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spade - a tiny concurrent web server for dynamic content

Spade is an experimental webserver created to become more familiar with methods for high performance dynamic content serving. It implements three different styles of serving dynamic content:

  • Baseline CGI with process forking
  • Dynamically linked applications (in C), the "dirt" method
  • Long-running background processes communicating via ZeroMQ

It also will serve static content from a specified directory.

Building & Running

With the dependencies installed, building is quite simple:

spade/ $ make

Running the server is simple as well. Check out the flags, which should be pretty self explanatory:

spade/ $ src/spade -h
spade - a concurrent web server
Christopher Peplin,
 -p <port>   set the port for the server (default 8080)
 -s <path>   set the path to static files to serve (default ./static)
 -c <path>   set the path to the config file (default config/spade.cfg)
 -h          display this dialogue


The configuration file (specified with the -c flag) uses the libconfig format. config/spade.cfg uses all of the available options.

Static Files

In the static section, you can specify a root directory to which Spade will serve static files. This directory is used if there is no dynamic handler registered for the URL.


static = {
    document_root = "tests/static";


In the cgi section, you can specify the root directory in which all CGI scripts are stored. The scripts are associated with URLs in the handlers section. Each item in handlers requires the following:

  • handler - the filename of the CGI script (should be in the CGI document_root)
  • url - the URL endpoint that will be directed to this CGI script, e.g. /adder --> the adder script and /adderpy ->> the script.


cgi = {
    document_root = "tests/cgi-bin";
    handlers = ( { handler = "adder"; url = "adder"; },
        { handler = ""; url = "adderpy"; } );


In the dirt section, you can specify the root directory in which all linkable C libraries that include dirt handlers are stored. Each item in handlers requires:

  • library - the filename of the library to dynamically link
  • handler - the name of the function within the library that implements the dirt interface
  • url - the URL endpoint that will be directed to this handler


dirt = {
    document_root = "tests/dirt";
    handlers = ( { library = ""; handler = "adder"; url = "dirt-adder"; } );

Dirt Interface

A dirt handler is a function that accepts two arguments, an incoming socket file descriptor and a dirt_variables struct object. This struct is defined in dirt.h - its attributes match the CGI spec fairly closely, with a few things left out since the server implements HTTP GET only.

The handler must not close the file descriptor.

Sample handler:

void adder(int incoming_socket, dirt_variables variables) {


In the clay section, you can specify clay processes running in the background that are ready to accept connections. Each item in handlers requires:

  • endpoint - An address of a ZeroMQ socket - could be TCP, IPC, etc.
  • url - the URL endpoint that will be directed to this handler


clay = {
    handlers = ( { endpoint = "ipc:///tmp/adder.sock"; url = "clay-adder"; } );

Clay Interface

The Clay interface is in theory a bit more flexible than Dirt, because it's not in-process with the web server. At the moment, however, the interface involves a binary C struct which means that implementing a Clay handler in anything but C is a bit of a stretch.

A sample handler is implemented in tests/clay/adder.c which listens on a ZeroMQ socket, reconstructs a clay_attributes struct for each request, and passes it to a function (very similar to Dirt at this point). The response is returned through the same ZMQ socket (which like dirt, must not be closed by the handler), which is shuffled back to the original requester's TCP socket in the Spade server instance.

Clay is very experimental, just a proof of concept inspired by Mongrel2.


  • libpthread
  • log4c
  • libconfig

To install everything in Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install liblog4c-dev libconfig-dev

It also requires zeromq 2.0.10 or greater. You can get that from this Ubuntu PPA:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/zeromq 
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libzmq-dev

For testing, you need the test/unit Ruby gem.

$ [sudo] gem install test-unit

Benchmarking Setup

Each httperf run and the Spade server was run on a kernel with these settings:

$ sysctl -w fs.file-max=128000 
$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=300
$ sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=250000
$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=2500 
$ sysctl -w net.core.netdev_max_backlog=2500
$ ulimit -n 65535

The output of each httperf run is stored in tests/httperf/runs, and a chart comparing the results is in doc.


This web server was initially based on Dave O'Hallaron's Tiny Web server, created at Carnegie Mellon University. It also uses the same csapp library of functions as Tiny.

The specification for this web server is also provided by Professor O'Hallaron, through the "Internet Services" course at CMU (18-845).


Experimental HTTP Server for Dynamic Content in C







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