コード例 #1
void SuffixTree::build(const std::string &str) {
	sTString = str;
	for(auto &v: sTVertices) {
		delete v;
	size_t lastGoodOperation = 1;
	sTVertices.push_back(new Vertex());	// Build tree
	sTRoot = *sTVertices.begin();		// that content root
	sTRoot->setSuffixLink(sTRoot);		// and vertex for first character.
	sTRoot->setMark(0);					// Field mark for vertex is position of begining in the string for lists
	sTVertices.push_back(new Vertex());	// and length for the root for inner vertices.
	sTRoot->addEdgeTo(*(--sTVertices.end()), 0, INF(), &sTCurrentStageValue, sTString[0]);
	for(size_t i = 1, size = str.size() + 1; i < size; ++i) {
		Edge e;
		Vertex *lastVertex = sTRoot;
		for(size_t j = lastGoodOperation; j < i + 1; ++j) {
			size_t path = 0;
			Vertex *currentVertex;
			if(lastVertex->hasSuffixLink()) {
				currentVertex = lastVertex->suffixLink();			// If vertex hasn't suffix link that
			} else {												// parent must have the suffix link.
				currentVertex = lastVertex->parent()->suffixLink();
			path = currentVertex->mark();
			while(j + path < i) {
				e = currentVertex->edgeForCharacter(str[j + path]);
				path += e.length();
				currentVertex = e.vertexTwo();
			if(j + path != i) {
				path -= e.length();
				currentVertex = e.vertexOne();
			if(currentVertex->isList()) {
				if(!lastVertex->hasSuffixLink()) {						// If is list, that the second value of edge must change automatically,
					lastVertex->setSuffixLink(currentVertex->parent());	// so we only set the suffix link.
				lastVertex = currentVertex->parent();
			else if(!currentVertex->hasEdgeForCharacter(sTString[j + path])) {
				sTVertices.push_back(new Vertex());
				Vertex *newVertex = *(--sTVertices.end());
				currentVertex->addEdgeTo(newVertex, i, INF(), &sTCurrentStageValue, sTString[i]);
				if(!lastVertex->hasSuffixLink()) {
				lastVertex = currentVertex;
				lastGoodOperation = j + 1;
			} else if(j + path == i || str[e.firstValue() + i - j - path] == str[i]) {	// If tree already has the current substring,
				if(!lastVertex->hasSuffixLink()) {										// we only set the suffix link,
					lastVertex->setSuffixLink(currentVertex);							// and we can break appendin of strings in tree.
				lastVertex = currentVertex;
				lastGoodOperation = j;
			} else {														// Another variant if end of substring without last character
				e = currentVertex->edgeForCharacter(sTString[j + path]);	// lies in the middle of the edge.
				sTVertices.push_back(new Vertex());
				Vertex *splitVertex = *(--sTVertices.end());
				splitVertex->addEdgeTo(e.vertexTwo(), e.firstValue() + i - j - path, e.secondValue(),
						&sTCurrentStageValue, sTString[e.firstValue() + i - j - path]);
				currentVertex->addEdgeTo(splitVertex, e.firstValue(), e.firstValue() + i - j - 1 - path,
						&sTCurrentStageValue, sTString[e.firstValue()]);
				splitVertex->setMark(splitVertex->parent()->mark() + i - j - path);
				sTVertices.push_back(new Vertex());
				Vertex *newVertex = *(--sTVertices.end());
				splitVertex->addEdgeTo(newVertex, i, INF(), &sTCurrentStageValue, sTString[i]);
				if(!lastVertex->hasSuffixLink()) {
				lastVertex = splitVertex;
				lastGoodOperation = j + 1;