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Management: Alícia Díaz Github user: aliciadr

Art/Design: Irene Carvajal. Github user: IreneCarvajal

Code:Miquel Izquierdo. Github user: mizquierdo97

QA: Adrian Higuero. Github user: adrixdx

##Game Controls:

-Direction arrows of keyboard: move Ms- Pac-Man up, down, left or right

-Press the spacebar to start or skip to the next level (does not work on Ready screens)

-Press ESC to exit the game

-Press F1 to show map collisions

-Press F2 to start God Mode

-Press F3 to show the direction ghosts are going to move

##Game description:

-Ms. Pac-Man has to eat all the pellets and power pellets in order to win the game, without touching the ghosts inside the maze.

-The ghosts can be eaten only when a power pellet has been eaten before and for a short period of time.


###Release 1.0

-Bugs fixed

###Release 0.8

-Score system

-Now all the files are in a folder called "Game"

-PowerPellets are now in the right place

###Release 0.7

-3 new mazes

-God mode added

-Ghosts have a different IA each other

-Added a debug mode to see where the ghosts are going to move

-Ms. Pacman movement improved

###Release 0.5

-Added maze collisions

-Added pellets and power pellets

-Pellets and power pellets can be eaten

-When a power pellet is eaten the ghost can be eaten

-Ms. Pac-man can move in the maze corridors

-Ghosts can move in the maze corridors

-Ghosts can kill Ms. Pac-Man when they collide

-Added Game Over screen

-If all pellets are eaten the player wins

-Added Win screen

-Diferent music added for diferent screens

-Ms. Pac-Man can't move out of camera limits

-Added tunnels

-Added all Ghosts

###Release 0.1

-Added background images (start and level one)

-To change the background press the spacebar.

-Ms. Pac-Man can move in four directions with the direction arrows

-Ms. Pac-Man has movement animations

-Level one has walls that limit her movements, so she can't go out of the maze


