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-------------------FILE DIRECTORY-------------------
The following files in this directory:
benchmark_client.cpp:  			MATRIX benchmark program
benchmark_client_detailed.cpp:		ZHT benchmark program

matrix_client.cpp:			MATRIX client side for initializing and submitting tasks impl
matrix_xlient.h:			MATRIX client side for initializing and submitting tasks header
matrix_server.cpp:			MATRIX server side for handling task execution and workstealing impl
matrix_server.h:			MATRIX server side for handling task execution and workstealing header
matrix_util.cpp:			MATRIX utilities impl
matrux_util.h:				MATRIX utilities header
c_zhtclient_main.c:			ZHT c binding test cases
c_zhtclient.cpp:			ZHT c binding impl
c_zhtclient.h:				ZHT c binding header
c_zhtclientStd.cpp:			ZHT c binding internals impl
c_zhtclientStd.h:			ZHT c binding internals header
cpp_zhtclient.cpp:			ZHT c++ binding impl
cpp_zhtclient.h:			ZHT c++ binding header
lru_cache.cpp:				ZHT connection cache impl
lru_cache.h:				ZHT connection cache header				ZHT client-server-communication-package c++ binding impl
meta.pb.h:				ZHT client-server-communication package c++ binding header
meta.pb-c.c:				ZHT client-server-communication-package c binding impl
meta.pb-c.h:				ZHT client-server-communication-package c binding impl
net_util.cpp:				ZHT client-server-communication-library impl
net_util.h:				ZHT client-server-communication-library header
novoht.cpp:				ZHT storage engine impl
novoht.h:				ZHT storage engine header
server_general.cpp:			ZHT server impl
zht_util.cpp:				ZHT utility functions impl
zht_util.cpp:				ZHT utility functions header

Makefile:				make file
sample_Makefile:			sample make file to compile and built user's ZHT/MATRIX applications

neighbor:				file that contains neighbored nodes in DHT overlay network
zht.cfg:				configure parameters other than neighbors

README:					this file

-------------------SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS-------------------
Google protocol buffers c binding, 0.15 or later

Google protocol buffers c++ binding, 2.3.0 or later

-------------------COMPILE AND INSTALL-------------------
Assuming that Google protocol buffers c and c++ bindings are installed to default directory, that is, /usr/local, in other words,  ./configured --prefix=/usr/local

To compile and install ZHT/MATRIX

If you installed Google protocol buffers c and c++ bindings to customized directory, e.g./home/xiaobingo/install, MAKE SURE TO EXPORT them, e.g.
1. cd to your home directory
2. vim/gedit .bashrc
3. append the following lines to the end,
	export USER_LIB=/home/xiaobingo/install/lib/
	export USER_INCLUDE=/home/xiaobingo/install/include/
4. source .bashrc

, otherwise, you probably fail to compile ZHT/MATRIX or locate dependencies required by ZHT/MATRIX runtime.

-------------------RUN THE BENCHMARK-------------------
To run benchmark:
1. ./server 50000 neighbor zht.cfg TCP logging max_tasks_per_package num_tasks prefix shared
2. ./client per_client_task neighbor zht.cfg TCP sleep_time max_tasks_per_package client_index num_tasks prefix shared DAG_choice

The sequence of arguments should be maintained.

Arguments Description:
50000 is the MATRIX server port,
neighbor is the file that contains neighbored nodes in DHT overlay network,
zht.cfg is to config other parameters of ZHT,
TCP is to use tcp protocol, instead, UDP is used,
logging is the flag to turn ON/OFF logging information
max_tasks_per_package is the number of tasks to bundle in single package before submitting to MATRIX server; this is there since there is a limit on message size than can be handled,
prefix is the path to logging directory to be used by every instance of MATRIX server; it is private to every instance,
shared is the path to logging directory that is shared by all MATRIX servers

per_client_task is the number of tasks to be submiited by this client; useful when there are multiple clients trying to submit tasks to MATRIX,
sleep_time is the duration of sleep task that is submitted,
client_index is the index of this client; used when there are multiple clients
DAG_choice is the choice of DAG to be used; 0 - Bag of Tasks, 1 - Random DAG, 2 - Pipeline DAG, 3 - Fan In DAG, 4 - Fan Out DAG
Rest arguments are same as mentioned for server

-------------------CLUSTER DEPLOYMENT-------------------
To deploy MATRIX on a cluster of nodes:
1. copy the  binaries i.e. server and client, to every node.
2. copy configure files, that is, neighbor, zht.cfg, to every node.
3. edit the the file neighbor to contain all the ip and port of these nodes, DO NOT USE localhost.
4. In every node, run as mentioned in Benchmark

-------------------DEVELOPE YOUR ZHT APPLICATIONS-------------------
To develope your own ZHT applications, please refer TO c_zhtclient_main.c, which extensively tests ZHT client c binding, internally invoking c++ binding.

To compile your own ZHT applications(e.g.your_zht_app.c), we give out the sample Makefile for this purpose, see also sample_Makefile in src/, to save your time.


HPC support extended for MATRIX - DataSys Lab






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