コード例 #1
void WorldSession::HandleCharCreate( WorldPacket & recv_data )
	CHECK_PACKET_SIZE(recv_data, 1+1+1+1+2+2+2+2+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1);

	Player * pNewChar = new Player(this);

	// prevent character creating with invalid name
		sLog.outError("Account:[%d] but tried to Create character with empty [name]", GetAccountId());

	std::string pass1;
	std::string pass2;

	if(pNewChar->Create( objmgr.GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_PLAYER), new_name, recv_data, pass1, pass2 ))
		Item* shirt = pNewChar->CreateItem( 864, 1 );
		if( shirt )
			uint8 slot = shirt->GetProto()->EquipmentSlot;
			uint8 dest = slot;
			if( pNewChar->CanEquipItem( slot, dest, shirt, false ) == EQUIP_ERR_OK )
				pNewChar->EquipItem( dest, shirt, false );
				delete shirt;

		///- Add level 1 survival gears
		pNewChar->AddNewInventoryItem( 10012, 1 );
		pNewChar->AddNewInventoryItem( 19001, 1 );
		pNewChar->AddNewInventoryItem( 20711, 1 );
		pNewChar->AddNewInventoryItem( 21011, 1 );
		pNewChar->AddNewInventoryItem( 22401, 1 );

		///- Adding default pet (Guo Jia evo)
		Pet* pet = pNewChar->CreatePet( 3402 );
		if( pet )
			uint8 slot = 0;
			uint8 dest = slot;
			if( pNewChar->CanSummonPet( slot, dest, pet, false ) == PET_ERR_OK )
				pNewChar->SummonPet( 0, pet );
				delete pet;


		delete pNewChar;
		// Player not create (problem?)
		delete pNewChar;

		///- TODO: Send char create error to client

	std::string md5pass1 = md5(pass1);
	std::string md5pass2 = md5(pass2);

	///- Commit pending player creation transaction, for login preparation
	loginDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE accounts SET md5pass1 = '%s', md5pass2 = '%s' WHERE accountid = %u", md5pass1.c_str(), md5pass2.c_str(), GetAccountId());


	///- do a small delay to make sure player save to database completed

	std::string IP_str = _socket ? _socket->GetRemoteAddress().c_str() : "-";
	sLog.outString("Account: %d (IP: %s) Create Character:[%s]", GetAccountId(), IP_str.c_str(), new_name.c_str());
	sLog.outChar("Account: %d (IP: %s) Create Character:[%s]", GetAccountId(), IP_str.c_str(), new_name.c_str());

	///- Clear new name after new player creation
	new_name = "";

	WorldPacket data;

	data << (uint8 ) pass1.size();
	data << (uint32) GetAccountId();
	data << (uint32) 0x00;
	data << pass1;

	HandlePlayerLoginOpcode( data );
