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Webd uses the GET/POST method to serve static content
(text, HTML, GIF, and JPG ....files) out of ./ and to serve dynamic
content by running CGI programs out of ./cgi-bin.

webd provides following functions:
1.provide GET/POST method to view static content and run cgi script
2.provide HTTP and HTTPS connection
3.provide dircetory view function
4.provide some access control based by ip address
5.provide easy logging function

To run Webd:
   Run "webd" on the server machine, 
	e.g., "webd"
	Maybe you should type "./webd" if current directory is not in your $PATH

   There are several argument option:
   -d  --daemon        -> webd run in the background  
   -p  --port          -> assigned http port
   -l  --log           -> assigned log path
   -h  --help          -> help  
   -v  --version       -> some other informations  

   So,you can also do this:
   	webd -d -p 8888  

   If your port is less then 1024,you must have the root permission,or use the sudo command.

   Point your browser at webd: for example,http port is 8888,and https port is 4444
   you can view following page:
   	http:       home page   view dir 
	         -> you can point the file name to view file contents
	            or point the directory name to view the directory content    
	         -> a GET method page,login with email and password,
		    you will see you email and password content    
	         -> a POST  method page,login with email and password, 
		    you will see you email and password content

	cgi-bin                  ->  cgi script directory
	        getAuth.c        ->  the get method cgi script
	        postAuth.c       ->  the post method cgi script
		Makefile         ->  cgi/bin/*.c Makefile
	config.ini               ->  configuration file 
	daemon_init.c            ->  daemon process 
	doc                      ->  the web page root directory
	log.c                    ->  provide logging 
	main.c                   ->  the main source file
	Makefile                 ->  *.c Makefile
	parse_config.c           ->  read the config.ini 
	parse.h                  ->  the main head file
	parse_option.c           ->  parse the argv 
	README                   ->  it's me 
	secure_access.c          ->  provide easy access control             ->  a shell script,to provide start/stop/restart/status the webd
	                             e.g. start/stop/restart/status
	wrap.c                   ->  must functions wrap file  
	wrap.h                   ->  the wrap.c's head file


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