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This is the beginning of a 3D game programming system, including a GUI library built from scratch.

Drawing inspiration from the [CRAPL][Might], I've decided to excavate my first real C++ project. This version is actually a rewrite of a rewrite of a rewrite of the original code I wrote as I learned both the C++ language, and how to program at all. This code was born towards the end of 1999 and took a beating until May 2005. I dropped this project soon after learning about and incorporating Python as an embedded interpreter for scripting. Perhaps you can figure out why I suddenly stopped working on my C++ code.

The original graphics code was based on DirectDraw, with the first rewrite incorporating Direct3D. However, after reading the popular [NeHe][NeHe] tutorials, I decided to use OpenGL instead. Finally, I discovered [SDL][SDL], which let me more easily build something that was cross-platform.

This code originally used [RakNet][RakNet] for a proof-of-concept networking system (see the now-useless chat terminal in the demo), but it seemed like a PITA to revive that part of it. RakNet is behind a registration wall.

Make no mistake: this is terrible code. The [WTF][Eng] count was extremely high as I figured out how to get it working again. If you study this for the purpose of learning how to design and write good code, you will experience brain damage.

Oh, and good luck getting it to build on Windows again. I only bothered to make it build on Ubuntu before releasing it. To build, install the requisite packages as mentioned in installation.txt, pray, then run make. [Might]: [NeHe]: [SDL]: [RakNet]: [Eng]:


a long time ago in a mindset far, far away....






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