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(c) Sierra Wireless, 2007-2012


Sched is a Lua collaborative scheduler: it allows several Lua tasks to run in parallel, and to communicate together when they need to interact.

It offers a convinient way to write programs which address multiple I/O driven issues simultaneously, with much less hassle than with preemptive multithreading frameworks; it also doesn't require developers to adopt unusual programming styles, as expected by Erlang, map-reduce variants, or callback-driven frameworks such as node.js. Among other appropriate usages, it allows to easily write and deploy the applications typically powering machine-to-machine infrastructures.

This repository is a preliminary and separate release of Lua sched, normally part of Sierra Wireless' M2M development framework.

A developer preview of Sierra Wireless' Lua SDK is available on the Lua Workshop '11 website [PDF].


Third party projects

This project includes the following 3rd party projects, all under MIT or other MIT-compatible public licenses:

  • Coxpcall: part of the Kepler project, (c) Roberto Ierusalimschy, André Carregal, Thomas Harning Jr., Ignacio Burgueño, Gary NG, Fábio Mascarenhas

  • LuaSocket, (c) Diego Nehab. Notice that the embedded version is heavily modified to integrate with the scheduler.

  • LuaPack, (c) Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo.

  • The documentation is generated with Steve Donovan's LDoc: LDoc HTML and CSS templates are shipped with Luasched, the former (c) Steve Donovan, the latter (c) Yahoo1 Inc.

Sierra Wireless Modules

The following modules have been developped and are released by Sierra Wireless. Although the current release lacks a compiled documentation, every public API is properly documented with LuaDoc-compatible comment headers.

  • sched: the scheduler itself

    • sched.lock: mutexes and synchronization

    • sched.pipe: communication queues

  • checks: a library to quickly and easily check Lua function and arguments, and generate proper error message when invalid arguments are detected.

  • print: a Lua table pretty-printer, used among others by the shell

  • shell.telnet: an interactive shell served over telnet

  • log: a configurable applications log system, allowing fine-grained control over verbosity, as well as selective redirection of logs toward different back-ends.

  • 'rpc': allows different Lua VMs to control each other, and to spawn new slave VMs, with or without a scheduler in them. It allows to use several CPUs simultaneously, and to segregate modules which don't play fair with the collaborative scheduler in their own process. VMs don't have to be on the same computer, they communicate over TCP.

Quick overview

Scheduling API

New tasks are created by passing a function to Communication and synchronization are usually best performed through signal emission and monitoring, cf. sched.signal, sched.wait, sched.sigrun etc. for detailled explanations.

For more advanced inter-task communications, check out sched.lock and sched.pipe.

The scheduler is started by calling sched.loop(), which never returns. You must have scheduled at least one task with before starting the loop, otherwise your program won't do anything.

This scheduler is a collaborative scheduler: it won't preemptively stop a task which never perform any blocking/rescheduling operation. It is not suitable for real-time operations: these must be performed in a separate thread on a real-time process, and then optionally interfaced with Lua for convinience. A rogue task might lock the whole lua_State in which it runs.

Interactive development

Since the loop blocks forever, it prevents interactive development over the usual Lua shell. However, if you start a shell.telnet task, you will be able to interact with a telnet client. For instance, you can connect to a shell launched as below with "telnet localhost 2000":

 require 'sched'
 require 'shell.telnet'

 function main()
         address     = '', 
         port        = 2000,
         editmode    = "edit",
         historysize = 100 }

The shell offers history navigation, the usual edition capabilities, and auto-completion. In addition, it supports the following features:

  • an expression prefixed with "=" will print this expression's value on the shell, as does the usual Lua shell.

  • an expression prefixed with ":" will print this expression's value on the shell in a detailed way: tables will be properly pretty-printed and indented. The system is protected against recursive tables.

  • a statement prefixed with "&" will be launched in the background: the user can enter new commands in the shell before the task terminates.

  • Ctrl-Z, pressed when a task is in the foreground and locks the shell, will put the task in the background and give back control over the shell.

  • Ctrl-C, pressed when a task is in the foreground and locks the shell, will kill the task and give back control over the shell.


The external needs are:

  • a Lua 5.1 VM (sudo apt-get install lua5.1 on Ubuntu);
  • the Lua 5.1 C header files, available on the Lua website;
  • GCC and Gnu Makefile.

This distribution has been successfully tested on Linux 32 and 64 bits. You need to edit the LUA_INC path to Lua headers in the Makefile, then run make.

The LuaSocket port does NOT work under Mac OS X.

You can then either install the result (everything except the c folder, the Makefile, sample.lua and the fetch.lua script) in a Lua directory, or run it directly from the current directory. In the later case, beware that by default, the "./?/init.lua" loader path isn't included in the Lua path. You'll have to do a:

 export LUA_PATH="./?.lua;./?/init.lua"

You can test it with the sample provided:

 $ make
 $ export LUA_PATH="./?.lua;./?/init.lua"
 $ lua sample.lua

Important warnings

This is a preliminary release, in response to interest expressed towards Sierra Wireless' work. APIs are likely to change without regard for backward compatibility.

The scheduler-adapted version of LuaSocket does not work under Mac OS X, for yet uninvestigated reasons.


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