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PongoDB: A memory mapped key-value store

PongoDB is a concurrent memmory mapped key-value store with a limited set of simple types that can be easily integrated with Python and other scripting languages.

PongoDB is meant to be a limited domain replacement for MongoDB.

Supported Data Types

PongoDB supports the following data types:

Primitive Immutable Types

  • Null
  • Boolean
  • Integer
  • Datetime
  • Uuid
  • Float
  • ByteArray
  • String

-- Perhaps want to add Locking data types so programs can synchronize with each other via Pongo: Event, Lock, rwLock.

Mutable Container Types

  • List - A simple linear list structure.
  • Dictionary - A simple sorted list of key/value pairs.
  • Collection - A balanced binary tree[1] containgin kv pairs.


Any update to a container is done with Read-Copy-Update algorithms. This allows concurrent readers and writers to make consistent updates to the datastore without locking and without conflicts.

List Operations

  • dblist_new()
  • dblist_getitem(list, index)
  • dblist_setitem(list, index, item)
  • dblist_delitem(list, index, item)
  • dblist_append(list, item)
  • dblist_extend(list, iterable)
  • dblist_insert(list, index, item)
  • dblist_remove(list, item)

Dict and Collection Operations

  • dbobject_new()
  • dbobject_getitem(dict, key)
  • dbobject_setitem(dict, key, value)
  • dbobject_delitem(dict, key)
  • dbobject_update(dict, dict_compatible_iterable)

Memory Allocator

The database is kept in an MMAPed file. The file is sized in chunks (currently of 16mb).

Allocation is done in a lock-free manner loosely based on the techniques in [2].

Garbage Collection

  1. Mark all allocations as freeable.
  2. Sync with any other processes in the database
  3. Walk through all allocations referenced from the root "data" dictionary. Unmark the "freeable" item as allocated.
  4. Free all remaining allocations

The garbage collector does not know about items referenced on the stacks various processes. As such, the GC must synchronize (step 2) with other processes.

Objects returned to Python (proxy objects) are referenced by a "pidcache" so if an update to an object would unreference the object backing the proxy object, the older object will live as long as the Python proxy object.

The "meta" object

The "meta" object contains parameters that control how PongoDB behaves. Meta keys that start with a dot (.) are runtime properties and are not stored in the database meta structure.

  • chunksize controls how much space is added to the database file when the internal dballoc fails (default is 16 MB).

  • id controls the named of the "id" key for objects added to a collection and/or automatically given an id (default is "_id").

  • .newkey is the function to call to automatically generate an id. When it is None, uuid_generate_time() is used internally (default is None)

  • .uuid_class is the class object of the Python UUID class. It is used to recognize UUIDs when serializing primitive types to PongoDB.

  • .uuid_constructor is a callable that creates a Python UUID. Normally, it is the same as uuid_class, but the user can change it if needed. uuid_constructore will always be called like this:

    uuval = uuid_constructor(None, "16-byte-string")


[1] Scalable Address Spaces Using RCU Balanced Trees

[2] Scalable Lock-Free Dynamic Memory Allocation


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