コード例 #1
ファイル: PropertyClass.cpp プロジェクト: Foreven/Unreal4-1
void UClassProperty::Serialize( FArchive& Ar )
	Super::Serialize( Ar );
	Ar << MetaClass;

	if (Ar.IsLoading() || Ar.IsObjectReferenceCollector())
		if (ULinkerPlaceholderClass* PlaceholderClass = Cast<ULinkerPlaceholderClass>(MetaClass))

	if( !(MetaClass||HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject)) )
		// If we failed to load the MetaClass and we're not a CDO, that means we relied on a class that has been removed or doesn't exist.
		// The most likely cause for this is either an incomplete recompile, or if content was migrated between games that had native class dependencies
		// that do not exist in this game.  We allow blueprint classes to continue, because compile on load will error out, and stub the class that was using it
		UClass* TestClass = dynamic_cast<UClass*>(GetOwnerStruct());
		if( TestClass && TestClass->HasAllClassFlags(CLASS_Native) && !TestClass->HasAllClassFlags(CLASS_NewerVersionExists) && (TestClass->GetOutermost() != GetTransientPackage()) )
			checkf(false, TEXT("Class property tried to serialize a missing class.  Did you remove a native class and not fully recompile?"));
コード例 #2
unreal::UIntPtr unreal::helpers::ClassMap_obj::wrap(unreal::UIntPtr inUObject) {
  if (inUObject == 0) return 0;  
  UObject *obj = (UObject *) inUObject;
  UClass *cls = obj->GetClass();
  auto& map = getClassMap();
  while (cls != nullptr) {
    if (cls->HasAllClassFlags(CLASS_Native)) {
      auto it = map.find(cls);
      if (it != map.end()) {
        return (it->second)(inUObject);
    cls = cls->GetSuperClass();
  UE_LOG(LogTemp,Fatal,TEXT("No haxe wrapper was found for the uobject from class %s nor from any of its superclasses"), *obj->GetClass()->GetName());
  // won't get here
  return 0;