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This is a modification of the excellent Software Defined Radio software by John Melton.  The original sources are in an svn repo revision 1999. See:

Highlights of some of the many changes:

softrock     - Rx and Tx.  Pulse and Jack audio.  Connects up to 4 radios using Jack.  Works with all softrocks.
dspserver    - The LO offset (usually set to 9000 Hz in Si570 controlled softrocks, a la PSDR-IQ) can be set via command line argument --lo
	       Can be changed to 0 for fixed Xtal Softrocks and DDC radios.  
	       More robust audio and spectrum transfers.  Rx and Tx.  Hamlib net backend allowing interfacing with loggers, gPredict
	       and fldigi etc.  Multiple client can access the same dspserver: one is the master with control of the vfo etc., and
               others are slaves who can monitor and listen.  Audio transfers can be via TCP or RTP.  With TCP, automatic
	       resampling keeps client and server in sync.  With RTP, there is automatic time stamp and jitter compensation.

receiver     - Makefile modified to compile in x86_64, changed local-audio to direct alsa output, changed portaudio to use callback.
               To run under Ubuntu with pulseaudio:  $ ./ghpsdr --local-audio 1 --audio-device pulse

QtRadio      - Many improvements to a full functional rxtx with graphical vfo and multiple audio codecs.
             - Added a Quick Server Connect Dialog.  Displays a list of all currently online public dspservers that were started with 
	       the --share option.  Many code optimizations to reduce cpu utilization, including fast Waterfall display algorithm,
               multithreaded Qthreads and OpenMP codes for running in multi-core machines.

The QtRadio audio quality is vastly improved with "pull" mode audio and other optimizations.

There is a Wiki for more detailed information, especially for new comers:

Active development branch

The default master branch has the latest stable code base.  There are experimental branches that various developers are working on.  For example, there is an active development branch rxtx-opencl that aims to implement codes that will make use of any available GPU (in video cards) for both heavy duty computations and for OpenGL graphical display.

Ubuntu Linux Users

There is a ppa for the binaries produced from the master branch, maintained by Andrea.

Now the code base is taken from the master branch and in the "about" 
panel there is some additional information in order to show where the 
source is coming from.

In order to add this repository to your apt system (U11.10, U11.04, U10.04) 
please submit the following commands: 

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:andrew-montefusco/ghpsdr3 
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install ghpsdr3

You will then find the QtRadio app in the Applications > Internet menu

Subsequently you can use the Ubuntu software update process to update to the latest ppa version.

Windows Users

At this time the only application working in Windows is the QtRadio client which can connect to
any dspserver (running in Linux).  Ready to run windows executable is available, maintained by Glenn:

You can download the zip file which contains all the needed dlls and qtradio.exe.  Extract the qtradio folder
to somewhere on your windows drive and double click qtradio.exe to run.

The source for building with QtCreator is available via the win32 branch at:

Building the software in Linux
You will need Qt4.  Qt4 is available as a package from Ubuntu.  However, it is recommended that you download
the latest Qt4.8 from Nokia, as there are bugs and issues with Qt4.7.4.

Note that in addition to Qt, you will need some dev packages to be installed.  For details see:

You will also need a version of libevent that is newer than what is available from the Ubuntu distribution.  
Go to synaptic and *completely* remove the stock libevent (v1.4) from Ubuntu.

Building the libevent software


Uncompress and follow the instructions to build and install:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig

Building the ghpsdr3-alex software
To build:

$ cd ghpsdr3-alex
$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Then the executables will be installed in /usr/local/bin.

This will build the default configuration, which is useful for debugging and testing.  However it is not optimized and
will not run well in slow cpu's etc.

See the sample confuration shell scripts (which replace the ./configure step above):		for building with i3,i5 and i7 cpu's supporting Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX)		for building with i3,i5 and i7 cpu's and OpenMP support		for building with SSE3 capable cpu's	for building with SSE3 capable cpu's and OpenMP support

OpenMP code will run on multi-core machines by making use of all the cores.  It will also run on single core machines with a little overhead only.

Running the software
To run the softrock server (defaults to using pulse for IQ input.  So 
use pulse chooser to set the default pulse source to the IQ sound 
card).  You also need to run pulse in network mode.  Use Pulseaudio Device Chooser
to set up network access by checking the various option boxes.  In order to use
96000 or 192000, you will need to configure pulse audio by editing the /etc/pulse/daemon.conf,
or better still, copy the file to ~/.pulse/daemon.conf and then edit the file there.

You can also use jack instead of pulse.  For detailed instructions on setting up soundcards with pulse or jack Google and do research.
Also see

$ softrock --si570 --iq --samplerate 48000|96000|192000


$ softrock --si570 --iq --samplerate 48000|9600|192000 --jack

(If you find your I/Q is reversed, use --qi instead of -iq

To run the dspserver: 

$ dspserver --lo 0|9000|12000|...

The LO offset can be set by the --lo argument.  For fixed crystal Softrocks and DDC rigs, use --lo 0.  For si570 controlled Softrocks, the usual offset should be set with --lo 9000.  Of course, you can set other offset values depending on your rig.

You need to edit a file which will be created when you run dspserver for the first time:



dspserver now has the ability to "register" it's status in a web database.
This data will be used by QtRadio in the future to assist selecting dspservers.

Another advantage is dspserver will no longer need any form of dyndns service as the current
IP for the dspserver is registered at the same time.  You can view the current registered dspservers:

To use this feature start dspserver with the "--share" option.  This will look for ~/dspserver.conf for settings.
If no conf file is found one will be created on startup and is ready for editing.  Editing notes are included in the conf file.
You may also use option "--shareconfig path_filename" instead to use an alternate conf file. 
Note that wget is needed for --share to work.

Then you can run QtRadio to connect to the dspserver that is running. 

For sdr-widget user only
As an alternative to softrock server, you can use the widget-server,
which has been customized to connect to the sdr-widget using 
the hpsdr protocol.  You need to setup sdr-widget for the hpsdr 
protocol (with the tool), and then run server: 

cd ~/ghpsdr3-alex/trunk/bin 
./widget-server --si570 --receivers 1 --samplerate 48000|96000|192000

After that, you start dspserver (to connect to this server) and 
QtRadio etc. 

Note that this is Rx only.

With hpsdr hardware (Ozy/Metis)
Run the hpsdr-server.

With Perseus hardware
In order to use Perseus receiver, you have to build the perseus-server process.

First off, download, compile and install the library libperseus-sdr:

svn checkout libperseus-sdr
cd libperseus-sdr
./configure && make -j4
sudo make install

Next, install the other prerequisite library:

sudo apt-get install liboost-dev

last, run configure, enabling perseus option, and build:

cd ~/ghpsdr3-alex
autoreconf -i && ./configure --enable-perseus && make -j4
sudo make install

Run, three different xterm windows:

xterm -e './perseus_server -d3 -s96000' &
cd ../dspserver
xterm -e './dspserver --lo 0' &
cd ../QtRadio
$(export QT_RADIO_NO_LOCAL_AUDIO=1 ; ./QtRadio ) &

With Ettus usrp hardware
Use the usrp-server branch.

With SDRiq hardware
Run the sdriq-server.

QtRadio with codec2 low bit rate audio encoding and decoding
We are adding a low bit rate audio codec called codec 2 to QtRadio/dspserver.  You need
to download and build the codec2 library.  See:

$ svn co
$ cd codec2
$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig

Compiling with clang instead of default gcc

$ ./configure CC=clang CXX=clang

If the configure complains about some header file missing, please install the
gcc-multilib package (see

sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib

For other branches I have modified the Makefile of server, softrock and dspserver to use clang if you do:

$ make CC=clang

Otherwise it will use the default gcc

The one big advantage of clang over gcc is the more meaningful error/warning messages and other
options to help with debugging.

Autotools building system

Using Jack Audio Connection Kit

To use JACK, run softrock with the --jack option. 

It is best to start JACK with the options you want (right sound card, sample rate, etc.) 
and I use qjackctl.  Receiver 0 is connected with the first two inputs, receiver 1 with the 
next two and so on up to receiver 3 (four receivers total).  Of course you can reconnect them
however you like in qjackctrl.  To use more than one receiver, you need a dspserver instance
for each.  Use the --receiver=[0,1,2,3] option for each dspserver instance.

Using QtRadio with Hamlib applications ie fldigi

QtRadio will listen on port 19090 all interfaces for rigctl connections.

rigctl  -m2 -r  (from pkg libhamlib-utils, ? for help)

grig -m2 -r

For fldigi set Transceiver Control to hamlib, Rig to 'Hamlib NET rigctl  (Beta)' and Device to ""
Set Soundcard to PulseAudio and then in PulseAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol) Recording tab set fldigi to "Monitor of xxxx"

Controlling more than one DG8SAQ devices (eg 2 softrocks)
The DG8SAQ devices can be set to different USB serial ID's.  Each usb-i2c interface, eg Tony's original, the UBW, the Mobo or the sdr-widget, have different USB serial ID's defined in the firmware.  If you are using 2 identical devices, then you will need to flash a new firmware with a different USB serial number to one of them so that they can be distinguished.

When you start the softrock server, you can use the --serialid argument to match the USB serial ID of the particular device.


Modifications of John Melton's ghpsdr3







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  • C 56.8%
  • C++ 33.5%
  • Java 5.3%
  • SuperCollider 2.3%
  • Python 1.1%
  • Objective-C 0.5%
  • Other 0.5%