try {
            ret = solver->solve();

            double rate = status->rate();

            if (abs(rate-goldRate) < 0.02) {
              out << xmlFile << ": passed (" <<
                  (ret == Belos::Converged ? "converged, " : "unconverged, ") <<
                  "expected rate = " << goldRate << ", real rate = " << rate <<
                  (ret == Belos::Converged ? "" : " (after " + Teuchos::toString(maxIts) + " iterations)")
                  << ")" << std::endl;
            } else {
              out << xmlFile << ": failed (" <<
                  (ret == Belos::Converged ? "converged, " : "unconverged, ") <<
                  "expected rate = " << goldRate << ", real rate = " << rate <<
                  (ret == Belos::Converged ? "" : " (after " + Teuchos::toString(maxIts) + " iterations)")
                  << ")" << std::endl;
              failed = true;

          } catch(...) {
            out << xmlFile << ": failed (exception)" << std::endl;
            failed = true;
#endif //ifdef HAVE_MUELU_BELOS
    success = !failed;

    out << std::endl << "End Result: TEST " << (failed ? "FAILED" : "PASSED") << std::endl;
  TEUCHOS_STANDARD_CATCH_STATEMENTS(verbose, std::cerr, success);

  return ( success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE );
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST(PdQuickGridDiscretization_MPI_np2, SimpleTensorProductMeshTest) {

  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Comm> comm;
  comm = rcp(new Epetra_MpiComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD));

  int numProcs = comm->NumProc();
  int rank     = comm->MyPID();

  TEST_COMPARE(numProcs, ==, 2);

  if(numProcs != 2){
     std::cerr << "Unit test runtime ERROR: utPeridigm_PdQuickGridDiscretization_MPI_np2 only makes sense on 2 processors" << std::endl;

  RCP<ParameterList> discParams = rcp(new ParameterList);

  // create a 2x2x2 discretization
  // specify a spherical neighbor search with the horizon a tad longer than the mesh spacing
  discParams->set("Type", "PdQuickGrid");
  discParams->set("NeighborhoodType", "Spherical");
  ParameterList& quickGridParams = discParams->sublist("TensorProduct3DMeshGenerator");
  quickGridParams.set("Type", "PdQuickGrid");
  quickGridParams.set("X Origin", 0.0);
  quickGridParams.set("Y Origin", 0.0);
  quickGridParams.set("Z Origin", 0.0);
  quickGridParams.set("X Length", 1.0);
  quickGridParams.set("Y Length", 1.0);
  quickGridParams.set("Z Length", 1.0);
  quickGridParams.set("Number Points X", 2);
  quickGridParams.set("Number Points Y", 2);
  quickGridParams.set("Number Points Z", 2);

  // initialize the horizon manager and set the horizon to 0.501
  ParameterList blockParameterList;
  ParameterList& blockParams = blockParameterList.sublist("My Block");
  blockParams.set("Block Names", "block_1");
  blockParams.set("Horizon", 0.501);

  // create the discretization
  RCP<PdQuickGridDiscretization> discretization =
    rcp(new PdQuickGridDiscretization(comm, discParams));

  // sanity check, calling with a dimension other than 1 or 3 should throw an exception
  TEST_THROW(discretization->getGlobalOwnedMap(0), Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameter);
  TEST_THROW(discretization->getGlobalOwnedMap(2), Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameter);
  TEST_THROW(discretization->getGlobalOwnedMap(4), Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameter);

  // basic checks on the 1d map
  Teuchos::RCP<const Epetra_BlockMap> map = discretization->getGlobalOwnedMap(1);
  TEST_ASSERT(map->NumGlobalElements() == 8);
  TEST_ASSERT(map->NumMyElements() == 4);
  TEST_ASSERT(map->ElementSize() == 1);
  TEST_ASSERT(map->IndexBase() == 0);
  TEST_ASSERT(map->UniqueGIDs() == true);
  int* myGlobalElements = map->MyGlobalElements();
  if(rank == 0){
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[0] == 0);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[1] == 2);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[2] == 4);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[3] == 6);
  if(rank == 1){
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[0] == 5);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[1] == 7);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[2] == 1);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[3] == 3);

  // check the 1d overlap map
  // for this simple discretization, everything should be ghosted on both processors
  Teuchos::RCP<const Epetra_BlockMap> overlapMap = discretization->getGlobalOverlapMap(1);
  TEST_ASSERT(overlapMap->NumGlobalElements() == 16);
  TEST_ASSERT(overlapMap->NumMyElements() == 8);
  TEST_ASSERT(overlapMap->ElementSize() == 1);
  TEST_ASSERT(overlapMap->IndexBase() == 0);
  TEST_ASSERT(overlapMap->UniqueGIDs() == false);
  myGlobalElements = overlapMap->MyGlobalElements();
  if(rank == 0){
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[0] == 0);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[1] == 2);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[2] == 4);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[3] == 6);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[4] == 1);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[5] == 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[6] == 5);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[7] == 7);
  if(rank == 1){
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[0] == 5);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[1] == 7);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[2] == 1);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[3] == 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[4] == 0);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[5] == 2);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[6] == 4);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[7] == 6);

  // same checks for 3d map
  map = discretization->getGlobalOwnedMap(3);
  TEST_ASSERT(map->NumGlobalElements() == 8);
  TEST_ASSERT(map->NumMyElements() == 4);
  TEST_ASSERT(map->ElementSize() == 3);
  TEST_ASSERT(map->IndexBase() == 0);
  TEST_ASSERT(map->UniqueGIDs() == true);
  myGlobalElements = map->MyGlobalElements();
  if(rank == 0){
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[0] == 0);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[1] == 2);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[2] == 4);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[3] == 6);
  if(rank == 1){
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[0] == 5);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[1] == 7);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[2] == 1);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[3] == 3);

  // check the 3d overlap map
  // for this simple discretization, everything should be ghosted on both processors
  overlapMap = discretization->getGlobalOverlapMap(3);
  TEST_ASSERT(overlapMap->NumGlobalElements() == 16);
  TEST_ASSERT(overlapMap->NumMyElements() == 8);
  TEST_ASSERT(overlapMap->ElementSize() == 3);
  TEST_ASSERT(overlapMap->IndexBase() == 0);
  TEST_ASSERT(overlapMap->UniqueGIDs() == false);
  myGlobalElements = overlapMap->MyGlobalElements();
  if(rank == 0){
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[0] == 0);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[1] == 2);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[2] == 4);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[3] == 6);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[4] == 1);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[5] == 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[6] == 5);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[7] == 7);
  if(rank == 1){
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[0] == 5);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[1] == 7);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[2] == 1);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[3] == 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[4] == 0);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[5] == 2);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[6] == 4);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[7] == 6);

  // check the bond map
  // the horizon was chosen such that each point should have three neighbors
  // note that if the NeighborhoodType parameter is not set to Spherical, this will fail
  Teuchos::RCP<const Epetra_BlockMap> bondMap = discretization->getGlobalBondMap();
  TEST_ASSERT(bondMap->NumGlobalElements() == 8);
  TEST_ASSERT(bondMap->NumMyElements() == 4);
  TEST_ASSERT(bondMap->IndexBase() == 0);
  TEST_ASSERT(bondMap->UniqueGIDs() == true);
  myGlobalElements = bondMap->MyGlobalElements();
  if(rank == 0){
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[0] == 0);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[1] == 2);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[2] == 4);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[3] == 6);
  if(rank == 1){
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[0] == 5);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[1] == 7);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[2] == 1);
    TEST_ASSERT(myGlobalElements[3] == 3);
  TEST_ASSERT(discretization->getNumBonds() == 4*3);

  // check the initial positions
  // all three coordinates are contained in a single vector
  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Vector> initialX = discretization->getInitialX();
  TEST_ASSERT(initialX->MyLength() == 4*3);
  TEST_ASSERT(initialX->GlobalLength() == 8*3);
  if(rank == 0){
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[0],  0.25, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[1],  0.25, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[2],  0.25, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[3],  0.25, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[4],  0.75, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[5],  0.25, 1.0e-16);

    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[6],  0.25, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[7],  0.25, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[8],  0.75, 1.0e-16);

    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[9],  0.25, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[10], 0.75, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[11], 0.75, 1.0e-16);
  if(rank == 1){
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[0],  0.75, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[1],  0.25, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[2],  0.75, 1.0e-16);

    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[3],  0.75, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[4],  0.75, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[5],  0.75, 1.0e-16);

    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[6],  0.75, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[7],  0.25, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[8],  0.25, 1.0e-16);

    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[9],  0.75, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[10], 0.75, 1.0e-16);
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*initialX)[11], 0.25, 1.0e-16);

  // check cell volumes
  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Vector> volume = discretization->getCellVolume();
  TEST_ASSERT(volume->MyLength() == 4);
  TEST_ASSERT(volume->GlobalLength() == 8);
  for(int i=0 ; i<volume->MyLength() ; ++i)
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY((*volume)[i], 0.125, 1.0e-16);

  // check the neighbor lists
  Teuchos::RCP<PeridigmNS::NeighborhoodData> neighborhoodData = discretization->getNeighborhoodData();
  TEST_ASSERT(neighborhoodData->NumOwnedPoints() == 4);
  int* ownedIds = neighborhoodData->OwnedIDs();
  TEST_ASSERT(ownedIds[0] == 0);
  TEST_ASSERT(ownedIds[1] == 1);
  TEST_ASSERT(ownedIds[2] == 2);
  TEST_ASSERT(ownedIds[3] == 3);
  TEST_ASSERT(neighborhoodData->NeighborhoodListSize() == 16);
  int* neighborhood = neighborhoodData->NeighborhoodList();
  int* neighborhoodPtr = neighborhoodData->NeighborhoodPtr();
  // remember, these are local IDs on each processor, 
  // which includes both owned and ghost nodes (confusing!)
  if(rank == 0){
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhoodPtr[0] == 0);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[0]    == 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[1]    == 4);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[2]    == 1);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[3]    == 2);

    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhoodPtr[1] == 4);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[4]    == 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[5]    == 0);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[6]    == 5);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[7]    == 3);

    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhoodPtr[2] == 8);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[8]    == 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[9]    == 0);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[10]   == 6);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[11]   == 3);

    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhoodPtr[3] == 12);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[12]   == 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[13]   == 1);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[14]   == 2);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[15]   == 7);
  if(rank == 1){
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhoodPtr[0] == 0);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[0]    == 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[1]    == 2);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[2]    == 6);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[3]    == 1);

    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhoodPtr[1] == 4);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[4]    == 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[5]    == 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[6]    == 0);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[7]    == 7);

    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhoodPtr[2] == 8);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[8]    == 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[9]    == 4);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[10]   == 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[11]   == 0);

    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhoodPtr[3] == 12);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[12]   == 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[13]   == 2);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[14]   == 5);
    TEST_ASSERT(neighborhood[15]   == 1);
コード例 #15
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  // Define default types
  typedef double                                      scalar_type;
  typedef int                                         local_ordinal_type;
  typedef int                                         global_ordinal_type;
  typedef KokkosClassic::DefaultNode::DefaultNodeType node_type;

  // Convenient typedef's
  typedef Tpetra::Operator<scalar_type,local_ordinal_type,global_ordinal_type,node_type>    operator_type;
  typedef Tpetra::CrsMatrix<scalar_type,local_ordinal_type,global_ordinal_type,node_type>   crs_matrix_type;
	typedef Tpetra::RowMatrix<scalar_type,local_ordinal_type,global_ordinal_type,node_type>   row_matrix_type;
  typedef Tpetra::Vector<scalar_type,local_ordinal_type,global_ordinal_type,node_type>      vector_type;
  typedef Tpetra::MultiVector<scalar_type,local_ordinal_type,global_ordinal_type,node_type> multivector_type;
  typedef Tpetra::Map<local_ordinal_type,global_ordinal_type,node_type>                     driver_map_type;

  typedef MueLu::TpetraOperator<scalar_type, local_ordinal_type, global_ordinal_type, node_type> muelu_tpetra_operator_type;
  typedef MueLu::Utilities<scalar_type,local_ordinal_type,global_ordinal_type,node_type> MueLuUtilities;

  typedef Belos::LinearProblem<scalar_type, multivector_type, operator_type> linear_problem_type;
  typedef Belos::SolverManager<scalar_type, multivector_type, operator_type> belos_solver_manager_type;
  typedef Belos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr<scalar_type, multivector_type, operator_type> belos_pseudocg_manager_type;
  typedef Belos::BlockGmresSolMgr<scalar_type, multivector_type, operator_type> belos_gmres_manager_type;
  typedef Belos::BiCGStabSolMgr<scalar_type, multivector_type, operator_type> belos_bicgstab_manager_type;

	typedef Ifpack2::Preconditioner<scalar_type, local_ordinal_type, global_ordinal_type, node_type> precond_type;

  //MueLu_UseShortNames.hpp wants these typedefs.
  typedef scalar_type         Scalar;
  typedef local_ordinal_type  LocalOrdinal;
  typedef global_ordinal_type GlobalOrdinal;
  typedef node_type           Node;
# include <MueLu_UseShortNames.hpp>

  typedef Galeri::Xpetra::Problem<Map,CrsMatrixWrap,MultiVector> GaleriXpetraProblem;
  typedef ADR::Xpetra::Problem<Map,CrsMatrixWrap,MultiVector> ADRXpetraProblem;

  using Teuchos::RCP; // reference count pointers
  using Teuchos::rcp; // reference count pointers

  // MPI initialization using Teuchos

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv, NULL);
  RCP< const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = Teuchos::DefaultComm<int>::getComm();
  int mypid = comm->getRank();
  int subCommRank[3]={0,1,2};
  Teuchos::ArrayView<int> arraySubCommRank(subCommRank, 3);
  auto subComm = comm->createSubcommunicator(arraySubCommRank);
  Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor clp(false);

  global_ordinal_type maxIts            = 10000;
  scalar_type tol                       = 1e-10;
  std::string solverOptionsFile         = "final_parser.xml";
  std::string krylovSolverType          = "bicgstab";

  clp.setOption("xmlFile",    &solverOptionsFile, "XML file containing MueLu solver parameters");
  clp.setOption("maxits",     &maxIts,            "maximum number of Krylov iterations");
  clp.setOption("tol",        &tol,               "tolerance for Krylov solver");
  clp.setOption("krylovType", &krylovSolverType,  "cg or gmres solver");

  switch (clp.parse(argc, argv)) {
    case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_HELP_PRINTED:        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_ERROR:
    case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_UNRECOGNIZED_OPTION: return EXIT_FAILURE;
    case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL:          break;

  ParameterList xmlParams;
  ParameterList mueluParams;
  ParameterList problemParams;
  Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFile(solverOptionsFile, Teuchos::inoutArg(xmlParams));
  mueluParams   = xmlParams.sublist(static_cast<const std::string>("MueLu"));
  problemParams = xmlParams.sublist(static_cast<const std::string>("Problem"));

  // Problem definition
   std::string problem_type = problemParams.get<std::string>(static_cast<const std::string>("problem type"));

  // Parameters

  Scalar Lx = problemParams.get<scalar_type>(static_cast<const std::string>("domain size in x-direction"));
  Scalar Ly = problemParams.get<scalar_type>(static_cast<const std::string>("domain size in y-direction"));
  Scalar Lz = problemParams.get<scalar_type>(static_cast<const std::string>("domain size in z-direction"));

  global_ordinal_type nx = problemParams.get<int>(static_cast<const std::string>("nodes in x-direction"));
  global_ordinal_type ny = problemParams.get<int>(static_cast<const std::string>("nodes in y-direction"));
  global_ordinal_type nz = problemParams.get<int>(static_cast<const std::string>("nodes in z-direction"));

  global_ordinal_type number_runs = problemParams.get<int>(static_cast<const std::string>("number of runs"));

  MueLu::DomainPartitioning domain;

  int keep_boundary = 0;
  Scalar stretchx = (Scalar) Lx/nx;
  Scalar stretchy = (Scalar) Ly/ny;
  Scalar stretchz = (Scalar) Lz/nz;

  ADR::Xpetra::Parameters<GO> matrixParameters(clp, nx, ny, nz, problem_type, keep_boundary , stretchx, stretchy, stretchz); // manage parameters of the test case
  Xpetra::Parameters             xpetraParameters(clp);     // manage parameters of xpetra

  // Construct the problem

  global_ordinal_type indexBase = 0;
  RCP<const Map> xpetraMap;
  std::vector<global_ordinal_type> ind;

  int brick_sizex = mueluParams.get<int>(static_cast<const std::string>("aggregation: brick x size"));
  int brick_sizey = mueluParams.get<int>(static_cast<const std::string>("aggregation: brick y size"));
  int brick_sizez = mueluParams.get<int>(static_cast<const std::string>("aggregation: brick z size"));

  //Creation of the map where processor 0 gets nothing at the fine level
  if( comm->getSize()>1 )
  	if(problem_type == "ADR1D")
		createBrickMap1D(matrixParameters.GetNumGlobalElements(), ind, comm );

	else if(problem_type == "ADR2D")
		createBrickMap2D( nx, brick_sizex, brick_sizey, ind, comm );

	else if(problem_type == "ADR3D")
		createBrickMap3D( nx, ny, brick_sizex, brick_sizey, brick_sizez, ind, comm );


	Teuchos::ArrayView<const global_ordinal_type> elementList (ind);
	xpetraMap = MapFactory::Build(Xpetra::UseTpetra,matrixParameters.GetNumGlobalElements(), elementList, indexBase, comm);
  else if( comm->getSize()==1 )
	xpetraMap = MapFactory::Build(Xpetra::UseTpetra, matrixParameters.GetNumGlobalElements(), indexBase, comm);

  RCP<MultiVector> coordinates;

  if (problem_type == "ADR1D") 
	coordinates = Galeri::Xpetra::Utils::CreateCartesianCoordinates<scalar_type,local_ordinal_type,global_ordinal_type,Map,MultiVector>("1D", xpetraMap, matrixParameters.GetParameterList());
  else if (problem_type == "ADR2D") 
	coordinates = Galeri::Xpetra::Utils::CreateCartesianCoordinates<scalar_type,local_ordinal_type,global_ordinal_type,Map,MultiVector>("2D", xpetraMap, matrixParameters.GetParameterList());
  else if (problem_type == "ADR3D") 
	coordinates = Galeri::Xpetra::Utils::CreateCartesianCoordinates<scalar_type,local_ordinal_type,global_ordinal_type,Map,MultiVector>("3D", xpetraMap, matrixParameters.GetParameterList());

  RCP<ADRXpetraProblem> Pr = ADR::Xpetra::BuildProblem<scalar_type, local_ordinal_type, global_ordinal_type, Map, CrsMatrixWrap, MultiVector>(matrixParameters.GetMatrixType(), xpetraMap, matrixParameters.GetParameterList());
  RCP<Matrix>  xpetraA = Pr->BuildMatrix();

  RCP<crs_matrix_type> A = MueLuUtilities::Op2NonConstTpetraCrs(xpetraA);
  RCP<const driver_map_type> map = MueLuUtilities::Map2TpetraMap(*xpetraMap);

 // ===================================================
 // 	Domain Decomposition Preconditioner 
 // 	===================================

  //Creation of the MueLu list for the DD preconditioner
  RCP<ParameterList> dd_list = rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList());
  dd_list->set("verbosity", "low"); 
  dd_list->set("number of equations", 1);
  dd_list->set("max levels", 1);

  ParameterList& dd_smooth_sublist = dd_list->sublist("coarse: params");
  dd_smooth_sublist.set("schwarz: overlap level", 0);
  dd_smooth_sublist.set("schwarz: combine mode", "Zero");
  dd_smooth_sublist.set("subdomain solver name", "RILUK");

  ParameterList& coarse_subdomain_solver = dd_smooth_sublist.sublist("subdomain solver parameters");
  coarse_subdomain_solver.set("fact: iluk level-of-fill", 3);
  coarse_subdomain_solver.set("fact: absolute threshold", 0.);
  coarse_subdomain_solver.set("fact: relative threshold", 1.);
  coarse_subdomain_solver.set("fact: relax value", 0.);

  RCP<muelu_tpetra_operator_type> B_DD = MueLu::CreateTpetraPreconditioner( (RCP<operator_type>)A, *dd_list );

 // ===================================================
 // 	Multi Grid Preconditioner 
 // 	===================================
  RCP<muelu_tpetra_operator_type> M;
  M = MueLu::CreateTpetraPreconditioner( (RCP<operator_type>)A, mueluParams, Utilities::MV2NonConstTpetraMV(coordinates) );

  RCP<multivector_type> X_muelu = rcp(new multivector_type(map,1));
  RCP<multivector_type> B = rcp(new multivector_type(map,1));
  RCP<linear_problem_type> Problem_muelu;
  X_muelu->putScalar((scalar_type) 0.0);

  Problem_muelu = rcp(new linear_problem_type(A, X_muelu, B));

  RCP<ParameterList> belosList = rcp(new ParameterList());
  belosList->set("Maximum Iterations",    maxIts); // Maximum number of iterations allowed
  belosList->set("Convergence Tolerance", tol);    // Relative convergence tolerance requested
  //belosList->set("Verbosity",             Belos::Errors + Belos::Warnings + Belos::StatusTestDetails);
  belosList->set("Verbosity",             Belos::Errors);
  belosList->set("Output Frequency",      1);
  belosList->set("Output Style",          Belos::Brief);
  belosList->set("Implicit Residual Scaling", "None");
  RCP<belos_solver_manager_type> solver;
  if (krylovSolverType == "cg")
    solver = rcp(new belos_pseudocg_manager_type(Problem_muelu, belosList));
  else if (krylovSolverType == "gmres")
    solver = rcp(new belos_gmres_manager_type(Problem_muelu, belosList));
  else if (krylovSolverType == "bicgstab")
    solver = rcp(new belos_bicgstab_manager_type(Problem_muelu, belosList));
    throw std::invalid_argument("bad Krylov solver type");

for(int trial = 1; trial<=number_runs; ++trial)

  X_muelu->putScalar((scalar_type) 0.0);

  // Set up Krylov solver and iterate.
  Problem_muelu = rcp(new linear_problem_type(A, X_muelu, B));

  int numIterations_muelu = solver->getNumIters();

  Teuchos::Array<typename Teuchos::ScalarTraits<scalar_type>::magnitudeType> normVec_muelu(1);
  multivector_type residual_muelu(B->getMap(),1);
  A->apply(*X_muelu, residual_muelu);
  residual_muelu.update(1.0, *B, -1.0);
  if (mypid == 0) {
    std::cout << "number of iterations with MueLu preconditioner= " << numIterations_muelu << std::endl;
    std::cout << "||Residual|| = " << normVec_muelu[0] << std::endl;

  #include <Teuchos_TimeMonitor.hpp>
  Teuchos::TimeMonitor::summarize ();

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
コード例 #16
  void HierarchyUtils<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::AddNonSerializableDataToHierarchy(HierarchyManager& HM, Hierarchy& H, const ParameterList& paramList) {
    for (ParameterList::ConstIterator it = paramList.begin(); it != paramList.end(); it++) {
      const std::string& levelName = it->first;

      // Check for mach of the form "level X" where X is a positive integer
      if (paramList.isSublist(levelName) && levelName.find("level ") == 0 && levelName.size() > 6) {
        int levelID = strtol(levelName.substr(6).c_str(), 0, 0);
        if (levelID > 0)
          // Do enough level adding so we can be sure to add the data to the right place
          for (int i = H.GetNumLevels(); i <= levelID; i++)
        RCP<Level> level = H.GetLevel(levelID);

        RCP<FactoryManager> M = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<FactoryManager>(HM.GetFactoryManager(levelID));
        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(M.is_null(), Exceptions::InvalidArgument, "MueLu::Utils::AddNonSerializableDataToHierarchy: cannot get FactoryManager");

        // Grab the level sublist & loop over parameters
        const ParameterList& levelList = paramList.sublist(levelName);
        for (ParameterList::ConstIterator it2 = levelList.begin(); it2 != levelList.end(); it2++) {
          const std::string& name = it2->first;
          TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(name != "A" && name != "P" && name != "R" &&
                                     name != "Nullspace" && name != "Coordinates" &&
                                     !IsParamMuemexVariable(name), Exceptions::InvalidArgument,
                                     "MueLu::Utils::AddNonSerializableDataToHierarchy: parameter list contains unknown data type");

          if (name == "A") {
            level->Set(name, Teuchos::getValue<RCP<Matrix > > (it2->second),NoFactory::get());
            M->SetFactory(name, NoFactory::getRCP()); // TAW: not sure about this: be aware that this affects all levels
                                                      //      However, A is accessible through NoFactory anyway, so it should
                                                      //      be fine here.
          else if( name == "P" || name == "R") {
            level->Set(name, Teuchos::getValue<RCP<Matrix > >     (it2->second), M->GetFactory(name).get());
          else if (name == "Nullspace")
            level->Set(name, Teuchos::getValue<RCP<MultiVector > >(it2->second), NoFactory::get());
            //M->SetFactory(name, NoFactory::getRCP()); // TAW: generally it is a bad idea to overwrite the factory manager data here
                                                        // One should do this only in very special cases
          else if(name == "Coordinates") //Scalar of Coordinates MV is always double
            level->Set(name, Teuchos::getValue<RCP<Xpetra::MultiVector<double, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> > >(it2->second), NoFactory::get());
            //M->SetFactory(name, NoFactory::getRCP()); // TAW: generally it is a bad idea to overwrite the factory manager data here
          #ifdef HAVE_MUELU_MATLAB
            //Custom variable for Muemex
            size_t typeNameStart = name.find_first_not_of(' ');
            size_t typeNameEnd = name.find(' ', typeNameStart);
            std::string typeName = name.substr(typeNameStart, typeNameEnd - typeNameStart);
            std::transform(typeName.begin(), typeName.end(), typeName.begin(), ::tolower);
            level->AddKeepFlag(name, NoFactory::get(), MueLu::UserData);
            if(typeName == "matrix")
              level->Set(name, Teuchos::getValue<RCP<Matrix> >(it2->second), NoFactory::get());
            else if(typeName == "multivector")
              level->Set(name, Teuchos::getValue<RCP<MultiVector> >(it2->second), NoFactory::get());
            else if(typeName == "map")
              level->Set(name, Teuchos::getValue<RCP<Xpetra::Map<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> > >(it2->second), NoFactory::get());
            else if(typeName == "ordinalvector")
              level->Set(name, Teuchos::getValue<RCP<Xpetra::Vector<LocalOrdinal, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> > >(it2->second), NoFactory::get());
            else if(typeName == "scalar")
              level->Set(name, Teuchos::getValue<Scalar>(it2->second), NoFactory::get());
            else if(typeName == "double")
              level->Set(name, Teuchos::getValue<double>(it2->second), NoFactory::get());
            else if(typeName == "complex")
              level->Set(name, Teuchos::getValue<std::complex<double> >(it2->second), NoFactory::get());
            else if(typeName == "int")
              level->Set(name, Teuchos::getValue<int>(it2->second), NoFactory::get());
            else if(typeName == "string")
              level->Set(name, Teuchos::getValue<std::string>(it2->second), NoFactory::get());
コード例 #17
RCP<LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<double> >
LOWSFactoryBuilder::createLOWSFactory(const ParameterList& params)
  /* check that we have a linear solver parameter list */
 //  TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(params.name() != "Linear Solver",
//                      std::runtime_error,
//                      "Expected \"Linear Solver\" as name of parameter list input "
//                      "to createLOWSFactory()");

  RCP<LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<double> > rtn;  
  RCP<PreconditionerFactoryBase<double> > prec;  

  if (params.isSublist("Amesos"))
      RCP<ParameterList> p = rcp(new ParameterList(params.sublist("Amesos")));
      rtn = rcp(new AmesosLinearOpWithSolveFactory());
  else if (params.isSublist("Aztec"))
      RCP<ParameterList> p = rcp(new ParameterList(params.sublist("Aztec")));
      rtn = rcp(new AztecOOLinearOpWithSolveFactory());
  else if (params.isSublist("Belos"))
      RCP<ParameterList> p = rcp(new ParameterList(params.sublist("Belos")));
      rtn = rcp(new BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory<double>());
      TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::runtime_error, 
                         "solver parameter list did not contain one of [Aztec, Amesos, "

  if (params.isSublist("Preconditioner"))
      ParameterList precParams = params.sublist("Preconditioner");
      std::string precType = precParams.get<string>("Type");
      if (precType=="ML")
          std::string probType = getParameter<string>(precParams, "Problem Type");
          ParameterList mlParams = precParams.sublist("ML Settings");
          prec = rcp(new MLPreconditionerFactory(probType, mlParams));
      else if (precType=="Ifpack")
          std::string probType = getParameter<string>(precParams, "Prec Type");
          RCP<ParameterList> ifpackParams 
            = rcp(new ParameterList(precParams.sublist("Ifpack")));
          prec = rcp(new IfpackPreconditionerFactory());
          TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::runtime_error,
                             "Preconditioner type [" << precType << "] not recognized");

  TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(prec.get() != 0 && !rtn->acceptsPreconditionerFactory(),
                     "Huh? You have provided a preconditioner for a solver that cannot "
                     "accept a preconditioner!");

  if (prec.get() != 0 && rtn->acceptsPreconditionerFactory())
      rtn->setPreconditionerFactory(prec, "precond");

  return rtn;
コード例 #18
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  // initialize the random number generator

  int ml_one = 1;
  // ===================== //
  // create linear problem //
  // ===================== //

  ParameterList GaleriList;
  GaleriList.set("nx", 10);
  GaleriList.set("ny", 10);
  GaleriList.set("nz", 10 * Comm.NumProc());
  GaleriList.set("mx", 1);
  GaleriList.set("my", 1);
  GaleriList.set("mz", Comm.NumProc());

  Epetra_Map* Map = CreateMap("Cartesian3D", Comm, GaleriList);
  Epetra_CrsMatrix* Matrix = CreateCrsMatrix("Laplace3D", Map, GaleriList);
  Epetra_MultiVector* Coords = CreateCartesianCoordinates("3D",Map,GaleriList);

  Epetra_Vector LHS(*Map);
  Epetra_Vector RHS(*Map);

  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(Matrix, &LHS, &RHS);

  Teuchos::ParameterList MLList;
  double TotalErrorResidual = 0.0, TotalErrorExactSol = 0.0;

  // ====================== //
  // default options for SA //
  // ====================== //

  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) PrintLine();

  MLList.set("smoother: type", "Gauss-Seidel");
  char mystring[80];
  TestMultiLevelPreconditioner(mystring, MLList, Problem,
                               TotalErrorResidual, TotalErrorExactSol);

  // ============================================== //
  // default options for SA, efficient symmetric GS //
  // ============================================== //

  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) PrintLine();

  MLList.set("smoother: type", "Gauss-Seidel");
  MLList.set("smoother: Gauss-Seidel efficient symmetric",true);

  TestMultiLevelPreconditioner(mystring, MLList, Problem,
                               TotalErrorResidual, TotalErrorExactSol,true);

  // ============================== //
  // default options for SA, Jacobi //
  // ============================== //

  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) PrintLine();

  MLList.set("smoother: type", "Jacobi");

  TestMultiLevelPreconditioner(mystring, MLList, Problem, TotalErrorResidual,

  // =========================== //
  // default options for SA, Cheby //
  // =========================== //

  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) PrintLine();

  MLList.set("smoother: type", "Chebyshev");

  TestMultiLevelPreconditioner(mystring, MLList, Problem,
                               TotalErrorResidual, TotalErrorExactSol);

  // =========================== //
  // Specifying Ifpack coarse lists correctly
  // =========================== //
  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) PrintLine();

  if(!Comm.MyPID()) {
    MLList.set("ML print initial list",1);
    MLList.set("ML print final list",1);

  MLList.set("smoother: type","ILU");
  MLList.set("coarse: type","ILUT");
  ParameterList &fList = MLList.sublist("smoother: ifpack list");
  fList.set("fact: level-of-fill",1);
  ParameterList &cList = MLList.sublist("coarse: ifpack list");
  cList.set("fact: ilut level-of-fill",1e-2);
  TestMultiLevelPreconditioner(mystring, MLList, Problem,
                               TotalErrorResidual, TotalErrorExactSol);

  // =========================== //
  // Specifying level sublists
  // =========================== //
  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) PrintLine();
  ParameterList LevelList;
  ParameterList &smList = LevelList.sublist("smoother: list (level 0)");
  smList.set("smoother: type","Jacobi");
  smList.set("smoother: sweeps",5);
  ParameterList &smList2 = LevelList.sublist("smoother: list (level 1)");
  smList2.set("smoother: type","symmetric Gauss-Seidel");
  smList2.set("smoother: sweeps",3);
  ParameterList &coarseList = LevelList.sublist("coarse: list");
  coarseList.set("smoother: type","symmetric Gauss-Seidel");
  TestMultiLevelPreconditioner(mystring, LevelList, Problem,
                               TotalErrorResidual, TotalErrorExactSol);

  // =========================== //
  // Ifpack G-S w/ L1
  // =========================== //
  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) PrintLine();
  MLList.set("smoother: use l1 Gauss-Seidel",true);
  MLList.set("smoother: type", "Gauss-Seidel");
  TestMultiLevelPreconditioner(mystring, MLList, Problem,
                               TotalErrorResidual, TotalErrorExactSol);

  // =========================== //
  // Ifpack SGS w/ L1
  // =========================== //
  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) PrintLine();
  MLList.set("smoother: use l1 Gauss-Seidel",true);
  MLList.set("smoother: type", "symmetric Gauss-Seidel");
  TestMultiLevelPreconditioner(mystring, MLList, Problem,
                               TotalErrorResidual, TotalErrorExactSol);

  // =========================== //
  // Autodetected Line SGS (trivial lines) 
  // =========================== //
  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) PrintLine();
  MLList.set("smoother: type", "line Gauss-Seidel");
  MLList.set("smoother: line detection threshold",0.1);
  TestMultiLevelPreconditioner(mystring, MLList, Problem,
                               TotalErrorResidual, TotalErrorExactSol);

  // ===================== //
  // print out total error //
  // ===================== //

  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) {
    cout << endl;
    cout << "......Total error for residual        = " << TotalErrorResidual << endl;
    cout << "......Total error for exact solution  = " << TotalErrorExactSol << endl;
    cout << endl;

  delete Matrix;
  delete Coords;
  delete Map;

  if (TotalErrorResidual > 1e-8) {
    cerr << "Error: `MultiLevelPrecoditioner_Sym.exe' failed!" << endl;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI

  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0)
    cerr << "`MultiLevelPrecoditioner_Sym.exe' passed!" << endl;

  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
コード例 #19
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#include <MueLu_UseShortNames.hpp>

  using Teuchos::RCP; // reference count pointers
  using Teuchos::rcp;
  using Teuchos::TimeMonitor;
  using Teuchos::ParameterList;

  // =========================================================================
  // MPI initialization using Teuchos
  // =========================================================================
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv, NULL);
  RCP< const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = Teuchos::DefaultComm<int>::getComm();

  // =========================================================================
  // Convenient definitions
  // =========================================================================
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC> STS;
  SC zero = STS::zero(), one = STS::one();

  // =========================================================================
  // Parameters initialization
  // =========================================================================
  Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor clp(false);

  GO nx = 100, ny = 100, nz = 100;
  Galeri::Xpetra::Parameters<GO> galeriParameters(clp, nx, ny, nz, "Laplace2D"); // manage parameters of the test case
  Xpetra::Parameters             xpetraParameters(clp);                          // manage parameters of Xpetra

  std::string xmlFileName       = "scalingTest.xml"; clp.setOption("xml",                   &xmlFileName,      "read parameters from a file [default = 'scalingTest.xml']");
  bool        printTimings      = true;              clp.setOption("timings", "notimings",  &printTimings,     "print timings to screen");
  int         writeMatricesOPT  = -2;                clp.setOption("write",                 &writeMatricesOPT, "write matrices to file (-1 means all; i>=0 means level i)");
  std::string dsolveType        = "cg", solveType;   clp.setOption("solver",                &dsolveType,       "solve type: (none | cg | gmres | standalone)");
  double      dtol              = 1e-12, tol;        clp.setOption("tol",                   &dtol,             "solver convergence tolerance");

  std::string mapFile;                               clp.setOption("map",                   &mapFile,          "map data file");
  std::string matrixFile;                            clp.setOption("matrix",                &matrixFile,       "matrix data file");
  std::string coordFile;                             clp.setOption("coords",                &coordFile,        "coordinates data file");
  int         numRebuilds       = 0;                 clp.setOption("rebuild",               &numRebuilds,      "#times to rebuild hierarchy");
  int         maxIts            = 200;               clp.setOption("its",                   &maxIts,           "maximum number of solver iterations");
  bool        scaleResidualHistory = true;              clp.setOption("scale", "noscale",  &scaleResidualHistory, "scaled Krylov residual history");

  switch (clp.parse(argc, argv)) {
    case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_HELP_PRINTED:        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_ERROR:
    case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_UNRECOGNIZED_OPTION: return EXIT_FAILURE;
    case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL:          break;

  Xpetra::UnderlyingLib lib = xpetraParameters.GetLib();

  ParameterList paramList;
  Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFileAndBroadcast(xmlFileName, Teuchos::Ptr<ParameterList>(&paramList), *comm);
  bool isDriver = paramList.isSublist("Run1");
  if (isDriver) {
    // update galeriParameters with the values from the XML file
    ParameterList& realParams = galeriParameters.GetParameterList();

    for (ParameterList::ConstIterator it = realParams.begin(); it != realParams.end(); it++) {
      const std::string& name = realParams.name(it);
      if (paramList.isParameter(name))
        realParams.setEntry(name, paramList.getEntry(name));

  // Retrieve matrix parameters (they may have been changed on the command line)
  // [for instance, if we changed matrix type from 2D to 3D we need to update nz]
  ParameterList galeriList = galeriParameters.GetParameterList();

  // =========================================================================
  // Problem construction
  // =========================================================================
  std::ostringstream galeriStream;
  RCP<TimeMonitor> globalTimeMonitor = rcp(new TimeMonitor(*TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("ScalingTest: S - Global Time")));
  RCP<TimeMonitor> tm                = rcp(new TimeMonitor(*TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("ScalingTest: 1 - Matrix Build")));

  RCP<Matrix>      A;
  RCP<const Map>   map;
  RCP<MultiVector> coordinates;
  RCP<MultiVector> nullspace;
  if (matrixFile.empty()) {
    galeriStream << "========================================================\n" << xpetraParameters << galeriParameters;

    // Galeri will attempt to create a square-as-possible distribution of subdomains di, e.g.,
    //                                 d1  d2  d3
    //                                 d4  d5  d6
    //                                 d7  d8  d9
    //                                 d10 d11 d12
    // A perfect distribution is only possible when the #processors is a perfect square.
    // This *will* result in "strip" distribution if the #processors is a prime number or if the factors are very different in
    // size. For example, np=14 will give a 7-by-2 distribution.
    // If you don't want Galeri to do this, specify mx or my on the galeriList.
    std::string matrixType = galeriParameters.GetMatrixType();

    // Create map and coordinates
    // In the future, we hope to be able to first create a Galeri problem, and then request map and coordinates from it
    // At the moment, however, things are fragile as we hope that the Problem uses same map and coordinates inside
    if (matrixType == "Laplace1D") {
      map = Galeri::Xpetra::CreateMap<LO, GO, Node>(xpetraParameters.GetLib(), "Cartesian1D", comm, galeriList);
      coordinates = Galeri::Xpetra::Utils::CreateCartesianCoordinates<SC,LO,GO,Map,MultiVector>("1D", map, galeriList);

    } else if (matrixType == "Laplace2D" || matrixType == "Star2D" ||
               matrixType == "BigStar2D" || matrixType == "Elasticity2D") {
      map = Galeri::Xpetra::CreateMap<LO, GO, Node>(xpetraParameters.GetLib(), "Cartesian2D", comm, galeriList);
      coordinates = Galeri::Xpetra::Utils::CreateCartesianCoordinates<SC,LO,GO,Map,MultiVector>("2D", map, galeriList);

    } else if (matrixType == "Laplace3D" || matrixType == "Brick3D" || matrixType == "Elasticity3D") {
      map = Galeri::Xpetra::CreateMap<LO, GO, Node>(xpetraParameters.GetLib(), "Cartesian3D", comm, galeriList);
      coordinates = Galeri::Xpetra::Utils::CreateCartesianCoordinates<SC,LO,GO,Map,MultiVector>("3D", map, galeriList);

    // Expand map to do multiple DOF per node for block problems
    if (matrixType == "Elasticity2D")
      map = Xpetra::MapFactory<LO,GO,Node>::Build(map, 2);
    if (matrixType == "Elasticity3D")
      map = Xpetra::MapFactory<LO,GO,Node>::Build(map, 3);

    galeriStream << "Processor subdomains in x direction: " << galeriList.get<int>("mx") << std::endl
                 << "Processor subdomains in y direction: " << galeriList.get<int>("my") << std::endl
                 << "Processor subdomains in z direction: " << galeriList.get<int>("mz") << std::endl
                 << "========================================================" << std::endl;

    if (matrixType == "Elasticity2D" || matrixType == "Elasticity3D") {
      // Our default test case for elasticity: all boundaries of a square/cube have Neumann b.c. except left which has Dirichlet
      galeriList.set("right boundary" , "Neumann");
      galeriList.set("bottom boundary", "Neumann");
      galeriList.set("top boundary"   , "Neumann");
      galeriList.set("front boundary" , "Neumann");
      galeriList.set("back boundary"  , "Neumann");

    RCP<Galeri::Xpetra::Problem<Map,CrsMatrixWrap,MultiVector> > Pr =
        Galeri::Xpetra::BuildProblem<SC,LO,GO,Map,CrsMatrixWrap,MultiVector>(galeriParameters.GetMatrixType(), map, galeriList);
    A = Pr->BuildMatrix();

    nullspace = MultiVectorFactory::Build(map, 1);
    if (matrixType == "Elasticity2D" ||
        matrixType == "Elasticity3D") {
      nullspace = Pr->BuildNullspace();
      A->SetFixedBlockSize((galeriParameters.GetMatrixType() == "Elasticity2D") ? 2 : 3);

    } else {

  } else {
    if (!mapFile.empty())
      map = Utils2::ReadMap(mapFile, xpetraParameters.GetLib(), comm);

    if (lib == Xpetra::UseEpetra) {
      A = Utils::Read(matrixFile, map);

    } else {
      // Tpetra matrix reader is still broken, so instead we read in
      // a matrix in a binary format and then redistribute it
      const bool binaryFormat = true;
      A = Utils::Read(matrixFile, lib, comm, binaryFormat);

      RCP<Matrix> newMatrix = MatrixFactory::Build(map, 1);
      RCP<Import> importer  = ImportFactory::Build(A->getRowMap(), map);
      newMatrix->doImport(*A, *importer, Xpetra::INSERT);



    if (!coordFile.empty())
      coordinates = Utils2::ReadMultiVector(coordFile, map);

    nullspace = MultiVectorFactory::Build(map, 1);

  tm = Teuchos::null;

  galeriStream << "Galeri complete.\n========================================================" << std::endl;

  int numReruns = 1;
  if (paramList.isParameter("number of reruns"))
    numReruns = paramList.get<int>("number of reruns");

  const bool mustAlreadyExist = true;
  for (int rerunCount = 1; rerunCount <= numReruns; rerunCount++) {
    ParameterList mueluList, runList;

    bool stop = false;
    if (isDriver) {
      runList   = paramList.sublist("Run1",  mustAlreadyExist);
      mueluList = runList  .sublist("MueLu", mustAlreadyExist);
    } else {
      mueluList = paramList;
      stop = true;

    int runCount = 1;
    do {

      solveType = dsolveType;
      tol       = dtol;

      int   savedOut  = -1;
      FILE* openedOut = NULL;
      if (isDriver) {
        if (runList.isParameter("filename")) {
          // Redirect all output into a filename We have to redirect all output,
          // including printf's, therefore we cannot simply replace C++ cout
          // buffers, and have to use heavy machinary (dup2)
          std::string filename = runList.get<std::string>("filename");
          if (numReruns > 1)
            filename += "_run" + MueLu::toString(rerunCount);
          filename += (lib == Xpetra::UseEpetra ? ".epetra" : ".tpetra");

          savedOut  = dup(STDOUT_FILENO);
          openedOut = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w");
          dup2(fileno(openedOut), STDOUT_FILENO);
        if (runList.isParameter("solver")) solveType = runList.get<std::string>("solver");
        if (runList.isParameter("tol"))    tol       = runList.get<double>     ("tol");

      // Instead of checking each time for rank, create a rank 0 stream
      RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> fancy = Teuchos::fancyOStream(Teuchos::rcpFromRef(std::cout));
      Teuchos::FancyOStream& fancyout = *fancy;

      fancyout << galeriStream.str();

      // =========================================================================
      // Preconditioner construction
      // =========================================================================
      tm = rcp(new TimeMonitor(*TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("ScalingTest: 1.5 - MueLu read XML")));

      RCP<HierarchyManager> mueLuFactory = rcp(new ParameterListInterpreter(mueluList));

      tm = rcp(new TimeMonitor(*TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("ScalingTest: 2 - MueLu Setup")));

      RCP<Hierarchy> H;
      for (int i = 0; i <= numRebuilds; i++) {

        H = mueLuFactory->CreateHierarchy();
        H->GetLevel(0)->Set("A",           A);
        H->GetLevel(0)->Set("Nullspace",   nullspace);
        if (!coordinates.is_null())
          H->GetLevel(0)->Set("Coordinates", coordinates);

      tm = Teuchos::null;

      // =========================================================================
      // System solution (Ax = b)
      // =========================================================================
      tm = rcp(new TimeMonitor(*TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("ScalingTest: 3 - LHS and RHS initialization")));

      RCP<Vector> X = VectorFactory::Build(map);
      RCP<Vector> B = VectorFactory::Build(map);

        // we set seed for reproducibility
        A->apply(*X, *B, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, one, zero);

        Teuchos::Array<STS::magnitudeType> norms(1);
      tm = Teuchos::null;

      if (writeMatricesOPT > -2) {
        tm = rcp(new TimeMonitor(*TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("ScalingTest: 3.5 - Matrix output")));
        H->Write(writeMatricesOPT, writeMatricesOPT);
        tm = Teuchos::null;

      if (solveType == "none") {
        // Do not perform a solve

      } else if (solveType == "standalone") {
        tm = rcp (new TimeMonitor(*TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("ScalingTest: 4 - Fixed Point Solve")));

        H->Iterate(*B, *X, maxIts);

      } else if (solveType == "cg" || solveType == "gmres") {
        tm = rcp(new TimeMonitor(*TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("ScalingTest: 5 - Belos Solve")));

        // Operator and Multivector type that will be used with Belos
        typedef MultiVector          MV;
        typedef Belos::OperatorT<MV> OP;


        // Define Operator and Preconditioner
        Teuchos::RCP<OP> belosOp   = Teuchos::rcp(new Belos::XpetraOp<SC, LO, GO, NO, LMO>(A)); // Turns a Xpetra::Matrix object into a Belos operator
        Teuchos::RCP<OP> belosPrec = Teuchos::rcp(new Belos::MueLuOp <SC, LO, GO, NO, LMO>(H)); // Turns a MueLu::Hierarchy object into a Belos operator

        // Construct a Belos LinearProblem object
        RCP< Belos::LinearProblem<SC, MV, OP> > belosProblem = rcp(new Belos::LinearProblem<SC, MV, OP>(belosOp, X, B));

        bool set = belosProblem->setProblem();
        if (set == false) {
          fancyout << "\nERROR:  Belos::LinearProblem failed to set up correctly!" << std::endl;
          return EXIT_FAILURE;

        // Belos parameter list
        Teuchos::ParameterList belosList;
        belosList.set("Maximum Iterations",    maxIts); // Maximum number of iterations allowed
        belosList.set("Convergence Tolerance", tol);    // Relative convergence tolerance requested
        belosList.set("Verbosity",             Belos::Errors + Belos::Warnings + Belos::StatusTestDetails);
        belosList.set("Output Frequency",      1);
        belosList.set("Output Style",          Belos::Brief);
        if (!scaleResidualHistory) 
          belosList.set("Implicit Residual Scaling", "None");

        // Create an iterative solver manager
        RCP< Belos::SolverManager<SC, MV, OP> > solver;
        if (solveType == "cg") {
          solver = rcp(new Belos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr   <SC, MV, OP>(belosProblem, rcp(&belosList, false)));
        } else if (solveType == "gmres") {
          solver = rcp(new Belos::BlockGmresSolMgr<SC, MV, OP>(belosProblem, rcp(&belosList, false)));

        // Perform solve
        Belos::ReturnType ret = Belos::Unconverged;
        try {
          ret = solver->solve();

          // Get the number of iterations for this solve.
          fancyout << "Number of iterations performed for this solve: " << solver->getNumIters() << std::endl;

        } catch(...) {
          fancyout << std::endl << "ERROR:  Belos threw an error! " << std::endl;

        // Check convergence
        if (ret != Belos::Converged)
          fancyout << std::endl << "ERROR:  Belos did not converge! " << std::endl;
          fancyout << std::endl << "SUCCESS:  Belos converged!" << std::endl;
#endif //ifdef HAVE_MUELU_BELOS
      } else {
        throw MueLu::Exceptions::RuntimeError("Unknown solver type: \"" + solveType + "\"");
      tm = Teuchos::null;
      globalTimeMonitor = Teuchos::null;

      if (printTimings)
        TimeMonitor::summarize(A->getRowMap()->getComm().ptr(), std::cout, false, true, false, Teuchos::Union);


      if (isDriver) {
        if (openedOut != NULL) {
          dup2(savedOut, STDOUT_FILENO);
          openedOut = NULL;
        try {
          runList   = paramList.sublist("Run" + MueLu::toString(++runCount), mustAlreadyExist);
          mueluList = runList  .sublist("MueLu", mustAlreadyExist);
        } catch (std::exception) {
          stop = true;

    } while (stop == false);

  return 0;
} //main
コード例 #20
// compare metrics
bool ComparisonHelper::CompareMetrics(const ParameterList &metricsPlist, const RCP<const Comm<int> > &comm)
  int rank = comm->getRank();
  //get sources for problema nd reference
  const string prb_name = metricsPlist.get<string>("Problem");
  const string ref_name = metricsPlist.get<string>("Reference");
  if(rank == 0) {
    cout  << "\nMetric/Timer comparison of: " << prb_name << " and ";
    cout << ref_name <<" (reference source)\n";
  // get sources
  RCP<const ComparisonSource> sourcePrb = this->sources[prb_name];
  RCP<const ComparisonSource> sourceRef = this->sources[ref_name];

  // get timing data
  std::map< const string, const double> prb_timers = this->timerDataToMap(sourcePrb->timers);
  std::map< const string, const double> ref_timers = this->timerDataToMap(sourceRef->timers);

  // get all of the metrics to be tested
  std::queue<ParameterList> metrics = ComparisonHelper::getMetricsToCompare(metricsPlist);

  // run comparison
  int all_tests_pass = 1;
  string metric_name;
  while(!metrics.empty()) {
    // print their names...
    ostringstream msg;
    metric_name = metrics.front().name();

    if (metric_name == "Metrics") { // special key word means compare the metrics list
      std::vector<MetricAnalyzerInfo> metricInfoSetPrb;
      std::vector<MetricAnalyzerInfo> metricInfoSetRef;

      MetricAnalyzer::LoadMetricInfo(metricInfoSetPrb, sourcePrb.get()->metricObject, metricsPlist.sublist("Metrics"));
      MetricAnalyzer::LoadMetricInfo(metricInfoSetRef, sourceRef.get()->metricObject, metricsPlist.sublist("Metrics"));

      // there is some redundancy here because the metric info holds both the questions and the results
      // this happened because I wanted to reuse the MetricAnalyzer code for loading metric checks or comparisons
      // we can iterate over either to get the questions
      for (size_t n = 0; n < metricInfoSetPrb.size(); ++n) {
        if(!ComparisonHelper::metricComparisonTest(comm, metricInfoSetPrb[n], metricInfoSetRef[n], metrics.front(), msg)) {
          all_tests_pass = 0;
        if(rank == 0) {
          cout << msg.str() << endl;
    else if(prb_timers.find(metric_name) != prb_timers.end() && ref_timers.find(metric_name) != ref_timers.end()) {
      if(rank == 0) cout << "\ncomparing timer: " << metric_name << endl;
                                                metrics.front(), msg)) {
        all_tests_pass = 0;
        if (rank == 0) {
          cout << "timer comparison test caused a FAILED event." << endl;
      if(rank == 0) {
        cout << msg.str() << endl;

  if(rank == 0) {
    if(all_tests_pass == 1) {
      cout << "\nAll metric/timer comparisons PASSED." << endl;
    else {
      cout << "\nMetric/timer metric comparisons FAILED." << endl;

  return (all_tests_pass == 1);
コード例 #21
  Teuchos::RCP<MueLu::TpetraOperator<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal,Node> >
  CreateTpetraPreconditioner(const Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra::Operator<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> > &inA,
                         Teuchos::ParameterList& inParamList,
                         const Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra::MultiVector<double, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>>& inCoords = Teuchos::null,
                         const Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra::MultiVector<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>>& inNullspace = Teuchos::null)
    typedef Scalar          SC;
    typedef LocalOrdinal    LO;
    typedef GlobalOrdinal   GO;
    typedef Node            NO;

    using   Teuchos::ParameterList;

    typedef Xpetra::MultiVector<SC,LO,GO,NO>            MultiVector;
    typedef Xpetra::Matrix<SC,LO,GO,NO>                 Matrix;
    typedef Hierarchy<SC,LO,GO,NO>                      Hierarchy;
    typedef HierarchyManager<SC,LO,GO,NO>               HierarchyManager;
    typedef Tpetra::CrsMatrix<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> crs_matrix_type;
    typedef Tpetra::Experimental::BlockCrsMatrix<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> block_crs_matrix_type;

    bool hasParamList = inParamList.numParams();

    RCP<HierarchyManager> mueLuFactory;
    ParameterList paramList = inParamList;
    RCP<const crs_matrix_type> constCrsA;
    RCP<crs_matrix_type> crsA;

    std::string externalMG = "use external multigrid package";
    if (hasParamList && paramList.isParameter(externalMG) && paramList.get<std::string>(externalMG) == "amgx"){
      constCrsA = rcp_dynamic_cast<const crs_matrix_type>(inA);
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(constCrsA == Teuchos::null, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "CreateTpetraPreconditioner: failed to dynamic cast to Tpetra::CrsMatrix, which is required to be able to use AmgX.");
      return rcp(new AMGXOperator<SC,LO,GO,NO>(inA,inParamList));
    std::string syntaxStr = "parameterlist: syntax";
    if (hasParamList && paramList.isParameter(syntaxStr) && paramList.get<std::string>(syntaxStr) == "ml") {
      mueLuFactory = rcp(new MLParameterListInterpreter<SC,LO,GO,NO>(paramList));

    } else {
      mueLuFactory = rcp(new ParameterListInterpreter  <SC,LO,GO,NO>(paramList,inA->getDomainMap()->getComm()));

    RCP<Hierarchy> H = mueLuFactory->CreateHierarchy();

    // Wrap A
    RCP<Matrix> A;
    RCP<block_crs_matrix_type> bcrsA = rcp_dynamic_cast<block_crs_matrix_type>(inA);
    crsA = rcp_dynamic_cast<crs_matrix_type>(inA);
    if (crsA != Teuchos::null)
      A = TpetraCrs_To_XpetraMatrix<SC,LO,GO,NO>(crsA);
    else if (bcrsA != Teuchos::null) {
      RCP<Xpetra::CrsMatrix<SC,LO,GO,NO> > temp = rcp(new Xpetra::TpetraBlockCrsMatrix<SC,LO,GO,NO>(bcrsA));
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(temp==Teuchos::null, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "CreateTpetraPreconditioner: cast from Tpetra::Experimental::BlockCrsMatrix to Xpetra::TpetraBlockCrsMatrix failed.");
      A = rcp(new Xpetra::CrsMatrixWrap<SC,LO,GO,NO>(temp));
    else {
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "CreateTpetraPreconditioner: only Tpetra CrsMatrix and BlockCrsMatrix types are supported.");
    H->GetLevel(0)->Set("A", A);

    // Wrap coordinates if available
    if (inCoords != Teuchos::null) {
      RCP<Xpetra::MultiVector<double,LO,GO,NO> > coordinates = TpetraMultiVector_To_XpetraMultiVector<double,LO,GO,NO>(inCoords);
      H->GetLevel(0)->Set("Coordinates", coordinates);

    // Wrap nullspace if available, otherwise use constants
    RCP<MultiVector> nullspace;
    if (inNullspace != Teuchos::null) {
      nullspace = TpetraMultiVector_To_XpetraMultiVector<SC,LO,GO,NO>(inNullspace);

    } else {
      int nPDE = MasterList::getDefault<int>("number of equations");
      if (paramList.isSublist("Matrix")) {
        // Factory style parameter list
        const Teuchos::ParameterList& operatorList = paramList.sublist("Matrix");
        if (operatorList.isParameter("PDE equations"))
          nPDE = operatorList.get<int>("PDE equations");

      } else if (paramList.isParameter("number of equations")) {
        // Easy style parameter list
        nPDE = paramList.get<int>("number of equations");

      nullspace = Xpetra::MultiVectorFactory<SC,LO,GO,NO>::Build(A->getDomainMap(), nPDE);
      if (nPDE == 1) {

      } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < nPDE; i++) {
          Teuchos::ArrayRCP<SC> nsData = nullspace->getDataNonConst(i);
          for (int j = 0; j < nsData.size(); j++) {
            GO GID = A->getDomainMap()->getGlobalElement(j) - A->getDomainMap()->getIndexBase();

            if ((GID-i) % nPDE == 0)
              nsData[j] = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::one();
    H->GetLevel(0)->Set("Nullspace", nullspace);

    Teuchos::ParameterList nonSerialList,dummyList;
    ExtractNonSerializableData(paramList, dummyList, nonSerialList);
    HierarchyUtils<SC,LO,GO,NO>::AddNonSerializableDataToHierarchy(*mueLuFactory,*H, nonSerialList);
    return rcp(new TpetraOperator<SC,LO,GO,NO>(H));
コード例 #22
  void ParameterListInterpreter<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps>::SetEasyParameterList(const Teuchos::ParameterList& constParamList) {
    // Create a non const copy of the parameter list
    // Working with a modifiable list is much much easier than with original one
    ParameterList paramList = constParamList;

    // Translate cycle type parameter
    if (paramList.isParameter("cycle type")) {
      std::map<std::string,CycleType> cycleMap;
      cycleMap["V"] = VCYCLE;
      cycleMap["W"] = WCYCLE;

      std::string cycleType = paramList.get<std::string>("cycle type");
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(cycleMap.count(cycleType) == 0, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "Invalid cycle type: \"" << cycleType << "\"");
      Cycle_ = cycleMap[cycleType];

    this->maxCoarseSize_    = paramList.get<int> ("coarse: max size",    Hierarchy::GetDefaultMaxCoarseSize());
    this->numDesiredLevel_  = paramList.get<int> ("max levels",          Hierarchy::GetDefaultMaxLevels());
    this->graphOutputLevel_ = paramList.get<int> ("debug: graph level", -1);
    blockSize_              = paramList.get<int> ("number of equations", 1);

    // Save level data
    if (paramList.isSublist("print")) {
      ParameterList printList = paramList.sublist("print");

      if (printList.isParameter("A"))
        this->matricesToPrint_     = Teuchos::getArrayFromStringParameter<int>(printList, "A");
      if (printList.isParameter("P"))
        this->prolongatorsToPrint_ = Teuchos::getArrayFromStringParameter<int>(printList, "P");
      if (printList.isParameter("R"))
        this->restrictorsToPrint_  = Teuchos::getArrayFromStringParameter<int>(printList, "R");

    // Translate verbosity parameter
    this->verbosity_ = static_cast<MsgType>(Hierarchy::GetDefaultVerbLevel());      // cast int to enum
    if (paramList.isParameter("verbosity")) {
      std::map<std::string,MsgType> verbMap;
      verbMap["none"]    = None;
      verbMap["low"]     = Low;
      verbMap["medium"]  = Medium;
      verbMap["high"]    = High;
      verbMap["extreme"] = Extreme;
      verbMap["test"]    = Test;

      std::string verbosityLevel = paramList.get<std::string>("verbosity");
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(verbMap.count(verbosityLevel) == 0, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "Invalid verbosity level: \"" << verbosityLevel << "\"");
      this->verbosity_ = verbMap[verbosityLevel];

    // Detect if we need to transfer coordinates to coarse levels. We do that iff
    //  - we use "laplacian" dropping on some level, or
    //  - we use repartitioning on some level
    // This is not ideal, as we may have "repartition: enable" turned on by default
    // and not present in the list, but it is better than nothing.
    useCoordinates_ = false;
    if ((paramList.isParameter("repartition: enable")      && paramList.get<bool>("repartition: enable")             == true) ||
        (paramList.isParameter("aggregation: drop scheme") && paramList.get<std::string>("aggregation: drop scheme") == "laplacian")) {
      useCoordinates_ = true;

    } else {
      for (int levelID = 0; levelID < this->numDesiredLevel_; levelID++) {
        std::string levelStr = "level" + toString(levelID);

        if (paramList.isSublist(levelStr)) {
          const ParameterList& levelList = paramList.sublist(levelStr);

          if ((levelList.isParameter("repartition: enable")      && levelList.get<bool>("repartition: enable")             == true) ||
              (levelList.isParameter("aggregation: drop scheme") && levelList.get<std::string>("aggregation: drop scheme") == "laplacian")) {
            useCoordinates_ = true;

    // Detect if we do implicit P and R rebalance
    if (paramList.isParameter("repartition: enable") && paramList.get<bool>("repartition: enable") == true)
      this->doPRrebalance_ = paramList.get<bool>("repartition: rebalance P and R", Hierarchy::GetDefaultPRrebalance());

    this->implicitTranspose_ = paramList.get<bool>("transpose: use implicit", Hierarchy::GetDefaultImplicitTranspose());

    // Create default manager
    RCP<FactoryManager> defaultManager = rcp(new FactoryManager());
    UpdateFactoryManager(paramList, ParameterList(), *defaultManager);

    for (int levelID = 0; levelID < this->numDesiredLevel_; levelID++) {
      RCP<FactoryManager> levelManager;

      if (paramList.isSublist("level " + toString(levelID))) {
        // Some level specific parameters, update default manager
        bool mustAlreadyExist = true;
        ParameterList& levelList = paramList.sublist("level " + toString(levelID), mustAlreadyExist);

        levelManager = rcp(new FactoryManager(*defaultManager));

        UpdateFactoryManager(levelList, paramList, *levelManager);

      } else {
        // No level specific parameter, use default manager
        levelManager = defaultManager;

      this->AddFactoryManager(levelID, 1, levelManager);

    if (paramList.isParameter("strict parameter checking") &&
        paramList.get<bool>  ("strict parameter checking")) {
      ParameterList unusedParamList;

      // Check for unused parameters that aren't lists
      for (ParameterList::ConstIterator itr = paramList.begin(); itr != paramList.end(); ++itr) {
        const ParameterEntry& entry = paramList.entry(itr);

        if (!entry.isList() && !entry.isUsed())
          unusedParamList.setEntry(paramList.name(itr), entry);
#if 0
      // Check for unused parameters in level-specific sublists
      for (int levelID = 0; levelID < this->numDesiredLevel_; levelID++) {
        std::string levelStr = "level" + toString(levelID);

        if (paramList.isSublist(levelStr)) {
          const ParameterList& levelList = paramList.sublist(levelStr);

          for (ParameterList::ConstIterator itr = levelList.begin(); itr != levelList.end(); ++itr) {
            const ParameterEntry& entry = levelList.entry(itr);

            if (!entry.isList() && !entry.isUsed())
              unusedParamList.sublist(levelStr).setEntry(levelList.name(itr), entry);
      if (unusedParamList.numParams() > 0) {
        std::ostringstream unusedParamsStream;
        int indent = 4;
        unusedParamList.print(unusedParamsStream, indent);

        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION_PURE_MSG(true, Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameter,
                                            "WARNING: Unused parameters were detected. Please check spelling and type." << std::endl << unusedParamsStream.str());

    // FIXME: parameters passed to packages, like Ifpack2, are not touched by us, resulting in "[unused]" flag
    // being displayed. On the other hand, we don't want to simply iterate through them touching. I don't know
    // what a good solution looks like
    this->GetOStream(static_cast<MsgType>(Runtime1 | Test), 0) << paramList << std::endl;
コード例 #23
ファイル: cxx_main.cpp プロジェクト: 00liujj/trilinos
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  int mypid = Comm.MyPID();
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;
  int mypid = 0;

  // Read XML input deck
  ParameterList masterList;
  if (argc > 1) {
    if (strncmp("-h",argv[1],2) == 0) {
      cout << "help" << endl;
    else {
      int i=0,j;
      FILE* fid = fopen(argv[1],"r");
      if (fid) {
      Comm.SumAll(&i, &j, 1);
      if (j!=Comm.NumProc()) {
        cout << "Could not open input file." << endl;
      FileInputSource fileSrc(argv[1]);
      XMLObject fileXML = fileSrc.getObject();
      XMLParameterListReader ListReader;
      masterList = ListReader.toParameterList(fileXML);
  } else {
    cout << "No input file specified." << endl;

  ParameterList *fileList, *AztecOOList;
  try {fileList = &(masterList.sublist("data files",true));}
  catch(...) {ML_Exit(mypid,"Missing \"data files\" sublist.",EXIT_FAILURE);}
  try {AztecOOList = &(masterList.sublist("AztecOO"));}
  catch(...) {ML_Exit(mypid,"Missing \"AztecOO\" sublist.",EXIT_FAILURE);}

   const int ntimers=4;
   enum {total, probBuild, precBuild, solve};
   ml_DblLoc timeVec[ntimers], maxTime[ntimers], minTime[ntimers];

  for (int i=0; i<ntimers; i++) timeVec[i].rank = Comm.MyPID();
  timeVec[total].value = MPI_Wtime();
  string matrixfile = fileList->get("matrix input file","A.dat");
  const char *datafile = matrixfile.c_str();
  int numGlobalRows;
  ML_Read_Matrix_Dimensions(datafile, &numGlobalRows, Comm);

  timeVec[probBuild].value = MPI_Wtime();

  // ===================================================== //
  // READ IN MATRICES FROM FILE                            //
  // ===================================================== //

  if (!mypid) printf("reading %s\n",datafile); fflush(stdout);
  Epetra_CrsMatrix *Amat=NULL;
  //Epetra_Map *RowMap=NULL;
  int errCode=0;
  //if (RowMap) errCode=EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToCrsMatrix(datafile, *RowMap, Amat);
  //else        errCode=EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToCrsMatrix(datafile, Comm, Amat);
  errCode=EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToCrsMatrix(datafile, Comm, Amat);
  if (errCode) ML_Exit(mypid,"error reading matrix", EXIT_FAILURE);

  Epetra_Vector LHS(Amat->RowMap()); LHS.Random();
  Epetra_Vector RHS(Amat->RowMap()); RHS.PutScalar(0.0);
  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(Amat, &LHS, &RHS);

  timeVec[probBuild].value = MPI_Wtime() - timeVec[probBuild].value;

  // =========================== build preconditioner ===========================

  timeVec[precBuild].value = MPI_Wtime();

  // no preconditioner right now

  timeVec[precBuild].value = MPI_Wtime() - timeVec[precBuild].value;

  // =========================== outer solver =============================

  timeVec[solve].value = MPI_Wtime();
  int maxits = AztecOOList->get("Aztec iterations",250);
  double tol = AztecOOList->get("Aztec tolerance",1e-10);
  timeVec[solve].value = MPI_Wtime() - timeVec[solve].value;

  // compute the real residual
  double residual;

  if( Comm.MyPID()==0 ) {
    cout << "||b-Ax||_2 = " << residual << endl;

  delete Amat;
  //delete RowMap;

  timeVec[total].value = MPI_Wtime() - timeVec[total].value;

  double dupTime[ntimers],avgTime[ntimers];
  for (int i=0; i<ntimers; i++) dupTime[i] = timeVec[i].value;
  for (int i=0; i<ntimers; i++) avgTime[i] = avgTime[i]/Comm.NumProc();

  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) {
    printf("timing :  max (pid)  min (pid)  avg\n");
    printf("Problem build         :   %2.3e (%d)  %2.3e (%d)  %2.3e \n",
    printf("Preconditioner build  :   %2.3e (%d)  %2.3e (%d)  %2.3e \n",
    printf("Solve                 :   %2.3e (%d)  %2.3e (%d)  %2.3e \n",
    printf("Total                 :   %2.3e (%d)  %2.3e (%d)  %2.3e \n",

#ifdef HAVE_MPI

} //main