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GDK - Gamemode SDK for C/C++


GDK provides an API for developing SA-MP gamemodes in C or C++. Gamemodes written with GDK are no different from ordinary server plugins except that they make calls to an external library - the GDK runtime - that implements the core functionality, like SA-MP native functions, and can call you back if you want to handle certain SA-MP events (callbacks).


To download binary packages for Windows and Linux please visit this page.

Source code

The source code is hosted at GitHub.


The packages provided on the download page are sort of all-in-one: they contain both development files (like C++ headers) and dynamic library. So no matter whether you are a developer or just a user, you generally install the same package.


Download where x.y.z denotes the version number and run it as root like this:

sh --prefix=/usr/local

To avoid scrolling down through the whole license text (it's pretty long) press Q.

You can change the prefix to whatever you want but typically it's something like /usr or /usr/local (though some Linux distributions don't recognize libraries stored in /usr/local/lib so you might need to edit /etc/


Download sampgdk-x.y.z-win32.exe (where x.y.z is the version number) and follow installation instructions.

Don't forget to check Add sampgdk to the system PATH for current user if you want your plugins to automatically find and use the DLL.