コード例 #1
ファイル: tlvObjects.cpp プロジェクト: amitarya/junk
	PixMap *pmap = PixMap::GetInstance();
	for (int i=0; i < _num; i++) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: pix-map.cpp プロジェクト: SupinfoGameDev/antares
void PixMap::copy(const PixMap& pix) {
    if (size() != pix.size()) {
        throw Exception("Mismatch in PixMap sizes");
    for (int i = 0; i < size().height; ++i) {
        memcpy(mutable_row(i), pix.row(i), size().width * sizeof(RgbColor));
コード例 #3
ファイル: a1q1.cpp プロジェクト: Williethekidcrus/Assignment1
/*this fill function is currently a stub (function that compiles and operates
  in some expected manner but doesn't actually work).  It only fills in the top left 10x10 pixel
area with the fill colour passed in and its return value is always true
bool fill(PixMap& image,const Pixel& fillColour,int x, int y){
	if (image.getPixel(x, y) == fillColour) {
		image.setPixel(fillColour, x, y);

		return true;
	image.setPixel(fillColour, x, y);
	if(x < image.width()-1){
	fill(image, fillColour, x+1, y);
	if(x > 0){
	fill(image, fillColour, x-1, y);
	if(y < image.height()-1 ){
	fill(image, fillColour, x, y + 1);
	if(y > 0){
	fill(image, fillColour, x, y - 1);
	return true;

コード例 #4
ファイル: pix-map.cpp プロジェクト: SupinfoGameDev/antares
void PixMap::composite(const PixMap& pix) {
    if (size() != pix.size()) {
        throw Exception("Mismatch in PixMap sizes");
    for (int y = 0; y < size().height; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < size().width; ++x) {
            const RgbColor& over = pix.get(x, y);
            const double oa = over.alpha / 255.0;
            const RgbColor& under = get(x, y);
            const double ua = under.alpha / 255.0;

            // TODO(sfiera): if we're going to do anything like this in the long run, we should
            // require that alpha be pre-multiplied with the color components.  We should probably
            // also use integral arithmetic.
            double red   = (over.red   * oa) + ((under.red   * ua) * (1.0 - oa));
            double green = (over.green * oa) + ((under.green * ua) * (1.0 - oa));
            double blue  = (over.blue  * oa) + ((under.blue  * ua) * (1.0 - oa));
            double alpha = oa + (ua * (1.0 - oa));
            set(x, y, RgbColor(alpha * 255, red / alpha, green / alpha, blue / alpha));
コード例 #5
void NatePixTable::Frame::load_overlay(const PixMap& pix, uint8_t color) {
    for (auto x : range(width())) {
        for (auto y : range(height())) {
            RgbColor over  = pix.get(x, y);
            uint8_t  value = over.red;
            uint8_t  frac  = over.alpha;
            over           = RgbColor::tint(color, value);
            RgbColor under = _pix_map.get(x, y);
            RgbColor composite;
            composite.red   = ((over.red * frac) + (under.red * (255 - frac))) / 255;
            composite.green = ((over.green * frac) + (under.green * (255 - frac))) / 255;
            composite.blue  = ((over.blue * frac) + (under.blue * (255 - frac))) / 255;
            composite.alpha = under.alpha;
            _pix_map.set(x, y, composite);
コード例 #6
void copy_world(PixMap& to, PixMap& from, Rect bounds) {
コード例 #7
shared_ptr<Texture> TextureManager::createTexture(const PixMap &map, TexFlags flags) {
	SDL_Surface *img = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(const_cast<PixMap::pixel_t *>(map.getData()), map.getWidth(), map.getHeight(), 32, map.getWidth()*4, 0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000);
	return surfaceToTexture(logger, img, renderer, flags, "#PIXMAP");