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# zwebrap - REST/HTTP to XRAP gateway. ## Contents


Scope and Goals

Ownership and License

Using zwebrap


Building and Installing

User informationUser Agent RequiredRate LimitingConditional requests

Usagezwr_microhttpd - Simple HTTP web serverzwr_server - Request/response dispatcher.zwr_client - Dispatcher client

Hints to Contributors

This Document

## Overview ### Scope and Goals

zwebrap is designed to take HTTP requests for the common HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT and DELETE and convert them into the XRAP format. The converted messages will be passed to the request handlers which compose a response in the XRAP format which will be converted back into HTTP. To allow handler to come and go a they please, they need to register at a dispatcher which will forward XRAP messages both ways.


## Ownership and License

The contributors are listed in AUTHORS. This project uses the MPL v2 license, see LICENSE.

zwebrap uses the C4.1 (Collective Code Construction Contract) process for contributions.

zwebrap uses the CLASS (C Language Style for Scalabilty) guide for code style.

To report an issue, use the zwebrap issue tracker at

## Using zwebrap ### Requirements
  • libmicrohttpd (>= 0.9.38)
  • libzmq (>= 4.1)
  • czmq (>= 3.0.3)
  • libcurl [optional, to run HTTP tests]
### Building and Installing

Here's how to build zwebrap, including libmicrohttpd, libzmq and czmq:

tar -xvf libmicrohttpd-0.9.38.tar.gz
cd libmicrohttpd-0.9.38
./configure && make check
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ..

git clone git://
cd libzmq
./configure && make check
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ..

git clone git://
cd czmq
./configure && make check
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ..

git clone git://
cd zwebrap
./configure && make check
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ..
### User information #### User Agent Required

All HTTP requests MUST include a valid User-Agent header. Requests with no User-Agent header will be rejected. A good User-Agent header value is the name of your application.

#### Rate Limiting

To allow to compensate hardware limitations or to mitigate DOS attacks zwebrap has a built in rate limiting which allows to limit the number of request within an time interval.

You can check the returned HTTP headers of any HTTP request to see your current rate limit status:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Status: 200 OK
X-RateLimit-Limit: 10
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 5
X-RateLimit-Reset: 22

Once you go over the rate limit you will receive an 403 Forbidden error.

#### Conditional requests

XRAP allows responses to return an ETag header as well as a Last-Modified header. You can use the values of these headers to make subsequent requests to those resources using the If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since headers, respectively. If the resource has not changed, the handler might return a 304 Not Modified. Also note: making a conditional request and receiving a 304 response does not count against the Rate Limit which zwebrap takes automatically care of.

### Usage

This is the API provided by zwebrap v0.x, in alphabetical order.

#### zwr_microhttpd - Simple HTTP web server

Simple HTTP webserver implementation using the libmicrohttpd library. Incomming HTTP request are converted to XRAP and send to the dispatcher. Responses from the dispatcher are converted back into HTTP.

Please add @discuss section in ../src/zwr_microhttpd.c.

This is the class interface:

//  Create new zwr_microhttpd actor instance. It will start a HTTP webserver
//  and convert incomming request from HTTP to XRAP.
//      zactor_t *microhttpd = zactor_new (zwr_microhttpd, NULL);
//  Destroy zwr_microhttpd instance.
//      zactor_destroy (&microhttpd);
//  Enable verbose logging of commands and activity:
//      zstr_send (microhttpd, "VERBOSE");
//      zsock_wait (microhttpd);
//  Start zwr_microhttpd actor.
//      zstr_sendx (microhttpd, "START", NULL);
//      zsock_wait (microhttpd);
//  Stop zwr_microhttpd actor.
//      zstr_sendx (microhttpd, "STOP", NULL);
//      zsock_wait (microhttpd);
//  Attach the endpoint socket to endpoints, see zsock_attach ().
//      zstr_sendx (microhttpd, "ENDPOINT", endpoints, NULL);
//      zsock_wait (microhttpd);
//  Set the port on which the http server shall listen for requests.
//  The default port is 8888.
//  Note: The port is passed as string!
//  Note: If the server is already started, the server will be stopped
//        and restarted on the new port.
//      zstr_sendx (microhttpd, "PORT", "8888", NULL);
//      zsock_wait (microhttpd);
//  Set the ratelimit for HTTP request per user agent. The default limit is 10
//  and the default reset interval is 60000ms.
//  Note: Both limit and reset interval are passed as string!
//  Note: If the server is already started, the behavior is undefined!
//       zstr_sendx (microhttpd, "RATELIMIT", "100", "3600000", NULL);
//       zsock_wait (microhttpd);
//  All settings can be configured by using a configuration file in the czmq
//  cfg format.
//  ------------------------ zwr_microhttpd.cfg -------------------------------
//  | 1 | zwr_microhttpd
//  | 2 |     endpoint = tcp://  # Dispatcher endpoint
//  | 3 |     port = 8888                          # Webserver port
//  | 4 |     verbose = 0
//  | 5 |     ratelimit
//  | 6 |        limit = 999
//  | 7 |        interval = 3600000
//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//       zstr_sendx (microhttpd, "LOAD", filename, NULL);
//  This is the zwr_microhttpd constructor as a zactor_fn;
    zwr_microhttpd_actor (zsock_t *pipe, void *args);

//  Self test of this actor
    zwr_microhttpd_test (bool verbose);

This is the class self test code:

//  Simple create/destroy test
zactor_t *zwr_microhttpd = zactor_new (zwr_microhttpd_actor, NULL);

zstr_send (zwr_microhttpd, "START");
rc = zsock_wait (zwr_microhttpd);             //  Wait until actor started
assert (rc == 0);

zstr_sendx (zwr_microhttpd, "PORT", "8081", NULL);
rc = zsock_wait (zwr_microhttpd);             //  Wait until port is configured
assert (rc == 0);

zstr_sendx (zwr_microhttpd, "RATELIMIT", "3", "10000", NULL);
rc = zsock_wait (zwr_microhttpd);             //  Wait until port is configured
assert (rc == 0);

zstr_sendx (zwr_microhttpd, "ENDPOINT", "inproc://http_dispatcher", NULL);
rc = zsock_wait (zwr_microhttpd);             //  Wait until endpoint configured
assert (rc == 0);

zactor_t *dispatcher = zactor_new (zwr_server, "dispatcher");

if (verbose)
    zstr_send (dispatcher, "VERBOSE");
zstr_sendx (dispatcher, "BIND", "inproc://http_dispatcher", NULL);

//  Create handler
zwr_client_t *handler = zwr_client_new ();
assert (handler);

//  Connect handler to server
rc = zwr_client_connect (handler, "inproc://http_dispatcher",  1000, "handler");
assert (rc == 0);
assert (zwr_client_connected (handler) == true);

//  Provide GET Offering
rc = zwr_client_set_handler (handler, "GET", "/foo/{[^/]}");
assert (rc == 0);

//  Send GET Request
zwr_curl_client_t *curl = zwr_curl_client_new ();
zwr_curl_client_send_get (curl, "http://localhost:8081/foo/bar?page=10");

//  Receive Request
zmsg_t *request = zwr_client_recv (handler);
assert (request);
xrap_msg_t *xrap_msg = xrap_msg_decode (&request);
assert (xrap_msg_id (xrap_msg) == XRAP_MSG_GET);
assert (streq ("/foo/bar", xrap_msg_resource (xrap_msg)));
xrap_msg_destroy (&xrap_msg);

//  Send Response
xrap_msg = xrap_msg_new (XRAP_MSG_GET_OK);
xrap_msg_set_status_code (xrap_msg, 200);
xrap_msg_set_content_type (xrap_msg, "text/hello");
xrap_msg_set_content_body (xrap_msg, "Hello World!");
zmsg_t *response = xrap_msg_encode (&xrap_msg);
zwr_client_deliver (handler, zwr_client_sender (handler), &response);
zuuid_t *sender = zwr_client_sender (handler);
zuuid_destroy (&sender);

//  Receive GET Response
zwr_curl_client_verify_response (curl, 200, "Hello World!");
zwr_curl_client_destroy (&curl);

//  Send GET Request 2
curl = zwr_curl_client_new ();
zwr_curl_client_send_get (curl, "http://localhost:8081/foo/bar/baz");

//  Receive GET Response 2
zwr_curl_client_verify_response (curl, 404, PAGE_NOT_FOUND);
zwr_curl_client_destroy (&curl);

//  Provide POST Offering
rc = zwr_client_set_handler (handler, "POST", "/foo/{[^/]}");
assert (rc == 0);

curl = zwr_curl_client_new ();
zwr_curl_client_send_post (curl, "http://localhost:8081/foo/bar", "abc");

//  Receive Request
request = zwr_client_recv (handler);
assert (request);
xrap_msg = xrap_msg_decode (&request);
assert (xrap_msg_id (xrap_msg) == XRAP_MSG_POST);
assert (streq ("/foo/bar", xrap_msg_parent (xrap_msg)));
xrap_msg_destroy (&xrap_msg);

//  Send Response
xrap_msg = xrap_msg_new (XRAP_MSG_POST_OK);
xrap_msg_set_status_code (xrap_msg, 201);
xrap_msg_set_location (xrap_msg, "/foo/bar");
xrap_msg_set_etag (xrap_msg, "a3fsd3");
xrap_msg_set_date_modified (xrap_msg, 0);
xrap_msg_set_content_type (xrap_msg, "text/hello");
xrap_msg_set_content_body (xrap_msg, "Hello World!");
response = xrap_msg_encode (&xrap_msg);
zwr_client_deliver (handler, zwr_client_sender (handler), &response);
sender = zwr_client_sender (handler);
zuuid_destroy (&sender);

//  Give response time to arrive
usleep (250);

zwr_curl_client_verify_response (curl, 201, "Hello World!");
zwr_curl_client_destroy (&curl);

zwr_client_destroy (&handler);
zactor_destroy (&dispatcher);

zstr_send (zwr_microhttpd, "STOP");
rc = zsock_wait (zwr_microhttpd);             //  Wait until actor stopped
assert (rc == 0);

zactor_destroy (&zwr_microhttpd);
#### zwr_server - Request/response dispatcher.

The zwr_server implements the zproto server. It acts as dispatcher for XRAP requests from clients to handlers and it redirects responses from handlers to clients.

Please add @discuss section in ../src/zwr_server.c.

This is the class interface:

//  To work with zwr_server, use the CZMQ zactor API:
//  Create new zwr_server instance, passing logging prefix:
//      zactor_t *zwr_server = zactor_new (zwr_server, "myname");
//  Destroy zwr_server instance
//      zactor_destroy (&zwr_server);
//  Enable verbose logging of commands and activity:
//      zstr_send (zwr_server, "VERBOSE");
//  Bind zwr_server to specified endpoint. TCP endpoints may specify
//  the port number as "*" to aquire an ephemeral port:
//      zstr_sendx (zwr_server, "BIND", endpoint, NULL);
//  Return assigned port number, specifically when BIND was done using an
//  an ephemeral port:
//      zstr_sendx (zwr_server, "PORT", NULL);
//      char *command, *port_str;
//      zstr_recvx (zwr_server, &command, &port_str, NULL);
//      assert (streq (command, "PORT"));
//  Specify configuration file to load, overwriting any previous loaded
//  configuration file or options:
//      zstr_sendx (zwr_server, "LOAD", filename, NULL);
//  Set configuration path value:
//      zstr_sendx (zwr_server, "SET", path, value, NULL);
//  Save configuration data to config file on disk:
//      zstr_sendx (zwr_server, "SAVE", filename, NULL);
//  Send zmsg_t instance to zwr_server:
//      zactor_send (zwr_server, &msg);
//  Receive zmsg_t instance from zwr_server:
//      zmsg_t *msg = zactor_recv (zwr_server);
//  This is the zwr_server constructor as a zactor_fn:
    zwr_server (zsock_t *pipe, void *args);

//  Self test of this class
    zwr_server_test (bool verbose);

This is the class self test code:

zactor_t *server = zactor_new (zwr_server, "dispatcher");
if (verbose)
    zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", "tcp://", NULL);

zsock_t* client = zsock_new_dealer (">tcp://");
zsock_t* worker = zsock_new_dealer (">tcp://");
assert (client);
assert (worker);

xrap_traffic_t *traffic = xrap_traffic_new ();

//  Invalid Command
xrap_traffic_set_id (traffic, XRAP_TRAFFIC_XRAP_OFFER);
xrap_traffic_send (traffic, client);
xrap_traffic_recv (traffic, client);
assert (xrap_traffic_id (traffic) == XRAP_TRAFFIC_ERROR);
assert (xrap_traffic_status_code (traffic) == XRAP_TRAFFIC_COMMAND_INVALID);

//  Open Connections for client & worker
xrap_traffic_set_id (traffic, XRAP_TRAFFIC_CONNECTION_OPEN);
xrap_traffic_send (traffic, client);
xrap_traffic_recv (traffic, client);
assert (xrap_traffic_id (traffic) == XRAP_TRAFFIC_OK);

xrap_traffic_set_id (traffic, XRAP_TRAFFIC_CONNECTION_OPEN);
xrap_traffic_send (traffic, worker);
xrap_traffic_recv (traffic, worker);
assert (xrap_traffic_id (traffic) == XRAP_TRAFFIC_OK);

//  Provide Rubish Offering
xrap_traffic_set_id (traffic, XRAP_TRAFFIC_XRAP_OFFER);
xrap_traffic_set_route (traffic, "///");
xrap_traffic_set_method (traffic, "GET");
xrap_traffic_send (traffic, worker);
xrap_traffic_recv (traffic, worker);
assert (xrap_traffic_id (traffic) == XRAP_TRAFFIC_FAIL);
assert (xrap_traffic_status_code (traffic) == XRAP_TRAFFIC_CONFLICT);

//  Provide Offering
xrap_traffic_set_id (traffic, XRAP_TRAFFIC_XRAP_OFFER);
xrap_traffic_set_route (traffic, "/foo/{[^/]}");
xrap_traffic_set_method (traffic, "GET");
xrap_traffic_send (traffic, worker);
xrap_traffic_recv (traffic, worker);
assert (xrap_traffic_id (traffic) == XRAP_TRAFFIC_OK);

//  Send Request
xrap_msg_t *xmsg = xrap_msg_new (XRAP_MSG_GET);
xrap_msg_set_resource (xmsg, "%s", "/foo/bar");
zmsg_t *msg = xrap_msg_encode (&xmsg);
xrap_traffic_set_id (traffic, XRAP_TRAFFIC_XRAP_SEND);
xrap_traffic_set_content (traffic, &msg);
xrap_traffic_send (traffic, client);
xrap_traffic_recv (traffic, client);
assert (xrap_traffic_id (traffic) == XRAP_TRAFFIC_OK);

//  Receive Request
xrap_traffic_recv (traffic, worker);
assert (xrap_traffic_id (traffic) == XRAP_TRAFFIC_XRAP_DELIVER);
msg = zmsg_dup (xrap_traffic_content (traffic));
xmsg = xrap_msg_decode (&msg);
assert (xrap_msg_id (xmsg) == XRAP_MSG_GET);
assert (streq ("/foo/bar", xrap_msg_resource (xmsg)));
xrap_msg_destroy (&xmsg);

//  Send Response
xmsg = xrap_msg_new (XRAP_MSG_GET_OK);
xrap_msg_set_status_code (xmsg, 200);
xrap_msg_set_content_type (xmsg, "text/hello");
xrap_msg_set_content_body (xmsg, "Hello World!");
msg = xrap_msg_encode (&xmsg);
xrap_traffic_set_id (traffic, XRAP_TRAFFIC_XRAP_DELIVER);
xrap_traffic_set_content (traffic, &msg);
xrap_traffic_send (traffic, worker);

//  Receive Response
xrap_traffic_recv (traffic, client);
assert (xrap_traffic_id (traffic) == XRAP_TRAFFIC_XRAP_DELIVER);
msg = zmsg_dup (xrap_traffic_content (traffic));
xmsg = xrap_msg_decode (&msg);
assert (xrap_msg_id (xmsg) == XRAP_MSG_GET_OK);
assert (xrap_msg_status_code (xmsg) == 200);
assert (streq ("text/hello", xrap_msg_content_type (xmsg)));
assert (streq ("Hello World!", xrap_msg_content_body (xmsg)));
xrap_msg_destroy (&xmsg);

//  Send Request 2
xmsg = xrap_msg_new (XRAP_MSG_GET);
xrap_msg_set_resource (xmsg, "%s", "/fou/baz");
msg = xrap_msg_encode (&xmsg);
xrap_traffic_set_id (traffic, XRAP_TRAFFIC_XRAP_SEND);
xrap_traffic_set_content (traffic, &msg);
xrap_traffic_send (traffic, client);
xrap_traffic_recv (traffic, client);
assert (xrap_traffic_id (traffic) == XRAP_TRAFFIC_FAIL);
assert (xrap_traffic_status_code (traffic) == XRAP_TRAFFIC_NOT_FOUND);

xrap_traffic_destroy (&traffic);

//  Finished, we can clean up
zsock_destroy (&client);
zsock_destroy (&worker);
zactor_destroy (&server);
#### zwr_client - Dispatcher client

Client implementation to communicate with the dispatcher. This implementation is used by both clients (i.e. zwr_microhttpd) and the handlers.

Please add @discuss section in ../src/zwr_client.c.

This is the class interface:

//  Create a new zwr_client, return the reference if successful, or NULL
//  if construction failed due to lack of available memory.
ZWEBRAP_EXPORT zwr_client_t *
    zwr_client_new (void);

//  Destroy the zwr_client and free all memory used by the object.
    zwr_client_destroy (zwr_client_t **self_p);

//  Return actor, when caller wants to work with multiple actors and/or
//  input sockets asynchronously.
    zwr_client_actor (zwr_client_t *self);

//  Return message pipe for asynchronous message I/O. In the high-volume case,
//  we send methods and get replies to the actor, in a synchronous manner, and
//  we send/recv high volume message data to a second pipe, the msgpipe. In
//  the low-volume case we can do everything over the actor pipe, if traffic
//  is never ambiguous.
    zwr_client_msgpipe (zwr_client_t *self);

//  Return true if client is currently connected, else false. Note that the
//  client will automatically re-connect if the server dies and restarts after
//  a successful first connection.
    zwr_client_connected (zwr_client_t *self);

//  Connect to server endpoint, with specified timeout in msecs (zero means wait    
//  forever). Constructor succeeds if connection is successful. The caller may      
//  specify its address.                                                            
//  Returns >= 0 if successful, -1 if interrupted.
    zwr_client_connect (zwr_client_t *self, const char *endpoint, uint32_t timeout, const char *address);

//  Offer to handle particular XRAP requests, where the route matches request's     
//  resource.                                                                       
//  Returns >= 0 if successful, -1 if interrupted.
    zwr_client_set_handler (zwr_client_t *self, const char *method, const char *route);

//  No explanation                                                                  
//  Returns >= 0 if successful, -1 if interrupted.
    zwr_client_request (zwr_client_t *self, uint32_t timeout, zmsg_t **content_p);

//  Send XRAP DELIVER message to server, takes ownership of message
//  and destroys message when done sending it.
    zwr_client_deliver (zwr_client_t *self, zuuid_t *sender, zmsg_t **content_p);

//  Receive message from server; caller destroys message when done
    zwr_client_recv (zwr_client_t *self);

//  Return last received command. Can be one of these values:
//      "XRAP DELIVER"
ZWEBRAP_EXPORT const char *
    zwr_client_command (zwr_client_t *self);

//  Return last received status
    zwr_client_status (zwr_client_t *self);

//  Return last received reason
ZWEBRAP_EXPORT const char *
    zwr_client_reason (zwr_client_t *self);

//  Return last received sender
    zwr_client_sender (zwr_client_t *self);

//  Return last received content
    zwr_client_content (zwr_client_t *self);

//  Self test of this class
    zwr_client_test (bool verbose);

//  To enable verbose tracing (animation) of zwr_client instances, set
//  this to true. This lets you trace from and including construction.
ZWEBRAP_EXPORT extern volatile int

This is the class self test code:

zwr_client_verbose = verbose;

//  Start a server to test against, and bind to endpoint
zactor_t *server = zactor_new (zwr_server, "zwr_client_test");
if (verbose)
    zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
zstr_sendx (server, "LOAD", "src/zwr_client.cfg", NULL);

//  Create clients for testing
zwr_client_t *client = zwr_client_new ();
zwr_client_t *handler = zwr_client_new ();
assert (client);
assert (handler);

//  Connect clients to server
int rc = zwr_client_connect (client, "tcp://", 1000, "client");
assert (rc == 0);
assert (zwr_client_connected (client) == true);

rc = zwr_client_connect (handler, "tcp://", 1000, "handler");
assert (rc == 0);
assert (zwr_client_connected (handler) == true);

//  Provide Rubbish Offering
rc = zwr_client_set_handler (handler, "GET", "///");
assert (rc != 0);
assert (zwr_client_status (handler) == XRAP_TRAFFIC_CONFLICT);

//  Provide Offering
rc = zwr_client_set_handler (handler, "GET", "/foo/{[^/]}");
assert (rc == 0);

//  Send Request
xrap_msg_t *xmsg = xrap_msg_new (XRAP_MSG_GET);
xrap_msg_set_resource (xmsg, "%s", "/foo/bar");
zmsg_t *msg = xrap_msg_encode (&xmsg);
rc = zwr_client_request (client, 0, &msg);
assert (rc == 0);

//  Receive Request
msg = zwr_client_recv (handler);
xmsg = xrap_msg_decode (&msg);
assert (xrap_msg_id (xmsg) == XRAP_MSG_GET);
assert (streq ("/foo/bar", xrap_msg_resource (xmsg)));
xrap_msg_destroy (&xmsg);

//  Send Response
xmsg = xrap_msg_new (XRAP_MSG_GET_OK);
xrap_msg_set_status_code (xmsg, 200);
xrap_msg_set_content_type (xmsg, "text/hello");
xrap_msg_set_content_body (xmsg, "Hello World!");
msg = xrap_msg_encode (&xmsg);
zwr_client_deliver (handler, handler->sender, &msg);
zuuid_t *sender = zwr_client_sender (handler);
zuuid_destroy (&sender);

//  Receive Response
msg = zwr_client_recv (client);
xmsg = xrap_msg_decode (&msg);
assert (xrap_msg_id (xmsg) == XRAP_MSG_GET_OK);
assert (xrap_msg_status_code (xmsg) == 200);
assert (streq ("text/hello", xrap_msg_content_type (xmsg)));
assert (streq ("Hello World!", xrap_msg_content_body (xmsg)));
xrap_msg_destroy (&xmsg);
sender = zwr_client_sender (client);
zuuid_destroy (&sender);

//  Send Request 2
xmsg = xrap_msg_new (XRAP_MSG_GET);
xrap_msg_set_resource (xmsg, "%s", "/fou/baz");
msg = xrap_msg_encode (&xmsg);
rc = zwr_client_request (client, 0, &msg);
assert (rc == XRAP_TRAFFIC_NOT_FOUND);

zwr_client_destroy (&client);
zwr_client_destroy (&handler);

//  Done, shut down
zactor_destroy (&server);
### Hints to Contributors

Read the CLASS style guide please, and write your code to make it indistinguishable from the rest of the code in the library. That is the only real criteria for good style: it's invisible.

Do read your code after you write it and ask, "Can I make this simpler?" We do use a nice minimalist and yet readable style. Learn it, adopt it, use it.

Before opening a pull request read our contribution guidelines. Thanks!

### This Document

This document is originally at README.txt and is built using gitdown.


REST/HTTP to XRAP gateway



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