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This README is for assignment of INB860 of QUT.

### What is this for? ###

* This is an assignment from INB860, Computational Intelligence for Control and Embedded Systems
* Lecturer:  Frederic Maire
* Group member: Yuxiang Wu, Marios Stavrakas (Group A)
* Last update: 1 Jun 2014

### Statement of completion: All behaviours have been demonstrated succesfully with no limitations.
### Statement of contribution:Both students have equally contributed for this assignment.

### Table of contents ###

├──INB 860- Unit report.
├── Calibration\ Programs
│   ├── background.c
│   └── compass.c
├── README.txt
├── Week06
│   ├── A1\ faster\ version.c
│   ├── A1.c
│   ├── A2.c
│   └── Matlab
│       ├── TheseusCrawler.m
│       ├── demo_graph.m
│       ├── localBearings.m
│       ├── myBehaviorA3.m
│       ├── myBehaviorA4.m
│       ├── myBehaviorA5.m
│       ├── plot_graph.m
│       ├── shortestPath.m
│       ├── simGraphNavigation.m
│       └── simGraphNavigation_modified.m
├── Week07
│   ├── A6.c
│   ├── A7\ quick.c
│   └── A7.c
├── Week09
│   ├── B1.c
│   └── B2.c
├── Week10
│   ├── B3.c
│   ├── B4.c
│   └── B5.c
├── Week12
│   ├── Matlab
│   │   ├── A_star.m
│   │   ├── D2.mat
│   │   ├── backtrack.m
│   │   ├── demo.m
│   │   ├── heuristic.m
│   │   ├── plotGreyPatch.m
│   │   └── plotGrid.m
│   └── RobotC
│       ├── D1.c
│       ├── D2.c
│       └── D2.h
└── Week13
    ├── Matlab
        │   ├── E3.mat
        │   ├── compute_edit_dist.m
        │   ├── demo.m
        │   └── plotPattern.m
    └── RobotC
        ├── E1.c
        └── E2.c

### How do I get started with reading? ###
Here are some guidelines:
* You need a Lego Mindstorm NXT Kit to run the RobotC code
* You will need a white board and black tape.
* Each source file is self-contain. You don't need extra configuration once you download your firmware and the program into the robot.
* You need to run the programs in "Calibration Programs" directories before you run most of the other programs.
* You can find an assignment specification in root directory.
* The directories are organized in chronological order. Their filenames indicate their corresponding behavior
* Some of the behaviors, including A3, A4, A5, D2 and E3, involves Matlab simulation. You can find them in "Matlab" directories under corresponding week directory.

### Who do I talk to? ###

* Yuxiang Wu (