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# obfuscation
1. Parser  of files
2. Encoder/Decoder
3. Usage of obfuscation in MS VC++ project

1. Parser of files

 Parser <operation>

Where is
    o - parses the code files and obfuscation of them
    r - restores original codes


Parser o

1) Create the temp directory TEMP_OBFUSCATION for each a code directory.
2) Copy all codes files from the original directory to the temp directory
3) Obfuscate the codes files in the original directory
4) Create the archive file (arch_obfuscate.obf) in the root directory, where it  wrote all changes 

Parser r

1) Read arch_obfuscate.obf with all changes 
2) Delete all the code obfuscated files in the original directory
3) Move the original code from the temp directory to the original directory
4) Delete the temporary directory
5) Delete arch_obfuscate.obf

Return values:
0 - OK
1 - error, see console/output messages for details

2. Encoder/Decoder

Use of AES 256

Demo project is DemoAES.

//Encrypt a string
//Input: a plain text in strIn
//Return: an encrypted string by AES or empty string and throw by error  
static void encryptString(const string& strIn, string& strOut);

//Decrypt a string
//Input: a decrypted text by AES in strIn
//Return: a plain text or empty string and throw by error  
static void decryptString(wstring strInW, wstring& strOutW); 


#include "AES.h"

	string strTextA = CStringA(m_strText);
	string strOutTextA;
	CAES::encryptString(strTextA, strOutTextA);
	m_strEncode = CString(strOutTextA.c_str());
	wstring strTextOutW;
	CAES::decryptString(m_strEncode.GetBuffer(), strTextOutW);
	m_strDecode = strTextOutW.c_str();

Schema of operations:

string ->(encrypt)->string->(compiler)->wstring->(encrypt)->wstring

Test of AES 256

Use \trunk\DemoAES\Release\DemosAES.exe for test of Encrypt/Decrypt.

3. Usage of obfuscation in MS VC++ project

For example see the MSVC project: Test

For obfuscation the project must go three stages: 

-Obfuscation by using parser o
-Build the project by MSVC.
-Restore original codes by using parser r.

Steps for setting:

1)Move parser.exe from Parser (or \Test\Test) project to the root of your project (not Solution). 
If your solution has several projects for obfuscation, then parser should be in those projects.

2)Open your project in MSVC.

3)Open the project property.

4)Select Configuration: Release (recommended) or Debug.

5)Open Build Events/Pre-Build Event.  Set "parser o" in Command Line. Set "Yes" in Use In Build if you wish 
to enable the obfuscation or set "No" for its disabling.   

6)Open Build Events/Post-Build Event.  Set "parser r" in Command Line. Set "Yes" in Use In Build if you wish 
to enable the code restoring or set "No" for its disabling.

8)Save changes in the project properties. 

7)Open your code files and set the macros of obfuscation:

#define ENCRYPT(x) x

and ENCRYPT(....) for obfuscated strings, for example, see Test project.

8)For decrypt operations:

- Move AES.cpp and AES.h from DemoAES project to your project.
- Create the get() method for text decrypting by CAES::decryptString(), see above. 
- add #include "AES.h" to .cpp where will be get().

Sample of get():

#include "AES.h"


wchar_t* CSetting::get( wchar_t* strKey) 
	CAES::decryptString(strKey, m_str[m_nIndexStr]);
	m_str[m_nIndexStr] = strKey;
	int nIndex = m_nIndexStr;
	if (m_nIndexStr == MAX_STRING_NUMBER)
		m_nIndexStr = 0;
	return (wchar_t*)m_str[nIndex].c_str();

9)Build the project, use the output log for control.

Notes before usage:
  - Parser will skip the file if it will meet "#define __NO__OBFUSCATION". You should not use that directive 
	in the following combinations: "//#define __NO__OBFUSCATION" or "/*#define __NO__OBFUSCATION*/".
  - Parser doesn't make an obfuscation for single character, only for a string. 	
  - Before start ot the project make its backup copy (optional). 
  - Before run of "Parser o" the old temp directory TEMP_OBFUSCATION doesn't must exist in the code directory.
  - If "Parser o" returns the error ("1"), then MS Visual Studio stops the build. 
  - If "Parser r" returns the error ("1"), then the build will be incomplete. 
  - Builded project cannot be used for debuging, because the source code will not fit the builded code. 			 

Example of the output log:

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Test, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>  ***** Obfuscation *****
1>  Obfuscate operation.
1>  Parsing files in D:\Work\obfuscation\trunk\Test\Test\:
1>  Resource.h -> passed
1>  Setting.h -> passed
1>  stdafx.h -> passed
1>  targetver.h -> passed
1>  Test.h -> passed
1>  Setting.cpp -> passed
1>  stdafx.cpp -> passed
1>  Temp directory:
1>  D:\Work\obfuscation\trunk\Test\Test\TEMP_OBFUSCATION\
1>  Test.cpp was copied to Temp directory
1>  Test.cpp -> obfuscated
1>  Parsing files in D:\Work\obfuscation\trunk\Test\Test\Other_codes\:
1>  Temp directory:
1>  D:\Work\obfuscation\trunk\Test\Test\Other_codes\TEMP_OBFUSCATION\
1>  Setting2.h was copied to Temp directory
1>  Setting2.h -> obfuscated
1>  Setting2.cpp was copied to Temp directory
1>  Setting2.cpp -> obfuscated
1>  Arch file was created: D:\Work\obfuscation\trunk\Test\Test\arch_obfuscate.obf
1>  Obfuscate operation - completed!
1>  Obfuscated files number: 3
1>  Obfuscated finish: Normal
1>  stdafx.cpp
1>  Test.cpp
1>  Setting.cpp
1>  Setting2.cpp
1>  Generating Code...
1>  Test.vcxproj -> D:\Work\obfuscation\trunk\Test\Debug\Test.exe
1>  ***** Obfuscation *****
1>  Restore operation.
1>  Restore the archive of obfuscation
1>  Arch file arch_obfuscate.obf was deleted
1>  Restore the original files
1>  Original direrctory: D:\Work\obfuscation\trunk\Test\Test\
1>  Test.cpp -> restored.
1>  Original direrctory: D:\Work\obfuscation\trunk\Test\Test\Other_codes\
1>  Setting2.h -> restored.
1>  Setting2.cpp -> restored.
1>  Resore operation - completed!
1>  Obfuscated finish: Normal
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

After Text.exe run:
key1 value1
key2 value2
key3 value3

key4 value4
key5 value5
key6 value6

Encoded values of  Test.exe via Process Explorer:

Fatal Error: MFC initialization failed
Fatal Error: GetModuleHandle failed

Google Tests:

[==========] Running 34 tests from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 34 tests from EngineTestParser
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.BasicTest
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.BasicTest (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.findSubDirs_noParentDirectory
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.findSubDirs_noParentDirectory (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.findSubDirs_findAllSubDirectories
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.findSubDirs_findAllSubDirectories (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.findFileByType_setInvalidParameters1
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.findFileByType_setInvalidParameters1 (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.findFileByType_setInvalidParameters2
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.findFileByType_setInvalidParameters2 (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.findFileByType_noFilesByType
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.findFileByType_noFilesByType (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.findFileByType_setIncorrectCurrentDirectory
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.findFileByType_setIncorrectCurrentDirectory (0 ms)

[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.findFileByType_checkFilesFound
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.findFileByType_checkFilesFound (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.findCodesFiles_noParentDirectory
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.findCodesFiles_noParentDirectory (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.findCodesFiles_noCodesFiles
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.findCodesFiles_noCodesFiles (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.findCodesFiles_haveCodesFiles
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.findCodesFiles_haveCodesFiles (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.getFileError_genericException
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.getFileError_genericException (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.createTempDir
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.createTempDir (15 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.encodeText_encode
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.encodeText_encode (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_noPath
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_noPath (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_noFileName
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_noFileName (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_cannotOpenFile
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_cannotOpenFile (1037 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_haveNullFileLength
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_haveNullFileLength (1025 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_define__NO__OBFUSCATION
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_define__NO__OBFUSCATION (1030 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_parseWithCreateTempDir
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_parseWithCreateTempDir (1044 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_notFileForParsing
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_notFileForParsing (1028 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_createTempDirError
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.parseFile_createTempDirError (1026 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.parseFiles_noCCodeDirectories
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.parseFiles_noCCodeDirectories (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.parseFiles_emptyCCodeDirectories
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.parseFiles_emptyCCodeDirectories (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.parseFiles_noFilesForObfuscation
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.parseFiles_noFilesForObfuscation (1028 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.parseFiles_hasFilesForObfuscation
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.parseFiles_hasFilesForObfuscation (1077 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.parseFiles_errorNotExistDir
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.parseFiles_errorNotExistDir (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.obfuscate_noPathDirectory
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.obfuscate_noPathDirectory (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.obfuscate_noFilesForObfuscation
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.obfuscate_noFilesForObfuscation (1064 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.obfuscate_haveFilesForObfuscation
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.obfuscate_haveFilesForObfuscation (1115 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.restore_noPathDirectory
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.restore_noPathDirectory (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.restore_invalidPathDirectory
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.restore_invalidPathDirectory (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.restore_noArchFile
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.restore_noArchFile (1069 ms)
[ RUN      ] EngineTestParser.restore_fullOperation
[       OK ] EngineTestParser.restore_fullOperation (1085 ms)
[----------] 34 tests from EngineTestParser (12672 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 34 tests from 1 test case ran. (12674 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 34 tests.



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