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Ophidia Primitives


The Ophidia Primitives is a set of shared libraries for an Ophidia I/O node. Each function (or primitive) is a low-level operator which works on binary arrays. Each library can be plugged-in a MySQL instance as a User-Defined Function. The primitive can be exploited within SQL queries like the embedded functions.


In order to compile and run the Ophidia Primitives, make sure you have the following packages (all available through CentOS official repositories and the epel repository) properly installed:

  1. mysql-community-server
  2. zlib
  3. GSL - GNU Scientific Library
  4. GNU libmatheval

How to Install

If you are building from git, you also need automake, autoconf and libtool. To prepare the code for building run:

$ ./bootstrap 

The source code has been packaged with GNU Autotools, so to install simply type:

$ ./configure --prefix=prefix
$ make
$ make install


$ ./configure --help

to see all available options.

To complete the installation, run the following:

$ cp prefix/liboph_*.so $(mysql_config --plugindir)
$ mysql -u user -p -H hostname -P port mysql < prefix/etc/create_func.sql

Further information can be found at