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INRFlow is an extensible, flow-based framework for analysing large scale datacenter networks

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Interconnection Networks Research Flow-level (INRFlow) Extensible Framework

License Information

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

Release Version



In alphabetical order:

  • Alejandro Erickson
  • Abbas Kiasari
  • Javier Navaridas
  • Jose A. Pascual Saiz
  • Iain A. Stewart

Notice to users

Please contribute any developments you make on this software back to its original home.

Quick Start

From the code/main/ directory, you can compile INRFlow using 'make all' and then execute the binary with './build/bin/inrflow'. Modify inrflow.conf to change simulation parameters or override inrflow.conf from the command line. Example execution:

$ ./build/bin/inrflow topo=bcube_3_3 failure_rate=0.0  tpattern=alltoall generate_bfs=false compile_latex=false

The default configuration can be found in get_conf.c, at set_default_conf(). Output is written to .dat and .tex files in the directory the tool is executed, as well as to stdout.

Overview of INRFlow

INRFLow takes a network topology, routing algorithm(s), traffic patterns, and a number of link faults as input, and then outputs flow-level data for each link. It is currently optimised for research on large server-centric datacenter networks (DCNs) and relevant traffic patterns.

INRFlow can be extended by defining new families of topologies and their routing algorithms (e.g., src/knkstar/knkstar.c), and then making minimal changes to the main INRFlow file (src/inrflow/main.c) to let it know about the new topology.

See inrflow.conf for examples of accepted input formats, as well as the source code for the topology of you are interested in.

Outputs are written to column separated text files, as well as stdout and a latex file for convenience.

Release Version Information

  • V0.3.0 First release!
  • V0.4.0
    • Dynamic engine added.
    • INRFlow refactored
    • Optional stats and histograms, topology-side
    • New topologies HCN BCN (hcnbcn) and Generalized DCell and FiConn (gdcficonn)
    • New features in Jellyfish topology
    • Shift and Bisection traffic patterns
    • Time measuring infrastructure

INRFlow's Outputs Explained

Stats and histograms are written to .dat files, stamped with identifying information and the time of execution (so you are unlikely to overwrite anything). Both of these files are meant to be used with pgfplots (see pretty_plot.tex for examples.)

The same output, stats transposed, is also sent to stdout. Find some commented example stdout output below.

r.seed                 //random seed
tf.version             //version of inrflow framework
topo.version           //version of the current topology
p.cable.failures       //proportion of bidirectional link failures
                       //(there are no unidirectional link failures)
n.cable.failures       //number of bidirectional link failures
n.servers              //number of servers
n.switches             //number of switches
switch.radix           //switch radix (non-regular switch degrees to be supported in future)
n.cables               //number of bidirectional links (failed or otherwise)
n.server.pairs.NN      //number of pairs of servers
n.server.pairs.NN-1    //number of pairs of DISTINCT servers
n.routes.connected     //number of routes succesfully completed (including self-sent)
p.routes.connected.NN  //proportion of routes succesfully completed (including self-sent)   //stats on path length where EVERY link is counted          
min.server.hop.length   //stats on hop length of paths, where only SERVER HOPS are counted 
//The following items are currently only reported for fault-free networks
//and are computed from the flow histogram
n.links                 //number of fault-free links                              
connected.nonzero.flows.over.bottleneck.flow  //aggregate bottleneck throughput (ABT) with no self-sent flows: N\*(N-1)/
connected.flows.over.bottleneck.flow          //ABT including self-sent flows: N*N/
connected.nonzero.flows.over.mean.flow        //As above, computed with
runtime                                       //number of seconds the whole process took                          //the time the process was started
n                                             //parameters relating to the topology (there may be others).

Extending INRFlow

Adding a new topology

INRFlow is designed so that new topologies and routing algorithms can be added. We describe how the topology ficonn integrates with INRFlow. Code for ficonn resides in code/main/src/ficonn/. In order for ficonn to interface with INRFlow we (1) assigned virtual functions and (2) defined configuration parameters.

To begin, we copy the template topology header, src/inrflow/topo.h, to src/ficonn/ficonn.h and implement the functions declared there, renamed as explained below. We also remove any optional declarations we will not use (like extra stat reporting or routing parameters). Any other functions in ficonn.c should not be declared in ficonn.h and, to be safe, it's best to declare them as static which will avoid any accidental namespace clashes.

(1) We included ficonn.h in main.c, and assigned its functions to virtual functions in init_functions().

(2) We added "ficonn" to the list of allowed topologies in get_conf.c at literal_t topology_l[] = {...}. We added the constant FICONN to typedef enum topo_t {...} in misc.h.

A topology may be implemented with more than one routing algorithm, e.g., dpillar. These options are added in get_conf.c at literal_t routing_l[] = {...}.

Similarly, new traffic pattern tests can be added to INRFlow. See traffic.h|c, and in get_conf.c at literal_t tpatterns_l[] = {...} (see below).

Note that bcube and fattree are the simplest topologies and serve as templates for implementing new topologies, but comprehensive documentation of the required functions is provided in the template header file topo.h.

Topologies with optional stats and histograms

Topologies from INRFlow V0.4.x onward can report their own statistics and histograms to INRflow after the experiment/simulation has ended, which are then integrated into the normal output. Examples are hcnbcn and gdcficonn. These functions (below) are a bit delicate, so we have documented them further here.

// [OPTIONAL] Functions to report custom status from the topology. See, e.g.,  gdcficonn
long (*get_topo_nstats)();///< number of stats to be reported.
struct key_value (*get_topo_key_value)(long i);///< ith key value to be used in reporting.c
long (*get_topo_nhists)();///< number of histograms to be reported
char (*get_topo_hist_prefix)(long i);///< ith histogram prefix, must avoid 'h' 'p' 'f'
const char* (*get_topo_hist_doc)(long i);///< ith histogram documentation, latex friendly and not contain '\n'
long (*get_topo_hist_max)(long i);///< ith histogram length
void (*get_topo_hist)(long *topo_hist, long i);///< ith histogram (memcpy to topo_hist)

A histogram H records the frequency of occurrence of the value at it's index. That is, i happens H[i] times. INRFlow needs:

  • an upper bound on i in order to initialise H.
  • a doc-string for H that does not contain \n. This doc-string will appear with H in the output. No limit on length
  • a unique "prefix" character for each histogram, that is different from the ones used in INRFlow, namely, 'h', 'p', and 'f'.

Histograms are updated using the function update_hist_array(), provided by reporting.c. Typically we want to glean stats from the histograms, and these are also provided by reporting.c: X_hist_array(), where X is min|max|mean|median|var|std. Of course, stats can be generated any which way, but they are reported using a function from reporting.c. Namely make_key_value_node(). Return the output of this function in get_topo_key_value_yourtopo().

Adding a new traffic pattern

Traffic patterns are declared/defined in traffic.h/traffic.c with an "init" function and a "next" function. The init function interprets parameters, precomputes values like the total number of flows that will be generated, and makes other preparations such as memory allocation. Each flow is generated based on the previous flow that was generated.

Note that INRFlow provides the freedom to generate flows any which way, such as pre-populating an array of flows with an arbitrary combinatorial generation algorithm. Assuming that some care is taken to avoid a time-consuming algorithm, the developer should note that the memory requirements for storing all flows might be the bottleneck. INRFlow does not currently do this in the static engine, where the number of flows might potentially be very large.

Traffic patterns must be added to get_conf.c in order that they, and their parameters, be understood by INRFlow. Add all possible spellings to literal_t tpatterns_l[]. Finally, the virtual functions init_pattern() and next_flow() must assigned to the corresponding functions in traffic.c; this is done in init_functions() of main.c.

Testing INRFlow

The scripts ./, ./, ./ will execute inrflow on the arguments generated by ./, and should be used in that order of preference.

Dynamic execution mode

Since v0.4.0 a dynamic execution mode has been added. The dynamic engine allows INRFlow to simulate real scenarios in which multiple applications share the network resources. It also simulates the scheduling process allowing the arrival of new applications when resources freed by other applications become available.

- Dynamic engine: This mode considers the bandwidth of the links and the size of the flows 
                  exchanged by the applications. Using this mode, instead of the static, INRFlow
                  is able to estimate the time required to send and receive all the flows 
                  generated by multiple applications executed concurrently.  

- Scheduling: It is the process that selects the order in which applications will be 
              executed following a scheduling policy. It is represented as a list of 
              applications described with multiple parameters.

## Example ## 

inrflow mode=dynamic injmode=x capacity=c1_c2 scheduling=y workload=file_z 

- injmode (Injection mode): Number of simultaneous flows that a task can inject into the network.
                            If we set this value to 0, all the flows available will be injected.
                            Otherwise, only the number of flows set by this value can be injected.

- capacity: Speed of the links. c1 corresponds to server links and c2 to switch links.

- scheduling: The policy to be used to establish the order in which applications will be executed. 
              For now, only the FCFS (Fist Come First Serve) policy is implemented.

- workload: It is the set of applications to be executed. Using the file option INRFlow will load 
            the list of applications from the file z. For now this is the only way to load the list of 
            applications. The format of the file is as follows:

            * 0 all2all_1 64 sequential
            * 10 manyall2allrnd_1_50 10000 random

            * timestamp application_parameters size allocation
                 - timespamp is the time when the application arrives.
                 - application is the pattern or application to be executed.
                 - parameters are specific to each pattern or application
                 - size is the number of tasks that compose the applications
                 - allocation is the strategy to be used to put the tasks onto the network nodes.
                   For now only the sequential and random allocations is implemented.

Extending scheduling, allocation and applications in dynamic mode

- The addition of new scheduling policies and allocation strategies must be done in the files get_conf.c where new policies
  and stragies are added and in scheduling.c and allocation.c where the source is included. For detailed information follow the 
  iplemententation of the already included FCFS scheduling policy and sequential allocation strategy. These strategies are topology agnostic. If we want to add specific policies or strategies the procedure is the same but the recommendation is to put the implementation inside the topology directory as can be seen in jellyfish with the spread allocation strategy.

- The inclusion of new applications (patterns) must be performed in the files get_conf.c and gen_trace.c. The former is used  
  to read the application (pattern) from the configuration file, the latter contains the code to select the  application (pattern). 
  The actual code to generate the flows of the application is located in the kernels directory. More details can be 
  found in the file kernels/collectives.c where several applications (patterns) are already implemented.

Output of the dynamic mode

The output of the dynamic mode is organized in four files.

- .scheduling: Metrics related to the scheduling.
    + Makespan: Time required to process all the applications. 

- .execution: Metrics related to the execution of all the application in the workload.
    + Runtime: Time required to execute all the application. 
    + Average latency: Average latency of the flows sent by all the applications.
    + Aggregated bandwidth: Bandwitdth used by the flows. 
    + Number of links shared: This metric measures how many links are used by 0 applications (not used), by 1 application, by 2 applications and so on.

- .applications: Metrics related to the applications.
    + Number of the application: The number of applications executed.

- .list_applications: Contains the metrics for each application (not averaged as in .applications). 
    + Id: Id of the application.          
    + Arrive time: Time when the application arrived.           
    + Start time: Time when the applicaton started.            
    + Finish time: Time when the application finished.
    + Runtime: Execution time of the application.    
    + Waiting time: Time that the application waited in the queue.   
    + Number of flows: Number of flows exchanged among the tasks of the applications.
    + Total distance: Total distance traveled by the flows.       
    + Average flows distance: Average distance traveled by the flows.
    + Total flows latency: Total latency of all the flows.  
    + Average flows latency: Average latency of the flows.

There is also a verbose mode that will show information about the amount of flows that are in the network. It can be activated using the option verbose=1. The option metricsint determines when this information is shown. It is recommended to use the value 0 that selects the interval automatically.

* inrflow mode=dynamic verbose=1 metricsint=0  


INRFlow is an extensible, flow-based framework for analysing large scale datacenter networks






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