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HLMS Editor

Editor to create Ogre3D High Level Material Shader materials (Ogre 2.0+). The editor supports fast creation of PBS and Unlit type materials and offers layered painting of materials, using different brushes and various painting effects (colour painting, alpha painting, carbon copy, smudge, etc...). A plugin system provides import- and export functions, which makes it possible to export the materials and textures to a zip file, which can be directly used in an Ogre-based application.

HLMS Editor

Step 1. Download the zip or clone the 'HLMSEditor' repository from Github.
Step 2. Compile the sources of Ogre3D version 2.1 (from
Step 3. Copy the following Ogre 2.1 DLL's/EXE's to the HLMSEditor/bin directory

  • OgreHlmsPbs.dll
  • OgreHlmsPbs_d.dll
  • OgreHlmsUnlit.dll
  • OgreHlmsUnlit_d.dll
  • OgreMain.dll
  • OgreMain_d.dll
  • RenderSystem_Direct3D11.dll
  • RenderSystem_Direct3D11_d.dll
  • RenderSystem_GL3Plus.dll
  • RenderSystem_GL3Plus_d.dll
  • RenderSystem_NULL.dll
  • RenderSystem_NULL_d.dll
  • OgreMeshLodGenerator.dll
  • OgreMeshTool.exe

Step 4. Copy the following Qt (5.x) DLL's to the HLMSEditor/bin directory

  • Qt5Core.dll
  • Qt5Gui.dll
  • Qt5Multimedia.dll
  • Qt5Network.dll
  • Qt5OpenGL.dll
  • Qt5Widgets.dll
  • platform/qwindows.dll (if you use windows, of course)
  • imageformats/qgif.dll
  • imageformats/qicns.dll
  • imageformats/qico.dll
  • imageformats/qjpeg.dll
  • imageformats/qsvg.dll
  • imageformats/qtga.dll
  • imageformats/qtiff.dll
  • imageformats/qwbmp.dll
  • imageformats/qwebp.dll

Step 5a. Run 'Qt Creator'
Step 6a. Open the '' in Qt Creator
Step 7a. Edit '' file; change OGREHOME = "C:/Users/Henry/Documents/Visual Studio 2015/Projects/ogre" to the path that refers to your ogre root/home
Step 8a. Run the HLMSEditor application
Step 9a. Note, that you don't need the Qt dll files in your HLMSEditor/bin directory, unless the HLMSEditor application is used as stand-alone (outside Qt Creator).

Step 5b. Start CMake (download gui version on
Step 6b. Browse location 'Where is the source code' and 'Where to build the binaries' and click 'Configure'
Step 7b. Click 'Generate'
(note, that CMakeLists.txt may need some more attention)

Note regarding cmake for Linux users: The CMakeLists.txt file expect that Ogre has been installed on the system in both Debug and Release modes. If you installed Ogre using "make install", you need to have built Ogre in Debug mode in an additional binary directory configured with cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug