コード例 #1
ファイル: qvector2d.cpp プロジェクト: FlavioFalcao/qt5
    \since 5.1

    Returns the distance that this vertex is from a line defined
    by \a point and the unit vector \a direction.

    If \a direction is a null vector, then it does not define a line.
    In that case, the distance from \a point to this vertex is returned.

    \sa distanceToPoint()
float QVector2D::distanceToLine
        (const QVector2D& point, const QVector2D& direction) const
    if (direction.isNull())
        return (*this - point).length();
    QVector2D p = point + dotProduct(*this - point, direction) * direction;
    return (*this - p).length();
コード例 #2
ファイル: cannon.cpp プロジェクト: hmira/Tower-Defense---Qt
Bullet* Cannon::Shoot(Enemy *enemy, long elapsed)
    if (elapsed - lastshot < shotinterval) return 0;

    int xa = this->pixmap.size().width() - this->SizeX;
    int ya = this->pixmap.size().height() - this->SizeY;
    QVector2D tcenter(center.x() - xa * 0.5, center.y() - ya * 0.5);
    QVector2D target = GetInterSect(enemy->center, enemy->next_checkpoint,
                                    Bullet::speed, Enemy::speed,
                                    tcenter, enemy->center);
    if (target.isNull())
        target = GetInterSect2((enemy->center - enemy->next_checkpoint).length(),
                           enemy->next_checkpoint, enemy->next_checkpoint2,
                           Bullet::speed, Enemy::speed,
                           tcenter, enemy->center);

    if (target.isNull() || (this->center - target).length() > this->range)
        return 0;

    lastshot = elapsed;
    Bullet*b = new Bullet(tcenter, target, elapsed, QPixmap("bullet.png"));
    b->enemy = enemy;
    return b;
コード例 #3
ファイル: navigationmath.cpp プロジェクト: Boffmann/3D_Grafik
QVector2D NavigationMath::rayCircleIntersection(
	bool & valid
,	const QVector2D & origin
,	const QVector2D & ray
,	const float radius)
		valid = false;
		return QVector2D();

	const float a = ray.lengthSquared();
	const float b = 2. * QVector2D::dotProduct(ray, origin);
    const float c = origin.lengthSquared() - static_cast<float>(radius * radius);

	const float delta = b * b - 4. * a * c;

	if (delta < 0.0) 
		valid = false;
		return QVector2D();

	const float s = sqrt(delta);

	// the two intersections
	const float t0 = (-b + s) / (2.0 * a);
	const float t1 = (-b - s) / (2.0 * a);

	// nearest one
	const float t = qMin<float>(t0, t1);

	valid = true;
	return t * ray + origin;