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README - GCMON - 2014-09-23


    GCMON is an agent tool to gather performance statistics of JVM runtime informations, and log
    out them to a file or standard output stream as specified by the command line options.

    As a result, GCMON will make a file, record the snapshot of system memory usage and each generation's
    space of JVM when the OutOfMemroyError exception occurs, finally it will send a diagnostic message to
    the user, and calculate a suggestion based on those informations.


    Compile on windows
        0.Install Visual Studio 2013.
        1.Open "gcmon.sln" with Visual Studio 2013.
        2.Configure platform settings and compile options (Win32 or X64, Debug or Release).
        3.Build the gcmon project.
        4.Go to output\gcmon\dll\$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\, the DLL file "gcmon.dll" is there.
        For example, if you set x64 and Release, "gcmon.dll" will be built in output\gcmon\dll\x64\Release\ dir.

    Compile on Linux or Solaris

        0.Open "Makefile" to configure platform settings and compile options. (OS, TYPE, BIT, OUT_DIR)

        1.execute the command "make clean && make all".

        For example, if you set OS = Linux, TYPE = release, BIT = 64, OUT_DIR = output, and then execute
        the command "make clean && make all", the release version of the target share object file ""
        will be built in output/Linux64/release/ dir.

        By the way, you can also compile GCMON by passing arguments to the command "make" without opening
        "Makefile" and configuring platform settings and compile options manually.

        For example, if you execute the command "make clean && make all OS=Linux TYPE=debug BIT=64", the debug 
        version of the target share object file "" will be built in output/Linux64/debug/ dir.


    GCMON is a JVMTI agent library, so you can use JVM options "-agentlib:<agent-lib-name>=<options>"
    or "-agentpath:<path-to-agent>=<options>" to load GCMON while starting a JVM.

    If you want to use "-agentlib:<agent-lib-name>=<options>" option to load GCMON, you should copy the file
    "gcmon.dll" or "" into the same dir where "java.dll" or "" is located, this dir is
    %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin on Windows or $(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/amd64 on Linux in x86_64 platform, after copy,
    you can load GCMON as follows:

    java -agentlib:gcmon=outpath=outdir,outname=filename,outstat=file ...

    You can also load GCMON by the JVM option "-agentpath:<path-to-agent>=<options>" without copying as follows:

    java -agentpath:D:\gcmon_lib\output\gcmon\dll\x64\Release\gcmon.dll=outpath=outdir,outname=filename,outstat=file ...
    java -agentpath:/gcmon_lib/output/Linux64/,outname=filename,outstat=file ...


    You can specific some options to GCMON to acquire it puts the result files into the specified dir with the
    specified name, if you do not specific those options, GCMON will puts those files into the current dir and
    use a prefix name "gcmon" as default, options that supported by the current version of GCMON as follows:


        The option "outpath" specifics the dir where result files will be created.

        If this option is not specified, the current dir will be used.


        The option "outname" specifics the prefix name of each result file.

        For example, if you set "outname=myfile" to GCMON, the result file name will be named to "myfile_pid_6552.result",
        the statistic file will be named to "myfile_pid_6552.stat" and the file which is used for recording debug 
        informations on DEBUG mode will be named to "myfile_pid_6552.debug", where the number 6552 is the process ID
        of this JVM.

        If this option is not specified, the default prefix "gcmon" will be used.


        The option "outstat" specifics where the statistic informations that gathered before and after each GC to put.
        only "stdout" and "file" are valid values of this option, others will be ignored automatically.

        "stdout" means to put those informations directly to the standard output stream.
        "file" means to put those informations into a file, the file's prefix name is specified by "outname" option.

        For example, if you set "outstat=stdout", those statistic informations will be printed directly into standard
        output stream, if you set "outstat=file", those statistic informations will be printed into a file.

        If this option is not specified or if you set other value to "outstat", nothing will be printed.


    The contents of statistics informations are similar to the output of jstat tools, more details as follows:

    Time        Current run time (sec).

    S0C         Current survivor 0 space capacity (KB).
    S1C         Current survivor 1 space capacity (KB).
    EC          Current eden space capacity (KB).
    OC          Current old space capacity (KB).
    PC          Current permanent space capacity (KB).

    S0U         Current survivor 0 space used (KB).
    S0F         Current survivor 0 space free (KB).
    S1U         Current survivor 1 space used (KB).
    S1F         Current survivor 1 space free (KB).
    EU          Current eden space used (KB).
    EF          Current eden space free (KB).
    OU          Current old space used (KB).
    OF          Current old space free (KB).
    PU          Current permanent space used (KB).
    PF          Current permanent space free (KB).

    S0P         Percentage of current survivor 0 space used.
    S1P         Percentage of current survivor 1 space used.
    EP          Percentage of current eden space used.
    OP          Percentage of current old space used.
    PP          Percentage of permanent space used.

    NGCMIN      Minimum new generation capacity (KB).
    NGCMAX      Maximum new generation capacity (KB).
    NGC         Current new generation capacity (KB).

    OGCMIN      Minimum old generation capacity (KB).
    OGCMAX      Maximum old generation capacity (KB).
    OGC         Current old generation capacity (KB).

    PGCMIN      Minimum permanent generation capacity (KB).
    PGCMAX      Maximum permanent generation capacity (KB).
    PGC         Current permanent generation capacity (KB).

    YGC         Number of young generation GC events.
    YGCT        Total young generation garbage collection time (sec).
    AYGCT       Average time of each young generation garbage collection (sec).
    YGCTP       Percentage of total young generation garbage collection time in total garbage collection time.

    FGC         Number of full GC events.
    FGCT        Total full garbage collection time.
    AFGCT       Average time of each full garbage collection (sec).
    FGCTP       Percentage of total full garbage collection time in total garbage collection time.
    GCT         Total garbage collection time.
    GCTP        Percentage of total garbage collection time in total run time.