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For Beaglebone Black: A G-code interpreter and stepmotor controller for coordinated moves of up to 8 steppers. Uses the Programmable Realtime Unit (PRU).


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Step-motor controller (and eventually 3D printer controller) using the PRU capability of the Beaglebone Black to create precisely timed stepper-pulses for acceleration and travel (right now: trapezoidal motion profile).

See example here:

The motor-interface API allows to enqueue step-{count, {start,travel,end}-frequency} of 8 steppers that are controlled in a coordinated move (G1), with real-time controlled steps at rates that can go beyond 500kHz. So: sufficient even for advanced step motors and drivers :)

The [acceleration - travel - deceleration] motion profile is entirely created within the PRU from parameters sent by the host CPU (i.e. BeagleBone ARM) via a ring-buffer. The host CPU prepares the data, such as parsing the G-Code and doing travel planning, while all the real-time critical parts are done in the PRU. The host program needs less than 1% CPU-time processing a typical G-Code file.

The machine-control program is parsing G-Code, extracting axes moves and enqueues them to the realtime unit.


The functionality is encapsulated in independently usable APIs.

  • motor-interface.h : Low-level motor move C-API to enqueue motor moves, that are executed in the PRU.

  • gcode-parser.h : C-API for parsing G-Code that calls callback parse events, while taking care of many internals, e.g. it automatically translates everything into metric, absolute coordinates.

  • gcode-machine-control.h : highlevel C-API to control a machine via G-Code: it reads G-Code from a stream and emits the necessary machine commands. Depends on the motor-interface and gcode-parser APIs. Provides the functionality provided by the machine-control binary.

  • determine-print-stats.h: C-API to determine some basic stats about a G-Code file; it processes the entire file and determines estimated print time, filament used etc. Implementation is mostly an example using gcode-parser.h. Used in the gcode-print-stats binary.


The Makefile is assuming that you build this either on the Beaglebone Black directly, or using a cross compiler (see Makefile).

You need to have checked out which provides the pasm PRU assembler and the library to push this code to the PRU.

# Check out and build am335 package
git clone
cd am335x_pru_package/
cd pru_sw/utils/pasm_source ; ./linuxbuild ; cd -
CROSS_COMPILE="" make -C pru_sw/app_loader/interface/
cd ..

# Check out BeagleG and build
git clone
cd beagleg

(If you are a github user, you might want to use the git protocol).

If you run into compile problems, make sure to have both, am335x_pru_package and beagleg up-to-date from git.

Getting started

Before you can use beagleg and get meaningful outputs on the GPIO pins, we have to tell the pin multiplexer to connect them to the output pins. For that, just run the script that installs the device overlay.

sudo ./

See below to enable the cape at boot time.

Machine control binary

To control a machine with G-Code, use the machine-control binary. This either takes a filename or a TCP port to listen on.

Usage: ./machine-control [options] [<gcode-filename>]
  --steps-mm <axis-steps>   : steps/mm, comma separated (Default 160,160,160,40,0, ...).
  --max-feedrate <rate> (-m): Max. feedrate per axis (mm/s), comma separated (Default: 200,200,90,10,0, ...).
  --accel <accel>       (-a): Acceleration per axis (mm/s^2), comma separated (Default 4000,4000,1000,10000,0, ...).
  --axis-mapping            : Axis letter mapped to which motor connector (=string pos)
                              Use letter or '_' for empty slot. (Default: 'XYZEABC')
  --port <port>         (-p): Listen on this TCP port.
  --bind-addr <bind-ip> (-b): Bind to this IP (Default:
  -f <factor>               : Print speed factor (Default 1.0).
  -n                        : Dryrun; don't send to motors (Default: off).
  -P                        : Verbose: Print motor commands (Default: off).
  -S                        : Synchronous: don't queue (Default: off).
  -R                        : Repeat file forever.
All comma separated axis numerical values are in the sequence X,Y,Z,E,A,B,C,U,V,W
You can either specify --port <port> to listen for commands or give a filename

The G-Code understands logical axes X, Y, Z, E, A, B, C, U, V, and W, while machine-control maps these to physical output connectors, by default "XYZEA". This can be changed with the --axis-mapping flag. This flag maps the logical axis (such as 'Y') to a physical connector location on the cape -- the position in the string represents the position of the connector.

More details about the G-Code code parsed and handled can be found in the G-Code documentation.

If you get an Bus error, have a look at this Bus Error FYI - this seems to happen on some machines and this needs to be fixed in the pinmux script, but have a look at the workaorund there.


sudo ./machine-control -f 10 -m 1000 -R myfile.gcode

Output the file myfile.gcode in 10x the original speed, with a feedrate capped at 1000mm/s. Repeat this file forever (say you want to stress-test).

echo "G1 X100 F10000 G1 X0 F1000" | sudo ./machine-control /dev/stdin

This command directly executes some GCode coming from stdin. This is in particular useful when you're calibrating your machine and need to work on little tweaks.

sudo ./machine-control --port 4444

Listen on TCP port 4444 for incoming connections and execute G-Codes over this line. So you could use telnet beaglebone-hostname 4444 to have an interactive session or send a file with socat:

 cat myfile.gcode | socat -t5 - TCP4:beaglebone-hostname:4444

Use socat, don't use the ancient nc (netcat) - its buffering seems to be broken so that it can get stuck. With socat, it should be possible to connect to a pseudo-terminal in case your printer-software only talks to a terminal (haven't tried that yet, please let me know if it works).

Note, there can only be one open TCP connection at any given time.

Configuration tip

For a particular machine, you might have some settings you always want to use, and maybe add some comments. So create a file that contains all the command line options

$ cat type-a.config
# Configuration for Type-A machine series 1, Motors @ 28V
--steps-mm 75.075,150.14,800   # x has half the steps than y
--max-feedrate 900,900,90
--accel 18000,8000,1500
--axis-mapping X_ZEY   # y on the double-connector

Now, you can invoke machine-control like this

sudo ./machine-control $(sed 's/#.*//g' type-a.config) --port 4444

or, simpler, if you don't have any comments in the configuration file:

sudo ./machine-control $(cat type-a.config) --port 4444

The sed command dumps the configuration, but removes the comment characters.


These are the GPIO bits associated with the motor outputs. The actual physical pins are all over the place on the Beaglebone Black extension headers P8 and P9, see table below.

Before we can use all pins, we need to tell the Beaglebone Black pin multiplexer which we're going to use for GPIO. For that, we need to install a device tree overlay. Just run the script as root

sudo ./

This registers the cape, as you can confirm by looking at the slots:

$ cat /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.*/slots
 0: 54:PF---
 1: 55:PF---
 2: 56:PF---
 3: 57:PF---
 4: ff:P-O-L Bone-LT-eMMC-2G,00A0,Texas Instrument,BB-BONE-EMMC-2G
 5: ff:P-O-L Bone-Black-HDMI,00A0,Texas Instrument,BB-BONELT-HDMI
 8: ff:P-O-L Override Board Name,00A0,Override Manuf,BeagleG

Now, all pins are mapped to be used by beagleg. This is the pinout

   Driver channel |  0     1     2     3     4      5     6     7
Step     : GPIO-0 |  2,    3,    4,    5,    7,    14,   15,   20
       BBB Header |P9-22 P9-21 P9-18 P9-17 P9-42A P9-26 P9-24 P9-41A
Direction: GPIO-1 | 12,   13,   14,   15,    16,    17,  18,   19
       BBB Header |P8-12 P8-11 P8-16 P8-15 P9-15 P9-23  P9-14 P9-16

Motor enable for all motors is on GPIO-1, bit 28, P9-12 (The mapping right now was done because these are consecutive GPIO pins that can be used, but the mapping to P9-42A (P11-22) and P9-41A (P11-21) should probably move to an unambiguated pin)

The mapping from axis to driver channel happens in two steps, see documentation in struct MachineControlConfig about the configuration options channel_layout and axis_mapping. The first describes the mapping of driver channels to connector positions on the cape (which might differ due to board layout reasons), the second the mapping of G-code axes (such as 'X' or 'Y') to the connector position. While the 'channel_layout' is configured in the code currently (and dependent on the cape hardware), the axis mapping can be set with the --axis-mapping flag.

In the following Bumps cape, the X axis on the very left (with a plugged in motor), second slot empty, third is 'Z', fourth (second-last) is E, and finally the Y axis is on the very right (more space for two connectors which I need for my Type-A machine). The mapping is configured with:

    ./machine-control --axis-mapping "X_ZEY"  ...

Bumps output mapping

(The Bumps cape was designed to work with BeagleG).

If you build your own cape: note all logic levels are 3.3V (and assume not more than ~4mA). The RAMPS driver board for instance only works if you power the 5V input with 3.3V, so that the Pololu inputs detect the logic level properly.

This is an early experimental manual cape interfacing to a RAMPS adapter: Manual Cape

At the middle/bottom of the test board you see a headpone connector: many of the early experiments didn't have yet a stepper motor installed, but just listening to the step-frequency.

Not yet supported, coming soon:

  • More PINS of GPIO-0 will be used
    • Two AUX outputs on GPIO-0 30, 31. This controls the medium current Aux open drain connectors at the bottom left on the Bumps board.
    • 3 end-switch inputs on GPIO-0 23, 26, 27
  • The PWM outputs are on GPIO-2 2, 3, 4, 5 which are also pins Timer 4, 5, 6, 7. Plan is to use the AM335x Timer functionality in their PWM mode. These control the two high current PWM outputs (screw terminals top right) and the two medium current open drain pwm connectors on the Bumps board (connector top left).w
  • Analog inputs AIN0, AIN1, AIN2 will be used for temperature reading.

Load cape device tree at bootup

While loading the pinmux manually with

sudo ./

initializes the pinmux now, we have to do this every time after boot. Also, we'd like to have the cape installed as early as possible in the boot process to properly set all the output values to safe values.

For that, we essentially have to add


To the /boot/uboot/uEnv.txt file to let the kernel know to enable that cape.

The kernel looks for the firmware in /lib/firmware - since at boot time the root-fs is not mounted yet, just the init-rd ramdisk, we need to make sure to have it in the uInitrd filesystem.

There is a script that does both of these things. This might depend on your distribution, so take a look at the script first to check that it does what it should do (it will abort on the first error, so probably it won't do damage). In particular the unpacking/repacking of the initrd file might be specific to your distribution.

sudo ./ BeagleG-00A0.dtbo

After a reboot, you should see the cape to be enabled early on in the boot process (Power PWM LEDs switch off).

G-Code stats binary

There is a binary gcode-print-stats to extract information from the G-Code file e.g. estimated print-time, Object height (=maximum Z-axis), filament length.

Usage: ./gcode-print-stats [options] <gcode-file> [<gcode-file> ..]
        -m <max-feedrate> : Maximum feedrate in mm/s
        -f <factor>       : Speedup-factor for print
Use filename '-' for stdin.

The output is in column form, so you can use standard tools to process them. For instance, from a bunch of gcode files, find the one that takes the longest time

./gcode-print-stats *.gcode | sort -k2 -n

Note: this binary is currently not taking acceleration into account, so the estimated times are off


BeagleG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


  • Read end-switches
  • Do planning: no need to decelerate fully if we're going on an (almost) straight line between line segments.
  • Needed for full 3D printer solution: add PWM for heaters.
  • Fast pause without waiting for queues to empty, but still be able to recover exact last position. That way pause/resume is possible.
  • ...


For Beaglebone Black: A G-code interpreter and stepmotor controller for coordinated moves of up to 8 steppers. Uses the Programmable Realtime Unit (PRU).







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