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Team Members: Nabil Abdurehman, Henry Huray

Suppose you have a network of machines located at various places across the US. Occasionally, these machines might malfunction, in which case a technician would have to be dispatched to repair the device. Each device functions properly with a lifetime given by an exponential distribution. Suppose further that this technician can only travel along the routes directly connecting two such machines.

Then, there are a number of questions of interest, such as:

  • What is the optimal number of technicians to have on reserve to minimize the number of malfunctions at any given moment?

Problem Statement


There are two parts to this assignment.

  1. Graph Generation and Resource Analysis using Dijkstra's algorithm

  2. Implementing parallel Dijkstra's algorithm with openMP, and comparing Dijkstra's against an alternative shortest-path algorithm

Graph Generation and Discrete event simulation

We are assuming that the machine network consists of sites which form a connected graph. The edges have lengths equal to Euclidean distance between the latitude-longitude coordinates. One partner generates this connected graph with the edge lengths, and outputs that as a text file, which can be read into other programs for further analysis.

Additionally, this partner can implement event handlers, that schedule for events to happen based on when a machine malfunctions. In particular, a technician is deployed to fix the error-ridden machine. To do so, he uses a certain amount of resources (e.g., fuel, money for expenses) along the way, and his traveling to the machine is directly proportional to the distance from the base where he was sent from. To find the shortest path, the Dijkstra's algorithm code from the previous assignment can be used.

This partner can conduct an analysis, by calculating through simulations, where he examines how the numbers of malfunctioning equipment grows as the number of technicians and the parameter of the survival function, vary.

That is, with a given number of technicians, does the number of malfunctioning machines grow over time, or remains approximately level, or decreases and remains small over time? Then we can see whether more resources (e.g., human or financial) need to be allocated to ensure the network's percentage of functioning machines is maintained above a certain threshold.

Algorithm Comparison/Analysis

The second partner would focus on writing algorithms, to compare their performance and influence on the questions proposed earlier (that the other partner would also be working to answer).

Specifically, this second partner can program a parallel implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm with OpenMP. To compare against these two versions of Dijkstra's algorithm, he can also implement an alternative shortest-path algorithm, and (perhaps) code that up in parallel as well. Then he would be providing three different algorithms which can each be used to examine how their use affects the aforementioned questions.

Possible additions:

  • Assuming the monitor networks aren't completely connected graphs, but perhaps (e.g.) two connected components
  • Assuming the network of machines actually consists of two kinds of machines, where each has a separate survival function (and so, different exponential distributions modelling expected lifetime before the next malfunction)


The executable takes four different arguments. The first argument is a text file containing site names, long/lat coordinates, and network name. The next is the parameter of the exponential distribution for the survival function of the monitors. The third parameter is the number of technicians servicing the network. The last parameter is the amount of time that the program runs for:

repairmonits sitenames.txt 0.05 3 10000

The execution will produce a log of all events and the machine network average waiting time for the simulation.


The report will include analysis on the average waiting time of the simulation for different combinations of command line arguments. Based on the analysis, we aim to provide recommendations to optimize resources allocation. Additionally, the report will also contain the shortest-path algorithm analysis, where the performances of different algorithms are compared and how parallel computing improves the running times of these algorithms.


Mini-project for CSE 6010






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