コード例 #1
void mpi_process_group::receive_batch(boost::mpi::status& status) const
  //std::cerr << "Handling batch\n";
  outgoing_messages batch;

  // Determine how big the receive buffer should be
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 103600
  int size = status.count<boost::mpi::packed>().get();
  int size;
  MPI_Status mpi_status(status);
  MPI_Get_count(&mpi_status, MPI_PACKED, &size);

  // Allocate the receive buffer
  boost::mpi::packed_iarchive in(impl_->comm,size);
  // Receive the message data
  MPI_Recv(in.address(), size, MPI_PACKED,
           status.source(), status.tag(), 
           impl_->comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

  // Unpack the message data
  in >> batch;
コード例 #2
ファイル: MarginalSISHandler.hpp プロジェクト: sbfnk/LibBi
void bi::MarginalSISHandler<B,A,S>::handleAdapterSamples(
    boost::mpi::communicator child, boost::mpi::status status) {
  typedef typename temp_host_matrix<real>::type matrix_type;

  static const int N = B::NP;

  /* add samples */
  boost::optional<int> n = status.template count<real>();
  if (n) {
    matrix_type Z(N + T, *n / (N + T));
    child.recv(status.source(), status.tag(), Z.buf(), *n);

    for (int j = 0; j < Z.size2(); ++j) {
      adapter.add(subrange(column(Z,j), 0, N), subrange(column(Z,j), N, T));

  /* send new proposal if necessary */
  if (adapter.stop(t)) {
    BOOST_AUTO(q, adapter.get(t));
    BOOST_AUTO(iter, node.children.begin());
    for (; iter != node.children.end(); ++iter) {
      node.requests.push_front(iter->isend(0, MPI_TAG_ADAPTER_PROPOSAL, q));
    ///@todo Serialize q into archive just once, then send to all. This may
    ///be how broadcast is already implemented in Boost.MPI.
コード例 #3
ファイル: MarginalSISHandler.hpp プロジェクト: sbfnk/LibBi
void bi::MarginalSISHandler<B,A,S>::handleStopperLogWeights(
    boost::mpi::communicator child, boost::mpi::status status) {
  typedef typename temp_host_vector<real>::type vector_type;

  double maxlw = BI_INF;

  /* add weights */
  boost::optional<int> n = status.template count<real>();
  if (n) {
    vector_type lws(*n);
    child.recv(status.source(), status.tag(), lws.buf(), *n);
    stopper.add(lws, maxlw);

  /* signal stop if necessary */
  if (stopper.stop()) {
    BOOST_AUTO(iter, node.children.begin());
    for (; iter != node.children.end(); ++iter) {
      node.requests.push_front(iter->isend(0, MPI_TAG_STOPPER_STOP));