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Copyright (c) 1993-2011 LAAS/CNRS

-- EXTERNAL TOOLS REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------

 - autoconf version 2.59 or later
 - automake version 1.8 or later
 - make version 3.79 or later  <>
 - pkgconfig version 0.15 or later (usually part of Gnome devlpmt packages)
 - groff 1.10 or later (Usually part of system packages).
 - Tcl/Tk 8.0 or later development files (for eltclsh)  <> 

-- GETTING LAAS/OPENROBOTS TOOLS -----------------------------


 - mkdep: LAAS tool to determine dependencies
 - pocolibs: system communication and real-time primitives
 - libedit (editline): generic line editing and history functions
 - eltclsh: interactive TCL shell (optional but very practical)
 - GenoM: generator of modules

--- ROBOTPKG -------------------------------------------------

The easiest way to install Genom and most of the openrobots
tools is to use robotpkg.
See <> for details.

--- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS --------------------------------

Instructions when not using robotpkg:

Most of the time, it is a simple sequence of untar, autogen, configure,
build, and install. Configure options may vary, and some packages don't
require the autogen step. It is recommended that you build in a separate

Use './configure --help' to find out all the available configure

The --prefix option (default: /usr/local) defines the base directory
of the installation. We recommend a dedicated path (eg,

The --exec-prefix option allows to specify where to install binaries. 
The default value (equal to --prefix) is usualy great. But if you have 
different type of machine sharing this files tree, you will have to define
dedicated path like --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/$MACHTYPE-$OSTYPE (eg,
--exec-prefix=$PREFIX/i386-linux, for a PC running linux).

On some systems, --with-tcl=DIR and --with-tk=DIR will be
required to specify where to find (resp. tkConfig.h). 

-- EXAMPLE for "mkdep-XYZ" :

tar xfvz mkdep-XYZ.tar.gz
cd mkdep-XYZ
[./] (only for libedit, eltclsh and GenoM)
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix=$PREFIX 
make install

--- CONFIGURATIONS -----------------------------------------

Modify (or set if not previously defined) the following 
environment variables :

PATH :  add ${exec_prefix}/bin

PKG_CONFIG_PATH :  add ${exec_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig