コード例 #1
PxClothMeshQuadifierImpl::getDescriptor() const
	// copy points and other data
	PxClothMeshDesc desc = mDesc;

	// for now use only 32 bit for temporary indices out of quadifier
	desc.flags &= ~PxMeshFlag::e16_BIT_INDICES;

	desc.triangles.count = mTriangles.size() / 3;
	desc.triangles.data = mTriangles.begin();
	desc.triangles.stride = 3 * sizeof(PxU32);

	desc.quads.count = mQuads.size() / 4;
	desc.quads.data = mQuads.begin();
	desc.quads.stride = 4 * sizeof(PxU32);


	return desc;
コード例 #2
void PhysXCloth::CreateCloth(const PxVec3& a_position,
	unsigned int& a_vertexCount, unsigned int& a_indexCount,
	const PxVec3* a_vertices,
	unsigned int* a_indices)
	// set up the cloth description
	PxClothMeshDesc clothDesc;
	clothDesc.points.count = a_vertexCount;
	clothDesc.triangles.count = a_indexCount / 3;
	clothDesc.points.stride = sizeof(glm::vec3);
	clothDesc.triangles.stride = sizeof(unsigned int) * 3;
	clothDesc.points.data = a_vertices;
	clothDesc.triangles.data = a_indices;

	// cook the geometry into fabric

	PxClothFabric* fabric = PxClothFabricCreate(*m_pPhysicsRef, clothDesc, PxVec3(0, 9.87f, 0));
	// set up the particles for each vertex
	PxClothParticle* particles = new PxClothParticle[a_vertexCount];
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < a_vertexCount; ++i)
		particles[i].pos = PxVec3(a_vertices[i].x, a_vertices[i].y, a_vertices[i].z);
		// set weights (0 means static)
		if (a_vertices[i].x == a_position.x)
			particles[i].invWeight = 0;
			particles[i].invWeight = 1.f;
	// create the cloth then setup the spring properties
	m_cloth = m_pPhysicsRef->createCloth(PxTransform(a_position), *fabric, particles, PxClothFlags());

	// we need to set some solver configurations
	if (m_cloth != nullptr)
		m_cloth->setStretchConfig(PxClothFabricPhaseType::eVERTICAL, PxClothStretchConfig(1.0f));
		m_cloth->setStretchConfig(PxClothFabricPhaseType::eHORIZONTAL, PxClothStretchConfig(0.9f));
		m_cloth->setStretchConfig(PxClothFabricPhaseType::eSHEARING, PxClothStretchConfig(0.75f));
		m_cloth->setStretchConfig(PxClothFabricPhaseType::eBENDING, PxClothStretchConfig(0.5f));

		PxClothStretchConfig stretchConfig;
		stretchConfig.stiffness = 0.8f;
		stretchConfig.stiffnessMultiplier = 0.5f;
		stretchConfig.compressionLimit = 0.6f;
		stretchConfig.stretchLimit = 1.2f;
		m_cloth->setStretchConfig(PxClothFabricPhaseType::eVERTICAL, stretchConfig);

		// Two spheres located on the x-axis
		PxClothCollisionSphere spheres[2] =
			PxClothCollisionSphere(PxVec3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.5f),
			PxClothCollisionSphere(PxVec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.25f)

		m_cloth->setCollisionSpheres(spheres, 2);
		m_cloth->addCollisionCapsule(0, 1);

		m_cloth->addCollisionPlane(PxClothCollisionPlane(PxVec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f));
		m_cloth->addCollisionConvex(1 << 0); // Convex references the first plane
	delete[] particles;
bool PxFabricCookerImpl::cook(const PxClothMeshDesc& desc, PxVec3 gravity, bool useGeodesicTether)
		shdfnd::getFoundation().error(PxErrorCode::eINVALID_PARAMETER, __FILE__, __LINE__, 
			"PxFabricCookerImpl::cook: desc.isValid() failed!");
		return false;

	gravity = gravity.getNormalized();

	mNumParticles = desc.points.count;

	// assemble points
	shdfnd::Array<PxVec4> particles;
	PxStrideIterator<const PxVec3> pIt((const PxVec3*)desc.points.data, desc.points.stride);
	PxStrideIterator<const PxReal> wIt((const PxReal*)desc.invMasses.data, desc.invMasses.stride);
	for(PxU32 i=0; i<mNumParticles; ++i)
		particles.pushBack(PxVec4(*pIt++, wIt.ptr() ? *wIt++ : 1.0f));

	// build adjacent vertex list
	shdfnd::Array<PxU32> valency(mNumParticles+1, 0);
	shdfnd::Array<PxU32> adjacencies;
	if(desc.flags & PxMeshFlag::e16_BIT_INDICES)
		gatherAdjacencies<PxU16>(valency, adjacencies, desc.triangles, desc.quads);
		gatherAdjacencies<PxU32>(valency, adjacencies, desc.triangles, desc.quads);

	// build unique neighbors from adjacencies
	shdfnd::Array<PxU32> mark(valency.size(), 0);
	shdfnd::Array<PxU32> neighbors; neighbors.reserve(adjacencies.size());
	for(PxU32 i=1, j=0; i<valency.size(); ++i)
		for(; j<valency[i]; ++j)
			PxU32 k = adjacencies[j];
			if(mark[k] != i)
				mark[k] = i;
		valency[i] = neighbors.size();

	// build map of unique edges and classify
	shdfnd::HashMap<Pair, Edge> edges;
	for(PxU32 i=0; i<mNumParticles; ++i)
		PxReal wi = particles[i].w;
		// iterate all neighbors
		PxU32 jlast = valency[i+1];
		for(PxU32 j=valency[i]; j<jlast; ++j)
			// add 1-ring edge
			PxU32 m = neighbors[j];
			if(wi + particles[m].w > 0.0f)
				edges[Pair(PxMin(i, m), PxMax(i, m))].classify();

			// iterate all neighbors of neighbor
			PxU32 klast = valency[m+1];
			for(PxU32 k=valency[m]; k<klast; ++k)
				PxU32 n = neighbors[k];
				if(n != i && wi + particles[n].w > 0.0f)
					// add 2-ring edge
					edges[Pair(PxMin(i, n), PxMax(i, n))].classify(
						particles[i], particles[m], particles[n]);

	// copy classified edges to constraints array
	// build histogram of constraints per vertex
	shdfnd::Array<Entry> constraints; 	
	valency.resize(0); valency.resize(mNumParticles+1, 0);

	const PxReal sqrtHalf = PxSqrt(0.4f);
	for(shdfnd::HashMap<Pair, Edge>::Iterator eIt = edges.getIterator(); !eIt.done(); ++eIt)
		const Edge& edge = eIt->second;
		const Pair& pair = eIt->first;
		if((edge.mStretching + edge.mBending + edge.mShearing) > 0.0f)
			PxClothFabricPhaseType::Enum type = PxClothFabricPhaseType::eINVALID;
			if(edge.mBending > PxMax(edge.mStretching, edge.mShearing))
				type = PxClothFabricPhaseType::eBENDING;
			else if(edge.mShearing > PxMax(edge.mStretching, edge.mBending))
				type = PxClothFabricPhaseType::eSHEARING;
				PxVec4 diff = particles[pair.first]-particles[pair.second];
				PxReal dot = gravity.dot(reinterpret_cast<const PxVec3&>(diff).getNormalized());
				type = fabsf(dot) < sqrtHalf ? PxClothFabricPhaseType::eHORIZONTAL : PxClothFabricPhaseType::eVERTICAL;
			constraints.pushBack(Entry(pair, type));

	prefixSum(valency.begin(), valency.end(), valency.begin());

	PxU32 numConstraints = constraints.size();

	// build adjacent constraint list
	adjacencies.resize(0); adjacencies.resize(valency.back(), 0);
	for(PxU32 i=0; i<numConstraints; ++i)
		adjacencies[--valency[constraints[i].first.first]] = i;
		adjacencies[--valency[constraints[i].first.second]] = i;
	shdfnd::Array<PxU32>::ConstIterator aFirst = adjacencies.begin();
	shdfnd::Array<PxU32> colors(numConstraints, numConstraints); // constraint -> color, initialily not colored
	mark.resize(0); mark.resize(numConstraints+1, PX_MAX_U32); // color -> constraint index
	shdfnd::Array<PxU32> adjColorCount(numConstraints, 0); // # of neighbors that are already colored

	shdfnd::Array<ConstraintGraphColorCount> constraintHeap; 
	constraintHeap.reserve(numConstraints); // set of constraints to color (added in edge distance order)

	// Do graph coloring based on edge distance.
	// For each constraint, we add its uncolored neighbors to the heap
	// ,and we pick the constraint with most colored neighbors from the heap.
	while (1)
		PxU32 constraint = 0;
		while ( (constraint < numConstraints) && (colors[constraint] != numConstraints))
			constraint++; // start with the first uncolored constraint
		if (constraint >= numConstraints)

		pushHeap(constraintHeap, ConstraintGraphColorCount((int)constraint, (int)adjColorCount[constraint]));
		PxClothFabricPhaseType::Enum type = constraints[constraint].second;
		while (!constraintHeap.empty())
			ConstraintGraphColorCount heapItem = popHeap(constraintHeap);
			constraint = heapItem.constraint;
			if (colors[constraint] != numConstraints)
				continue; // skip if already colored 

			const Pair& pair = constraints[constraint].first;			
			for(PxU32 j=0; j<2; ++j)
				PxU32 index = j ? pair.first : pair.second;
				if(particles[index].w == 0.0f)
					continue; // don't mark adjacent particles if attached

				for(shdfnd::Array<PxU32>::ConstIterator aIt = aFirst + valency[index], aEnd = aFirst + valency[index+1]; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt)
					PxU32 adjacentConstraint = *aIt;
					if ((constraints[adjacentConstraint].second != type) || (adjacentConstraint == constraint))

					mark[colors[adjacentConstraint]] = constraint; 
					pushHeap(constraintHeap, ConstraintGraphColorCount((int)adjacentConstraint, (int)adjColorCount[adjacentConstraint]));

			// find smallest color with matching type
			PxU32 color = 0;
			while((color < mPhases.size() && mPhases[color].phaseType != type) || mark[color] == constraint)

			// create a new color set
			if(color == mPhases.size())
				PxClothFabricPhase phase(type, mPhases.size());

			colors[constraint] = color;

#if 0 // PX_DEBUG
	printf("set[%u] = ", mSets.size());
	for(PxU32 i=0; i<mSets.size(); ++i)
		printf("%u ", mSets[i]);

	prefixSum(mSets.begin(), mSets.end(), mSets.begin());

#if 0 // PX_DEBUG
	printf(" = %u\n", mSets.back());

	// write indices and rest lengths
	// convert mSets to exclusive sum
	PxU32 back = mSets.back();
	for(PxU32 i=0; i<numConstraints; ++i)
		PxU32 first = constraints[i].first.first;
		PxU32 second = constraints[i].first.second;

		PxU32 index = --mSets[colors[i]];

		mIndices[2*index  ] = first;
		mIndices[2*index+1] = second;

		PxVec4 diff = particles[second] - particles[first];
		mRestvalues[index] = reinterpret_cast<
			const PxVec3&>(diff).magnitude();
	// reorder constraints and rest values for more efficient cache access (linear)
	shdfnd::Array<PxU32> newIndices(mIndices.size());
	shdfnd::Array<PxF32> newRestValues(mRestvalues.size());

	// sort each constraint set in vertex order
	for (PxU32 i=0; i < mSets.size()-1; ++i)
		// create a re-ordering list
		shdfnd::Array<PxU32> reorder(mSets[i+1]-mSets[i]);

		for (PxU32 r=0; r < reorder.size(); ++r)
			reorder[r] = r;

		const PxU32 indicesOffset = mSets[i]*2;
		const PxU32 restOffset = mSets[i];

		ConstraintSorter predicate(&mIndices[indicesOffset]);
		shdfnd::sort(&reorder[0], reorder.size(), predicate);
		for (PxU32 r=0; r < reorder.size(); ++r)
			newIndices[indicesOffset + r*2] = mIndices[indicesOffset + reorder[r]*2];
			newIndices[indicesOffset + r*2+1] = mIndices[indicesOffset + reorder[r]*2+1];
			newRestValues[restOffset + r] = mRestvalues[restOffset + reorder[r]];

	mIndices = newIndices;
	mRestvalues = newRestValues;

	PX_ASSERT(mIndices.size() == mRestvalues.size()*2);
	PX_ASSERT(mRestvalues.size() == mSets.back());

#if 0 // PX_DEBUG
	for (PxU32 i = 1; i < mSets.size(); i++)
		PxClothFabricPhase phase = mPhases[i-1];
		printf("%d : type %d, size %d\n", 
			i-1, phase.phaseType, mSets[i] - mSets[i-1]);

	if (useGeodesicTether)
		PxClothGeodesicTetherCooker tetherCooker(desc);
		if (tetherCooker.getCookerStatus() == 0)
			PxU32 numTethersPerParticle = tetherCooker.getNbTethersPerParticle();
			PxU32 tetherSize = mNumParticles * numTethersPerParticle;
			tetherCooker.getTetherData(mTetherAnchors.begin(), mTetherLengths.begin());
			useGeodesicTether = false;

	if (!useGeodesicTether)
		PxClothSimpleTetherCooker tetherCooker(desc);
		tetherCooker.getTetherData(mTetherAnchors.begin(), mTetherLengths.begin());

	return true;
コード例 #4
	// compute root transform and positions of all the bones
	PxTransform rootPose;
	SampleArray<PxVec3> positions;	
	SampleArray<PxU32> indexPairs;
	mCharacter.getFramePose(rootPose, positions, indexPairs);

	// convert bones to collision capsules
	SampleArray<PxClothCollisionSphere> spheres;	
	for (PxU32 i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++)
		spheres[i].pos = positions[i];
		spheres[i].radius = gCharacterScale * gSphereRadius[i];

	PxClothCollisionData collisionData;
	collisionData.numSpheres = static_cast<PxU32>(positions.size());
	collisionData.spheres = spheres.begin();
	collisionData.numPairs = static_cast<PxU32>(indexPairs.size()) / 2; // number of capsules
	collisionData.pairIndexBuffer = indexPairs.begin();

	// create the cloth cape mesh from file
	PxClothMeshDesc meshDesc;
	SampleArray<PxVec3> vertices;
	SampleArray<PxU32> primitives;
	SampleArray<PxReal> uvs;
	const char* capeFileName = getSampleMediaFilename("ctdm_cape_m.obj");
	PxReal clothScale = gCharacterScale * 0.3f;
	PxVec3 offset = PxVec3(0,-1.5,0); 
	PxQuat rot = PxQuat(0, PxVec3(0,1,0));
	Test::ClothHelpers::createMeshFromObj(capeFileName, clothScale, &rot, &offset, 
		vertices, primitives, &uvs, meshDesc);

	if (!meshDesc.isValid()) fatalError("Could not load ctdm_cape_m.obj\n");
	// create the cloth
	PxCloth& cloth = *createClothFromMeshDesc(
		meshDesc, rootPose, &collisionData, PxVec3(0,-1,0),
		uvs.begin(), "dummy_cape_d.bmp", PxVec3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f), 0.8f);

	mCape = &cloth;

	// attach top verts
	PxClothReadData* readData = cloth.lockClothReadData();
	PxU32 numParticles = cloth.getNbParticles();
	SampleArray<PxClothParticle> particles(numParticles);
	SampleArray<PxVec3> particlePositions(numParticles);
    for(PxU32 i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
		particles[i].pos = readData->particles[i].pos;
		particles[i].invWeight = (uvs[i*2+1] > 0.85f) ? 0.0f : readData->particles[i].invWeight;
		particlePositions[i] = readData->particles[i].pos;
	cloth.setParticles(particles.begin(), particles.begin());

	// compute initial skin binding to the character
	mSkin.bindToCharacter(mCharacter, particlePositions);

	// set solver settings

	// damp global particle velocity to 90% every 0.1 seconds
	cloth.setDampingCoefficient(0.1f); // damp local particle velocity
	cloth.setDragCoefficient(0.1f); // transfer frame velocity

	// reduce effect of local frame acceleration
	const bool useVirtualParticles = true;
	const bool useSweptContact = true;
	const bool useCustomConfig = true;

	// virtual particles
	if (useVirtualParticles)
		Test::ClothHelpers::createVirtualParticles(cloth, meshDesc, 4);

	// ccd
	cloth.setClothFlag(PxClothFlag::eSWEPT_CONTACT, useSweptContact);

	// use GPU or not
	cloth.setClothFlag(PxClothFlag::eGPU, mUseGPU);

	// custom fiber configuration
	if (useCustomConfig)
		PxClothPhaseSolverConfig config;

		config = cloth.getPhaseSolverConfig(PxClothFabricPhaseType::eSTRETCHING);
		config.solverType = PxClothPhaseSolverConfig::eSTIFF;
		config.stiffness = 1.0f;
		cloth.setPhaseSolverConfig(PxClothFabricPhaseType::eSTRETCHING, config);

		config = cloth.getPhaseSolverConfig(PxClothFabricPhaseType::eSTRETCHING_HORIZONTAL);
		config.solverType = PxClothPhaseSolverConfig::eFAST;
		config.stiffness = 1.0f;
		cloth.setPhaseSolverConfig(PxClothFabricPhaseType::eSTRETCHING_HORIZONTAL, config);

		config = cloth.getPhaseSolverConfig(PxClothFabricPhaseType::eSHEARING);
		config.solverType = PxClothPhaseSolverConfig::eFAST;
		config.stiffness = 0.75f;
		cloth.setPhaseSolverConfig(PxClothFabricPhaseType::eSHEARING, config);

		config = cloth.getPhaseSolverConfig(PxClothFabricPhaseType::eBENDING_ANGLE);
		config.solverType = PxClothPhaseSolverConfig::eBENDING;
		config.stiffness = 0.5f;
		cloth.setPhaseSolverConfig(PxClothFabricPhaseType::eBENDING_ANGLE, config);