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Tervela-node allows access to the Tervela Messaging Framework from within a Node.js application.


Platforms we have tested

  • CentOS 6.0 64 bit
  • Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit
  • Windows 7 64 bit with 32 bit node & 32 bit tva library (note: these must match)
  • Windows 7 64 bit with 64 bit node & 64 bit tva library (note: these must match)


  • Tervela Client Library 5.0.0 or greater installed in the default location
  • node >= 0.8
  • node-gyp

Note on Tervela Client Library Version

  • Tervela API version 5.1.5 or higher is recommended. Earlier versions do not support querying an existing publication for its QoS, which means that Tervela-node can not dynamically switch between using tvaSendMessage for BE/GC and tvagdMsgSend for GD. Right now, if the library is older than 5.1.5, only GC publications will work. If you would prefer that only GD publications work, modify Session_Create.cpp (search for TVA_PUBINFO_QOS).

How to Build

git clone git://
cd tvanode
node-gyp configure 
node-gyp build

This will result in a Tervela node module in build/Release/tervela.node. You can copy that to your node path, or reference the fully qualified path in your 'require' line.


You may need to be root to run node-gyp build.
On RHEL6 it seems you can't run node-gyp configure build as one invocation as you can on Ubuntu.
On RHEL5, you need to run node-gyp with python 2.6 (PYTHON=python26 node-gyp configure ...), but there are bizarre compilation errors in the V8 headers.

How to Use

First, require tervela:

var tervela = require('tervela');

Next, connect to the TMX:

var connectOptions = {
    username: API-username,
    password: API-password,
    tmx: [ primary-tmx, secondary-tmx ],
    timeout: 30,
tervela.connect(connectOptions, function (err, session) {
    // Connection complete
    if (err) {
        // If `err` is set an error occurred
    else {
        // Connection successful, session has been created

The Session object supports a number of events that the application can assign listeners to.

    .on('connection-lost', function () {
        // Temporarily disconnected from the fabric
        console.log("* Connection Lost");
    .on('connection-restored', function () {
        // Reconnected to the fabric
        console.log("* Connection Restored");
    .on('close', function () {
        // Completely disconneted from the fabric
        console.log("* Connection Closed");

Once logged in, the Session object is used to create publications and subscriptions.

session.createPublication(topic, function (err, publication) {
    if (err) {
        console.log("Error starting publication: " + err);
    else {
        // Once a publication is started, messages can be sent
        var myMessage = {
            intField: 42,
            stringField: "Hello",
            dateField: new Date(),
            boolField: true
        publication.sendMessage(topic, myMessage, {selfdescribe: true}, function (err) {
            if (err) {
                console.log("Error sending message: " + err);

// Subscriptions are created similarly
session.createSubscription(topic, function (err, subscription) {
    if (err) {
        console.log("Error starting subscription: " + err);
    else {
        subscription.on('message', function (msg) {
            // Once a subscription is started messages can be received
            console.log("Message received!");
            console.log("- Topic: " + msg.topic);
            console.log("- GenerationTime: " + msg.generationTime);
            console.log("- ReceiveTime: " + msg.receiveTime);
            for (var field in msg.fields) {
                var fieldContents = msg.fields[field];
                console.log("--- " + field + " : " + fieldContents);

When publications and subscriptions are no longer needed, they should be stopped:

publication.stop(function (err) { 
    if (err) {
        console.log("Error stopping publication: " + err);

subscription.stop(function (err) { 
    if (err) {
        console.log("Error stopping subscription: " + err);

When a session is no longer needed, it should be terminated by calling close:

session.close(function (err) { 
    if (err) {
        console.log("Error in close: " + err);

See the test directory for samples.

Full API documentation

About the API

  • The API is comprised of the objects Session, Publication, Subscription, Replay, and Logger. All applications will create a session, and from there, any number of publications, subscriptions, and/or replays.
  • A couple of object methods take an optional {options} parameter, an object that gives additional details on how the method should be invoked. Properties in the object specify different parameters, and the values of those properties are the values of the parameters. {option} objects can be left out of the method call if none of the options are required.

Global functions

tervela.connect(options, callback)

Creates a session and logs in to the Tervela fabric.

options is an object with the following details:

    username      : [API username],                         (String, required)
    password      : [API password],                         (String, required)
    tmx           : [TMX name(s) or address(es)],           (String or array of strings, required)
    timeout       : [login timeout in seconds],             (integer, optional (default: 30))
    config        : [configuration parmaters],              (Object, optional (see below))
    name          : [client name for GD operations],        (String, only required when using GD)
    gdMaxOut      : [GD publisher max outstanding]          (integer, only required when using GD (default: 1000))

tmx can be either a string or an array of strings. If an array of strings is specified, the first element will be used as the primary TMX and the second element will be used as the secondary TMX.

A timeout of 0 means login will never timeout, and will internally retry until successful.

callback is a function that is called when connect completes:

function (err, session) {
    // Session create complete
    // If `err` is set an error occurred and the session was not created successfully


Creates a session and logs in to the Tervela fabric (synchronous version). On success connectSync returns a Session object. On failure connectSync returns a string, the text being the reason for failure.

options is an object with the following details:

    username      : [API username],                         (String, required)
    password      : [API password],                         (String, required)
    tmx           : [TMX name(s) or address(es)],           (String or array of strings, required)
    timeout       : [login timeout in seconds],             (integer, optional (default: 30))
    config        : [configuration parmaters],              (Object, optional (see below))
    name          : [client name for GD operations],        (String, only required when using GD)
    gdMaxOut      : [GD publisher max outstanding]          (integer, only required when using GD (default: 1000))

tmx can be either a string or an array of strings. If an array of strings is specified, the first element will be used as the primary TMX and the second element will be used as the secondary TMX.

A timeout of 0 means login will never timeout, and will internally retry until successful.

Connect Configuration Object

config = {        // All parameters are optional
    pubRate               : [rate at which messages will be sent, in Kmps]                                          (integer)
    pubBandwidthLimit     : [the maximum bandwidth, in Mbps]                                                        (integer)
    subRate               : [rate at which messages will be received, in Kmps]                                      (integer)
    dataTransportType     : [underlying transport type: 'UDP' | 'TCP' | 'SSL']                                      (String)
    subAudit              : [turn on subscription auditing]                                                         (boolean)
    pubAudit              : [turn on publication auditing]                                                          (boolean)
    configFilename        : [name of Terela configuration file]                                                     (String)
    maxReconnectCount     : [maximum number of reconnect tries before giving up]                                    (integer)
    maxPublications       : [maximum number of publications the application is allowed to create]                   (integer)
    maxSubscriptions      : [maximum number of subscriptions the application is allowed to create]                  (integer)
    allowTerminationName  : [API user name of remote application that is allowed to terminate this application]     (String)
    logFilename           : [name of Tervela log file]                                                              (String)
    logTag                : [tag to use in Tervela log file]                                                        (String)
    favorTmxOrder         : [favor TMX[0] over TMX[1] when deciding active TMX]                                     (boolean)
    gcChannelOnly         : [only create the GC data channel with the TMX]                                          (boolean)

tervela.getLogger([filename], [tagname])

Get a reference to the logger object.

This function returns the instance of the Tervela API logger object, allowing the application to log messages to the same location as the Tervela API (/var/log/messages in Linux, tervela.log in Windows). So if the application changes the filename or tagname options the settings will also be used by the Tervela API.

Once the log has been created filename and tagname cannot be changed.

When the Tervela API is initialized (during connect or connectSync) the log will be created if it has not been created yet. So calls to getLogger after connect or connectSync cannot change the filename and tagname.

Only one instance of the logger is created. Subsequent calls to getLogger return a reference to the originally created logger object.

tagname is used to change the tag for message in the log. This lets multiple applications log to the same location and be distinguishable.

Class: tervela.Session

This class represents a connection with the TMX.

session.createPublication(topic, callback)

Create a new publication object, get ready to send messages.

topic can be either a discrete or wildcard topic.

callback is a function with the following prototype:

function (err, publication) {
    // If 'err' is set an error occurred and the publication was not created successfully
	// Otherwise 'publication' is the newly created Publication object


Create a new publication object, get ready to send messages (synchronous version).

topic can be either a discrete or wildcard topic

On success createPublicationSync returns a Publication object. On failure createPublicationSync returns a String object, the text being the reason for failure.

session.createSubscription(topic, [options], callback)

Create a new subscription object, get ready to receive messages.

topic can be either a discrete or wildcard topic.

options is an object with the following details:

    qos           : [Quality of service: 'BE'|'GC'|'GD'],   (String, optional (default: 'GC'))
    name          : [Subscription name],                    (String, only required when using GD)
    ackMode       : [message ACK mode: 'auto'|'manual']     (String, only required when using GD (default: 'auto'))

callback is a function with the following prototype:

function (err, subscription) {
    // If 'err' is set an error occurred and the subscription was not created successfully
    // Otherwise 'subscription' is the newly created Subscription object

With ackMode set to auto messagse will be acknowledged once the message event listener completes. With ackMode set to manual the application must call subscription.ackMessage for every message received.

session.createSubscriptionSync(topic, [options])

Create a new subscription object, get ready to receive messages (synchronous version).

topic can be either a discrete or wildcard topic.

options is an object with the following details:

    qos           : [Quality of service: 'BE'|'GC'|'GD'],   (String, optional (default: 'GC'))
    name          : [Subscription name],                    (String, only required when using GD)
    ackMode       : [message ACK mode: 'auto'|'manual']     (String, only required when using GD (default: 'auto'))

With ackMode set to auto messagse will be acknowledged once the message event listener completes. With ackMode set to manual the application must call subscription.ackMessage for every message received. See Subscription.ackMessage for more information.

On success createSubscriptionSync returns a Subscription object. On failure createSubscriptionSync returns a String object, the text being the reason for failure.

session.createReplay(topic, options, callback)

Create a new replay object, get ready to receive messages.

topic can be either a discrete or wildcard topic.

options is an object with the following details:

    startTime     : [Replay start time, in UTC]             (Date, required)
    endTime       : [Replay end time, in UTC]               (Date, required)

callback is a function with the following prototype:

function (err, replay) {
    // If 'err' is set an error occurred and the replay was not created successfully
    // Otherwise 'replay' is the newly created Replay object

session.createReplaySync(topic, options)

Create a new replay object, get ready to receive messages (synchronous version).

topic can be either a discrete or wildcard topic.

options is an object with the following details:

    startTime     : [Replay start time, in UTC]             (Date, required)
    endTime       : [Replay end time, in UTC]               (Date, required)

On success createReplaySync returns a Replay object. On failure createReplaySync returns a String object, the text being the reason for failure.


Logout and disconnect from the Tervela fabric.

callback will be added as a listener for the 'close' event.

Event: 'connection-info'

  • activeTmx
  • [standbyTmx]

Emitted shortly after the session is first connected. The argument activeTmx will be a String, the IP address of the active TMX. If connected to a fault-tolerant pair the standby argument will be a String, the IP address of the standby TMX.

Event: 'connection-lost'

Emitted when the connection to the TMX(s) is lost. The API will automatically attempt to reconnect.

Event: 'connection-restored'

Emitted when the connection to the TMX is restored (after being lost).

Event: 'gds-lost'

Emitted when communications with the GDS have been lost. The API will automatically attempt to re-establish communications.

Event: 'gds-restored'

Emitted when communications with the GDS have been restored.

Event: 'close'

Emitted when the session has been closed.

Event: 'notify'

  • code
  • message

Emitted when a miscellaneous session event occurs. If one of the above events is emitted and not handled by an explicit listener it will end up here.

Class: tervela.Publication

This object is used to send messages.

publication.sendMessage(topic, message, [options], [callback])

Send a message on the given topic.

options is an object with the following details:

    selfdescribe  : [ignore topic schema],                  (boolean, default: false)

callback will be added as a listener for the 'send-message' event.

The topic used when sending a message must match the topic used to create the publication, either directly or within a wildcard subset. For example, if the publication topic is a discrete topic such as A.1, the message must be sent on topic A.1. However if the publication topic is a wildcard topic such as A.* then the message can be sent on any topic that falls under A.* (A.A, A.1, A.2, etc.).

The message is a JavaScript object. The property names become the field names in the Tervela message, and the property values become those field values.

selfdescribe makes the message "self-describing" or not. When selfdescribe is set to false (the default), property names must match schema field names; when selfdescribe is set to true, the schema field names are ignored and the property names become the field names.


Stop the publication.

callback will be added as a listener for the 'stop' event.

Property: 'topic'

Gets the topic the publication was created on. This is a read-only value.

Property: 'qos'

Gets the quality of service of the publication. Possible values are "BE", "GC", and "GD". This is a read-only value.

Event: 'send-message'

  • err
  • message

Emitted when a message has been sent. If err is set it will be a String object, the text of the error that occurred. message will be the message that was sent.

Event: 'stop'

  • err

Emitted when the publication is stopped. If err is set it will be a String object, the text of the error that occurred.

Class: tervela.Subscription

subscription.acknowledge(message, [callback])

Acknowledge a received message when using "manual" ack mode with GD.

message is the message to acknowledge.

callback will be added as a listener for the 'ack' event.

Messages received on a GD subscription must be acknowledged. This informs the system the message has been consumed. If ackMode on the subscription is set to "auto" the acknowledgement happens automatically after the message event listener returns. If ackMode is set to "manual", however, the application is responsible for acknowledging the message. The message object passed to the ackMessage method is the same message object that was given to the application in the message event listener.


Stop the subscription.

The callback parameter will be added as a listener for the 'stop' event.

Property: 'topic'

Gets the topic the publication was created on. This is a read-only value.

Property: 'qos'

Gets the quality of service of the publication. Possible values are "BE", "GC", and "GD". This is a read-only value.

Event: 'message'

  • message

Emitted when a message has been received. message is an object with the following details:

    topic,                 (String : message topic)
    generationTime,        (Date : when the message was sent by the publisher)
    receiveTime,           (Date : when the message was received)
    lossGap,               (Number : number of missing (lost) messages between this message and the last in order message on this topic)
    fields                 (Object : message fields list ([name]=value))

Event: 'ack'

  • err
  • message

Emitted when message acknowledgement completes (after calling subscription.acknowledge). If err is set it will be a String object, the text of the error that occurred. message is the message which was acknowledged.

Event: 'stop'

  • err

Emitted when the subscription is stopped. If err is set it will be a String object, the text of the error that occurred.

Class: tervela.Replay

This class represents an active replay.


Pause an active replay

callback will be added as a listener for the 'pause' event.


Resume a paused replay

callback will be added as a listener for the 'resume' event.


Stop an active or paused replay

callback will be added as a listener for the 'stop' event.

replay.stop is only required if the application wishes to stop a replay that has not completed. When a replay completes (either with the 'finish' or 'error' event) internal resources are freed when the object is garbage collected.

Event: 'message'

Emitted when a message has been received. message is an object with the following details:

    topic,                 (String : message topic)
    generationTime,        (Date : when the message was sent by the publisher)
    receiveTime,           (Date : when the message was received)
    lossGap,               (Number : number of missing (lost) messages between this message and the last in order message on this topic)
    fields                 (Object : message fields list ([name]=value))

Event: 'pause'

  • err

Emitted when the replay is paused. If err is set it will be a String object, the text of the error that occurred.

Event: 'resume'

  • err

Emitted when the replay is resumed after a pause. If err is set it will be a String object, the text of the error that occurred.

Event: 'stop'

  • err

Emitted when the replay is artificially stopped via replay.stop. If err is set it will be a String object, the text of the error that occurred.

Event: 'finish'

Emitted when the replay finishes, meaning no additional messages will be received. This listener is invoked after the message listener for that last message.

When the finish or error listeners are invoked the internal reference to the Replay object is released. If the application does not have any references to the object it will then be freed and eligible for garbage collection.

Event: 'error'

Emitted when the replay encounters an error, such as when the data could not be found on the TPE. No messages will be received when these errors occur.

When the finish or error listeners are invoked the internal reference to the Replay object is released. If the application does not have any references to the object it will then be freed and eligible for garbage collection.

Class: tervela.Logger

The Logger gives write access to the Tervela API log file. Logging is controlled by a bitmask of active log levels. When the application asks to write something to the log, the log level of the write is checked against the list of currently active levels. If the log level is active the data is written to the log; if the log level is not active the data is not written. This allows the application to write as many log statements as required for field debugging while knowing the log will not be populated unless in debug mode.

Enum: Logger.Level

The Logger exports the following log levels:

* Level.ERROR   (0x00000001)
* Level.WARN    (0x00000002)
* Level.INFO    (0x00000004)
* Level.DATA    (0x00000008)
* Level.STATE   (0x00000010)
* Level.VSTATE  (0x00000020)
* Level.STATS   (0x00000040)
* Level.QSTATS  (0x00000080)
* Level.RSTATS  (0x00000100)
* Level.LSTATS  (0x00000200)
* Level.VSTATS  (0x00000400)
* Level.DIAG    (0x00000800)
* Level.VDIAG   (0x00001000)

The application is free to assign any meaning to each of the log levels it desires, but know that ERROR, WARN, and STATE are enabled by default.

Logger.getLevels - Get the bitmask of currently active log levels

var levels = logger.getLevels();
  • The return value will be the sum of all active log levels (from above).

Logger.setLevel - Enable the given log levels

logger.setLevel(/*One or more of the above log levels*/);


logger.setLevel(logger.Level.INFO | logger.Level.VSTATE | logger.Level.DATA);
  • The given level(s) are added to the currently active level(s). So in the above example, assuming the default ERROR, WARN, and STATE were previously active, the new levels would be ERROR, WARN, STATE, INFO, VSTATE, and DATA.

Logger.clearLevel - Clear the given log levels from the mask of currently active levels

logger.clearLevel(/*One or more of the above log levels*/);


logger.clearLevel(logger.Level.INFO | logger.Level.DATA);
  • The given level(s) are removed from the currently active level(s). Continuing the above example, the new levels would be ERROR, WARN, STATE, and VSTATE.

Logger.write - Write a message to the log

logger.write(/*One or more of the above log levels*/, "Message to write to the log");
  • If the given log level is among the list of currently active log levels the message will be written to the log; otherwise the function will return without writting the message.


Tervela node.js bindings






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