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The Operator-split Radiation, Cooling, Hydro-code


TORCH is a 3D Eulerian fixed grid fluid dynamics code. The grid is a collection of finite elements, called grid cells, that each hold fluid state information. The hydrodynamics are solved using a rotated hybrid HLLC-HLL Riemann solver (Nishikawa & Kitamura 2008) to calculate fluxes on each grid cell face. Ionisation from point source radiation is implicitly solved and the column densities required for this are calculated via an interpolative ray tracing scheme (Mellema et al. 2006). Heating/cooling from atomic processes is calculated using the approximate functions in Henney et al. (2009).

Example Usage

After building, the directory tree (with bin as root directory) of the application should look like this:

├── torch
├── config
|   ├── torch-config.lua
|   └── torch-setup.lua

To run, execute torch in an mpi environment. For example, using 8 logical cores:

mpirun -np 8 ./torch

By default TORCH reads in the configuration files, config/torch-config.lua and config/torch-setup.lua. You can specify your own configuration files:

mpirun -np 8 ./torch --paramfile=/path/to/torch-config.lua --setupfile=/path/to/torch-setup.lua

The -s flag can also be passed to run the program silently (only error messages will appear on the console).


For example, to set up a 2D cylindrically symmetric 150x200 mesh with a star located at grid coordinates (0, 110) parameters (in cgs units) could be:

-- config/torch-config.lua

PC2CM = 3.09e18
YR2S  = 3.15569e7

Parameters = {
	Integration = {
		density_scale =              1.0e-20,
		pressure_scale =             1.0e-28,
		time_scale =                 1.0e11,
		spatial_order =              1,
		temporal_order =             2,
		simulation_time =            5.0e4 * YR2S,
		radiation_on =               true,
		cooling_on =                 true,
		debug =                      false,
		output_directory =           "tmp",
		initial_conditions =         "",
		ncheckpoints =               100,
	Grid = {
		no_dimensions =              2,
		no_cells_x =                 150,
		no_cells_y =                 200,
		no_cells_z =                 1,
		geometry =                   "cylindrical",
		side_length =                0.5 * PC2CM,
		left_boundary_condition_x =  "reflecting",
		left_boundary_condition_y =  "outflow",
		left_boundary_condition_z =  "reflecting",
		right_boundary_condition_x = "outflow",
		right_boundary_condition_y = "outflow",
		right_boundary_condition_z = "outlfow",
	Hydrodynamics = {
		gamma =                      1.67,
		density_floor =              1.0e-30,
		pressure_floor =             1.0e-22,
		temperature_floor =          0.1,
		riemann_solver =             "RotatedHLLC",
		slope_limiter =              "albada",
	Radiation = {
		K1 =                         0.2,
		K2 =                         0.0,
		K3 =                         0.0,
		K4 =                         0.0,
		photoion_cross_section =     6.3e-18,
		case_b_recombination_coeff = 2.59e-13,
		tau_0 =                      0.6,
		minimum_hii_fraction =       0,
		temperature_hi =             300,
		temperature_hii =            10000,
		mass_fraction_hydrogen =     1.0,
		integration_scheme =         "implicit",
		collisions_on =              false,
		coupling =                   "neq",
	Thermodynamics = {
		heating_amplification =      1,
		thermo_hii_switch =          1e-2,
		thermo_subcycling =          true,
		min_temp_initial_state =     true,
	Star = {
		on =                         true,
		cell_position_x =            0,
		cell_position_y =            110,
		cell_position_z =            0,
		snap_to_face_left_x =        true,
		snap_to_face_left_y =        false,
		snap_to_face_left_z =        false,
		snap_to_face_right_x =       false,
		snap_to_face_right_y =       false,
		snap_to_face_right_z =       false,
		photon_energy =              2.976e-11,
		photon_rate =                4.9e+48,
		wind_radius_in_cells =       10,
		mass_loss_rate =             9.79e+18,
		wind_velocity =              311000000.0,
		wind_temperature =           10000,

The simulated span of time in this example is 50 kyr. Snapshots of the star would be taken at equally spaced intervals during this time and stored in the directory assigned to output_directory.

An example of how to set up a problem is given in config/torch-setup.lua. For a star offset in a spherically symmetric density gradient:

-- config/torch-setup.lua

hydrogenMass = 1.674e-24
specificGasConstant = 8.314462e7
PC2CM = 3.09e18

H = 0.05 * PC2CM
T = 300.0
nHI = 32000.0

alpha = 1
rc = 0.01 * PC2CM
rc2 = rc * rc
RS = 0.35 * PC2CM

n0 = nHI * math.pow(1 + RS * RS / rc2, alpha)

pre0 = specificGasConstant * nHI * hydrogenMass * T

function initialise(x, y, z, xs, ys, zs)
	local dy = RS + (ys - y)
	local R2 = x * x + dy * dy
	local R = math.sqrt(R2)

	local den = n0 * hydrogenMass * math.pow(1 + R2 / rc2, -alpha)
	local pre = pre0

	local hii = 0
	local v0 = 0
	local v1 = 0
	local v2 = 0

	local grav0 = 0
	local grav1 = 0
	local grav2 = 0

	return den, pre, hii, v0, v1, v2, grav0, grav1, grav2

The function initialise takes in six arguments: x (or r-polar), y (or z-polar) and z coordinates of the cell and the coordinates of the star (all in cm). Density, pressure, ionised hydrogen fraction, velocity components, and gravitational acceleration components are returned (in cgs units). This script is executed by TORCH in order to set up the fluid variables in a grid.


TORCH outputs compressed data files in a specified directory (output_directory). The header contains 4 lines; the first line is the simulation time in seconds and the next three lines give the number of grid cells along the x, y and z directions of the mesh. After the header, grid cell data is displayed in columns. The first ND columns are the position coordinates of the grid cell, where ND is the number of dimensions. Next is density, pressure and HII fraction. Then the last ND columns are the fluid velocity components. All output is in cgs units.

After 50,000 years the solution to the setup given above looks like this:

SolutionImage [Image produced using matplotlib.]


TORCH uses the cmake build process. To build simply make a build directory and call ccmake from there:

mkdir build
cd build
ccmake path/to/TORCH

To specify your C++ compiler (TORCH requires gcc 4.7.2+) and/or the root directory of your MPI distribution you need to set some environment variables before calling ccmake:

export CC=/path/to/gcc
export CXX=/path/to/g++
export MPI_HOME=/path/to/mpi/installation

Advanced Usage

The parameters not included in this table should not be modified unless you know what you're doing. Asterisks are wildcard characters.

Parameter Notes
*_scale Chosen such that code units of order of unity.
radiation_on Simulate radiative transfer?
cooling_on Simulate heating and cooling?
simulation_time Span of time in seconds over which you want to simulate the fluid.
output_directory Directory to output data.
initial_conditions Data file to read a problem setup. Set to empty string to use torch-setup.lua config.
ncheckpoints Number of snapshots to print equally spaced up to simulation_time.
no_dimensions No. of dimensions in numerical grid.
no_cells_x No. of cells along the x (or polar r) axis.
no_cells_y No. of cells along the y (or polar z) axis.
no_cells_z No. of cells along the z axis.
geometry cartesian, cylindrical or spherical.
side_length Length, in cm, of the x (or r) axis. Note: cells are cubic.
*_boundary_condition_* reflecting, free, inflow, outflow or periodic.
gamma Heat capacity ratio.
*_floor Minimum values in cgs units. Must be positive and non-zero.
mass_fraction_hydrogen Fraction, by mass, of gas in a cell that is hydrogen.
collisions_on Include collisional ionisations?
heating_amplification Fraction of calculated heating/cooling that is injected into fluid.
on Include star?
cell_position_x Star's position along x-axis in grid coordinates.
cell_position_y Star's position along y-axis in grid coordinates.
cell_position_z Star's position along z-axis in grid coordinates.
snap_to_face_* Normally star sits in centre of specified cell. Snap to left if that boundary is reflecting. Snap to left in x direction if cylindrical or spherical geometries.
photon_energy Energy of each photon emitted by star.
photon_rate Rate of photons emitted by star.
wind_radius_in_cells Radius within which to inject stellar wind energy. Should be > 10 cells in 2 or 3 dimensions so that wind region is roughly spherical.
mass_loss_rate Stellar wind mass loss rate.
wind_velocity Terminal velocity of the stellar wind.
wind_temperature Temperature of the stellar wind region.
Parameter Notes
spatial_order The order of spatial reconstruction. No reconstruction with 0 and linear reconstruction with 1.
debug_on Output debugging info to console
riemann_solver HLL, HLLC or RotatedHLLC.
slope_limiter albada, superbee, monotonised_central, minmod or maxmod.
integration_scheme Radiation integration scheme: implicit or explicit.
coupling Coupling between radiation and hydrodynamics: neq (Non-equilibrium) or tti (two-temperature isothermal).


  • AMR grids.
  • HEALPix ray-tracing.
  • Output in HDF5 data format.

Developer info

Harrison Steggles, University of Leeds (PhD student).


Henney, W. J., Arthur, S. J., de Colle, F., & Mellema, G. 2009, MNRAS, 398, 157 (link)
Mellema, G., Iliev, I. T., Alvarez, M. A., & Shapiro, P. R. 2006, New A, 11, 374 (link)
Nishikawa, H. & Kitamura, K. 2008, Journal of Computational Physics, 227, 2560 (link)


  • gcc 4.7.2+.
  • zlib: "A massively spiffy yet delicately unobtrusive compression library".
  • Eigen: "A template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms".
  • Selene: "Simple C++11 friendly header-only bindings to Lua 5.2+".
  • Lua5.2+: "A powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language".


High-performance integrator for coupled radiation, heating/cooling and hydrodynamics.






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