コード例 #1
ファイル: physShape.cpp プロジェクト: Bloodknight/GMK
bool PhysShape::castRayLocal(const Point3F &startLocal, const Point3F &endLocal, RayInfo* info)
    if (m_physInfo.owner)
        const VectorF& scale = m_physInfo.owner->getScale();
        const MatrixF& objToWorld = m_physInfo.owner->getTransform();
        Point3F start(startLocal);
        Point3F end (endLocal);


        bool res = castRay(start,end,info);
        if (res && info)
            info->normal = startLocal - endLocal;

        return res;
    return false;
コード例 #2
void GFXDrawUtil::_drawSolidCapsule( const GFXStateBlockDesc &desc, const Point3F &center, F32 radius, F32 height, const ColorI &color, const MatrixF *xfm )
   MatrixF mat;
   if ( xfm )
      mat = *xfm;      
      mat = MatrixF::Identity;

   S32 numPoints = sizeof(circlePoints)/sizeof(Point2F);
   GFXVertexBufferHandle<GFXVertexPC> verts(mDevice, numPoints * 2 + 2, GFXBufferTypeVolatile);

   for (S32 i=0; i<numPoints + 1; i++)
      S32 imod = i % numPoints;      
      verts[2 * i].point = Point3F( circlePoints[imod].x * radius, circlePoints[imod].y * radius, height );
      verts[2 * i].color = color;
      verts[2 * i + 1].point = Point3F( circlePoints[imod].x * radius, circlePoints[imod].y * radius, -height );
      verts[2 * i + 1].color = color;

   S32 totalNumPnts = numPoints * 2 + 2;

   // Apply xfm if we were passed one.
   for ( U32 i = 0; i < totalNumPnts; i++ )
      mat.mulP( verts[i].point );

   // Apply position offset
   for ( U32 i = 0; i < totalNumPnts; i++ )
      verts[i].point += center;


   mDevice->setStateBlockByDesc( desc );

   mDevice->setVertexBuffer( verts );

   mDevice->drawPrimitive( GFXTriangleStrip, 0, 2 * numPoints );

   Point3F sphereCenter;
   MatrixF sphereMat;

   if ( xfm )
      sphereMat = *xfm;
      sphereMat = MatrixF::Identity;   

   sphereCenter.set( 0, 0, 0.5f * height );
   mat.mulV( sphereCenter );
   sphereCenter += center;

   drawSphere( desc, radius, sphereCenter, color, true, false, &sphereMat );

   sphereCenter.set( 0, 0, -0.5f * height );
   mat.mulV( sphereCenter );
   sphereCenter += center;

   drawSphere( desc, radius, sphereCenter, color, false, true, &sphereMat );
コード例 #3
bool AtlasGeomChunkTracer::castRay(const Point3F &start, const Point3F &end, RayInfo *info)
   // Don't collide if nothing's there...
      return false;

   // Do our tracing math in 0..1 space, but still need filespace coordinates
   // as that's how our geometry is currently stored. So let's store off the
   // values pass, then convert them to chunkspace (0..1) so we can process
   // them normally.

   // Cache the delta of the ray, to save us some per-tri vector math later on...
   mRayDelta = end - start;
   mRayStart = start;
   mRayEnd   = end;

   // Figure scale and offset to get to chunkspace from filespace.
   mScale.set(1.0 / mChunk->mBounds.len_x(), 1.0 / mChunk->mBounds.len_y(), 1.0);
   mOffset = -mChunk->mBounds.minExtents;
   mOffset.z = 0;

   // Now, scale down to chunkspace, and cast the ray!
   Point3F adjStart = (start + mOffset);

   Point3F adjEnd = (end + mOffset);

   return QuadTreeTracer::castRay(adjStart, adjEnd, info);
コード例 #4
void TurretShape::getRenderWeaponMountTransform( F32 delta, S32 mountPoint, const MatrixF &xfm, MatrixF *outMat )
   // Returns mount point to world space transform
   if ( mountPoint >= 0 && mountPoint < SceneObject::NumMountPoints) {
      S32 ni = mDataBlock->weaponMountNode[mountPoint];
      if (ni != -1) {
         MatrixF mountTransform = mShapeInstance->mNodeTransforms[ni];
         mountTransform.mul( xfm );
         const Point3F& scale = getScale();

         // The position of the mount point needs to be scaled.
         Point3F position = mountTransform.getPosition();
         position.convolve( scale );
         mountTransform.setPosition( position );

         // Also we would like the object to be scaled to the model.
         mountTransform.scale( scale );
         outMat->mul(getRenderTransform(), mountTransform);

   // Then let SceneObject handle it.
   GrandParent::getRenderMountTransform( delta, mountPoint, xfm, outMat );   
コード例 #5
ファイル: rigid.cpp プロジェクト: Adhdcrazzy/Torque3D
/** Resolve collision with an immovable object
   Computes & applies the collision impulse needed to keep the body
   from penetrating the given surface.
bool Rigid::resolveCollision(const Point3F& p, const Point3F &normal)
   atRest = false;
   Point3F v,r;
   F32 n = -mDot(v,normal);
   if (n >= 0.0f) {

      // Collision impulse, straight forward force stuff.
      F32 d = getZeroImpulse(r,normal);
      F32 j = n * (1.0f + restitution) * d;
      Point3F impulse = normal * j;

      // Friction impulse, calculated as a function of the
      // amount of force it would take to stop the motion
      // perpendicular to the normal.
      Point3F uv = v + (normal * n);
      F32 ul = uv.len();
      if (ul) {
         uv /= -ul;
         F32 u = ul * getZeroImpulse(r,uv);
         j *= friction;
         if (u > j)
            u = j;
         impulse += uv * u;

   return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: VPathNode.cpp プロジェクト: AnteSim/Verve
void VPathNode::updateWorldData( void )
    if ( !mPath )
        setWorldPosition( getLocalPosition() );
        setWorldRotation( getLocalRotation() );

    // Fetch Path Details.
    const MatrixF &pathTransform = mPath->getTransform();
    const QuatF   &pathRotation( pathTransform );

    // Calculate the World Position.
    Point3F newPosition = getLocalPosition();
    newPosition.convolve( mPath->getScale() );
    pathTransform.mulP( newPosition );

    // Calculate the new Rotation.
    QuatF newRotation;
    newRotation.mul( getLocalRotation(), pathRotation );

    // Apply.
    setWorldPosition( newPosition );
    setWorldRotation( newRotation );
コード例 #7
bool PxSingleActor::prepRenderImage(   SceneState *state,
                                          const U32 stateKey,
                                          const U32 startZone, 
                                          const bool modifyBaseState )
   if ( !mShapeInstance || !state->isObjectRendered(this) )
      return false;

   Point3F cameraOffset;
   cameraOffset -= state->getDiffuseCameraPosition();
   F32 dist = cameraOffset.len();
   if ( dist < 0.01f )
      dist = 0.01f;

   F32 invScale = (1.0f/getMax(getMax(getScale().x,getScale().y),getScale().z));
   dist *= invScale;
   S32 dl = mShapeInstance->setDetailFromDistance( state, dist );
   if (dl<0)
      return false;

   renderObject( state );

   return false;
コード例 #8
ファイル: projectile.cpp プロジェクト: AlkexGas/Torque3D
void Projectile::interpolateTick(F32 delta)

   if( mHasExploded )

   Point3F interpPos = mCurrDeltaBase + mCurrBackDelta * delta;
   Point3F dir = mCurrVelocity;

   MatrixF xform(true);
	xform = MathUtils::createOrientFromDir(dir);

   // fade out the projectile image
   S32 time = (S32)(mCurrTick - delta);
   if(time > mDataBlock->fadeDelay)
      F32 fade = F32(time - mDataBlock->fadeDelay);
      mFadeValue = 1.0 - (fade / F32(mDataBlock->lifetime));
      mFadeValue = 1.0;

コード例 #9
ファイル: cloudLayer.cpp プロジェクト: practicing01/Torque3D
void CloudLayer::renderObject( ObjectRenderInst *ri, SceneRenderState *state, BaseMatInstance *mi )
   GFXTransformSaver saver;

   const Point3F &camPos = state->getCameraPosition();
   MatrixF xfm(true);

   if ( state->isReflectPass() )
      GFX->setProjectionMatrix( state->getSceneManager()->getNonClipProjection() );

   GFX->setShader( mShader );
   GFX->setShaderConstBuffer( mShaderConsts );
   GFX->setStateBlock( mStateblock );

   // Set all the shader consts...

   MatrixF xform(GFX->getProjectionMatrix());
   xform *= GFX->getViewMatrix();
   xform *= GFX->getWorldMatrix();

   mShaderConsts->setSafe( mModelViewProjSC, xform );

   mShaderConsts->setSafe( mEyePosWorldSC, camPos );

   LightInfo *lightinfo = LIGHTMGR->getSpecialLight(LightManager::slSunLightType);
   const ColorF &sunlight = state->getAmbientLightColor();

   Point3F ambientColor( sunlight.red, sunlight.green, sunlight.blue );
   mShaderConsts->setSafe( mAmbientColorSC, ambientColor );   

   const ColorF &sunColor = lightinfo->getColor();
   Point3F data( sunColor.red, sunColor.green, sunColor.blue );
   mShaderConsts->setSafe( mSunColorSC, data );

   mShaderConsts->setSafe( mSunVecSC, lightinfo->getDirection() );

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < TEX_COUNT; i++ )         
      mShaderConsts->setSafe( mTexOffsetSC[i], mTexOffset[i] );

   Point3F scale( mTexScale[0], mTexScale[1], mTexScale[2] );
   mShaderConsts->setSafe( mTexScaleSC, scale );

   Point3F color;
   color.set( mBaseColor.red, mBaseColor.green, mBaseColor.blue );
   mShaderConsts->setSafe( mBaseColorSC, color );

   mShaderConsts->setSafe( mCoverageSC, mCoverage );

   mShaderConsts->setSafe( mExposureSC, mExposure );

   GFX->setTexture( mNormalHeightMapSC->getSamplerRegister(), mTexture );                            
   GFX->setVertexBuffer( mVB );            
   GFX->setPrimitiveBuffer( mPB );

   GFX->drawIndexedPrimitive( GFXTriangleList, 0, 0, smVertCount, 0, smTriangleCount );
コード例 #10
ファイル: item.cpp プロジェクト: Bloodknight/GMK
void Item::updateWorkingCollisionSet(const U32 mask, const F32 dt)
   // It is assumed that we will never accelerate more than 10 m/s for gravity...
   Point3F scaledVelocity = mVelocity * dt;
   F32 len    = scaledVelocity.len();
   F32 newLen = len + (10 * dt);

   // Check to see if it is actually necessary to construct the new working list,
   //  or if we can use the cached version from the last query.  We use the x
   //  component of the min member of the mWorkingQueryBox, which is lame, but
   //  it works ok.
   bool updateSet = false;

   Box3F convexBox = mConvex.getBoundingBox(getTransform(), getScale());
   F32 l = (newLen * 1.1) + 0.1;  // from Convex::updateWorkingList
   convexBox.minExtents -= Point3F(l, l, l);
   convexBox.maxExtents += Point3F(l, l, l);

   // Check containment
      if (mWorkingQueryBox.minExtents.x != -1e9)
         if (mWorkingQueryBox.isContained(convexBox) == false)
            // Needed region is outside the cached region.  Update it.
            updateSet = true;
            // We can leave it alone, we're still inside the cached region
         // Must update
         updateSet = true;

   // Actually perform the query, if necessary
   if (updateSet == true)
      mWorkingQueryBox = convexBox;
      mWorkingQueryBox.minExtents -= Point3F(2 * l, 2 * l, 2 * l);
      mWorkingQueryBox.maxExtents += Point3F(2 * l, 2 * l, 2 * l);

      if (mCollisionObject)

      mConvex.updateWorkingList(mWorkingQueryBox, mask);

      if (mCollisionObject)
コード例 #11
void SceneObject::getRenderMountTransform( F32 delta, S32 index, const MatrixF &xfm, MatrixF *outMat )
   MatrixF mountTransform( xfm );
   const Point3F &scale = getScale();
   Point3F position = mountTransform.getPosition();
   position.convolve( scale );
   mountTransform.setPosition( position );

   outMat->mul( mRenderObjToWorld, mountTransform );
コード例 #12
ファイル: typeValidators.cpp プロジェクト: caomw/Torque3D
void Point3NormalizeValidator::validateType(SimObject *object, void *typePtr)
    Point3F *v = (Point3F *) typePtr;
    const F32 len = v->len();
    if(!mIsEqual(len, 1.0f))
        consoleError(object, "Vector length must be %g", length);
        *v *= length / len;
コード例 #13
ファイル: gfxCubemap.cpp プロジェクト: adhistac/ee-client-2-0
void GFXCubemap::initNormalize( U32 size )
   Point3F axis[6] =
         {Point3F(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), Point3F(-1.0,  0.0,  0.0),
         Point3F(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), Point3F( 0.0, -1.0,  0.0),
         Point3F(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), Point3F( 0.0,  0.0, -1.0),};
   Point3F s[6] =
         {Point3F(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), Point3F( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
         Point3F(1.0, 0.0,  0.0), Point3F( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
         Point3F(1.0, 0.0,  0.0), Point3F(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0),};
   Point3F t[6] =
         {Point3F(0.0, -1.0, 0.0), Point3F(0.0, -1.0,  0.0),
         Point3F(0.0,  0.0, 1.0), Point3F(0.0,  0.0, -1.0),
         Point3F(0.0, -1.0, 0.0), Point3F(0.0, -1.0,  0.0),};

   F32 span = 2.0;
   F32 start = -1.0;

   F32 stride = span / F32(size - 1);
   GFXTexHandle faces[6];

   for(U32 i=0; i<6; i++)
      GFXTexHandle &tex = faces[i];
      GBitmap *bitmap = new GBitmap(size, size);

      // fill in...
      for(U32 v=0; v<size; v++)
         for(U32 u=0; u<size; u++)
            Point3F vector;
            vector = axis[i] +
               ((F32(u) * stride) + start) * s[i] +
               ((F32(v) * stride) + start) * t[i];
            vector = ((vector * 0.5) + Point3F(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) * 255.0;
            vector.x = mClampF(vector.x, 0.0f, 255.0f);
            vector.y = mClampF(vector.y, 0.0f, 255.0f);
            vector.z = mClampF(vector.z, 0.0f, 255.0f);
            // easy way to avoid knowledge of the format (RGB, RGBA, RGBX, ...)...
            U8 *bits = bitmap->getAddress(u, v);
            bits[0] = U8(vector.x);
            bits[1] = U8(vector.y);
            bits[2] = U8(vector.z);

      tex.set(bitmap, &GFXDefaultStaticDiffuseProfile, true, "Cubemap");

コード例 #14
ファイル: player.cpp プロジェクト: AltimorTASDK/TribesRebirth
float Player::coverage (Point3F eye)
	float total = 0;
	Point3F foot = getLinearPosition () + collisionImage.sphere.center / 2;
	Point3F head = foot + collisionImage.sphere.center;
	Point3F temp;
	Point3F lshoulder;
	Point3F rshoulder;
	temp = getRot ();
	RMat3F rot (EulerF(temp.x, temp.y, temp.z));
	temp.set (collisionImage.bbox.fMin.x / 2, 0, 0);
	m_mul (temp, rot, &lshoulder);
	lshoulder += getLinearPosition ();
	lshoulder.z += collisionImage.sphere.center.z;
	lshoulder.z += collisionImage.sphere.center.z / 4;
	temp.set (collisionImage.bbox.fMax.x / 2, 0, 0);
	m_mul (temp, rot, &rshoulder);
	rshoulder += getLinearPosition ();
	rshoulder.z += collisionImage.sphere.center.z;
	rshoulder.z += collisionImage.sphere.center.z / 4;
	SimContainerQuery cq;
	cq.id = getId();
	cq.type = -1;
	cq.mask = SimTerrainObjectType | SimInteriorObjectType | SimPlayerObjectType | StaticObjectType;

	cq.box.fMin = eye;
	cq.box.fMax = foot;
	SimCollisionInfo info;
	SimContainer* root = findObject(manager,SimRootContainerId,(SimContainer*)0);
	bool obstructed = root->findLOS (cq, &info);
	if (!obstructed)
		total += 0.25;

	cq.box.fMax = head;
	obstructed = root->findLOS (cq, &info);
	if (!obstructed)
		total += 0.25;

	cq.box.fMax = lshoulder;
	obstructed = root->findLOS (cq, &info);
	if (!obstructed)
		total += 0.25;

	cq.box.fMax = rshoulder;
	obstructed = root->findLOS (cq, &info);
	if (!obstructed)
		total += 0.25;

	return total;
コード例 #15
ファイル: scene.cpp プロジェクト: AbhinavJain13/DifViewer
void Scene::loop() {
	//Basic movement
	glm::mat4x4 delta = glm::mat4x4(1);

	if (movement[4]) pitch -= keyCameraSpeed;
	if (movement[5]) pitch += keyCameraSpeed;
	if (movement[6]) yaw -= keyCameraSpeed;
	if (movement[7]) yaw += keyCameraSpeed;

	delta = glm::rotate(delta, -yaw, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1));

	float speed = movementSpeed;
	if (mouseButtons[1])
		speed *= 2.f;

	Point2F move = Point2F();
	if (movement[0]) move.x -= speed;
	if (movement[1]) move.x += speed;
	if (movement[2]) move.y -= speed;
	if (movement[3]) move.y += speed;

	glm::vec3 torque = glm::vec3(glm::translate(delta, glm::vec3(move.x, move.y, 0))[3]);
	delta = glm::rotate(delta, -pitch, glm::vec3(1, 0, 0));

	sphere->applyTorque(Point3F(torque.x, torque.y, torque.z) * 20);

	if (sphere->getColliding()) {
		Point3F normal = sphere->getCollisionNormal();
		if (movement[8] && normal.dot(Point3F(0, 0, 1)) > 0.1)
			sphere->applyImpulse((normal + Point3F(0, 0, 1)) / 2.f, Point3F(0, 0, -1));
	} else {
		sphere->applyImpulse(Point3F(torque.y, -torque.x, torque.z) / 4.f, Point3F(0, 0, 0));

	Point3F pos = sphere->getPosition();
	cameraPosition = glm::vec3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
	cameraPosition += glm::vec3(glm::translate(delta, glm::vec3(0, -2.5, 0))[3]);

	if (sphere->getPosition().z < difs[0]->interior[0]->boundingBox.getMin().x) {
		sphere->setPosition(Point3F(0, 30, 60));
#else /* BUILD_PHYSICS */
	move *= 3;
	if (movement[8])
		move *= 2;

	delta = glm::rotate(delta, -pitch, glm::vec3(1, 0, 0));
	delta = glm::translate(delta, glm::vec3(move.y, -move.x, 0));

	cameraPosition += glm::vec3(delta[3]);
#endif /* BUILD_PHYSICS */
コード例 #16
ファイル: reflector.cpp プロジェクト: AlkexGas/Torque3D
MatrixF PlaneReflector::getFrustumClipProj( MatrixF &modelview )
   static MatrixF rotMat(EulerF( static_cast<F32>(M_PI / 2.f), 0.0, 0.0));
   static MatrixF invRotMat(EulerF( -static_cast<F32>(M_PI / 2.f), 0.0, 0.0));

   MatrixF revModelview = modelview;
   revModelview = rotMat * revModelview;  // add rotation to modelview because it needs to be removed from projection

   // rotate clip plane into modelview space
   Point4F clipPlane;
   Point3F pnt = refplane * -(refplane.d + 0.0 );
   Point3F norm = refplane;

   revModelview.mulP( pnt );
   revModelview.mulV( norm );

   clipPlane.set( norm.x, norm.y, norm.z, -mDot( pnt, norm ) );

   // Manipulate projection matrix
   MatrixF proj = GFX->getProjectionMatrix();
   proj.mul( invRotMat );  // reverse rotation imposed by Torque
   proj.transpose();       // switch to row-major order

   // Calculate the clip-space corner point opposite the clipping plane
   // as (sgn(clipPlane.x), sgn(clipPlane.y), 1, 1) and
   // transform it into camera space by multiplying it
   // by the inverse of the projection matrix
   Vector4F	q;
   q.x = sgn(clipPlane.x) / proj(0,0);
   q.y = sgn(clipPlane.y) / proj(1,1);
   q.z = -1.0F;
   q.w = ( 1.0F - proj(2,2) ) / proj(3,2);

   F32 a = 1.0 / (clipPlane.x * q.x + clipPlane.y * q.y + clipPlane.z * q.z + clipPlane.w * q.w);

   Vector4F c = clipPlane * a;

   // CodeReview [ags 1/23/08] Come up with a better way to deal with this.
   if(GFX->getAdapterType() == OpenGL)
      c.z += 1.0f;

   // Replace the third column of the projection matrix
   proj.setColumn( 2, c );
   proj.transpose(); // convert back to column major order
   proj.mul( rotMat );  // restore Torque rotation

   return proj;
コード例 #17
bool WindEmitter::findBest(   const Point3F& cameraPos, 
                              const VectorF& cameraDir,
                              F32 viewDistance,
                              U32 maxResults,
                              WindEmitterList* results )

   // Build a sphere from the camera point.
	SphereF cameraSphere;
   cameraSphere.center = cameraPos;
   cameraSphere.radius = viewDistance;

   // Collect the active spheres within the camera space and score them.
   WindEmitterList best;
   WindEmitterList::iterator iter = smAllEmitters.begin();
   for ( ; iter != smAllEmitters.end(); iter++ )
      const SphereF& sphere = *(*iter);

      // Skip any spheres outside of our camera range or that are disabled.
      if ( !(*iter)->mEnabled || !cameraSphere.isIntersecting( sphere ) )

      // Simple score calculation...
      // score = ( radius / distance to camera ) * dot( cameraDir, vector from camera to sphere )
      Point3F vect = sphere.center - cameraSphere.center;
      F32 dist = vect.len();
      (*iter)->mScore = dist * sphere.radius;
      vect /= getMax( dist, 0.001f );
      (*iter)->mScore *= mDot( vect, cameraDir );

      best.push_back( *iter );

   // Sort the results by score!
   dQsort( best.address(), best.size(), sizeof(WindEmitter*), &WindEmitter::_sortByScore );

   // Clip the results to the max requested.
   if ( best.size() > maxResults )
      best.setSize( maxResults );

   // Merge the results and return.
   results->merge( best );

   PROFILE_END(); // WindEmitter_findBest

   return best.size() > 0;
コード例 #18
ファイル: etherform.cpp プロジェクト: fr1tz/terminal-overload
void Etherform::updateWorkingCollisionSet()
   // First, we need to adjust our velocity for possible acceleration.  It is assumed
   // that we will never accelerate more than 20 m/s for gravity, plus 10 m/s for
   // jetting, and an equivalent 10 m/s for jumping.  We also assume that the
   // working list is updated on a Tick basis, which means we only expand our
   // box by the possible movement in that tick.
   Point3F scaledVelocity = mVelocity * TickSec;
   F32 len    = scaledVelocity.len();
   F32 newLen = len + (10.0f * TickSec);

   // Check to see if it is actually necessary to construct the new working list,
   // or if we can use the cached version from the last query.  We use the x
   // component of the min member of the mWorkingQueryBox, which is lame, but
   // it works ok.
   bool updateSet = false;

   Box3F convexBox = mConvex.getBoundingBox(getTransform(), getScale());
   F32 l = (newLen * 1.1f) + 0.1f;  // from Convex::updateWorkingList
   const Point3F  lPoint( l, l, l );
   convexBox.minExtents -= lPoint;
   convexBox.maxExtents += lPoint;

   // Check containment
   if (mWorkingQueryBox.minExtents.x != -1e9f)
      if (mWorkingQueryBox.isContained(convexBox) == false)
         // Needed region is outside the cached region.  Update it.
         updateSet = true;
      // Must update
      updateSet = true;
   // Actually perform the query, if necessary
   if (updateSet == true)
      const Point3F  twolPoint( 2.0f * l, 2.0f * l, 2.0f * l );
      mWorkingQueryBox = convexBox;
      mWorkingQueryBox.minExtents -= twolPoint;
      mWorkingQueryBox.maxExtents += twolPoint;

         isGhost() ? sClientCollisionContactMask : sServerCollisionContactMask);
コード例 #19
void PxSingleActor::_createActor()
   // NXU::instantiateCollection sometimes calls methods that need
   // to have write access.

   if ( mActor )
      mWorld->releaseActor( *mActor );      
      mActor = NULL;
   NxScene *scene = mWorld->getScene();

   NxMat34 nxMat;
   nxMat.setRowMajor44( getTransform() );

   Point3F scale = getScale();

   // Look for a zero scale in any component.
   if ( mIsZero( scale.least() ) )

   bool createActors = false;
   if ( !mDataBlock->clientOnly || (mDataBlock->clientOnly && isClientObject()) )
      createActors = true;

   mActor = createActors ? mDataBlock->createActor( scene, &nxMat, scale ) : NULL;

   if ( !mActor )
      mBuildScale = getScale();
      mBuildAngDrag = 0;
      mBuildLinDrag = 0;

   U32 group = mDataBlock->clientOnly ? PxGroup_ClientOnly : PxGroup_Default;
   mActor->setGroup( group );

   mActor->userData = &mUserData;

   mActor->setContactReportThreshold( mDataBlock->forceThreshold );

   mBuildScale = getScale();
   mBuildAngDrag = mActor->getAngularDamping();
   mBuildLinDrag = mActor->getLinearDamping();
コード例 #20
ファイル: splash.cpp プロジェクト: fr1tz/terminal-overload
// Update ring
void Splash::updateRing( SplashRing& ring, F32 dt )
   for( U32 i=0; i<ring.points.size(); i++ )
      if( mDead )
         Point3F vel = ring.points[i].velocity;
         vel *= mDataBlock->acceleration;
         ring.points[i].velocity += vel * dt;

      ring.points[i].velocity += Point3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, -9.8f ) * dt;
      ring.points[i].position += ring.points[i].velocity * dt;
コード例 #21
void PxCapsulePlayer::setSpacials( const Point3F &nPos, const Point3F &nSize )
   AssertFatal( nSize.least() > 0.0f, "PxCapsulePlayer::setSpacials(), invalid extents!" );

   if ( mWorld )

   mSize = nSize;

   F32 radius = getMax( nSize.x, nSize.y ) * 0.5f;
   radius -= mSkinWidth;
   radius = getMax(radius,0.01f);
   F32 height = nSize.z - ( radius * 2.0f );
   height -= mSkinWidth * 2.0f;
   height = getMax(height,0.01f);

   // The CapsuleController's 'actual' position we are setting.
   // We are assuming the position passed in is at the bottom of the object
   // box, like a standard player.
   Point3F adjustedPos = nPos;
   adjustedPos.z += mSize.z * 0.5f;

   mCapsuleController->setPosition( pxCast<NxExtendedVec3>( adjustedPos ) );
   mCapsuleController->setRadius( radius );
   mCapsuleController->setHeight( height );
コード例 #22
bool TurretShape::getNodeTransform(S32 node, MatrixF& mat)
   if (node == -1)
      return false;

   MatrixF nodeTransform = mShapeInstance->mNodeTransforms[node];
   const Point3F& scale = getScale();

   // The position of the node needs to be scaled.
   Point3F position = nodeTransform.getPosition();
   position.convolve( scale );
   nodeTransform.setPosition( position );

   mat.mul(mObjToWorld, nodeTransform);
   return true;
コード例 #23
ファイル: gjk.cpp プロジェクト: Adhdcrazzy/Torque3D
void GjkCollisionState::getClosestPoints(Point3F& p1, Point3F& p2)
   F32 sum = 0;
   p1.set(0, 0, 0);
   p2.set(0, 0, 0);
   for (int i = 0, bit = 1; i < 4; ++i, bit <<= 1) {
      if (bits & bit) {
         sum += det[bits][i];
         p1 += p[i] * det[bits][i];
         p2 += q[i] * det[bits][i];
   F32 s = 1 / sum;
   p1 *= s;
   p2 *= s;
コード例 #24
bool PxCapsulePlayer::testSpacials( const Point3F &nPos, const Point3F &nSize ) const
   AssertFatal( nSize.least() > 0.0f, "PxCapsulePlayer::testSpacials(), invalid extents!" );

   F32 radius = getMax( nSize.x, nSize.y ) / 2.0f;
   radius -= mSkinWidth;
   radius = getMax(radius,0.01f);
   F32 height = nSize.z - ( radius * 2.0f );
   height -= mSkinWidth * 2.0f;
   height = getMax( height, 0.01f );   

   F32 halfHeight = height * 0.5f;   

   // We are assuming the position passed in is at the bottom of the object
   // box, like a standard player.
   Point3F adjustedPos = nPos;
   adjustedPos.z += nSize.z * 0.5f;
   NxVec3 origin = pxCast<NxVec3>( adjustedPos );

   NxCapsule worldCapsule( NxSegment(origin,origin), radius );   
   worldCapsule.p0.z -= halfHeight;
   worldCapsule.p1.z += halfHeight;      

   bool hit = mWorld->getScene()->checkOverlapCapsule( worldCapsule, NX_STATIC_SHAPES, 0xffffffff, NULL );
   return !hit;
コード例 #25
ファイル: splash.cpp プロジェクト: fr1tz/terminal-overload
// Create ring
SplashRing Splash::createRing()
   SplashRing ring;
   U32 numPoints = mDataBlock->numSegments + 1;

   Point3F ejectionAxis( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );

   Point3F axisx;
   if (mFabs(ejectionAxis.z) < 0.999f)
      mCross(ejectionAxis, Point3F(0, 0, 1), &axisx);
      mCross(ejectionAxis, Point3F(0, 1, 0), &axisx);

   for( U32 i=0; i<numPoints; i++ )
      F32 t = F32(i) / F32(numPoints);

      AngAxisF thetaRot( axisx, mDataBlock->ejectionAngle * (M_PI / 180.0));
      AngAxisF phiRot(   ejectionAxis, t * (M_PI * 2.0));

      Point3F pointAxis = ejectionAxis;

      MatrixF temp;

      Point3F startOffset = axisx;
      temp.mulV( startOffset );
      startOffset *= mDataBlock->startRadius;

      SplashRingPoint point;
      point.position = getPosition() + startOffset;
      point.velocity = pointAxis * mDataBlock->velocity;

      ring.points.push_back( point );

   ring.color = mDataBlock->colors[0];
   ring.lifetime = mDataBlock->ringLifetime;
   ring.elapsedTime = 0.0;
   ring.v = mDataBlock->texFactor * mFmod( mElapsedTime, 1.0 );

   return ring;
コード例 #26
   virtual void process(NetConnection *con)
	//   Con::printf("WebViewDataURLEvent: %s, %s, %s;", mWebViewData->getName(), mURL, mFrame);
		   Con::printf("ShapeBaseTransformEvent::process: %f, %f, %f", mObject->getPosition().x, mObject->getPosition().y, mObject->getPosition().z);
		   Con::printf("ShapeBaseTransformEvent::process2: %f, %f, %f", mTransform.getPosition().x, mTransform.getPosition().y, mTransform.getPosition().z);
			   if(mScale.x!=1.0f || mScale.y!=1.0f || mScale.z!=1.0f)
				  Point3F scale = mObject->getScale() * mScale;
			//   if(!(mTransform.isIdentity()))
			//   {
				//  MatrixF mat = mTransform;
				//  mat.mul(mObject->getTransform());

				//  mObject->setTransform(mat);
				   mObject->setPosition(mObject->getPosition() + mTransform.getPosition());
					  MatrixF mat(true);
			//   }
			   if(mObject->getScale() != mScale)
			//   if(!mTransform.hasRotation())
			//   {
			//      Point3F pos = mTransform.getPosition();
			//      mTransform.set(mObject->getTransform());
			//	  mTransform.mPosition = pos;
			//   }
			//   mObject->setTransform(mTransform.getMatrix());

			//   mObject->setVelocity(mVelocity);
			   RigidShape* rigid = static_cast<RigidShape*>(mObject.getPointer());
			   mObject->applyImpulse(mObject->getWorldBox().getCenter(), mVelocity);
コード例 #27
ファイル: convex.cpp プロジェクト: jamesu/libDTShape
// This function based on code originally written for the book:
// 3D Game Engine Design, by David H. Eberly
F32 sqrDistanceEdges(const Point3F& start0, const Point3F& end0,
   const Point3F& start1, const Point3F& end1,
   Point3F* is, Point3F* it)
   Point3F direction0 = end0 - start0;
   F32 fA00 = direction0.lenSquared();

   Point3F direction1 = end1 - start1;
   F32 fA11 = direction1.lenSquared();
   F32 fA01 = -mDot(direction0, direction1);

   Point3F kDiff = start0 - start1;
   F32 fC   = kDiff.lenSquared();
   F32 fB0  = mDot(kDiff, direction0);
   F32 fDet = mFabs(fA00*fA11 - fA01*fA01);

   // Since the endpoints are tested as vertices, we're not interested
   // in parallel lines, and intersections that don't involve end-points.
   if (fDet >= 0.00001) {

      // Calculate time of intersection for each line
      F32 fB1 = -mDot(kDiff, direction1);
      F32 fS  = fA01*fB1-fA11*fB0;
      F32 fT  = fA01*fB0-fA00*fB1;

      // Only interested in collisions that don't involve the end points
      if (fS >= 0.0 && fS <= fDet && fT >= 0.0 && fT <= fDet) {
         F32 fInvDet = 1.0 / fDet;
         fS *= fInvDet;
         fT *= fInvDet;
         F32 fSqrDist = (fS*(fA00*fS + fA01*fT + 2.0*fB0) +
            fT*(fA01*fS + fA11*fT + 2.0*fB1) + fC);

         // Intersection points.
         *is = start0 + direction0 * fS;
         *it = start1 + direction1 * fT;
         return mFabs(fSqrDist);

   // Return a large number in the cases where endpoints are involved.
   return 1e10f;
コード例 #28
ファイル: projectile.cpp プロジェクト: AlkexGas/Torque3D
bool Projectile::calculateImpact(float,
                                 Point3F& pointOfImpact,
                                 float&   impactTime)
   Con::warnf(ConsoleLogEntry::General, "Projectile::calculateImpact: Should never be called");

   impactTime = 0;
   pointOfImpact.set(0, 0, 0);
   return false;
コード例 #29
void GameTSCtrl::onMouseMove(const GuiEvent &evt)
   MatrixF mat;
   Point3F vel;
   if ( GameGetCameraTransform(&mat, &vel) )
      Point3F pos;
      Point3F screenPoint((F32)evt.mousePoint.x, (F32)evt.mousePoint.y, 1.0f);
      Point3F worldPoint;
      if (unproject(screenPoint, &worldPoint)) 
         Point3F vec = worldPoint - pos;
         lineTestStart = pos;
         lineTestEnd = pos + vec * 500;
		 static U32 losMask = VehicleObjectType | StaticShapeObjectType;  
		 RayInfo ri;  
         bool hit = gClientContainer.castRay( lineTestStart, lineTestEnd, losMask, &ri);  

		 if (!hit)
		    //Con::printf("no hit!");
			if (mCursorObject != NULL)
			mCursorObject = NULL;		 
			if (ri.object != mCursorObject && mCursorObject != NULL)
			mCursorObject = (ShapeBase*)ri.object;	
コード例 #30
void CelAnimMesh::setCommonScale( Shape::Mesh & otherMesh )
   CelAnimMesh *potherMesh = dynamic_cast<CelAnimMesh *>(&otherMesh);
      "TS::CelAnimMesh::setCommonScale:  meshes not same type");

#if 0 
   // array of unpacked verts -- points only
   Point3F *unpackedVerts = new Point3F[fVerts.size()];
   int v;
   for (v=0;v<fVerts.size();v++)

   Point3F *otherUnpackedVerts = new Point3F[potherMesh->fVerts.size()];
   for (v=0;v<potherMesh->fVerts.size();v++)

   // get minVert and maxVert for setting new fScale, fOrigin, and fRadius
   Point3F minVert = unpackedVerts[0];
   Point3F maxVert = unpackedVerts[0];
   for (v=1;v<fVerts.size();v++)
      minVert.setMin( unpackedVerts[v] );
      maxVert.setMax( unpackedVerts[v] );
   for (v=0;v<potherMesh->fVerts.size();v++)
      minVert.setMin( otherUnpackedVerts[v] );
      maxVert.setMax( otherUnpackedVerts[v] );

   // figure new fOrigin, fScale, and fRadius
   Point3F newOrigin = minVert;
   maxVert -= minVert;
   Point3F newScale( maxVert.x/255.0f, maxVert.y/255.0f, maxVert.z/255.0f);
   float newRadius = maxVert.len();

   // re-pack this shapes verts     
   int i;
   Point3F temp;
   for (i=0;i<fVerts.size();i++)

   // re-pack other shapes verts
   for (i=0;i<potherMesh->fVerts.size();i++)

   delete [] unpackedVerts;
   delete [] otherUnpackedVerts;