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ubirch firmware example code

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The K82F chip documentation can be found here: K82 Sub-Family Reference Manual

All other documentation and examples can be obtained from the Kinetis SDK 2.0. You will need to select the chip and minimal features before downloading.

Running, flashing and debugging

Install the arm toolchain gcc and cmake:

brew tap armmbed/formulae
brew install arm-none-eabi-gcc
brew install cmake

Also download the SEGGER J-Link Debugger for the JLinkGDBServer.

Connect the J-Link via USB, also connect the Cortex-M debug ribbon cable to the board. Power the board using USB or a battery. Connect a USB-UART adapter RX/TX to the corresponding UART pins on board (see next section).

Compile the code by running the following commands:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

If you would like to use the FRDM-K82F eval board use cmake -DBOARD=FRDM-K82F .. instead.

1. Start the GDB Server:

JLinkGDBServer  -if SWD -device MK82FN256xxx15 -port 2331

2. Start the serial debug console

screen /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200

Use another device (i.e. /dev/cu.usbmodem1243) if you have a different adapter. Refer to the board if you need specific information on how to connect.

3. Start the debugger (gdb)

I recommend cgdb as it is somewhat easier to see where you currently are in your code.

For flashing and debugging cd into the corresponding sub-directory:

cd src/examples/test
cgdb -d arm-none-eabi-gdb test.elf

Issue the following commands in cgdb, which will flash the code on the board:

load test.elf

Then just enter c to start the program


To stop a running program in the debugger, just press Ctrl-C and set a breakpoint:

break main

r restarts the code (you will have to confirm) and break at the start of main() After subsequent load test.elf commands you do not need to restart as the debugger will restart the MCU itself. Just issue c to continue. Unless you leave the debugger the breakpoints are still there.


  • src/examples/gsm_commands - simple example running commands

    Runs some simple commands using an expect like library.

  • src/examples/gsm_console - console for the SIM800 via DEBUG UART

    Simply proxies the UART to the internal GSM modem. You can issue AT commands this way and play with the SIM800H.

  • src/examples/i2c_scan - scan I2C bus for devices

    Small scanner that scans all adresses for I2C slave devices and reports their addres.

  • src/examples/lpuart - UART (Serial) console code

    Compiles the example code from the KSDK 2.0. Can be used to test the UART.

  • src/examples/oled - echo debug console input to the oled display

    Initialized an SSD1306 based OLED display and lets you enter characters via the debug console which are then displayed on the OLED.

  • src/examples/oled-fractal - display a fractal on the oled display

    Example how to address individual pixels on the OLED display.

  • src/examples/rgbsensor - read RGB sensor data

    Initialized the ISL29125 RGB sensor via I2C and prints RGB information on the debug console.

  • src/examples/rtc-test - Real Time Clock

    Compiles the Realtime clock example from KSDK 2.0. Shows how the RTC works.

  • src/examples/test - blink and echo debug console

    Just a simple test that lets the on-board LED blink and echos characters back that you type into the debug console.

  • src/examples/timer-test - test the timer functions

    Tests how the delay works.

  • src/examples/ubirch-crypto - how to use the ubirch crypto api

    Simple test of how to use the crypto api layer.

  • src/examples/usb-hid - Kinetis SDK example for a USB HID

    Shows how to use the SDKs USB middleware.

  • src/examples/wolfssl-test-* - wolfSSL test code

    This code will perform an RSA/ECC encryption and signing on-board and outputs the result hex-encoded to the debug console. The result can be verified using openssl. See the in the directory for instructions.


Example code for the ubirch firmware.







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