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David "The Yellow Dart" Colgan
Jesse Denardo
Expert System for playing Settlers of Catan (a.k.a. Pioneers)

Due to the use of the unistd C library, plus bash scripts for configuring,
compiling, and installing the program, only Unix-like environments are
supported at this time. Please use Linux. The lab machines are great for this.

Various dependecies must be properly installed for Pioneers to work, but they
are all installed on matthew and the lab machines. The CLIPS command-line
environment is also required, but this is bundled with the source code, so fear

Compiling and Installing the Game
To make a fresh installation of the game and AI, run ./ from the
settlers directory (the directory this README file is located in).

Running the Game with the Expert System AI
To start the pioneers game, make sure that [current working directory]/bin is
in your $PATH. You may execute

$ export PATH=./bin:$PATH

to do this, or better yet, put it in your ~/.bashrc. Then, simply run

$ pioneers &

to start the game. To play against the AI, create a game, set the proper
settings (leave Server Port as 5556 and the board style as Default). Then start
the server and launch the client to play. To let the expert system AI connect to
the game, go back to your terminal and run

$ ./