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Linux Windows

TitanSDK is a cross-platform, fiber-based, rich featured framework.

A. Cross-platform

Applications basing on TitanSDK can be built and run on:

  • Linux
  • macOS
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows

B. Fiber-based

A fiber is a particularly lightweight thread of execution. see Fiber - Wikipedia

TitanSDK integrated fiber implementation, which can create or switch fibers on all supported platforms.

Fiber APIs are transparent to user, user does not need explicitly yield or resume fiber, these APIs are used by I/O implementation internally, i.e. yielding fiber after staring an asynchronous I/O, resuming fiber when I/O completes. Such I/O style is called fiber-based here.

Features based on fiber-based I/O are also fiber-based, see an example:

tt_dns_rrlist_t *rrl = tt_dns_get_aaaa("");

After calling the DNS API, current fiber is yielded, DNS querying is then ongoing, other available fibers are scheduled to execute, once DNS response is received, the yielded fiber would be resumed and a list of AAAA resource records is returned.

C. Rich featured

TitanSDK helps developer focus on their specific application development rather than rewriting common functionalities.


  • fiber-based socket I/O
  • fiber-based regular file I/O
  • fiber-based inter-process I/O

Inter-fiber event

  • send and receive inter-fiber events
  • wait for fiber events immediately after sending events


  • create timer and be notified when timer expires

Unified system api

  • wrapped native system api(windows API, posix, etc.) as unified apis


  • configurable log format and various log output style

CLI(Command line interface)

  • configure or show status via cross-platform CLI


  • DOM style XML accessing, support XPath


  • public-key, symmetric-key, message digest, HMAC, random number generation, etc.



D. Framework

TitanSDK provides a way of architect software system:

  • each module runs in its own fiber. fibers can be in same or different threads, i.e. module A's fiber and B's are in a thread, while module C's fiber runs in another thread.
  • modules can communicate with each other, via sending and receiving fiber events.
  • module can do I/O and receives fiber events at same time.

versus multi-thread:

  • more concurrent: fiber consumes less resource than thread, system could have far more fibers than threads.
  • less race condition: fibers in same thread do not have race condition issue.

versus asynchronous I/O:

  • easier coding: no need to split code flow into a callback chain, coding and debugging are much easier.

an example application:


  • can receive data from another process
  • can receive data from network
  • handle received data and send response to source

This example application can have three modules, each run in its own fiber, but all fibers run in a single thread:

Setting up architecture
tt_task_t t;
tt_task_create(&t, NULL);
tt_task_add_fiber(&t, "ipc", fiber_ipc, NULL, NULL);
tt_task_add_fiber(&t, "net", fiber_net, NULL, NULL);
tt_task_add_fiber(&t, "core", fiber_core, NULL, NULL);
"ipc" fiber

The "ipc" fiber receives request from another process and send to "core" fiber, it also receives events from "core" fiber and send response to another process:

tt_result_t fiber_ipc(IN void *param)
    tt_fiber_t *core_fb = tt_fiber_find("core");
    while (TT_OK(tt_ipc_recv(&ipc, buf, len, &recvd, &fiber_ev, &timer))) {
        if (recvd != 0) {
            // received request from another process
            // send request to "core" fiber
            tt_fiber_send_ev(core_fb, ...);
        if (fiber_ev != NULL) {
            // received events from "core" fiber
            // send response to another process
            tt_ipc_send(&ipc, ...);
        if (timer != NULL) {
            // handle timer
"net" fiber

The "net" fiber receives request from network and send to "core" fiber, it also receives events from "core" fiber and send response to network:

tt_result_t fiber_net(IN void *param)
    tt_fiber_t *core_fb = tt_fiber_find("core");
    while (TT_OK(tt_skt_recv(&skt, buf, len, &recvd, &fiber_ev, &timer))) {
        if (recvd != 0) {
            // received request from network
            // send request to "core" fiber
            tt_fiber_send_ev(core_fb, ...);
        if (fiber_ev != NULL) {
            // received events from "core" fiber
            // send response to network
            tt_skt_send(&skt, ...);
        if (timer != NULL) {
            // handle timer
"core" fiber

The "core" fiber receives events from "net" and "ipc" fiber, and sends response events to them:

tt_result_t fiber_core(IN void *param)
    tt_fiber_t *core_fb = tt_current_fiber();
    while (TT_OK(tt_fiber_recv(core_fb, TT_TRUE, &fiber_ev, &timer))) {
        if (fiber_ev != NULL) {
            // received events from "net" and "ipc" fiber
            // sends response events
            tt_fiber_send_ev(fiber_ev->src, resp_ev, TT_FALSE);
        if (timer != NULL) {
            // handle timer


  • [2018-03-20] 0.3.0
  • [2017-12-20] 0.2.0
  • [2017-09-12] 0.1.0
