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Probabilistic Reasoning Library (or whatever the new name ends up being)
See LICENSE.txt for license information and AUTHORS.txt for a list of

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Installation instructions
3. Writing your own application

1. Introduction
This library provides datastructures and algorithms for working with 
distributions, graphs, and probabilistic graphical models.

Directory structure:

  Scripts to support the cmake build generator.

  Automatically generated documentation (also contains the coding conventions).

  Examples that illustrate key functionality of the library.

  Scripts that generate configuration files for various IDEs.

  Place for storing the projects.

  Source files and include files.

  Unit tests (for now, these must be executed from command-line).

  Timings tests.    
2. Installation
Installation of PRL consists of two steps: installation of the required
libraries and building of the PRL's sources.

2.1 Installing the required libraries
PRL depends on the following libraries:
* cmake >= 2.4,

* Boost 1.36,  

* IT++ (tested on >= 4.0.6)
  We provide a patched version with bugfixes.

* libxml++ (for XML serialization, tested on version >= 2.20)

We provide detailed instructions for the following platforms.
For recent Linux distributions, you can use the binary packages
provided by your distribution.  Note, however, that Boost 1.36 is
very new and needs to be installed separately.

On Ubuntu 8.04:
* Go to
  and follow steps 1 and 5.1. If you install Boost to the default location
  (/usr/local/), it will be automatically detected by our scripts. 

  Boost takes a while to compile.

* Type
    sudo apt-get install cmake libxml++2.6-dev libblas3gf liblapack3gf libfftw3-dev
  to install the required libraries.

* Download IT++ from the Google groups website. 
  Unzip the file, and in the unzipped directory, type
    ./configure --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-debug
  followed by "make" and "sudo make install"

On Mac OS X:
* Go to
  and follow steps 1 and 5.1. If you install Boost to the default location
  (/usr/local/), it will be automatically detected by our scripts.

  Boost takes a while to compile.

* Install CMake by running 'fink install cmake'

* Download IT++ from the Google groups website. 
  Unzip the file, and in the unzipped directory, type
    ./configure --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-debug --without-fft
  followed by "make" and "sudo make install"

* There are not stable versions of libxml++ (and glibmm-2.4, which is
  a prerequisite for libxml++) available from fink.  You can download unstable
  versions and install them if you want to, or you can use MacPorts, which
  does have a version of libxml++ available.  You do not need to install
  libxml++ to use most of PRL; only the XML serialization depends upon it.

On Windows / Visual C++ 9.0 (32-bit edition):
* Download and install cmake:
  Make sure that the bin/ directory 

* Download the binary release of Boost:
  Select the desired compiler and Multithread Debug, DLL and
  Multithread, DLL targets, and install Boost to the default directory.

* Download the gtkmm-win32-devel installer
  and install glibmm and libxml++ to the default directories.

* By default, IT++ for Windows requires either Intel MKL or the ACML.
  Follow the instructions on the IT++ website, and copy the generated
  libraries into 
    C:/Program Files/itpp/lib/
  and put the source & header files (located in the itpp/ directory
  of the distribution) into
    C:/Program Files/itpp/itpp

  If there is sufficientinterest, we may provide pre-built binaries for 
  Visual C++ 9.0, with free version of BLAS+LAPACK.

2.2 Building PRL
PRL uses cmake for its build process.
Cmake generates native Unix Makefiles and solution files for integrated
development environments (IDEs). Cmake supports out-of-place builds,
that is, the built libraries and object files are stored outside the
original directories. For more information on cmake, see

To build PRL from the command-line (Linux and Mac OS X):
Go to the installation directory and type "./configure". This script
creates two directories, debug/ and release/, which will contain the
compiled executables. You can customize the properties of the build
(such as the location of the Boost directories) by going to the debug/
or release/ directory, and typing "ccmake ."  Then, change to the
debug/ or release/ directory, and type "make".

To build PRL from an Integrated Development Environment (any platform):
Go to the subdirectory ide/{IDE_name}, and execute the configure script
in that directory. This will create a solution named PRL.{ide_extension}
in ide/{IDE_name} that contains all build and test targets for the library.
In addition, the scripts will create solutions for the following parts
of the library:
examples, tests, timings, and projects
in the corresponding subdirectories of ide/{IDE_name}. Open the desired
solution and run the build.

If the configuration scripts fail, check the following:
* If the scripts output an error that the cmake command cannot be found, 
  please make sure that cmake command is in the search path.

* If the scripts fail, saying that a library could not be found, and you
  installed the required libraries, please let us know.

2.3 Testing the installation
Assuming that the build succeeded without errors, it should create
executables in the build directories.  Run some tests and examples,
such as examples/grid_motion/grid_motion or tests/base/assignment.

2.4 API documentation
To generate the API documentation, run doxygen in the main installation
directory. The binaries for Doxygen are provided by most Linux distributions,
Cygwin, or can be found at (you may
also need LaTeX and Graphviz for some formulas and diagrams). The generated
documentation is located in doc/html/index.html. Pre-generated documentation
is available at the download site.

In the documentation, click on the Modules tab. This provides a structured
view of PRL's functionality (similar to packages in Java). However, note 
that all classes are located in one namespace, prl.

3. Writing your own application
The simplest way to use the library is to create a new directory in the 
projects/ directory, and add the directory to projects/CMakeLists.txt file:

# projects/CMakeLists.txt

Then add source to projects/my_project/ (or subdirectories) and create
the file projects/my_project/CMakeLists.txt:

# projects/my_project/CMakeLists.txt
add_executable(cool_algorithm cool_algorithm.cpp)

At this point, the target cool_algorithm has been entered to the CMake
configuration files, but the change is not reflected in the native
Unix Makefiles or the IDE projects.  The Makefiles are updated
automatically if you type "make" in the build directory (debug/,
release/) or if you invoke the "Build solution" command in your IDE.
Alternatively, you can update the Makefiles or the IDE solutions
manually, by typing "cmake ." in the build directory.

To understand how the library works, take a look at the source files
in the examples/ directory.


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