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pg_grab_statement - PostgreSQL extension for recoding workload of specific database

pg_grab_statement is a PostgreSQL extension for recording detailed information of successfully committed transactions.

This extension overrides Executor{Start,End} PostgreSQL hooks and writes detailed information in an unlogged table without using the SQL level.



Development version, available on github, released under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (June 1991).


Stable version of pg_grab_statement is available at


pg_grab_statement is a regular PostgreSQL extension. To build and install it you should ensure the following:

  • The development package of PostgreSQL is installed or PostgreSQL is built from source.
  • Your PATH variable is configured so that pg_config command is available.

Typical installation procedure may look like this:

$ git clone
$ cd pg_grab_statement
$ make USE_PGXS=1
$ sudo make USE_PGXS=1 install
$ psql YourDatabaseName -c "CREATE EXTENSION pg_grab_statement;"

PostgreSQL 9.0 installation notes

You need to create the logging table by hand:

CREATE TABLE grab.statement(
    transaction_id        int,
    query_id              int,
    process_id            int,
    user_id               int,
    query_start           timestamptz,
    total_execution       float8,
    query_type_id         int,
    query_source          text,
    query_param_values    text[],
    query_param_types     regtype[]

Choose your right way to enable the library

Load library in current session:

LOAD 'pg_grab_statement';

Or set shared_preload_libraries in postgresql.conf (works for version >= 9.0) to record all transactions on all databases:

shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_grab_statement'

Or enable recording for all new sessions with a specific role (works for version >= 9.4, without restart):

ALTER ROLE rolename SET session_preload_libraries = 'pg_grab_statement';

Or record all new sessions of all users in a specific database (works for version >= 9.4, without restart):

ALTER DATABASE dbname SET session_preload_libraries = 'pg_grab_statement';


  • No overhead if library is not loaded
  • 10-15% with SELECT-only benchmark

Recorded data

=# \d+ grab.statement_log
                                                Unlogged table "grab.statement_log"
       Column       |           Type           | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                 Description
 transaction_id     | integer                  |           | plain    |              | Number of transaction
 query_id           | integer                  |           | plain    |              | Number of query of the specific transaction
 process_id         | integer                  |           | plain    |              | Backend PID
 user_id            | integer                  |           | plain    |              | User ID
 query_start        | timestamp with time zone |           | plain    |              | Timestamp of query execution
 total_execution    | double precision         |           | plain    |              | Total time execution (in seconds)
 query_type_id      | integer                  |           | plain    |              | Type of query operation id
 query_source       | text                     |           | extended |              | Source of the query
 query_param_values | text[]                   |           | extended |              | Parameter values of query
 query_param_types  | regtype[]                |           | extended |              | Parameter types of query

Defenition of query operation types

=# select * from grab.query_types();
 id | modify |  name
  0 | t      | UNKNOWN
  1 | f      | SELECT
  2 | t      | UPDATE
  3 | t      | INSERT
  4 | t      | DELETE
  5 | t      | UTILITY
  6 | t      | NOTHING
(7 rows)

User view

=# \d+ grab.statements
                                               View "grab.statements"
       Column       |           Type           | Modifiers | Storage  |                 Description
 transaction        | integer                  |           | plain    | Number of transaction
 query_number       | integer                  |           | plain    | Number of query of the specific transaction
 backend_pid        | integer                  |           | plain    | Backend PID
 username           | name                     |           | plain    | User name
 query_start        | timestamp with time zone |           | plain    | Timestamp of query execution
 total_execution    | double precision         |           | plain    | Total time execution (in seconds)
 query_type         | text                     |           | extended | Type of query operation
 query_modify_data  | boolean                  |           | plain    | Is query modify data
 query_source       | text                     |           | extended | Source of the query
 query_param_values | text[]                   |           | extended | Parameter values of query
 query_param_types  | regtype[]                |           | extended | Parameter types of query
View definition:
 SELECT l.transaction_id AS transaction,
    l.query_id AS query_number,
    l.process_id AS backend_pid,
    u.usename AS username,
    l.total_execution, AS query_type,
    t.modify AS query_modify_data,
   FROM grab.statement_log l
     LEFT JOIN pg_user u ON u.usesysid = l.user_id::oid
     LEFT JOIN grab.query_types() t(id, modify, name) ON = l.query_type_id;


PostgreSQL extension for recoding workload of specific database






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