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#                                                                             #
# Trilinos README                                                             #
#                                                                             #

Trilinos Website:

- See <trilinos_base_directory>/cmake/TrilinosCMakeQuickstart.txt for
  information about installing Trilinos with the CMake build system.

- See <trilinos_base_directory>/cmake/ for information on
building Trilinos in MS Windows with MS Visual C++ against CLAPACK.

- See one or more of the following publications for assistance with
  installing and using Trilinos:

      Trilinos Overview       a broad overview
      Trilinos Tutorial       in-depth tutorial for new users

  These can all be found at:

- For help with a particular package, see the website and accompanying
  documentation for that package. Links to these can be found down the
  right side of any page on the website and at:

- Sample build scripts for various platforms can be found in:


  Please note that these sample scripts are only a starting point for you
  to develop a script that works for your own platform.

- Information on how to extend Trilinos with your own add-on packages in your
own external repository see:


- If you are having problems, visit: