BOOL CDynToolBar::GetButtonInfo(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pLResult) { // This notification message has to be handled correctly if // all operations in the custom dialogbox has to function correctly // We have to supply information for the button specified by pTBN->tbButton // // This notification is sent in the following cases // // After TBN_BEGINADJUST the control sends these notifications until // * pLResult is TRUE. We have to supply valid values when this value is // set to TRUE. Here the control is collecting information for all // the buttons that have to be displayed in the dialog box // // The control sends this notification to get information about // a button if the user is trying to add it to the toolbar or // rearranging the buttons on the toolbar from within the dialog TBNOTIFY* pTBN = (TBNOTIFY*)lParam; UINT StrID; if (bButtonsOnce) { if (pTBN->iItem >= (int)(pTheBitmap->iLen)) *pLResult = FALSE; else { StrID = pTheBitmap->BtnIDs[pTBN->iItem]; pTBN->tbButton = pTheBitmap->Btns[pTBN->iItem]; *pLResult = TRUE; } } else { if (pTBN->iItem >= (int)iLen) *pLResult = FALSE; else { StrID = BtnIDs[pTBN->iItem]; pTBN->tbButton = Btns[pTBN->iItem]; *pLResult = TRUE; } } if (*pLResult == TRUE) { CString Txt; Txt.LoadString(StrID); Strng s; if (Txt.Find('\n')>=0) { s = (const char*)Txt.Mid(Txt.Find('\n')+1, 256); Txt = Txt.Left(Txt.Find('\n')); if (s.Length()>0) s += " : "; } s += (const char*)Txt; if (s.Length()>0) { _tcsncpy(pTBN->pszText, s(), pTBN->cchText - 1); pTBN->pszText[pTBN->cchText - 1] = '\0'; } else pTBN->pszText[0] = '\0'; } return TRUE; }
void CDynToolBar::LoadState(char* pFilename) { CProfINIFile PF(pFilename); CMDIFrameWnd* pM = pTBMngr->pMainFrame; Strng Section; Section.Set("ToolBar_%d", iWindowID); Strng NewTitle = PF.RdStr(Section(), "Title", (char*)(const char*)sTitle); if (NewTitle.Length()!=sTitle.GetLength() || strcmp(NewTitle(), (const char*)sTitle)!=0) { SetWindowText(NewTitle()); sTitle = NewTitle(); } DWORD BarStyle = GetBarStyle(); DWORD Style = GetStyle(); BarStyle = PF.RdLong(Section(), "BarStyle", BarStyle); BarStyle &= CBRS_ALL; //CNM Prevent an ASSERT SetBarStyle(BarStyle); if (bCanConfigure) { CToolBarCtrl& bc = GetToolBarCtrl(); int Cnt = bc.GetButtonCount(); Cnt = PF.RdInt(Section(), "ButtonIDCount", Cnt); BOOL Chngd = (Cnt!=bc.GetButtonCount()); UINT* NewIDs = new UINT[Cnt]; Strng Item; for (int i=0; i<Cnt; i++) { Item.Set("ID_%d", i); int Cmd = (i<(int)iLen ? BtnIDs[i] : ID_SEPARATOR); Cmd = PF.RdInt(Section(), Item(), Cmd); NewIDs[i] = (UINT)Cmd; Chngd = (Chngd || (NewIDs[i]!=BtnIDs[i])); } if (Chngd) ChangeButtons(NewIDs, Cnt); delete []NewIDs; } flag Visible = ((Style & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); Visible = PF.RdInt(Section(), "Visible", Visible); pM->ShowControlBar(this, Visible, FALSE); pM->RecalcLayout(); //get MFC to adjust the dimensions of all docked ToolBars so that GetWindowRect will be accurate CRect Rect; CWnd* pWnd = GetParent(); if (BarStyle & CBRS_FLOATING) { if (pWnd && pWnd->GetParent()) { if (PrjFileVerNo()>=25) { CRect MRect; AfxGetMainWnd()->GetWindowRect(MRect); Rect.OffsetRect(-MRect.left,; int L=PF.RdInt(Section(), "Left", Rect.left); int T=PF.RdInt(Section(), "Top",; Rect.OffsetRect(L-Rect.left,; Rect.OffsetRect(+MRect.left,; } else { pWnd->GetParent()->GetWindowRect(&Rect); Location.x = PF.RdInt(Section(), "Left", Rect.left); Location.y = PF.RdInt(Section(), "Top",; } pM->FloatControlBar(this, Location); } } else { GetWindowRect(&Rect); if (PrjFileVerNo()>=25) { CRect MRect; AfxGetMainWnd()->GetWindowRect(MRect); Rect.OffsetRect(-MRect.left,; int L=PF.RdInt(Section(), "Left", Rect.left); int T=PF.RdInt(Section(), "Top",; Rect.OffsetRect(L-Rect.left,; Rect.OffsetRect(+MRect.left,; } else { //Rect.left = PF.RdInt(Section(), "Left", Rect.left); // = PF.RdInt(Section(), "Top",; int L=PF.RdInt(Section(), "Left", Rect.left); int T=PF.RdInt(Section(), "Top",; Rect.right += L-Rect.left; Rect.bottom +=; Rect.left += L-Rect.left; +=; } // = PF.RdInt(Section(), "Top",; UINT n = 0; if (BarStyle & CBRS_ALIGN_TOP) { -= 1; Rect.bottom -= 1; n = AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_TOP; } if (n==0 && BarStyle & CBRS_ALIGN_BOTTOM) { += 1; Rect.bottom += 1; n = AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_BOTTOM; } if (n==0 && BarStyle & CBRS_ALIGN_LEFT) { Rect.left -= 1; Rect.right -= 1; n = AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_LEFT; } if (n==0 && BarStyle & CBRS_ALIGN_RIGHT) { Rect.left += 1; Rect.right += 1; n = AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_RIGHT; } pM->DockControlBar(this, n, &Rect); } pM->RecalcLayout(); }