コード例 #1
void TR_ExpressionsSimplification::tranformStoreMotionCandidate(TR::TreeTop *treeTop, bool *isPreheaderBlockInvalid)
   TR::Node *node = treeTop->getNode();

   TR_ASSERT(node->getOpCode().isStore() && !node->getSymbol()->isStatic() && !node->getSymbol()->holdsMonitoredObject(),
      "node %p was expected to be a non-static non-monitored object store and was not.", node);

   // this candidate should be valid, either direct or indirect

   if (trace())
      comp()->getDebug()->print(comp()->getOutFile(), node, 0, true);

   TR::Block *entryBlock = _currentRegion->getEntryBlock();
   TR::Block *preheaderBlock = findPredecessorBlock(entryBlock);

   if (!preheaderBlock)
      if (trace())
         traceMsg(comp(), "Fail to find a place to put the hoist code in\n");
      *isPreheaderBlockInvalid = true;

   // Earlier post-dominance test ensures that the loop is executed as least once, or is canonicalized.
   // but to be safe we still perform on canonicalized loops only.
   if (_currentRegion->isCanonicalizedLoop())  // make sure that the loop is canonicalized, in which case the preheader is
      {                                        // executed in its first iteration and is protected.
      if (performTransformation(comp(), "%sMove out loop-invariant store [%p] to block_%d\n", OPT_DETAILS, node, preheaderBlock->getNumber()))
         TR::Node *newNode = node->duplicateTree();
         transformNode(newNode, preheaderBlock);
         TR::TransformUtil::removeTree(comp(), treeTop);
      if (trace())
         traceMsg(comp(), "No canonicalized loop for this candidate\n");
コード例 #2
bool TR_ExpressionsSimplification::tranformSummationReductionCandidate(TR::TreeTop *treeTop, LoopInfo *loopInfo, bool *isPreheaderBlockInvalid)
   TR::Node *node = treeTop->getNode();
   TR::Node *opNode = node->getFirstChild();
   TR::Node *expNode = NULL;
   int32_t expChildNumber = 0;
   bool removeOnly = false;
   bool replaceWithNewNode = false;

   if (opNode->getOpCodeValue() == TR::iadd || opNode->getOpCodeValue() == TR::isub)
      if (opNode->getSecondChild()->getOpCode().hasSymbolReference() &&
            node->getSymbolReference() == opNode->getSecondChild()->getSymbolReference())
         expChildNumber = 0;
         expNode = opNode->getFirstChild();
         expChildNumber = 1;
         expNode = opNode->getSecondChild();
      expNode = iaddisubSimplifier(expNode, loopInfo);
      replaceWithNewNode = true;
   else if (opNode->getOpCodeValue() == TR::ixor || opNode->getOpCodeValue() == TR::ineg)
      expNode = ixorinegSimplifier(opNode, loopInfo, &removeOnly);

   if (expNode)
      if (trace())
         comp()->getDebug()->print(comp()->getOutFile(), expNode, 0, true);

      TR::Block *entryBlock = _currentRegion->getEntryBlock();
      TR::Block *preheaderBlock = findPredecessorBlock(entryBlock);

      if (!preheaderBlock)
         if (trace())
            traceMsg(comp(), "Fail to find a place to put the hoist code in\n");
         *isPreheaderBlockInvalid = true;
         return true;

      if (loopInfo->getNumIterations() > 0 ||     // make sure that the loop is going to be executed at least once
            _currentRegion->isCanonicalizedLoop())  // or that the loop is canonicalized, in which case the preheader is
         {                                        // executed in its first iteration and is protected.
         if (performTransformation(comp(), "%sMove out loop-invariant node [%p] to block_%d\n", OPT_DETAILS, node, preheaderBlock->getNumber()))
            if (!(removeOnly))
               TR::Node *newNode = node->duplicateTree();
               if (replaceWithNewNode)
                  newNode->getFirstChild()->setAndIncChild(expChildNumber, expNode);
               transformNode(newNode, preheaderBlock);
            TR::TransformUtil::removeTree(comp(), treeTop);
      return (expNode != NULL);