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Audio Objects handling library


bbcat-base -
bbcat-dsp -
bbcat-control -

Files - simple autotools script - configure configuration for autotools
COPYING - information on copying this library
debian/ - Debian control and version information - Doxygen automake file
doxygen.cfg - Doxygen configuration
m4 - folder for autotools - makefile for automake
README - this file
src/ - source folder containing C/C++ source and header files
examples/ - folder with example C++ files (just type make)

src/ADMAudioFileSamples.cpp             | Handler for reading audio samples AND position from ADM object and BWF file 
src/ADMAudioFileSamples.h               |

src/ADMData.cpp                         | Base class for ADM data handlers (NOTE: this no longer supports axml and chna chunk handling directly)
src/ADMData.h                           |

src/ADMFileReader.cpp                   | An ADM file reader
src/ADMFileReader.h                     |

src/ADMFileWriter.cpp                   | An ADM file writer implemented as a sound consumer
src/ADMFileWriter.h                     |

src/ADMObjects.cpp                      | Individual component ADM objects
src/ADMObjects.h                        |

src/ADMRIFFFile.cpp                     | ADM RIFF (BWF) file support
src/ADMRIFFFile.h                       |

src/ADMXMLGenerator.cpp                 | Simple XML generator for use by ADMData
src/ADMXMLGenerator.h                   |

src/                         | Makefile for automake

src/Playlist.cpp                        | Simple multi-file playlist
src/Playlist.h                          |

src/RIFFChunk_Definitions.h             | RIFF chunk definitions

src/RIFFChunk.cpp                       | Base class for RIFF chunk handlers
src/RIFFChunk.h                         |

src/RIFFChunks.cpp                      | RIFF chunk handlers
src/RIFFChunks.h                        |

src/RIFFFile.cpp                        | RIFF file support
src/RIFFFile.h                          |

src/SoundFileAttributes.cpp             | Sound format and data classes
src/SoundFileAttributes.h               |

src/SoundObjectFile.cpp                 | A version of the SoundFileSamples class which uses AudioObjectCursors to read channel parameters from a sound file
src/SoundObjectFile.h                   |

src/TinyXMLADMData.cpp                  | An implementation of ADM decoding using TinyXML
src/TinyXMLADMData.h                    |

src/XMLADMData.cpp                      | Extension to ADMData to handle axml and chna chunks encoding and decoding (via explicit implementations like TinyXMLADMData)
src/XMLADMData.h                        |

src/XMLValue.cpp                        | Representation of XML style values/attributes
src/XMLValue.h                          |

examples/read-adm-bwf.cpp               | Example code for reading and decoding an ADM file

examples/write-adm-bwf.cpp              | Example code for writing an ADM file

examples/create-adm.cpp                 | Example code for creating an ADM object without using a RIFF file

examples/load-xml.cpp					| Example code for loading ADM xml and chna chunks in directly

examples/write-separate-adm.cpp         | Example code for creating a separate ADM and then adding to a WAV file being written

examples/udp-demo.cpp                   | Simple demonstration of threading and UDP socket handling

examples/play-metadata.cpp              | Example of reading in an XML file and displaying the metadata over time

examples/modify-adm-bwf.cpp             | Example of reading an ADM BWF file, copying and modifying the ADM (adding arbitrary XML) and writing it to a new file along with the original audio

examples/map-adm-bwf.cpp				| Uses dot to generate an SVG map of the ADM of a BWF file

Building on Windows (Visual Studio)

Follow the installation instructions for bbcat-base (

Use git-bash to change to the directory where the libraries are to be cloned to

Clone source code, if necessary:
git clone

cd bbcat-audioobjects
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" .. && cmake --build . --target INSTALL --config Release
(or whatever version of Visual Studio you are using)

Building the examples

cd examples
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" .. && cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config Release 
cd Release

Notes on Windows builds

As there is no standardised directories for cmake files, libraries, etc. the build *assumes* that:
1. Library includes, libs and shared files will be stored in c:\local\bbcat
2. CMake configuration files will be stored in c:\local\cmake
3. TinyXML is downloaded into c:\local and built (Release version)

Building on Mac and Linux

There are two build mechanisms supported: autotools and cmake

./ && configure && make && sudo make install

mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. && make && sudo make install

Building the examples

cd examples

then, for autotools:
./ && configure && make

or, for cmake:
mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. && make

With the examples built:

./read-adm-bwf adm-bwf.wav
./write-separate-adm adm-bwf-2.wav


Audio objects library for the BBC Audio Toolbox







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  • C++ 97.2%
  • Other 2.8%