コード例 #1
bool requirement_data::has_comps( const inventory &crafting_inv,
                                  const std::vector< std::vector<T> > &vec,
                                  int batch )
    bool retval = true;
    int total_UPS_charges_used = 0;
    for( const auto &set_of_tools : vec ) {
        bool has_tool_in_set = false;
        int UPS_charges_used = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        for( const auto &tool : set_of_tools ) {
            if( tool.has( crafting_inv, batch, [ &UPS_charges_used ]( int charges ) {
            UPS_charges_used = std::min( UPS_charges_used, charges );
            } ) ) {
                tool.available = a_true;
            } else {
                tool.available = a_false;
            has_tool_in_set = has_tool_in_set || tool.available == a_true;
        if( !has_tool_in_set ) {
            retval = false;
        if( UPS_charges_used != std::numeric_limits<int>::max() ) {
            total_UPS_charges_used += UPS_charges_used;
    if( total_UPS_charges_used > 0 &&
        total_UPS_charges_used > crafting_inv.charges_of( "UPS" ) ) {
        return false;
    return retval;
コード例 #2
std::vector<comp_selection<item_comp>> craft_command::check_item_components_missing(
                                        const inventory &map_inv ) const
    std::vector<comp_selection<item_comp>> missing;

    for( const auto &item_sel : item_selections ) {
        itype_id type = item_sel.comp.type;
        item_comp component = item_sel.comp;
        long count = ( component.count > 0 ) ? component.count * batch_size : abs( component.count );

        if( item::count_by_charges( type ) && count > 0 ) {
            switch( item_sel.use_from ) {
                case use_from_player:
                    if( !crafter->has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                        missing.push_back( item_sel );
                case use_from_map:
                    if( !map_inv.has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                        missing.push_back( item_sel );
                case use_from_both:
                    if( !( crafter->charges_of( type ) + map_inv.charges_of( type ) >= count ) ) {
                        missing.push_back( item_sel );
                case use_from_none:
                case cancel:
        } else {
            // Counting by units, not charges.
            switch( item_sel.use_from ) {
                case use_from_player:
                    if( !crafter->has_amount( type, count ) ) {
                        missing.push_back( item_sel );
                case use_from_map:
                    if( !map_inv.has_components( type, count ) ) {
                        missing.push_back( item_sel );
                case use_from_both:
                    if( !( crafter->amount_of( type ) + map_inv.amount_of( type ) >= count ) ) {
                        missing.push_back( item_sel );
                case use_from_none:
                case cancel:

    return missing;
コード例 #3
bool tool_comp::has( const inventory &crafting_inv, int batch,
                     std::function<void( int )> visitor ) const
    if( g->u.has_trait( trait_DEBUG_HS ) ) {
        return true;

    if( !by_charges() ) {
        return crafting_inv.has_tools( type, std::abs( count ) );
    } else {
        int charges_found = crafting_inv.charges_of( type, count * batch );
        if( charges_found == count * batch ) {
            return true;
        const auto &binned = crafting_inv.get_binned_items();
        const auto iter = binned.find( type );
        if( iter == binned.end() ) {
            return false;
        bool has_UPS = false;
        for( const item *it : iter->second ) {
            it->visit_items( [&has_UPS]( const item * e ) {
                if( e->has_flag( "USE_UPS" ) ) {
                    has_UPS = true;
                    return VisitResponse::ABORT;
                return VisitResponse::NEXT;
            } );
        if( has_UPS ) {
            int UPS_charges_used =
                crafting_inv.charges_of( "UPS", ( count * batch ) - charges_found );
            if( visitor && UPS_charges_used + charges_found >= ( count * batch ) ) {
                visitor( UPS_charges_used );
            charges_found += UPS_charges_used;
        return charges_found == count * batch;
コード例 #4
ファイル: crafting.cpp プロジェクト: AlecWhite/Cataclysm-DDA
/* selection of component if a recipe requirement has multiple options (e.g. 'duct tap' or 'welder') */
comp_selection<item_comp> player::select_item_component( const std::vector<item_comp> &components,
        int batch, inventory &map_inv, bool can_cancel )
    std::vector<item_comp> player_has;
    std::vector<item_comp> map_has;
    std::vector<item_comp> mixed;

    comp_selection<item_comp> selected;

    for( const auto &component : components ) {
        itype_id type = component.type;
        int count = ( component.count > 0 ) ? component.count * batch : abs( component.count );
        bool pl = false, mp = false;

        if( item::count_by_charges( type ) && count > 0 ) {
            if( has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                player_has.push_back( component );
                pl = true;
            if( map_inv.has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                map_has.push_back( component );
                mp = true;
            if( !pl && !mp && charges_of( type ) + map_inv.charges_of( type ) >= count ) {
                mixed.push_back( component );
        } else { // Counting by units, not charges

            if( has_amount( type, count ) ) {
                player_has.push_back( component );
                pl = true;
            if( map_inv.has_components( type, count ) ) {
                map_has.push_back( component );
                mp = true;
            if( !pl && !mp && amount_of( type ) + map_inv.amount_of( type ) >= count ) {
                mixed.push_back( component );


    /* select 1 component to use */
    if( player_has.size() + map_has.size() + mixed.size() == 1 ) { // Only 1 choice
        if( player_has.size() == 1 ) {
            selected.use_from = use_from_player;
            selected.comp = player_has[0];
        } else if( map_has.size() == 1 ) {
            selected.use_from = use_from_map;
            selected.comp = map_has[0];
        } else {
            selected.use_from = use_from_both;
            selected.comp = mixed[0];
    } else { // Let the player pick which component they want to use
        uimenu cmenu;
        // Populate options with the names of the items
        for( auto &map_ha : map_has ) {
            std::string tmpStr = item::nname( map_ha.type ) + _( " (nearby)" );
            cmenu.addentry( tmpStr );
        for( auto &player_ha : player_has ) {
            cmenu.addentry( item::nname( player_ha.type ) );
        for( auto &elem : mixed ) {
            std::string tmpStr = item::nname( elem.type ) + _( " (on person & nearby)" );
            cmenu.addentry( tmpStr );

        // Unlike with tools, it's a bad thing if there aren't any components available
        if( cmenu.entries.empty() ) {
            if( has_trait( trait_id( "DEBUG_HS" ) ) ) {
                selected.use_from = use_from_player;
                return selected;

            debugmsg( "Attempted a recipe with no available components!" );
            selected.use_from = cancel;
            return selected;

        if( can_cancel ) {
            cmenu.addentry( -1, true, 'q', _( "Cancel" ) );

        // Get the selection via a menu popup
        cmenu.title = _( "Use which component?" );

        if( cmenu.ret == static_cast<int>( map_has.size() + player_has.size() + mixed.size() ) ) {
            selected.use_from = cancel;
            return selected;

        size_t uselection = static_cast<size_t>( cmenu.ret );
        if( uselection < map_has.size() ) {
            selected.use_from = usage::use_from_map;
            selected.comp = map_has[uselection];
        } else if( uselection < map_has.size() + player_has.size() ) {
            uselection -= map_has.size();
            selected.use_from = usage::use_from_player;
            selected.comp = player_has[uselection];
        } else {
            uselection -= map_has.size() + player_has.size();
            selected.use_from = usage::use_from_both;
            selected.comp = mixed[uselection];

    return selected;
コード例 #5
ファイル: visitable.cpp プロジェクト: BevapDin/Cataclysm-DDA
#include "catch/catch.hpp"

#include "calendar.h"
#include "inventory.h"
#include "item.h"

TEST_CASE( "visitable_summation" )
    inventory test_inv;

    item bottle_of_water( "bottle_plastic", calendar::turn );
    item water_in_bottle( "water", calendar::turn );
    water_in_bottle.charges = bottle_of_water.get_remaining_capacity_for_liquid( water_in_bottle );
    bottle_of_water.put_in( water_in_bottle );
    test_inv.add_item( bottle_of_water );

    item unlimited_water( "water", 0, item::INFINITE_CHARGES );
    test_inv.add_item( unlimited_water );

    CHECK( test_inv.charges_of( "water", item::INFINITE_CHARGES ) > 1 );