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LabSound is the WebAudio implementation factored out of WebKit. All copyleft sources have been removed so that the entire library can be released under a BSD 3-clause style license.

The motivation behind LabSound is that the WebAudio specification is a well-designed API for an audio engine. Coupled with a well executed implementation provided by WebKit contributors, LabSound is a powerful and extensible audio engine for C++.

LabSound’s internals were disconnected from Javascript and the browser infrastructure. The cross-platform nature of WebKit means that LabSound enjoys wide platform support across OSX 10.6+, Windows 7+, and although presently untested, Linux and iOS.

One of LabSound’s goals is to provide higher-level DSP and signal generation nodes for use with the engine. To this end, integrations with PureData (PD), SFXR, and the STK are either complete or in progress.

The keyword LabSound is one indication that the code was modified from the original WebKit source. The engine has been rapidly integrating C++11 features while trying to remain as platform-agnostic as possible. All exposed interfaces have been renamed into the LabSound namespace. The Web Template Framework (WTF) used by the original Chromium codebase has been largely removed in favor of C++11-equivalent functionality.


Currently, this repository does not host precompiled binaries. Premake4 has been used previously generate platform-specific project files, although both the supplied XCode Workspace and Visual Studio Solution file are kept up-to-date. Please see the section below for your target platform.


It is only necessary to have the includes/ directory in your path. For convenience, LabSoundIncludes.h includes all default WebAudio and LabSound nodes for quick and easy application development. Don't forget to link against the built LabSound library.

On OSX, user projects will also need the following frameworks:

  • Cocoa
  • Accelerate
  • CoreAudio
  • AudioUnit
  • AudioToolbox

On Windows, user projects will also need the following dependencies:

  • dsound.lib
  • dxguid.lib
  • winmm.lib

LabSound includes WebAudio HRTF implementation. This creates an additional dependency on a folder of HRTF impulse wav files. These files should be located in a directory called resources/ in the current working directory of the application.

Building with XCode on OSX

Premake4 was used to generate the platform-specific project files. On OSX, the both the LabSound project and Examples workspace should build from a clean checkout.

Building with Sublime on OSX

To do a build in Sublime using xctool, xctool must be in the path. If it isn't in the launchctl path, one way to add it is in Sublime's Python console, eg -

os.environ["PATH"] = os.environ["PATH"]+":/Users/dp/local/bin"

xcodebuild works as well, but xctool is much more user friendly.

Building with Visual Studio 2013 on Windows

Windows requires number of additional dependencies that are included in this repository, under their respective licenses. These include RtAudio and KissFFT. Both RtAudio and KissFFT have nonrestrictive BSD-compatible licenses.

Examples + Wiki

LabSound comes with a full compliment of examples to get started. Generally, one might take any WebAudio JavaScript sample code and transliterate it to LabSound with only mild effort (modulo obvious architectual considerations of JavaScript vs C++).

The Github Wiki has additional examples and information.


Any bits not part of the WebKit code can be assumed to be under a BSD 3-clause license.

The license on the WebKit files is the Google/Apple BSD 2 clause modified license on most of the Webkit sources.


A C++ audio engine derived from WebAudio






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  • C++ 96.8%
  • Pure Data 2.8%
  • Other 0.4%