// IN-OUT edges are swapped (so that the prog runs faster) // Send message via IN edge proportional to the OUT edge weight void TWgtNet::ReinforceEdges(const int& NIters) { THash<TInt, TFlt> OutWgtSumH; for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++) { double wgt = 0; for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) { wgt += NI.GetOutEDat(e); } OutWgtSumH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), wgt); } printf("Reinforcing edges for %d iterations\n", NIters); // iterate TExeTm ExeTm; for (int iter = 0; iter < NIters; iter++) { for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++) { const double X = TInt::Rnd.GetUniDev() * OutWgtSumH.GetDat(NI.GetId()); double x = 0; int e = 0; for ( ; x + NI.GetOutEDat(e) < X; e++) { x += NI.GetOutEDat(e); } IAssert(IsEdge(NI.GetOutNId(e), NI.GetId())); GetEDat(NI.GetOutNId(e), NI.GetId()) += 1; // reinforce the edge OutWgtSumH.GetDat(NI.GetOutNId(e)) += 1; } if (iter % (NIters/100) == 0) { printf("\r%d [%s]", iter, ExeTm.GetStr()); } } printf(" done.\n"); }
// Wgt == -1 : take the weight of the edge in the opposite direction void TWgtNet::AddBiDirEdges(const double& Wgt) { TIntPrV EdgeV; for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++) { for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) { if (! IsEdge(NI.GetOutNId(e), NI.GetId())) { EdgeV.Add(TIntPr(NI.GetOutNId(e), NI.GetId())); } } } for (int e = 0; e < EdgeV.Len(); e++) { if (Wgt != -1) { AddEdge(EdgeV[e].Val1, EdgeV[e].Val2, Wgt); } else { // edge weight in the opposite direction AddEdge(EdgeV[e].Val1, EdgeV[e].Val2, GetEDat(EdgeV[e].Val2, EdgeV[e].Val1)); } } }
// actors collaboration graph PUNGraph TImdbNet::GetActorGraph() const { TIntPrSet EdgeSet; for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++) { if (NI().GetTy() == mtyActor) { const int NId1 = NI.GetId(); for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) { if (NI.GetOutNDat(e).GetTy() != mtyActor) { TNodeI NI2 = GetNI(NI.GetOutNId(e)); for (int e2 = 0; e2 < NI2.GetInDeg(); e2++) { if (NI2.GetInNDat(e2).GetTy() == mtyActor) { const int NId2 = NI2.GetInNId(e2); EdgeSet.AddKey(TIntPr(TMath::Mn(NId1, NId2), TMath::Mx(NId1, NId2))); } } } } } } PUNGraph G = TUNGraph::New(); for (int i = 0; i < EdgeSet.Len(); i++) { const int NId1 = EdgeSet[i].Val1; const int NId2 = EdgeSet[i].Val2; if (! G->IsNode(NId1)) { G->AddNode(NId1); } if (! G->IsNode(NId2)) { G->AddNode(NId2); } G->AddEdge(NId1, NId2); } return G; }
int TMultimodalGraphImplB::BFSTraversalOneHop(const TVec< TPair<TInt,TInt> >& StartingVertices) const { int NumVerticesAndEdges = 0; for (int i = 0; i < StartingVertices.Len(); i++) { TNodeI NI = GetNI(StartingVertices.GetVal(i)); TIntV AdjacentModes = TIntV(); NI.GetAdjacentModes(AdjacentModes); for (int ModeIdx = 0; ModeIdx < AdjacentModes.Len(); ModeIdx++) { int ModeId = AdjacentModes.GetVal(ModeIdx); for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(ModeId); e++) { NumVerticesAndEdges += NI.GetOutNId(e, ModeId); } } } return NumVerticesAndEdges; }
void TMultimodalGraphImplB::RandomWalk(TVec< TPair<TInt,TInt> > NodeIds, int WalkLength) { int CurrentLocalNodeId = NodeToModeMapping.GetKey(NodeToModeMapping.GetRndKeyId(TInt::Rnd)); TPair<TInt,TInt> CurrentNodeId = TPair<TInt,TInt>(NodeToModeMapping.GetDat(CurrentLocalNodeId), CurrentLocalNodeId); int NodeIdIdx = 0; NodeIds.SetVal(NodeIdIdx++, CurrentNodeId); while (NodeIds.Len() < WalkLength) { TNodeI NI = GetNI(CurrentNodeId); TIntV AdjacentModes = TIntV(); NI.GetAdjacentModes(AdjacentModes); // Throw an appropriately biased coin here int EdgeId = TInt::Rnd.GetUniDevInt(NI.GetOutDeg()); int i; for (i = 0; i < AdjacentModes.Len(); i++) { int ModeOutDeg = NI.GetOutDeg(AdjacentModes.GetDat(i)); if (EdgeId < ModeOutDeg) { break; } EdgeId -= ModeOutDeg; } NodeIds.SetVal(NodeIdIdx++, TPair<TInt,TInt>(AdjacentModes.GetDat(i), NI.GetOutNId(EdgeId, AdjacentModes.GetDat(i)))); } }