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        Iris - Message Passing and Asynchronous Toolkit for GLib

                                    Last Updated: Saturday April 22nd, 2009

Iris is an asynchronous toolkit for GLib to ease development of concurrent
applications through message passing.  Ontop of the message passing core,
is task management for building asynchronous workflows.

  I.  Introduction
 II.  API Overview
III.  Message Delivery Cycle
 IV.  Concurrent vs Exclusive
  V.  Schedulers
 VI.  Notes

I. Introduction

Right now there are a couple constructs you need to be familiar with.  At
the most basic, is the IrisMessage.  It encapsulates your data or operation
that is to be performed.  The messages must be delivered somewhere.  That is
what IrisPort is for.  It is the post office you post your messages to.

IrisPort's are lightweight delivery mechanisms for your messages.  Port's
will attempt to send the message to a receiver, which is repsonsible for
turning a message into an actionable work item.  The receiver can push the
work-item onto a scheduler who will actually manage executing the action.

Another neat feature is the Scheduler Manager.  This system allows you to
have many well-purposed schedulers based on what work you are trying to
perform.  The scheduler manager will move threads between schedulers based
on the scheduler's requirements to attempt to balance the active threads
to the schedulers who need it.

II. API Overview

Iris can be split up into three areas.  It has reusable lock-free data
structures, message passing, and high-level constructs to make writing
concurrent applications easier.

Currently, Iris has the following lock-free data structures.

 * IrisStack - A lock free Stack
 * IrisLFQueue - A lock free queue
 * IrisFreeList - A lock free free-list
 * IrisRRobin - A lock free round-robin

Also, not lock-free, however the fast path is, is the

 * IrisWSQueue

which is used by the work-stealing scheduler for balancing work items
efficiently between multiple cores.

As previously mentioned, Iris is built upon message passing.  The message
passing system is built upon some of the previous data structures.  Lets
look at the data structures involved in the message passing.  You wont
neccessarily be using all of them all the time.

 * IrisMessage - A message encapsulation
 * IrisPort - A post-office so to speak for your messages
 * IrisReceiver - Converts messages delivered on ports to executable work
 * IrisArbiter - Arbitrates when and how receivers can execute
 * IrisScheduler - Manages scheduling of work items on cpus

You can see examples of how to use these constructs in following chapters.

High Level Constructs:

 * IrisTask - Single shot execution like Twisted Deferreds
 * IrisService - Helper for writing concurrent services

As for higher level constructs, currently there is IrisTask and IrisService.
IrisTask is a single shot work item that can have callbacks and errbacks
just like you do with Python Twisted.  However, Tasks are implemented as a
class similar to that of Apple's NSOperation.  So if it is easier for you
to maintain your tasks as self contained classes, go right ahead.

The goal of IrisService is to help in building application
services that need to perform concurrent operations.  Like the serving of
HTTP, or data storage, or whatever really.

IrisService is also a GObject, like IrisTask, and provides some simple
methods you can override.  More detail on these will be provided in their
respective documentation.

III. Message Delivery Cycle

Lets create a basic example that sets up a port for delivering messages
and a simple callback executed when messages are received.

#define MSG_ID (1)
static gboolean done = FALSE;

static void
callback (IrisMessage *message, gpointer data)
 	// all of this is superfulous
	g_debug ("Hello, World!");
	gboolean *a = user_data;
	*a = TRUE;

static void
setup (void)
	IrisPort *port = iris_port_new ();
	/* first param is our scheduler, null for default */
	IrisReceiver *recv = iris_arbiter_receive (NULL, port, callback, &done);
	iris_port_post (port, iris_message_new (MSG_ID);

What this does is create a new delivery port (IrisPort) that we can send
messages to.  When a message is delivered (from the port to the receiver),
which is done for you by the port, the callback will be executed.  You can
learn more about how to control this throug the use if IrisArbiter by reading
the docs.

The IrisReceiver turns the callback into a work item and queues it into a
scheduler.  You can use the default scheduler or pass the scheduler as the
first parameter.  I recommend the IrisWSScheduler which does work-stealing.

Lets look at the example in Vala quick, might make more sense.  Also note,
this should feel a bit familiar to CCR.  It's good stuff.

using GLib;
using Iris;

static void setup () {
	var port = new Port ();
	Arbiter.receive (null, port, m => {
		debug ("Hello, World");

IV. Concurrent vs Exclusive

One of the major problems in developing concurrent systems is managing the
state changing operations while the actual concurrent service is being
provided.  Typically, complex locking scenarios are implemented which are
both painful to read and maintain.

This is where the arbiter can help us greatly.  With an arbiter, we can
use message passing into two ports (or sets of ports) and let the arbiter
manage how they run.  This means the highly concurrent portions of our
code can continue to be concurrent without the complex locking schemes
for dealing with state changes.  The reason for this, is that the arbiter
can bleed off the concurrent messages when a state change message is
received so that it happens exclusively.

This means we can optimize the locking patterns in a single place (the
arbiter/receiver/port code-paths) and use the concept to develop our
services around handling messages efficently (and ideally lock-free
in our own code).

I will introduce a new GObject soon that makes this easier, IrisService.
It should feel similar in nature to Erlang's gen_server behaviour in how
you handle messages.

V. Schedulers

The schedulers are responsible for the actual execution of work items
within iris.  Message handlers that are responding to dispatched messages
occur on the scheduler in addition to real work-items for things such as

Due to the variance in work-loads for specific problem sets, the concept
of multiple schedulers was introduced.  This allows for fine-grained custom
schedulers for a specific work-load (or a library perhaps).  This problem
had the potential to wreak havoc on the number of threads that were created
within an application.  To avoid this, we created a scheduler manager,
which can dynamically move threads around between schedulers as they become
free or under-utilized.

Currently, there are a few schedulers that are available.  The default
scheduler is typical to what you see in most basic thread pools.  It has
a global work queue that all the threads share.  This is a cess-pool for
high contention on heavy work-loads.  However, its a nice, safe scheduler
for basic work to be performed.  Especially when the lifetime of the work
items grows (thus lowering the locking contention overhead of the queue).

The IrisWSScheduler, a work-stealing scheduler, performs much better under
heavy work-loads.  It is designed to push items to a global queue only if
the thread pushing the work item is not already part of the scheduler.  It
turns out that this is not the common case in concurrent systems. Typically,
threads performing work recursively create more work for themselves based
on the nature of the work-item.  This is where the work-stealing really
shines, because these recursive work items are pushed onto a local queue
for the thread.  They are placed in the queue in a position that allows
the recently yielded work item to be taken soon in the scheduler which
provides a good chance for a cpu cache hit.  When a thread runs out of
local work items, it will check back with the global queue then steal from
a neighbor thread.

The IrisLFScheduler, a lock-free scheduler, is not really an ideal scheduler
for anything.  It was simply a test to see how well it could perform for
tasks created outside of a scheduler thread.  It does okay for this; I
believe the basic example runs fastest on this scheduler.  Note that it
is very hard on the cpu's and spins a lot.  Definitely the wrong answer
for low-power cpus and embedded devices.

VI. Notes

The GSlice allocator is used for the most part throughout iris.  This could
cause a problem as we start scaling out threads due to the thread-local
caches of allocations that are used.  If the creator of these allocations
is not the destroyer of the the allocations, many extra locks can be taken.
Pulse audio has worked around this to a degree using their own free-lists
for allocations.  After the API is in good shape we should look at tuning
this as well.

Right now both ports and receivers could be heavy consumers of locks.  We
need a good lock-free queue to utilize here to reduce the time spent in
the kernel.  Right now, in the early API scoping phase, that is pretty
significantly high.  Again, Pulse audio has a lock-free queue we should
look at for use instead of the GAsyncQueue used currently.  Perhaps this
can also be the base queue for our work-stealing scheduler implementation.


Message passing, Work-Stealing, Lock-Free, Dynamic Scheduling, and other buzzwords for GLib







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