コード例 #1
bool StiffnessSolver::SolveSystem(
		SpMat &K, VX &D, VX &F, VX &R, 
		int DoF, VXi &q, VXi &r, 
		int verbose, int &info, double &rms_resid)
	VX	diag;		/* diagonal vector of the L D L' decomp. */


	//MX K_comp = K;
	int row = K.rows(), col = K.cols();
	MX K_comp(row, col);

	for (int k = 0; k < K.outerSize(); ++k)
		for (SpMat::InnerIterator it(K, k); it; ++it)
			int		r = it.row();
			int		c = it.col();
			double	v = it.value();
			K_comp(r, c) = v;

	/*  L D L' decomposition of K[q,q] into lower triangle of K[q,q] and diag[q] */
	/*  vectors F and D are unchanged */
	/*  not solving at this moment*/
	LDLDecompPM(K_comp, DoF, diag, F, D, R, q, r, 1, 0, info);
	if (info < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Stiffness Matrix is not positive definite: %d negative elements\n", info);
		fprintf(stderr, "found on decomp diagonal of K.\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "The stucture may have mechanism and thus not stable in general\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Please Make sure that all six\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "rigid body translations are restrained!\n");
		return false;
		/* LDL'  back-substitution for D[q] and R[r] */
		LDLDecompPM(K_comp, DoF, diag, F, D, R, q, r, 0, 1, info);
		if (verbose) { fprintf(stdout, "    LDL' RMS residual:"); }
		rms_resid = info = 1;

		do {
			/* improve solution for D[q] and R[r] */
			LDLImprovePM(K_comp, DoF, diag, F, D, R, q, r, rms_resid, info);
			if (verbose) { fprintf(stdout, "%9.2e", rms_resid); }
		} while (info);

		if (verbose) fprintf(stdout, "LDL^t Solving completed\n");

	return true;