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compile on linux

  • run "make -f make_ofs_tools" to generate the demo program

  • run "make -f make_ofs_server" to generate the demo program with libevent, you must install libevent first

compile on windows

  • run vs2008 IDE, open win_proj/ofs_tools.sln to generate the demo program

  • run vs2008 IDE, open unit_test/ofs_test.sln to generate the unit test program

demo program with libevent usage(only support linux now)

  1. run ofs_server

  2. run "telnet IP_ADDRESS 9999" command to connect to the ofs server, if it is on the local machine, the IP_ADDRESS may be "" (to quit the telnet, please press "ctrl+]" keys, and then input "quit")

  3. input the demo program command like the following section

demo program usage example

description command example
create container named ct0 create -ct ct0
create object with objid 300 create -ct ct0 -o 300
insert kv in object 300 insert -ct ct0 -o 300 -k axen -v abcdjkjkj
dump all kv in object 300 dump -ct ct0 -o 300
remove kv in object 300 remove -ct ct0 -o 300 -k axen


  1. support multi fs
  2. support multi object(table) in a single fs
  3. support multi type object(table) in a single fs
  4. support variant length key or value
  5. support NULL value or zero length value


  1. using btree manager the space instead of bitmap
  2. support both b tree and b+ tree
  3. support snapshot management
  4. support the data on disk is consistent at any time
  5. support object read/write
  6. support big value
  7. support file system operation


a native object/kv and file system on disk or file






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