コード例 #1
  /*! This method calculates the angle between two vectors
  \warning If length() of any of the two vectors is == 0.0,
  this method will divide by zero. If the product of the
  length() of the two vectors is very close to 0.0, but not ==
  0.0, this method may behave in unexpected ways and return
  almost random results; details may depend on your particular
  floating point implementation. The use of this method is
  therefore highly discouraged, unless you are certain that the
  length()es are in a reasonable range, away from 0.0 (Stefan

  \deprecated This method will probably replaced by a safer
  algorithm in the future.

  \todo Replace this method with a more fool-proof version.

  @returns the angle in degrees (0-360)
  OBAPI double VectorAngle (const Eigen::Vector3d& ab, const Eigen::Vector3d& bc)
    // length of the two bonds
    const double l_ab = ab.norm();
    const double l_bc = bc.norm();
    if (IsNearZero(l_ab) || IsNearZero(l_bc)) {
      return 0.0;

    // Calculate the cross product of v1 and v2, test if it has length unequal 0
    const Eigen::Vector3d c1 = ab.cross(bc);
    if (IsNearZero(c1.norm())) {
      return 0.0;

    // Calculate the cos of theta and then theta
    const double dp = ab.dot(bc) / (l_ab * l_bc);
    if (dp > 1.0) {
      return 0.0;
    } else if (dp < -1.0) {
      return 180.0;
    } else {
      return (RAD_TO_DEG * acosLookup(dp));
      return (RAD_TO_DEG * acos(dp));
    return 0.0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: force.cpp プロジェクト: gladk/rheometeranalyze
force::force(std::shared_ptr<particle> part1, std::shared_ptr<particle> part2, unsigned int fileId, Eigen::Vector3d pos1, Eigen::Vector3d pos2, Eigen::Vector3d val, double volWater, double distCurr, double distCrit) {
  _part1 = part1;
  _part2 = part2;
  _volWater = volWater;
  _distCurr = distCurr;
  _distCrit = distCrit;
  if (fabs(pos1.norm()/part1->c().norm() - 1.0) > 0.0001 or fabs(pos2.norm()/part2->c().norm() -1.0 ) > 0.0001 ) {
    std::cerr<<"Particle positions in force and particle files are not the same!"<<std::endl;
    std::cerr<<"pid1 "<<part1->id()<<": ("<<pos1[0]<<" "<<pos1[1]<<" "<<pos1[2]<< ") != (" << part1->c()[0]<<" "<<part1->c()[1]<<" "<<part1->c()[2];
    std::cerr<<"pid2 "<<part2->id()<<": ("<<pos2[0]<<" "<<pos2[1]<<" "<<pos2[2]<< ") != (" << part2->c()[0]<<" "<<part2->c()[1]<<" "<<part2->c()[2]<<");   "<<std::endl;
    std::cerr<<"dif1 "<<pos1.norm()/part1->c().norm()<<"; dif2 "<<pos2.norm()/part2->c().norm()<<std::endl<<std::endl;
  //Updating particle positions as they are more accurate in fstat
  _cPZ = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
  _val = val;
  _fileId = fileId;
  _calculateStressTensor = false;
  _cP = (pos1-pos2)/2.0 + pos1;
  _axisMatrix = _axisMatrix.Zero();
コード例 #3
ファイル: Mesh.cpp プロジェクト: rohan-sawhney/geodesics
void Mesh::computeIntegratedDivergence(Eigen::VectorXd& integratedDivs,
                                       const Eigen::MatrixXd& gradients) const
    for (VertexCIter v = vertices.begin(); v != vertices.end(); v++) {
        double integratedDiv = 0.0;
        Eigen::Vector3d p = v->position;
        HalfEdgeCIter he = v->he;
        do {
            Eigen::Vector3d gradient = gradients.row(he->face->index);
            Eigen::Vector3d p1 = he->next->vertex->position;
            Eigen::Vector3d p2 = he->next->next->vertex->position;
            Eigen::Vector3d e1 = p1 - p;
            Eigen::Vector3d e2 = p2 - p;
            Eigen::Vector3d ei = p2 - p1;
            double theta1 = acos((-e2).dot(-ei) / (e2.norm() * ei.norm()));
            double cot1 = 1.0 / tan(theta1);
            double theta2 = acos((-e1).dot(ei) / (e1.norm() * ei.norm()));
            double cot2 = 1.0 / tan(theta2);
            integratedDiv += e1.dot(gradient) * cot1 + e2.dot(gradient) * cot2;
            he = he->flip->next;
        } while (he != v->he);
        integratedDivs[v->index] = 0.5 * integratedDiv;
コード例 #4
      Eigen::Vector3d interpolate_3x3(const Eigen::Vector3d &this_vec, const double &time_now, const Eigen::Vector3d &next_vec, const double &time_other, const double &time_between)
	Eigen::Quaternion<double> quat(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	double this_norm = this_vec.norm();
	double next_norm = next_vec.norm();
	Eigen::Vector3d this_uv = unit_vec(this_vec);
	Eigen::Vector3d next_uv = unit_vec(next_vec);
	double x = this_uv.dot(next_uv);
	double y = limit(x,-1.0, 1.0);
	double theta = acos(y);
	double adjust = (time_between - time_now) / (time_other - time_now);
	double factor = ((next_norm - this_norm) * adjust + this_norm) / this_norm;
	theta = theta * adjust;
	double sto2 = sin(theta / 2.0);
	Eigen::Vector3d ax = next_vec.cross(this_vec);
	Eigen::Vector3d ax_uv = unit_vec(ax);
	double qx, qy, qz, qw;
	qx = ax_uv(0) * sto2;
	qy = ax_uv(1) * sto2;
	qz = ax_uv(2) * sto2;
	qw = cos(theta/2.0);
	quat = Eigen::Quaternion<double>(qw,qx,qy,qz);
	Eigen::Vector3d z = this_vec * factor;
	Eigen::Quaternion<double> z_q(0.0, z(0), z(1), z(2));
	Eigen::Quaternion<double> q1 = z_q * quat;
	Eigen::Quaternion<double> retaq = quat.inverse();
	Eigen::Quaternion<double> q2 = retaq * q1;
	return q2.vec();
コード例 #5
  /*!  This function calculates the torsion angle of three vectors, represented
    by four points A--B--C--D, i.e. B and C are vertexes, but none of A--B,
    B--C, and C--D are colinear.  A "torsion angle" is the amount of "twist"
    or torsion needed around the B--C axis to bring A--B into the same plane
    as B--C--D.  The torsion is measured by "looking down" the vector B--C so
    that B is superimposed on C, then noting how far you'd have to rotate
    A--B to superimpose A over D.  Angles are + in theanticlockwise
    direction.  The operation is symmetrical in that if you reverse the image
    (look from C to B and rotate D over A), you get the same answer.
  OBAPI double VectorTorsion(const Eigen::Vector3d& a, const Eigen::Vector3d& b,
      const Eigen::Vector3d& c, const Eigen::Vector3d& d)
    // Bond vectors of the three atoms
    Eigen::Vector3d ab = b - a;
    Eigen::Vector3d bc = c - b;
    Eigen::Vector3d cd = d - c;

    // length of the three bonds
    const double l_ab = ab.norm();
    const double l_bc = bc.norm();
    const double l_cd = cd.norm();
    if (IsNearZero(l_ab) || IsNearZero(l_bc) || IsNearZero(l_cd) ) {
      return 0.0;
    // normalize the bond vectors:
    ab *= (1.0 / l_ab);
    bc *= (1.0 / l_bc);
    cd *= (1.0 / l_cd);

    const Eigen::Vector3d ca = ab.cross(bc);
    const Eigen::Vector3d cb = bc.cross(cd);
    const Eigen::Vector3d cc = ca.cross(cb);
    const double d1 = cc.dot(bc);
    const double d2 = ca.dot(cb);
    const double tor = RAD_TO_DEG * atan2(d1, d2);
    return tor;  
コード例 #6
  OBAPI double VectorOOP(const Eigen::Vector3d &a, const Eigen::Vector3d &b,
      const Eigen::Vector3d &c,const Eigen::Vector3d &d)
    // This is adapted from http://scidok.sulb.uni-saarland.de/volltexte/2007/1325/pdf/Dissertation_1544_Moll_Andr_2007.pdf
    // Many thanks to Andreas Moll and the BALLView developers for this

    // calculate normalized bond vectors from central atom to outer atoms:
    Eigen::Vector3d ab = a - b;
    // store length of this bond:
    const double length_ab = ab.norm();
    if (IsNearZero(length_ab)) {
      return 0.0;
    // store the normalized bond vector from central atom to outer atoms:
    // normalize the bond vector:
    ab /= length_ab;
    Eigen::Vector3d cb = c - b;
    const double length_cb = cb.norm();
    if (IsNearZero(length_cb)) {
      return 0.0;
    cb /= length_cb;
    Eigen::Vector3d db = d - b;
    const double length_db = db.norm();
    if (IsNearZero(length_db)) {
      return 0.0;
    db /= length_db;
    // the normal vectors of the three planes:
    const Eigen::Vector3d an = ab.cross(cb); 
    const Eigen::Vector3d bn = cb.cross(db); 
    const Eigen::Vector3d cn = db.cross(ab); 

    // Bond angle ji to jk
    const double cos_theta = ab.dot(cb);
    const double theta = acosLookup(cos_theta);
    const double theta = acos(cos_theta);
    // If theta equals 180 degree or 0 degree
    if (IsNearZero(theta) || IsNearZero(fabs(theta - M_PI))) {
      return 0.0;
    const double sin_theta = sin(theta);
    const double sin_dl = an.dot(db) / sin_theta;

    // the wilson angle:
    const double dl = asin(sin_dl);

    return RAD_TO_DEG * dl;
コード例 #7
ファイル: maniptool.cpp プロジェクト: liqiang1980/VTFS
void ManipTool::update_nv(Eigen::Vector3d lv,Eigen::Vector3d& n_hat,Eigen::Vector3d& nv_dot_fb){
    P_bar = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity()-n_hat*n_hat.transpose();
    nv_dot = -1*Gama_n*P_bar*L_n*n_hat;
    nv_dot_fb = nv_dot;
    L_n_dot = -beta_n*L_n+(1/(1+pow(lv.norm(),2)))*lv*lv.transpose();
    n_hat = n_hat+nv_dot;
    n_hat = n_hat/n_hat.norm();
    L_n = L_n + L_n_dot;

コード例 #8
ファイル: Pose.hpp プロジェクト: Cirromulus/base-types
         * @brief set pose based on compact scaled-axis representation
         * @param v compact 6 vector [r t], where r is a 3 vector representing
         *  the rotation in scaled axis form, and t is the translation 3 vector.
        void fromVector6d( const Vector6d &v )
            const Eigen::Vector3d saxis = v.head<3>();
            if( saxis.norm() > 1e-9 )
            orientation = Eigen::AngleAxisd( saxis.norm(), saxis.normalized() );
            orientation = Eigen::Quaterniond::Identity();

            position = v.tail<3>();
コード例 #9
ファイル: quadtree.cpp プロジェクト: m0nologuer/annealing
Eigen::Vector3d Triangle::shortestDistanceTo(Triangle* other, Eigen::Vector3d& closest_point){

  Eigen::Vector3d distance = shortestDistanceTo(other->points[0]);
  closest_point = distance + other->points[0];

  //project other triangle vertices onto us
  for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i)
    Eigen::Vector3d new_dist = shortestDistanceTo(other->points[i]);
    if (new_dist.norm() < distance.norm())
      distance = new_dist;
      closest_point = distance + other->points[i];
  //project all vertices onto other triangle
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    Eigen::Vector3d new_dist = -other->shortestDistanceTo(points[i]);
    if (new_dist.norm() < distance.norm())
      distance = new_dist;
      closest_point = points[i];
  //project edges onto other triangle, do line intersections

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    Eigen::Vector3d close_point;
    Eigen::Vector3d new_dist = -shortestDistanceTo(other->points[i], other->points[(i+1)%3], close_point);
    if (new_dist.norm() < distance.norm())
      distance = new_dist;
      closest_point = close_point;

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    Eigen::Vector3d close_point;
    Eigen::Vector3d new_dist = other->shortestDistanceTo(points[i],points[(i+1)%3], close_point);
    if (new_dist.norm() < distance.norm())
      distance = new_dist;
      closest_point = points[i];

  return distance;
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_Frames.cpp プロジェクト: a-price/dart
void randomize_transform(Eigen::Isometry3d& tf,
                         double translation_limit=100,
                         double rotation_limit=100)
  Eigen::Vector3d r = random_vec<3>(translation_limit);
  Eigen::Vector3d theta = random_vec<3>(rotation_limit);


    tf.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(theta.norm(), theta.normalized()));
コード例 #11
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eigen::Vector3d* ComputeTrixelMidpoints(trixel* trixel)
    static Eigen::Vector3d tmp;
    Eigen::Vector3d* midPoints = new Eigen::Vector3d[3];

    tmp = trixel->_vertices[1] + trixel->_vertices[2];
    midPoints[0] = tmp / tmp.norm();
    tmp = trixel->_vertices[0] + trixel->_vertices[2];
    midPoints[1] = tmp / tmp.norm();
    tmp = trixel->_vertices[0] + trixel->_vertices[1];
    midPoints[2] = tmp / tmp.norm();

    return midPoints;
コード例 #12
    Eigen::Vector3d getForcePoint(Eigen::Vector3d & c_current, Eigen::Vector3d & c_previous, const double & ro)
            Eigen::Vector3d f=kp_mat*(ro-c_current.norm())*c_current.normalized()

            return f;
            return Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0);
コード例 #13
ファイル: quaternion.cpp プロジェクト: ChefOtter/ahl_ros_pkg
Quaternion::Quaternion(const Eigen::Vector3d& axis, double angle)
  if(axis.norm() == 0.0)
    throw Exception("Quaternion::Quaternion", "Norm of axis is zero.");

  double inv_norm = 1.0 / axis.norm();
  double sin_val = sin(0.5 * angle);

  x_ = axis.coeff(0) * inv_norm * sin_val;
  y_ = axis.coeff(1) * inv_norm * sin_val;
  z_ = axis.coeff(2) * inv_norm * sin_val;
  w_ = cos(0.5 * angle);
コード例 #14
int main( )
    // Use Boost library to make a random number generator.
    boost::mt19937 randomNumbergenerator( time( 0 ) );
    boost::random::uniform_real_distribution< > uniformDistribution( 0.0, 10.0 );
    boost::variate_generator< boost::mt19937&, boost::random::uniform_real_distribution < > >
            generateRandomNumbers( randomNumbergenerator, uniformDistribution );

    // Generate random altitude value between 0 and 10 km.
    const double altitudeKilometers = generateRandomNumbers( );

    // Use the Tudat Core library to convert km to m.
    const double altitudeMeters = tudat::unit_conversions::convertKilometersToMeters(
            altitudeKilometers );

    // Use the Eigen library to create position vectors.
    Eigen::Vector3d positionOfBodySubjectToAcceleration;
    positionOfBodySubjectToAcceleration << 1737.1e3 + altitudeMeters, 0.0, 0.0;
    const Eigen::Vector3d positionOfBodyExertingAcceleration = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero( );

    // Use the Tudat library to compute the acceleration vector.
    const Eigen::Vector3d gravitationalAcceleration =
                    positionOfBodySubjectToAcceleration, 4.9e12,
                    positionOfBodyExertingAcceleration );

    // Print the altitude and norm of the acceleration vector.
    std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "I am floating " << altitudeKilometers << " km above the Moon's surface." <<
    std::cout << "The gravitational acceleration here is " <<
            gravitationalAcceleration.norm() << " m/s^2."  << std::endl;

    return 0;
コード例 #15
  Eigen::Vector3d R2AxisAngle(Eigen::Matrix3d const & C){
    // Sometimes, because of roundoff error, the value of tr ends up outside
    // the valid range of arccos. Truncate to the valid range.
    double tr = std::max(-1.0, std::min( (C(0,0) + C(1,1) + C(2,2) - 1.0) * 0.5, 1.0));
    double a = acos( tr ) ;

    Eigen::Vector3d axis;

    if(fabs(a) < 1e-10) {
      return Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
    axis[0] = (C(2,1) - C(1,2));
    axis[1] = (C(0,2) - C(2,0));
    axis[2] = (C(1,0) - C(0,1));
    double n2 = axis.norm();
    if(fabs(n2) < 1e-10)
      return Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
    double scale = -a/n2;
    axis = scale * axis;

    return axis;

コード例 #16
      inline Eigen::Vector3d unit_vec(const Eigen::Vector3d &vec)
	Eigen::Vector3d retval;
	double nrm = vec.norm();
	retval = vec / nrm;
	return retval;
コード例 #17
//! Function to convert a Cartesian to a spherical orbital state.
basic_mathematics::Vector6d convertCartesianToSphericalOrbitalState(
        const basic_mathematics::Vector6d& bodyFixedCartesianState )
    basic_mathematics::Vector6d sphericalOrbitalState;

    // Compute and set spherical position
    Eigen::Vector3d sphericalPosition = coordinate_conversions::convertCartesianToSpherical(
                bodyFixedCartesianState.segment( 0, 3 ) );
    sphericalOrbitalState( radiusIndex ) = sphericalPosition( 0 );
    sphericalOrbitalState( latitudeIndex ) = mathematical_constants::PI / 2.0 - sphericalPosition( 1 );
    sphericalOrbitalState( longitudeIndex ) = sphericalPosition( 2 );

    // Convert velocity to vertical frame.
    Eigen::Vector3d verticalFrameVelocity =
                sphericalOrbitalState( longitudeIndex ), sphericalOrbitalState( latitudeIndex ) ) *
            bodyFixedCartesianState.segment( 3, 3 );

    // Set velocity in spherical orbital state.
    sphericalOrbitalState( speedIndex ) = verticalFrameVelocity.norm( );
    sphericalOrbitalState( flightPathIndex ) = calculateFlightPathAngle( verticalFrameVelocity );
    sphericalOrbitalState( headingAngleIndex ) = calculateHeadingAngle( verticalFrameVelocity );

    return sphericalOrbitalState;

コード例 #18
ファイル: vector3d_util.hpp プロジェクト: sfegan/calin
inline Eigen::Vector3d reflect_from_surface(const Eigen::Vector3d& v,
    const Eigen::Vector3d& surface_norm)
  assert(fabs(surface_norm.norm() - 1.0) < 1e-6);
  const double mag = 2.0*v.dot(surface_norm);
  return v - surface_norm * mag;
コード例 #19
ファイル: ContactConstraint.cpp プロジェクト: bchretien/dart
Eigen::MatrixXd ContactConstraint::getTangentBasisMatrixODE(
    const Eigen::Vector3d& _n)
  // TODO(JS): Use mNumFrictionConeBases
  // Check if the number of bases is even number.
//  bool isEvenNumBases = mNumFrictionConeBases % 2 ? true : false;

  Eigen::MatrixXd T(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(3, 2));

  // Pick an arbitrary vector to take the cross product of (in this case,
  // Z-axis)
  Eigen::Vector3d tangent = mFirstFrictionalDirection.cross(_n);

  // TODO(JS): Modify following lines once _updateFirstFrictionalDirection() is
  //           implemented.
  // If they're too close, pick another tangent (use X-axis as arbitrary vector)
    tangent = Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX().cross(_n);


  // Rotate the tangent around the normal to compute bases.
  // Note: a possible speedup is in place for mNumDir % 2 = 0
  // Each basis and its opposite belong in the matrix, so we iterate half as
  // many times
  T.col(0) = tangent;
  T.col(1) = Eigen::Quaterniond(Eigen::AngleAxisd(DART_PI_HALF, _n)) * tangent;
  return T;
コード例 #20
ファイル: ICPBlock.hpp プロジェクト: Modasshir/socrob-ros-pkg
inline bool ICP::error(Eigen::VectorXd xopt_ant , Eigen::VectorXd xopt){
	double dr;
	double q0;
	Eigen::Vector3d dt;
	dt(0) = xopt(4) - xopt_ant(4);
	dt(1) = xopt(5) - xopt_ant(5);
	dt(2) = xopt(6) - xopt_ant(6);
	if (xopt_ant(3)>1) {xopt_ant(3) = 1.0;}
	if (xopt_ant(3)<-1){xopt_ant(3) =-1.0;}
	if (xopt(3)>1)     {xopt(3)     = 1.0;}
	if (xopt(3)<-1)    {xopt(3)     =-1.0;}
	//q0 = xopt * xopt_ant.inverse()
	q0 = -(-xopt_ant(0))*xopt(0)
		   +xopt_ant(3) *xopt(3);
	dr = 2 * acos(q0);
	//std::cout << fabs(dr) << " " << dt.norm() << "  " << THRESH_dr << "   " << THRESH_dt <<"      "<< (fabs(dr) <= THRESH_dr) << " "<< (dt.norm() <= THRESH_dt) <<  "\n";
	if ((fabs(dr) <= THRESH_dr) && ( dt.norm() <= THRESH_dt)) return true;

	return false;
コード例 #21
ファイル: dipole.cpp プロジェクト: esimerkkitutkija/pamhd
bool check_result(
	const double initial_energy,
	const double initial_angle,
	const size_t step_divisor,
	const double nrj_error,
	const double mom_error,
	const Eigen::Vector3d& position
) {
	if (nrj_error > 1e-12) {
		return false;

	if (position.norm() > 7 * earth_radius) {
		if (initial_angle == 90) {
			if (step_divisor >= 512) {
				return false;
		} else {
			if (step_divisor >= 64) {
				return false;

	if (initial_energy == 1e4) {
		if (initial_angle == 90) {
			if (step_divisor >= 128 and mom_error > 2e-2) {
				return false;

			return true;

		} else {
			if (step_divisor >= 128 and mom_error > 4e-2) {
				return false;

			return true;

	} else {

		if (initial_angle == 90) {
			if (step_divisor >= 1024 and mom_error > 0.6) {
				return false;

			return true;

		} else {
			if (step_divisor >= 512 and mom_error > 2.1) {
				return false;

			return true;

	return true;
コード例 #22
InterpolatedPtr Herb::planToEndEffectorOffset(MetaSkeletonStateSpacePtr _space,
                                              ConstJacobianNodePtr _endEffector,
                                              const Eigen::Vector3d &_direction,
                                              double _distance,
                                              double _timelimit) const {
  auto startState = _space->getScopedStateFromMetaSkeleton();
  Eigen::VectorXd positions(7);
  _space->convertStateToPositions(startState, positions);

  std::random_device randomDevice;
  auto seedEngine = RNGWrapper<std::default_random_engine>(randomDevice());
  auto engines = splitEngine(seedEngine, 2);

  // Generate the constraint TSR
  // Frame w set such that the z-axis is pointing along the direction to move
  double epsilon = 0.01;
  TSRPtr constraint = std::make_shared<TSR>();
  constraint->mT0_w = dart::math::computeTransform(_direction / _direction.norm(),
  constraint->mTw_e = constraint->mT0_w.inverse() * _endEffector->getTransform(); 
  constraint->mBw << -epsilon, epsilon, 
      -epsilon, epsilon, std::min(0., _distance), std::max(0., _distance),
      -epsilon, epsilon, -epsilon, epsilon, -epsilon, epsilon;
  std::cout << constraint->mT0_w.matrix() << std::endl;

  TSRPtr goalRegion = std::make_shared<TSR>();
  auto offset = Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity();
  offset(2,3) = _distance;
  goalRegion->mT0_w = constraint->mT0_w * offset;
  goalRegion->mTw_e = constraint->mTw_e;
  goalRegion->mBw << -epsilon, epsilon, -epsilon, epsilon, -epsilon, epsilon,
      -epsilon, epsilon, -epsilon, epsilon, -epsilon, epsilon;

  auto untimedTrajectory = planCRRTConnect(
      std::make_shared<FrameTestable>(_space, _endEffector, goalRegion),
          createSampleableBounds(_space, std::move(engines[0])), 
              _space, _endEffector, constraint),
          std::vector<double>(6, 1e-4)),
      createSampleableBounds(_space, std::move(engines[1])),
      _timelimit, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(),
      mCollisionResolution, mCollisionResolution*0.5, mCollisionResolution);

  return untimedTrajectory;
コード例 #23
        // - line has starting point (x0, y0, z0) and ending point (x1, y1, z1) 
        bool LineIntersect(Eigen::Vector3d& line_start, Eigen::Vector3d& line_end,
                           Eigen::Vector3d& intersection) {
            // Solution : http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=467789
            Eigen::Vector3d line_dir = (line_end - line_start).normalized();
            Eigen::Vector3d A = this->node1->curPos;
            Eigen::Vector3d B = this->node2->curPos;

            Eigen::Vector3d nan_bias1(1e-10, -1e-10, 1e-10);
            Eigen::Vector3d nan_bias2(-1e-10, 1e-10, -1e-10);
            Eigen::Vector3d AB = (B - A)+nan_bias1;
            Eigen::Vector3d AO = (line_start - A)+nan_bias2;
            Eigen::Vector3d AOxAB = AO.cross(AB);
            Eigen::Vector3d VxAB  = line_dir.cross(AB);

            double ab2 = AB.dot(AB);
            double a = VxAB.dot(VxAB);
            double b = 2 * VxAB.dot(AOxAB);
            double c = AOxAB.dot(AOxAB) - (r*r * ab2);
            double d = b*b - 4*a*c;
            if (d < 0) 
                return false;
            double t = (-b - sqrt(d)) / (2 * a);
            if (t < 0) 
                return false;

            intersection = line_start + line_dir*t; /// intersection point
            Eigen::Vector3d projection = A + (AB.dot(intersection - A) / ab2) * AB; /// intersection projected onto cylinder axis
            if ((projection - A).norm() + (B - projection).norm() > AB.norm() + 1e-5) 
                return false;

            return true;
コード例 #24
void ParticleManagerTinkerToy::addConstraint( double x, double y, bool fBeadConstraint )
	FixedDistanceConstraint* pConstraint = NULL;
	if ( !fBeadConstraint )
		int indexClosestParticle = findClosestParticleIndex( x, y, true );
		Eigen::Vector3d distVector = m_particles[indexClosestParticle]->mPosition - m_particles[m_particles.size() - 1]->mPosition;
		double distance = distVector.norm();
		pConstraint = new FixedDistanceConstraint( m_particles[indexClosestParticle], m_particles[m_particles.size() -1 ], indexClosestParticle, m_particles.size() - 1, distance );
		m_pConstraintManager->addConstraint( pConstraint );
		Eigen::Vector3d positionCurrent( x, y, 0 );
		if ( abs(positionCurrent.norm() - 0.2) < 0.02 )
			double distance = 0.2;
			pConstraint = new FixedDistanceConstraint( m_particles[m_particles.size() -1 ], NULL, m_particles.size() - 1, -1, distance );
			m_particles[m_particles.size() - 1]->mColor[0] = 0.0;
			m_particles[m_particles.size() - 1]->mColor[2] = 1.0;
			m_particles[m_particles.size() - 1]->mPosition.normalize();
			m_particles[m_particles.size() - 1]->mPosition *= 0.2;
			m_pConstraintManager->addConstraint( pConstraint );
コード例 #25
void Model::calForcesHelper(int i, int j, Eigen::Vector3d &F) {
    double dist;
    Eigen::Vector3d r;

    dist = 0.0;
    r = particles[j]->r - particles[i]->r;
    dist = r.norm();
    if (dist < 2.0) {
        std::cerr << "overlap " << i << "\t" << j << "\t"<< this->timeCounter << "dist: " << dist << "\t" << this->timeCounter <<std::endl;
#ifdef OPENMP
        std::cerr << "report from thread: " << omp_get_thread_num() << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "number of threads: " << omp_get_num_threads() << std::endl; 
        dist = 2.06;
    if (dist < cutoff) {
        // the unit of force is kg m s^-2
        // kappa here is kappa*a a non-dimensional number
        double Fpp = -4.0/3.0*
        Fpp = -Bpp * Kappa * exp(-Kappa*(dist-2.0));
//        Fpp += -9e-13 * exp(-kappa* (dist - 2.0));
        F = Fpp*r/dist;
コード例 #26
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	void run () {

		// Create the interface to the Kinect
		char buf [256];
		sprintf(buf, "#%d", id);
		pcl::Grabber* interface = new pcl::OpenNIGrabber(buf);
		boost::function<void (const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::ConstPtr&)> f =
			boost::bind (&SimpleOpenNIViewer::cloud_cb_, this, _1);

		// Start the interface
		interface->registerCallback (f);
		interface->start ();

		// Set the callback function to get the points
		cv::Vec3s coords (0, 0, -1);
		cv::namedWindow("image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
    cv::setMouseCallback("image", interact, (void*) (&coords));
		bool update = true;

		// Wait
		int counter = 0;
		int lastMouseInput = -1;
		Eigen::Vector3d sumCenter (0,0,0);
		while (true) { //(!viewer.wasStopped()) {

			// Create the image from cloud data
			if(update) makeImage();

			// Get the user input if it exists and grow a region around it
			if((coords[2] > 0)) {
				growRegion(coords[0], coords[1]);
				if(coords[2] > lastMouseInput) {
					counter = 0;
					sumCenter = Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0);
					cout << "----------- reset" << endl;
					lastMouseInput = coords[2];
				// coords[2] = -1;
				if((!(center(0) != center(0))) && center.norm() > 1e-2) {
					sumCenter += center;
				if(counter >= 100) {
					counter = 0;
					cout << "mean center: " << (sumCenter/100).transpose() << endl;
					sumCenter = Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0);
				// update = false;

		// Stop the interface
		interface->stop ();
コード例 #27
LaserSensorModel::setObstacle(const Eigen::Vector3d& pObstacle)
    m_r_p = pObstacle.norm();

    m_pObstacle = pObstacle;
    m_validRange = m_pObstacle.norm() + 2.0 * m_sigma;
コード例 #28
ファイル: exponential_map.cpp プロジェクト: Chpark/itomp
Eigen::Quaterniond ExponentialMapToQuaternion(const Eigen::Vector3d& exponential_rotation)
	double angle = 0.5 * exponential_rotation.norm();
	Eigen::Quaterniond quaternion;
	quaternion.w() = std::cos(angle);
	quaternion.vec() = 0.5 * boost::math::sinc_pi(angle) * exponential_rotation;
	return quaternion;
コード例 #29
ファイル: range_image_spherical.hpp プロジェクト: tfili/pcl
inline void 
RangeImageSpherical::getImagePoint (const Eigen::Vector3d& point, double& image_x, double& image_y, double& range) const
  Eigen::Vector3d transformedPoint = to_range_image_system_ * point;
  range = transformedPoint.norm ();
  double angle_x = atan2LookUp (transformedPoint[0], transformedPoint[2]),
        angle_y = asinLookUp (transformedPoint[1]/range);
  getImagePointFromAngles (angle_x, angle_y, image_x, image_y);
コード例 #30
Eigen::Vector3d get_earth_dipole(const Eigen::Vector3d& position)
	const double distance = position.norm();
	const Eigen::Vector3d
		direction = position / distance,
		projected_dip_mom = dipole_moment.dot(direction) * direction;

	return 1e-7 * (3 * projected_dip_mom - dipole_moment) / std::pow(distance, 3);